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File 170295181681.jpg - (697.73KB , 1904x2048 , F8hDGX0asAAHwoy.jpg )
28601 No. 28601 [Edit]
Last one (>>26312) hit the bump limit.

Me too man. Me too.
Expand all images
>> No. 28602 [Edit]
File 170295374672.jpg - (234.44KB , 1528x1016 , 1607203941570.jpg )
Thanks for creating the new thread.

I've been having a headache and light tiredness for the past week, it appeared out of nowhere. It almost feels like the day before you get a fever, except the fever never comes. (I can't help but worry if it's due to the one dose of the covid gene therapy i took almost 4 years ago; some people say that igg4 tolerance can create such symptoms of extremely mild but persistent illness.) I hate that I don't even have the wherewithal to enjoy cute things anymore.
>> No. 28603 [Edit]
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>> No. 28604 [Edit]
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Being left alone in peace and quiet. Isn't that all I want? It's not like life is going to get get any better.
>> No. 28605 [Edit]
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I just want to spend time with my hobbies.
>> No. 28614 [Edit]
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>> No. 28619 [Edit]
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my mom walked into my room without knocking and told me "happy new year's eve". i immediately knew where this was going, because she never seems to ever be legitimately just kind for kindness's sake, she usually expects something in return, so i stayed silent. she then asked "do you have any resolutions for the next year?", to which i said "not really". i've historically never been able to follow through on any resolutions i've set for myself, so a year or two ago, i stopped bothering. my mom didn't take it very well. she got really mad out of nowhere, but i saw it coming. she told me something to effect of "your list of resolutions should be a mile long! you should be wanting to get a job, and a car, and a driver's license, and going back to school..." she rattled off pretty much every failure of my late teens so far, with literally no provocation from me. i'm somewhat used to it at this point, we've been getting into shouting matches at least once a month since i dropped out of college around 9 months ago, and she's really passive-aggressive...or sometimes outright furious about the fact that i can't drive, and therefore, can't work due to a lack of reliable means of transportation. sometimes, it's just really minor stuff that sets her off, like me accidentally getting into her leftovers or something while she's out, even though she's routinely gone for days at a time sometimes and will sometimes go weeks without shopping for food. she always manages to turn every conversation we have into how she's a victim of how apathetic and lazy i am. how i never do anything for her and how she tries oh, so hard as a single mother raising an ungrateful child for 19 years. every time i try to counter (she does lie and get stuff just wrong a lot of the time, for example, i'm the only one doing any housework because she's usually gone for days at a time), she throws an outright tantrum and starts crying, or screaming, or breaks stuff in the house, and starts threatening to throw me out and sell all my belongings. she'll then retreat to her room to smoke weed and chat on the phone for hours like a teenage girl. sometimes she'll just disappear for days at a time. rinse and repeat...
it's getting really hard to live like this, but i don't really know what to do about it.
my mom's side of the family is worthless at best, and at worst, they cape really hard for my mom. they'll routinely remind me of all of my shortcomings, some of which aren't even true since they're the same lies my mom tells everyone about me, but nobody listens. i never get the same charity or goodwill that anyone else in the family will get. my grandmother would routinely let my aunts and uncles stay with her when they needed it, but when i ask, i get told "no" by everyone except her. when i ask "why", the answers range from "well it's not your house" to "granny just wants to be alone" to "you're not one of her children". i guess i'm not important enough for them.
i cut my dad's side of the family off years ago, at my mom's suggestion (in hindsight i probably should've listened to my mom less. that can be my new year's resolution.). my dad was abusive towards her, and seemingly got really mad, really easily. i remember him getting mad at and sometimes beating some of the women he was around. he was never really abusive towards me, though, but still, there wasn't much value in keeping his side of the family around. they were always kind of a bad influence and there was never much stability, he seemed to be really into the whole gangster lifestyle so he was always moving around from place to place. it's kind of scummy of my mother for to now, suddenly, want me to reconnect with my dad's side of the family now that she's tired of me, she's not-so-subtly trying to wash her hands of me, but i'm getting past the point of caring.
