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File 144678910858.jpg - (10.56KB , 268x268 , flower.jpg )
11644 No. 11644 [Edit]
Anyone here play it? Thoughts?
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>> No. 11652 [Edit]
Currently playing through, and it's definitely overrated, but still pretty fun. Can cut deep if you're invested in the characters, too. I recommend it.
>> No. 11656 [Edit]
I like the soundtrack. Lots of good chiptune style stuff in there
>> No. 11816 [Edit]
I went in without reading anything about it and left happy 12 hours later. It's a fun parody of RPG/anime/shmup tropes and has a good soundtrack.
>> No. 11818 [Edit]
If you feel generous you could see it as a parable on /r9k/.
If you don't then it will be a simplistic 2D RPG with faux-retro-styled graphics and a saccharine tear-jerker story chock-full of all the epic internet memes of yesteryear.
The gameplay is unobtrusive in its simplicity, the soundtrack is enjoyable.
>> No. 11819 [Edit]
literally anything and everything with a fandom is overrated though
>> No. 11820 [Edit]
The soundtrack is good. Gameplay is mostly trivial, there are no RPG mechanics and it's a very simple euroshmup with health instead.

Graphically, I found it pretty dull. I'm fine with faux-retro, but this game seemed particularly lazy and lacking in detail, even for a 1-man indie job.

I did like the humor and story, though.
>> No. 11821 [Edit]
Soundtrack was great, one of the more interesting OST's i've listened to in a while. I actually dug the protagonist's awkward sprite.
>If you feel generous you could see it as a parable on /r9k/
Can you interpret?
>> No. 11936 [Edit]
File 145622560023.jpg - (93.39KB , 735x576 , c20160223.jpg )
Needed more weapons
>> No. 12498 [Edit]
It's one of the few games that I would seriously call a "meme game", which is to say, a game whose existence and popularity is entirely memetic in nature.
A Jew wrote it, and Jews are very smart. Toby Fox knew exactly what he was doing. This game was designed to spread virally, like a meme. A bad meme. A dangerous meme. A meme designed to indoctrinate impressionable western millennials into neo-nihilism, hedonism, and degeneracy.

Too many people have died because of this game. Too much social filth has been spawned and propagated because of this game. What's worse, is they're remaking it, and they're going to keep remaking it, and re-releasing it, every generation, for as long as they can, and every time they do, more people will play it, more people will be infected with the narrative, the meme.

This game is a weapon. A memetic, social, cultural weapon, perhaps more dangerous and more damaging than any physical weapon that humanity has ever come up with.

Globalist conspiracy, Jewish cultural subversion, the Cult of Saturn, Remphan, and Moloch, it's all real, and this game is proof.
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