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File 171340389617.webm - (2.97MB , maidwar.webm )
6918 No. 6918 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
In the spirit of being transparent and honest with people here, figured I'd make a thread to shed some light on the recent incident, ie "technical difficulties". At the time we didn't think it would be a good idea to talk about it because we didn't know what was going on.
Long story short, the account of a former mod was used in an attempt to nuke just about everything they could. We managed however to put backups into place and restore almost everything, we're just missing a handful of images that were posted between 4/4/24 and 4/13/24.
If you have any of the images, or even thumbnails of those images and would like to help restore things, feel free to post them here.

ps, one of our mods insisted I use this webm.

Post edited on 17th Apr 2024, 6:32pm
12 posts and 6 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 6934 [Edit]
I apologize for the spam filter triggering and banning. Your ban has been removed.

Here's the original post for Tohno:

>> No. 6936 [Edit]
>>/navi/3396 is missing, seems to be pixiv
>>/navi/3395 is missing, can be looked up by md5
>> No. 6937 [Edit]
File 171395477849.jpg - (1.11MB , 1157x1400 , GG5dsjubUAA6WGZ.jpg )
I posted >>/so/28904 the artist deletes her art often so you can't look it up using this method >>6921
I can't prove it but it has the same resolution

Fun fact
>> No. 6939 [Edit]
File 171402518187.jpg - (56.06KB , 510x639 , baby-chick-in-spring-paint-by-numbers-510x639.jpg )
6939 op pic

File 17068552202.png - (1.51MB , 800x600 , 2007-03-03-46074.png )
6907 No. 6907 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I've been trying to embed a link on a post in >>>/navi/3111 (media formats thread) and every time I click reply I get sent to blank page. I am putting fIJdpViwRFY in the embed field. Also, there's an inconsistency between the faq and the help image. In the former the = sign is bold, in the latter the equal sign is not highlighted. I tried both as a result and neither worked.

If this is user error, then feel free to delete the thread or keep it around for future newfags to potentially post their errors in. Should it be resolved upon reply, then thanks in advanced.
>> No. 6908 [Edit]
Not tohno but I think embeds are probably just broken, I've basically never seen them used. And just posting a direct link is probably more friendly for those consuming on text-based readers.
>> No. 6910 [Edit]
Yes tohno, ehh, yeah it does seem to be busted. Sorry for the trouble.
>> No. 6911 [Edit]
Think it's a reasonable code issue or the result of the modern state of youtube?

File 16878931214.gif - (391.50KB , 280x480 , bulma.gif )
6902 No. 6902 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Please increase the maximum file size on /cr/.
The current is only 7168000B.
>> No. 6903 [Edit]
Done. I can increase it more, if it still seems too small.

Post edited on 27th Jun 2023, 12:36pm
>> No. 6904 [Edit]
Thanks. Looks good to me.

File 167977059386.jpg - (511.93KB , 750x750 , nico lips.jpg )
6893 No. 6893 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Some anon created a thread on mp3 sharing some koto music. I tried to listen and reply to him but it gives me 404. Anybody else having this same problem?

Post edited on 25th Mar 2023, 11:57am
2 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 6896 [Edit]
Hopefully it's better now.
>> No. 6897 [Edit]
That was really weird. I became able to reply and was just about to post here to inform that, when I realized something was wrong. The posts didn't show up on the homepage and the chidori file was still inaccessible. But I could still access the thread and see the reply box, so I decided to go to /mp3/ and actually post there first to see if the reply would go through. Then i see the post is also gone from the homepage and the thread is no longer accessible. The same issues from the op persist. Wait, now it's gone. The threads are gone, but I can still access and listen to the alabaster track.

Post edited on 25th Mar 2023, 12:30pm
>> No. 6898 [Edit]
I suppose I should explain.
The OP of the koto thread deleted his own thread, but because of the board software and its funny bugs, the board index wasn't updated, thus a ghost thread was born. These kind of threads usually disappear when another thread is bumped. Then Tohno used some kind of black magic and resurrected the thread, but the audio file was broken nevertheless. He also made a test thread with alabaster song. Then he deleted both threads, but the bug made its appeareance again. I highly suspect the reason why you can still access the alabaster track is your browser's cache.
>> No. 6899 [Edit]
Mystery solved.

File 164799794661.jpg - (9.45KB , 474x197 , cloudflare.jpg )
6827 No. 6827 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I highly recommend using cloudflare's csam scanning tool to stop illegal images from appearing on your site. It also helps to block proxies as well. I think as an imageboard community we can stop this shit but we need to start taking measures to put an end to it. If you want to step away from your board for awhile don't leave posting open. It will get spammed. Just put it in read only until you come back.