sometimes i'm scared of my mother following through on her threats. i wouldn't really mind if she just disappeared, at that point i'm not sure if my extended family would have a choice when it came to taking me in, and as horrible as it might sound, i really wouldn't be super sad if she died, but there's also the possibility of her throwing me out of the house. what would i do with all of my stuff? i wouldn't be able to keep it anywhere and i can't just take it with me on the road. i shouldn't have to sell everything i own, and it probably wouldn't amount to much anyway. sometimes i'm scared of her just throwing all of my belongings away under my nose. i'll lock my door sometimes, but she'll just incessantly beat the door until i inevitably get tired of her and open it anyway, at which point she screams at me for wanting to keep my door locked. i've considered running away and even throwing myself off the nearest bridge more times than i'd like to admit, but that wouldn't really solve anything. my mom would still play victim and pretend that she didn't see it coming. or worse, lie about everything and pretend that i killed myself for some petty reason. i also don't think that should be necessary for me to get out of my situation. i don't think i've ever really made any mistakes or done anything wrong. i was born to a shitty deadbeat dad who left and left with a single hysterical victim-complex mother who's consistently bad with money, to the point where she currently has a cat and a weed addiction despite seemingly barely being able to pay rent. my family basically tells me to fuck off every time i try to ask them to help at all.
i get nervous whenever i leave my room. i'm scared that my mother is going to try and..."talk" to me. her smell makes me sick. the thought of sharing cups or mugs with her makes me sick (she keeps stealing my mugs for some reason, but i digress). i get angry having to tard-wrangle her pet cat. i start to panic every time i hear a door open or whenever she wakes up and i hear her alarm as she stomps around in the morning.
i'm going to try and contact my father. apparently he went to jail, did time, and fixed himself up. i'm hoping he'll let me stay with him, and maybe then i can get myself out of this situation. if that doesn't work, i don't know what i'll do.
...i'm sorry if this post is obnoxiously long. every time i talk about this, i either get ignored or called lazy, so i always feel like i have to add a ton of context.
>> No. 28624 [Edit]
Sorry to hear about that anon, i hope things get better for you.
>> No. 28627 [Edit]
Learning how to drive would be useful regardless of what path you choose to take.
>> No. 28628 [Edit]
not him but while I have a license I'm scared of driving. It's mentally taxing, and if you're mind is absent for one second then you're going to crash. I'd rather just live somewhere where I can walk or bike to places.
>> No. 28629 [Edit]
your mother has NPD, insecure "people" with a constant need to bully others in order to feel good about themselves, they'll nitpick the smallest most insignificant, pathetically vain things, in order to have even the slightest excuse for going on a tirade of which the essence is how terrible of a person you are and how amazing of a person they are, your mother most likely prefers you being a NEET so she can kick down whenever she feels like it, the "i'm getting mad because i care about you!" act is nothing more than lies, don't be fooled by any act of "kindness" since they're not capable of empathy, only mimicking for manipulation purposes
i think you should take the risk and go with your father, i'm not telling you to commit suicide, but death is preferable to living with one of these monsters, being in an environment where you don't have to walk on egg shells, maybe you're going to be capable of working your way towards independence, so you can get away from all these morons entirely, you should strip yourself of any empathy you might feel towards these insentient imbeciles and exploit them to the maximum to achieve your goal, it's only fair, the least they could do for making your existence so miserable
>> No. 28631 [Edit]
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I hopefully don't mean to be too straightforward but your situation seems a bit serious to me so...if driving was one of the few ways to slowly leave that kind of life I would consider it. It's just something I've perceived from your post.
>> No. 28639 [Edit]
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Everything would be better if I was rich!
>> No. 28641 [Edit]
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I want to say something but I can`t.
>> No. 28643 [Edit]
what country are you from?
>> No. 28644 [Edit]
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i'm definitely not against driving, but me not knowing how is a bit of a story. in my state, you can get your learner's permit (and i think a special license, but i don't remember) at age 14, but the permit requires that a 21 year old with a license has to be in the vehicle with you at all times. really stupid law, i don't know why it has to be an adult who's at drinking age and not just someone who has a license, so my only option when it comes to having an adult in the car so i can legally drive myself to the DMV is my mom. i've gotten my permit renewed 4 times at this point, but have never been able to take the test to get my license because the only vehicle we have is my mom's SUV, which i can't drive because it's way too big (the one time i tried, i couldn't see the road at all, and i hit a curb once and my mom immediately panicked and told me to get out the driver's seat). this is another thing my mom likes to make me feel like trash about, the fact that i refuse to try and drive a SUV again, even though i've had other people explain to her that different vehicles have different weights, and a SUV is not a good vehicle for a beginner.
we've had multiple opportunities to use someone else's car; she had a boyfriend with a car i could've used, and my grandmother used to have a smaller car, but every time, plans fell through for one reason or another. my grandmother got a SUV and got rid of her old car, and my mom broke up with her then boyfriend. she keeps gaslighting me about it and tells me that it's my fault i don't have a license because i always gave excuses for not using their cars, but this never happened, usually it was her being "too tired" to go driving or take me to the DMV.
