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File 135733061390.gif - (25.88KB , 400x346 , rpg-7-ammo.gif )
7798 No. 7798 [Edit]
Is it possible in reality to detonate a rpg in midair by shooting it like we see in videogames all the time?
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>> No. 7800 [Edit]
Mythbusters have tested it and yes bullet can detonate rpg if it hits straight to peak of rpg missile. In reality is impossible tho.

Post edited on 4th Jan 2013, 1:05pm
>> No. 7801 [Edit]
I can't imagine how fucking hard it must be to hit a rocket in motion

Post edited on 4th Jan 2013, 3:20pm
>> No. 11992 [Edit]
File 145811794049.jpg - (11.18KB , 300x168 , c20160316.jpg )
Very hard. Not easy like those light-gun games.
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