And yes, I'm posting this on all the imageboards I find. No I'm not a bot.
>> No. 6828 [Edit]
>As an imageboard community we can stop this shit
What shit? Out of the 3 niche imageboards I visit, none have ever had any problem other than the usual link spam. Exactly what problem would be solved by this (other than increasing Cloudflare's market cap)?
>> No. 6886 [Edit]
If you don't know you're either new, or one of the spammers posting unmentionable things.
>> No. 6890 [Edit]
Given that you're trying to advocate for the global mitm that is cloudflare, I'd say you're the one who's new. There are plenty of ways to deter posters that don't rely on glowie software.

File 166093264061.jpg - (300.97KB , 1920x1080 , RPG Fudousan - 05 - 1080p WEB HEVC -NanDesuKa (B-G.jpg )
6867 No. 6867 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Creating a separate thread to document this issue so >>6857 doesn't accuse me of being miserly.

If you see a server error when trying to post things, it's most likely related to WAF used by the shared hosting TC is running on. Supposedly this is out of the admin's control. It's also poorly implemented so it will sometimes trigger on random english words that just happen to be unix commands (e.g. touch). Also if you keep triggering it trying to edit your post to pass the WAF, it'll drop your packets. (I don't know if the block automatically expired after 12 hours or if Tohno manually fixed it; if the latter, thank you for doing so).
2 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 6881 [Edit]
And another bug: the below text supposedly trips Kusaba's word-filter based autoban (text below rot13'd to itself avoid tripping it):

>fperrapnc V pna

I'm assuming it's a badly written regex matching on it. If one of the mods has access to the wordfilter list and can whip up a script to test against it, should be able to identify it pretty easily.

Post edited on 23rd Nov 2022, 8:54pm
>> No. 6882 [Edit]
It should be fixed now.
>> No. 6883 [Edit]
Neat. I'm curious what the offending regex/wordfilter was, if you don't mind sharing?
>> No. 6884 [Edit]
I can only tell that it involved 5 characters.

File 165547616260.jpg - (201.96KB , 1080x1080 , EZIhfpgVcAAtCTi.jpg )
6837 No. 6837 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
why were my threads erased from existence
7 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 6872 [Edit]
May I ask why my response to thread >>/so/27714 was deleted? I do realize that the comment I made was a meta-comment so might technically be considered off-topic, however the point remains as it stands the thread doesn't offer much from the other identical copy-pasted threads [1]. My comment was not meant as a criticism against the OP (his motives could well be genuine) but rather a suggestion that instead of dumping links a specific topic for discussion should be formulated.

>> No. 6873 [Edit]
I looked into it and it seems like the OP himself deleted the thread and remade it.
>> No. 6874 [Edit]
Thank you for investigating, I apologize for mistakenly attributing it to the mods.
>> No. 6876 [Edit]
I also decided to move the thread to >>/tat/1539.

File 163412698772.png - (109.77KB , 1158x263 , 2021-10-13.png )
6814 No. 6814 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I'm not sure what happened but the Jp text is broken on the AH thread. It was fine for the longest time. Can this be fixed? Please, this is important to me.
Thanks for your help.
19 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 6865 [Edit]
I don't know if it's supposed to be this way or not, but the girl from the pink background shows through posted pictures when clicked.
>> No. 6866 [Edit]
I don't know if it's intentional, but the cause seems to be the !important on background-image of body.
>> No. 6870 [Edit]
File 166146664894.png - (141.87KB , 1406x688 , wonky_css.png )
While I"m reporting css things, can you do

.tablesub {
background-size: auto 200%;

.tabletop2 {
background-size: auto 200%;

to fix the issue in attached image? Note that for some reason the the image has a weird crease in the middle half, so we need to set the height as 200% in order for it to correctly work.
>> No. 6871 [Edit]
Fixed, thanks.

File 165875802084.png - (348.40KB , 1108x627 , Screen Shot 2022-07-25.png )
6855 No. 6855 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
This happens sometimes. You write a post, try to post it, get an error but it shows up on the front page anyways. Then you check on the thread itself and it's not there. Sometimes it shows up in the thread eventually, after 10 to 15 minutes or so, sometimes it never shows up.

I wrote a post about flowers there, got an error, it shows in the home page but not on the intended thread. A few posts bellow, the one that starts with '>>40107 Lain and uboa comes up with interesting stuff every...' is also showing up at home but not on the thread intended.
>> No. 6856 [Edit]
This is known problem. See >>6852.

For yet unknown reasons, sometimes threads aren't regenerated when posting. For workaround, posting in the same thread again should make your post appear.