my mom bought a car for me to use when i turned 18 (it's important to note that the car isn't in my name, so i technically don't own it. this stuff is confusing and nobody taught me how these things work). i didn't ask for a car, at this point i was telling her that i didn't need or want one because i was going to college, but she did it anyway. the car she got was really old and cheap, and it broke down once as i was driving. it got to a point where getting it fixed every time something went wrong was more trouble than it was worth. a few months ago, her SUV got damaged in a wreck, so she actually doubled down and tried to get the car fixed so she could use it, but then the second her SUV got fixed, she just abandoned my car and told me "when you get a job, you can pay to get your car fixed" (ignoring that i need a car to get to work in the first place, so the priorities are backwards. she gets made and screams at me whenever i tell her this). i told her on new year's eve to just sell the car off, to which she yelled at me about how she's still paying it off (despite not even using it anymore?) so she can't sell it or return it. i then told her "you shouldn't have gotten the car in the first place, i told you i didn't want or need one", and then she got mad and screamed at me again.
all i really need is a bike or something, but she won't even do that.
united states
>> No. 28648 [Edit]
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My time off work has come to an end, and I feel more exhausted than when I left. It was just trading one hell for another.
I'm so tired of being around others. I just want to enjoy the quiet and not have people forcing their absurd expectations on me. I don't care if I'm good at what I do. Shouldn't be my problem, but people just want to use me as a "get out of jail free" card.
>> No. 28651 [Edit]
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no hope
>> No. 28653 [Edit]
Your parents sound like real crap. Is that house even built properly? Anyone can build one, but doing it right is another matter.
>> No. 28656 [Edit]
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>> No. 28660 [Edit]
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My first 25 years of life were very difficult but I survived somehow. I'm still in a mess but starting to think more clearly. I think I'm starting to recover and recompose myself. But I think it might be too late (there will be too many problems ahead and I won't survive). I want to apologize for my behavior.
>> No. 28661 [Edit]
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This is it. I can't keep thinking "If only killing myself were easier". There is no alternative. As long as I still live, I will do everything to die. Hopefully this will take care of the problem quickly, maybe even a single day. There was never an alternative. Every path leads to suicide. Every idea that isn't suicide will be actively led back to suicide. I won't give anything else any more leeway; The clock is ticking. The future is only my death. It's impossible to think of anything else. It always was. What seems different will be taken apart and brought back to suicide until it is fulfilled. I am already dead, only the fulfillment of an act already set in motion remains. It wouldn't even be me doing it, it has already been prophesized to happen. I have finally ended the problem.
>> No. 28662 [Edit]
why are you so determined?
>> No. 28663 [Edit]
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unless the suffering is unbearable, there's no need to rush, it's not guaranteed that you will live out a full lifetime, you don't have to go looking around for death it will come for you because it is inevitable, most of us will be dead before we even know it
>> No. 28674 [Edit]
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>> No. 28675 [Edit]
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>> No. 28676 [Edit]
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I wish I had someone in my life that gives a shit about me.
>> No. 28677 [Edit]
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me too
>> No. 28683 [Edit]
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it's incredible to me how badly i managed to destroy my life before even hitting the age of 25 although i've inevitably reached the conclusion that age has little relevance in anything, even if i'm fully aware that the odds were against me and in retrospect my life ended at the age of 7 which is humorous because i've always held the notion that i'm not going to make it past this age mark since prepubescence and it looks like i may be proving my past self correct, the only escape for me at this point is suicide, that or be tortured everyday by the psychological equivalent of cancer for the remainder of my existence, after a consciousness' termination blissful non-existence follows, this is a rational realization but there's also an emotional component because i truly want this to end and for there to be nothing, anyone who brings an innocent creature into this pointless, worthless, cold ugly world to be molested and traumatized incessantly and perpetually until dropping death for doing nothing wrong other than being involuntarily shat out a cunt is either an unconscious animal or a psychopath, there is no demiurge and if there is one it takes pleasure in cosmic suffering, some may refer to it as "evil"
>> No. 28684 [Edit]
>my life ended at the age of 7
Please elaborate.
>> No. 28687 [Edit]
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i just dont wanna deal with any of this
>> No. 28688 [Edit]
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aa I was doing so well over holidays, but since last week it keeps getting worse
>> No. 28690 [Edit]
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the dog which my family owned since i was 15 died about three months ago, i've been emotionally disconnecting myself from all forms of 3D for the past few years by applying a mentality which is essentially ethical sociopathy onto myself, therefore i wasn't phased by its death when it happened, i forced myself to cry as an outlet for whatever emotional residue was left over from the period of my life in which i did care about it (i was the only one who did and took care of it most) and after that i stopped thinking about the whole thing almost entirely, however i was recently struck by the realization that ever since this incident occurred i've been feeling more dead inside and detached from reality than i usually do, as much as it pains me to admit it
>> No. 28691 [Edit]
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I wish I could reincarnate after I die. I feel like I didn't live my own life. Or that I could go back in time in this life. I wish I had gotten into math and computer science when I was like 4 years old, at least in my early teens, and not care about anything else. I wanted to go to an university and become an academic. Learn a lot of stuff and do a lot of stuff.
My life is fubar. It's too late for a lot of things. Everything will get worse and there's no escape. In most scenarios, I end up homeless. It is a golden opportunity to at least tell the world how I feel in a thread like this but it feels awkward and embarrassing. It's very complicated, if someone asked me how I got here I wouldn't know where to even start. There are a lot of things, even with a 10k chars wall of text it wouldn't be enough to cover all of my problems and worries. But it doesn't matter, what matters is I couldn't/can't seem to make it because there are too many problems.
I don't know whether I should give up without even trying or if I should still try despite everything, and if I should try, what even could I still try.
>> No. 28692 [Edit]
This is relatable. I won't disclose my age but I'm in my mid-late twenties.
In any case, I was a very gifted child, but I was also extremely lazy. It became apparent from an early age that I was very advanced in my vocabulary and writing ability and was actually very good at mathematics as a small child too.

Some time around 8-0 I decided that I wanted to be an author, so I completely neglected mathematics. More than that, I thought that it was worthwhile to stop practicing it at all, favoring the lifestyle of "the artist" instead. I honed my writing ability from 10 to 17 and I deliberately skipped my mathematics classes, proclaiming it to be a waste of time, etc.

In any case, a few years ago I lost my motivation to write, so I went back to school for I.T, since I have an interest in computers and always have (considering I'm on here) but had never put in any effort to learn how to program anything, including basic webpage design like HTML.
I quickly discovered that maths was totally essential for my classes. There's many cases where I simply can't do the work at the same pace as everyone else, because I'm trying to catch up with the numbers. I discovered that I essentially have the mathematics skills of a 10 year old, because that's when I stopped paying attention to maths.

I wish I could do my life over and pay attention in class and not try to spitefully forgo other skills just because I want to double-down on another one.

Oh, and I would like to brush my teeth. I stopped doing that at age 12 until 16 and I suffer the consequences daily.
>> No. 28693 [Edit]
>my life ended at the age of 7 which is humorous because i've always held the notion that i'm not going to make it past this age mark since prepubescence

I wonder what psychological situation causes this kind of thinking to take root in a child? When I was 8 or 9, everyone in my classroom was told to gather in a circle and talk about what they'd like to be when they're older. I strongly remember saying that I wouldn't be alive when I was older because I would have died in a car accident or had some sort of ill-fate by then. Naturally the teacher told me that I was extremely pessimistic and had a bad attitude, but it is a weird thing for a child to talk about.
>> No. 28694 [Edit]
>Some time around 8-0 I decided that I wanted to be an author, so I completely neglected mathematics. More than that, I thought that it was worthwhile to stop practicing it at all, favoring the lifestyle of "the artist" instead. I honed my writing ability from 10 to 17 and I deliberately skipped my mathematics classes, proclaiming it to be a waste of time, etc.
Did anybody put those ideas in your head, or have a problem with you neglecting a subject completely?
>> No. 28695 [Edit]
>Did anybody put those ideas in your head
My Mother, my teachers and the school. I was placed in an advanced English course that I did in lieu of regular English and had regular one on one meetings with a local author to further my education in a more specialized way.

And no, nobody had an issue with me neglecting any of my subjects. I failed the classes, but it is not mandatory to pass any classes in highschool here if your parent says it's fine, at least not until you're in your final two years at which point it does become compulsory.
>> No. 28696 [Edit]
It's too bad you didn't go to a school with lots of Chinese kids. I did, and math was considered king. Engineering and computer science are math heavy and actually pay well. The poor writer stereotype has existed for decades now, so I have a hard time wrapping my head around this.