Post edited on 25th Jul 2022, 7:23am
>> No. 6857 [Edit]
I looked throught the fb catalog to see if someone reported it but didn't realize an anon would reuse a thread unrelated to it, very parsimonious on his part. It's there now. Thanks for your help.
>> No. 6858 [Edit]
It's happening more often now, almost every post in /ot/

File 135105793230.jpg - (117.18KB , 500x375 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
2946 No. 2946 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Can we have some kind of new rule that prohibits thread derailing / metadiscussion within a thread? Posts like "Oh wow, look guys, this moron is back" or "another great thread" inside of a thread add nothing to the discussion and just discourage others from joining in and making good contributions to the board.

Obviously it'd be okay on /fb/ or whatever but it just really gets under my skin on other boards.
7 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 2964 [Edit]
File 13514636877.png - (201.37KB , 620x453 , 129257735246.png )

and I think ur a faget.

But in all seriousness: in most cases, an actual good contribution won't get met with insults and degrading posts. While there may be an occasional good contribution that gets hit with a reddit style 'fuck you and your logic die in flame', those general type topics are already listed and noted and it's 10,000% more likely that the person posting is trolling than actually contributing.
>> No. 6849 [Edit]
Re-using this thread to comment on >>/ot/39952

I've noticed the pattern of two people engaging in flamewars keeps recurring on /ot/ (in fact the last thread "things that piss you off" thread also got locked because of it). I'm confident the mods have things things under control, but perhaps a rule suggesting that 1:1 flame-warring be moved to /tat/ or something of the like might be useful in gently deterring non-constructive dialogues? Although I guess rule 11 pretty much already covers this by suggesting that users avoid engaging in deliberate 1:1 baiting.
>> No. 6850 [Edit]
File 165672439048.jpg - (183.65KB , 1280x720 , internet arguments.jpg )
Pretty sure in most of these recent engagements, one of the guys involved is always the same one.
>> No. 6851 [Edit]
I feel like changing the rules wouldn't really stop that from happening. When those things get out of hand it tends to end with someone getting banned anyway.

File 131218224361.jpg - (195.18KB , 960x1280 , 681505.jpg )
1379 No. 1379 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]

I have a question about rules. There are many exact and strict rules such not posting 3DPD, talking about friends, girls etc. and I understand why those rules exist. I am just intrested, where goes the line of 'normal faggorty' that is allowed on this site? Talking about work/school? Sports/exercise/working out? Family? Etc. I understand that many of those subjects might be situtational and it might be hard draw the line. I just want that users and moderators could share some opinions so I can fit myself into community much better and not hurt anyone's feelings. Thank you.
31 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1420 [Edit]
I don't think you understood my post, as I agree with you completely that Tohno-chan isn't any place for 3d. But it isn't about 3d, it is about avoiding becoming entrapped in a culture that stagnates thought, it goes beyond 3d and is applicable to many different topics.
>> No. 6843 [Edit]
This seems like the most relevant existing thread I could find to discuss what tohno mentioned in >>/so/27545

My personal opinion is that there's no real shortage of places online to vent or complain about 3D relationships, so I don't see the need to create another one. There's limited upside (I'd imagine that a large fraction of the userbase would not really benefit from it), but large downside (one of the appeals of TC for me is that it's the one place where I don't have to deal with people talking about or posting pictures of 3D. While I won't be so presumptuous as to say I'd stop using TC if these rules were loosened, it would nonetheless make me visit less frequently if the volume of those posts began to increase).

If one wishes to express the emotions (hopelessness, anguish, etc.) that the OP of the post in question feels, they can still do so while adhering to this guideline by expressing the feelings in a manner that's divorced from 3D context. I feel this also makes for better writing anyhow, since it forces you to abstract, allowing people to better empathize.

To give an example (and possibly commit what some consider a grave social faux pas), the OP of the post in question could have simply elided the details
>I used to clean his ears just like Senko, he would lay on my lap. I'd cook him jap curry. I made him cute work lunches.
and it would have already been orders of magnitude better. As it stands, these are just extraneous details that no one outside of the author in question can relate to, and merely cheapen the expression of whatever (genuine) sentiments the OP might feel.

Post edited on 22nd Jun 2022, 9:00pm
>> No. 6844 [Edit]
You're right, there are a lot of other places for it, and pretty much none that avoid/forbid it. I guess I liked the idea of being more supportive and helping to people in need, but in thinking about it, it could very easily also set a bad example and lead to some rather nasty things no one wants to see here.
I feel sorry for people like that, and I guess my sense of compassion makes me want to help them, but yeah the truth is this really just isn't the place for that.
>> No. 6846 [Edit]
Not that I have any say in the matter but I agree. Not only it's an unique aspect of tc that shapes the atmosphere of this place in a good way, but also conversations about 3D romantic relationships tend to become antagonistic incredibly fast. I think it's quite obvious that one was already going downhill.

>I feel sorry for people like that, and I guess my sense of compassion makes me want to help them
I suppose not allowing it actually helps those people more than allowing it, since you can escape those problems by coming to a 3Dfree zone.

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