>> No. 28697 [Edit]
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I've done so many things I regret. I can't help but question whether I'm really a bad person, deep down. I can understand why people don't trust me. If I went back and did some things differently, I would probably just screw things up in some other way, later. Sigh.
>> No. 28698 [Edit]
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Relatable. I have a "why bother" attitude towards life. It feels like something people only develop in middle age or older. It's hard to take care of myself without defaulting into a mindset of "nothing will come out of this". People say the journey is the destination and I know all of that and the dangers of being idealistic. Still, that very same journey doesn't seem worth starting or maintaining when you've seen what happens to others with a late start like yourself.
I don't want to go back or wish I could've done things different, that only adds to the stress. It couldn't have been any other way for me and others, in my view. Bad experiences are like death, I'm better off not thinking about them until they happen. If they are memories, we are very good at gaslighting ourselves. Sometimes they are too hard to ignore so I'm posting here and venting with an image.

Another unrelated vent while I'm at it because I noticed I've been holding onto this since Christmas.
A family member I only see once a year lectured me about the future, he wasn't trying to berate me, it was the opposite, but his arrogance mixed with what I perceived as condescending pity got to me. I simply told him I wasn't doing much at the time and he told me not to worry (I don't). He is the type of person who only gives advice to hear themselves talk, worse of all he was also babbling about meditation and the ego trying to relate to me. I've meditated before and one lesson I took from exploring that is not talking about it. I was really close to ruining Christmas but I'm glad I only talked back a bit to shut him up. It's not a good feeling knowing my family looks at me that way and I prefer not to attend family reunions or birthdays. They say they want to see me and ask why I don't go but they only really like how I was more accommodating to them when I was younger compared to my siblings and they still have that perception of me. Won't give them the satisfaction of seeing me next year.
>> No. 28699 [Edit]
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It's currently the weekend, which most people fawn over as this great thing, but I disagree. During the week I take CCNA classes and they can be very exhausting and mentally draining, but every time I learn something new or understand the subject matter better I progress as a person. It's a valid use of my time and I although it is a pain, it's way better than sitting around doing nothing all day. During the weekends while class is out, I find that I have no motivation to do anything but sit around and bullshit for the ENTIRE day. It's not always this way, sometimes there are things to do or people to hang out with, but when I'm confined to my room I get so miserable. There isn't really a whole lot to do around where I live and I'm just waiting to finally move at the end of this month to somewhere much more exciting that I believe will motivate me to get out and go do things.

I know it sounds pitiful, I'm only 10 days out from this location change that seems like the solution to my problems and I'm complaining. Even still, it is the weekend right now and I've wasted my Friday night and Saturday doing nothing. I find comfort in this board though
>> No. 28700 [Edit]
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Hello again, I wrote the above post. This Saturday actually turned out to be one of the best I've had in a while! I was gonna stay in the rest of the day and probably mope, but I went out and actually made something of today and had a lot of fun!

I did so on a whim just after typing up that reply. I think I just needed to write my frustrations down so I could see and process them to then create a healthy response to my problem.

Sometimes, it's yourself that holds you back and you don't even realize it until you actually get up and do something about the problem you're having.
>> No. 28701 [Edit]
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I only do what I want to do. I guess that's why life isn't too bright right now.
>> No. 28703 [Edit]
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Just when I came to the conclusion that my psychological circumstances couldn't possibly become worse than they already are, out of nowhere something happens and proves me wrong. At this point you can't help laugh at the absurdity of it all.
>> No. 28704 [Edit]
What happened?
>> No. 28707 [Edit]
File 170612778511.jpg - (210.12KB , 850x1474 , __miyauchi_lemmy_to_heart_and_1_more_drawn_by_hait.jpg )
Got hit by a car quite recently.
i wish i had died, that's all
>> No. 28708 [Edit]
If it had only been a truck, you could have been isekai'd. No anime ever began with someone being run over by a Toyota Prius.
>> No. 28709 [Edit]
File 170620407468.jpg - (507.39KB , 2264x3072 , __hatsune_miku_cinnamoroll_and_cinnamiku_vocaloid_.jpg )
Work has been hell lately. Somehow in a year, I went from never employed shut-in to being treated like some highly experienced veteran that has seen everything in my field.
Expectations are higher than ever, as well as my desire to be free of it all.
>> No. 28710 [Edit]
I think that's reasonable, if you are completely drained during the weekdays then it can take a day or two just to recover from that so you can be in the mindset of being able to enjoy something. 2 days of recovery is really too short after a week of wageslaving.
>> No. 28712 [Edit]
File 170636748196.jpg - (209.54KB , 752x624 , 12785268_p0.jpg )
I can't sleep and now that I'm reading this again, it makes me feel worse. It reads like something someone spoiled and ungrateful would write. I understand we're supposed to not keep our worries to ourselves here but I find this a bit embarrassing despite being anonymous. The truth is, I'm physically and mentally traumatized even though I like to pretend I'm not. I feel impotence mixed with anxiety, fear and anger, lots of anger. At some point, I figured that instead of moping, it is better to have a sense of peaceful wrath and move forward in silence.
I don't want to sound childish and say it's all their fault, just know that they did have a lot to do with it. The full story is also embarrassing, both the way I acted and more so the humiliating way I was treated by them. Now I realize my behavior was me being young and not knowing any better. Forgiving myself is easy but the trauma won't let me forget nor fully forgive others for what happened. To clarify, it wasn't SA, It was something along those lines and I couldn't bring myself to touch my shitty father for 2 years. Sounds like cope but it really wasn't, the trauma is not only due to a single event, there are also memories that have accumulated over the years. Sorry for being dramatic, whenever I read posts like these written by others I can only feel sadness and wish they get better, so I'll keep trying to do that. A few tears left my eyes writing this.
>> No. 28713 [Edit]
File 170652653635.jpg - (1.46MB , 2239x1080 , 1f5a7c97823c7401ba0ea4066e796297db29a3b7.jpg )
I think I'm not going to make it. So I wanted to at least say something, leave a record that I existed. But it's awkward and I'm not good with words. So nevermind.
>> No. 28714 [Edit]
one day we all will fade away
>> No. 28715 [Edit]
>> No. 28716 [Edit]
File 17066177723.png - (1.13MB , 2048x1152 , f66aff2001385bf110fccd71aeeef55f36532f97.png )
I stopped showing up to university so I failed every single class.
>> No. 28718 [Edit]
File 170666069564.jpg - (1.80MB , 2685x4096 , 716ee91d7459fa1382640bffca3b056b.jpg )
I don't know what I should say.
>> No. 28723 [Edit]
File 170735712598.jpg - (86.42KB , 913x1280 , 1618670698407.jpg )
Oh hi me from 10 years ago.
>> No. 28724 [Edit]
I hate cars and the fact most of the places we live were built for them. Were you injured? I have a sore back and even that saps my will to live, ridiculous as it sounds.
>> No. 28726 [Edit]
File 170759119272.png - (2.45MB , 2560x1440 , y3BdZlaj-wallha_com.png )
If it makes you feel better, one time I took an intense 3 hour night time art class for a whole semester and then found out, a day before the final exam, that I never successfully signed up for that class haha all that time for nothing.

Never went to the final exam
>> No. 28727 [Edit]
File 170765972271.jpg - (134.45KB , 1280x1706 , 107048218_p0.jpg )
The problem is life and being human.
>> No. 28728 [Edit]
The problem is our outlook on life.
>> No. 28729 [Edit]
File 170774077673.jpg - (60.25KB , 704x958 , 146474797135.jpg )
Suffering (which is exacerbated by consciousness) and death are integral parts of the human condition, while pleasure is not guaranteed. Regardless of what your outlook on life is, it won't protect you from mental illness, cancer, poverty etc. Pessimism is a consequence of perceiving reality accurately.
>> No. 28730 [Edit]
File 170786994781.jpg - (226.20KB , 2019x3324 , d3d5962bd4357fc53057cacedd3a9f34.jpg )
>> No. 28734 [Edit]
File 170789991211.jpg - (145.65KB , 1200x1000 , __komeiji_koishi_touhou_and_1_more_drawn_by_memoja.jpg )
>> No. 28736 [Edit]
File 170793159014.png - (1.95MB , 1900x1900 , __moriya_suwako_and_pyonta_touhou_drawn_by_darumoo.png )
I seriously fucked up at work
>> No. 28737 [Edit]
That's alright anon. Your workplace will get by. It's not that bad. Try to relax and not worry about it, okay?
>> No. 28738 [Edit]
File 170798531247.png - (735.76KB , 1000x1000 , 104746883_p0.png )
Got excluded and I'm feeling alienated
It just makes me want to exclude and alienate myself more
>> No. 28740 [Edit]
Excluded from what anon?
>> No. 28741 [Edit]
File 17080430052.png - (1.33MB , 1211x1206 , madoka yuno aoki ume.png )
It's an internet community/friend group I've been a part of for years now. It's not the type of exclusion where they tell you to go away but rather the subtle kind where you feel like you made a wrong choice in a VN in real life. I know it's the internet and I can step away from the computer anyway, but it still hurts.
I could brush it off and deal with the awkwardness until things go back to normal but bleh. It made me rethink my approach to the way I use the internet and how I view ¨friendships¨ in it, it's not that I'm naive, maybe I became unconsciously attached to them w/o realizing it. Taking a break from it right now. This wasn't on d*sc*rd by the way, ew.
I went outside to take a walk, clear my mind and buy things I needed, ended up having nice interactions with different cashiers, probably because the weather was nice and comfy. I live in a small city so people outside tend to be nice, sometimes. Old people doing morning runs/walks will say good morning to you for no reason around 5-7 A.M (I was late). I'm still not over it, although I'm feeling better.
>> No. 28743 [Edit]
File 170808670490.jpg - (681.44KB , 1080x1080 , 112515538_p1.jpg )
Having tea. I wanna get drunk but I haven't had anything to eat yet.
>> No. 28745 [Edit]
grow up.
there is no friendship in the interwebs.
>> No. 28746 [Edit]
Not with that kind of attitude there's not.
The best people I've ever known are all from the internet.
>> No. 28747 [Edit]
File 170831316120.jpg - (2.11MB , 4000x2250 , GDKugvIacAAVn32.jpg )
I want to run away.
>> No. 28748 [Edit]
I didn't believe in them at first, now I don't know what to think. Internet friends can go offline and never talk to you again whenever they want. Besides loneliness, seeing people in my life come and go made me give it a try. ¨It doesn't matter if I never see them again as long as we have fun¨ It's what I thought. Better to keep the good experiences I had as a memory and ¨grow up¨.
I'm tired of the internet.
>> No. 28749 [Edit]
File 170834388558.png - (794.43KB , 800x600 , why.png )
Tired as well, but of everything. Of thinking, feeling, reading, typing, clicking, watching, trying, failing, succeeding, talking, chores, eating, sleeping. Just everything. Maintaining oneself is such a hassle and I don't even see why I should continune to do so. Shotgun to the head seems more attractive with every year.
>> No. 28750 [Edit]
File 170835927584.jpg - (270.43KB , 682x512 , 105504730_p0.jpg )
I cannot take care of myself.
>> No. 28751 [Edit]
Can someone take care of you?
>> No. 28752 [Edit]
Might want to learn how before it's too late. The longer you put it off the worse it's going to be.
>> No. 28753 [Edit]
In what sense?
>> No. 28754 [Edit]
File 17084194071.jpg - (230.50KB , 1157x1637 , GGoMX19aIAARZb4.jpg )
>> No. 28755 [Edit]
yes, with that kind of attitude !
>> No. 28756 [Edit]
File 170845494274.jpg - (66.39KB , 801x600 , 1695729108795022.jpg )
People have brought me nothing but suffering and stagnation, both offline and online. I wish I understood this when I was younger and kept to myself, maybe then I would have been able to live out a semi-decent existence instead of pure agony.
>> No. 28757 [Edit]
File 170846483341.jpg - (155.87KB , 827x1169 , GGvdToHbMAAvins.jpg )
Emotional pain is turning into physical pain, exacerbating the cycle.
The worst mistakes in my life have had something to do with oversharing.
>> No. 28758 [Edit]
I always wondered what would have been if there were somebody who understood. Just as we can more or less understand us each other here.
Nice Yui btw. Great girl she is.
>> No. 28759 [Edit]
File 170848491929.png - (4.86MB , 2480x3508 , 92617310_p0.png )
>> No. 28760 [Edit]
File 170849257365.jpg - (670.94KB , 5016x3541 , ee0e3d4fd4500783009a7e9a1d15a257.jpg )
I cried over elementary school trauma that happened to me almost two decades ago. Maladaptive daydreaming failed me today, I have no other choice but to drug myself up with chamomile and hope it just goes away.
>> No. 28761 [Edit]
File 170849938236.jpg - (148.28KB , 774x1200 , 60740879_p89.jpg )
In every sense, I guess. I don't shower, don't brush, don't do laundry or clean around, barely eat once every couple days, don't go to my classes and don't do much other than sit here. God forbid I ever stop getting financial support.
>> No. 28764 [Edit]
File 170869634380.png - (41.89KB , 550x750 , __kuroki_tomoko_watashi_ga_motenai_no_wa_dou_kanga.png )
You should atleast brush your teeth to avoid dentist visits.
>> No. 28765 [Edit]
File 170872651589.jpg - (51.67KB , 600x800 , 17a9188a0adf09f25bb0f5d51b2553b3.jpg )
>> No. 28766 [Edit]
File 170888830629.jpg - (2.84MB , 1771x2508 , FqSbL8gakAA14ed.jpg )
>> No. 28768 [Edit]
File 17089364759.jpg - (568.83KB , 1536x2264 , 116190487_p0.jpg )
>> No. 28770 [Edit]
File 170912515513.jpg - (0.99MB , 1110x1553 , __original_drawn_by_kobayashi_chisato__b73043f72bf.jpg )
>> No. 28773 [Edit]
File 170915947914.jpg - (97.58KB , 480x660 , 298b85f60e75c6c54eb49e5d87cd799e38c5e6a9.jpg )
>> No. 28775 [Edit]
File 170922596379.png - (3.79MB , 1700x2400 , __moriya_suwako_touhou_drawn_by_darumoon__9e0707ac.png )
I feel like I'm in a downward spiral these days. Now and then I take a look at myself wondering what the hell I'm doing. I've betrayed the simple pleasures of my hikineet days, and have been slipping further ever since.
My family members are so proud of me for working and tell me I'm doing great, and yet I'm totally disgusted with myself and how weak-willed I am.
>> No. 28776 [Edit]
File 170923146584.jpg - (324.27KB , 1403x2560 , e684f74477145fb30b6fdeffffcabc4a57ec0146.jpg )
Obnoxious mentally ill freak, abomination. Pointless existence. Shouldn't have been born.
>> No. 28777 [Edit]
File 170923707411.jpg - (88.12KB , 798x978 , 67eae0b29b682a03eba6e4127d2e3c68470355fa.jpg )
Need rest.
>> No. 28779 [Edit]
File 170929790286.jpg - (671.27KB , 4096x2712 , __serval_kemono_friends_drawn_by_kaamin_mariarose7.jpg )
>> No. 28780 [Edit]
File 170930727596.png - (266.27KB , 567x760 , 71203381_p6.png )
>> No. 28781 [Edit]
File 170930831689.jpg - (188.20KB , 2048x1536 , __gokou_ruri_ore_no_imouto_ga_konna_ni_kawaii_wake.jpg )
Knowing that death is certain is the only though which brings me comfort.
>> No. 28783 [Edit]
File 170941165835.jpg - (165.27KB , 1500x728 , a.jpg )
I don't exactly want to die, there are things I want to do, but life sucks.
>> No. 28800 [Edit]
File 170950002879.jpg - (101.89KB , 735x1102 , 1604544550439.jpg )
It puts my mind at ease a bit, knowing that no matter how much pain we endure in this life, one day the pain will stop.
>> No. 28801 [Edit]
File 170957696462.png - (1.41MB , 1559x1039 , 109055820_p0.png )
>> No. 28802 [Edit]
File 170957910595.jpg - (240.91KB , 1338x2048 , __original_drawn_by_maenoo__a0276f3f7c5fdeb6998878.jpg )
I'm not enough
And I will never be
>> No. 28803 [Edit]
File 170959761449.png - (2.63MB , 3036x2144 , __kikuchi_makoto_idolmaster_and_1_more_drawn_by_mi.png )
>> No. 28804 [Edit]
File 170963625367.jpg - (3.08MB , 4089x5923 , yande_re 711845 adachi_sakura adachi_to_shimamura .jpg )
Some of the early images in the last thread are mine. It makes me wonder how long I have been in this loop of trying to get better and failing. I always lose sight of what made me want to try again after weeks or a month.
There are things I tell myself I want to do but if I truly wanted to do them I would have done them by now. It's been years and I still have the same goals which shouldn't be hard to accomplish.
I wrote a long post traumadumping on another (now dead) imageboard and it did not help so I won't do that here. My goal for this year was/is to harvest cucumbers at home because I figured that would help me take care of myself too. I chose cucumbers instead of plants or flowers because I read that they are easy to grow and more importantly, I learned of the Japanese idiom ¨Dango over flowers¨, they translated it as ¨Food over flowers¨ and that left an impression on me. This sounds really depressing now that I'm writing it.
Not him but I will try.
>> No. 28806 [Edit]
File 170971585648.png - (1.04MB , 1080x1080 , 98728958_p0.png )
Him. Good luck.
>> No. 28807 [Edit]
File 170974379410.jpg - (1.46MB , 2000x2838 , 116680768_p0.jpg )
>> No. 28808 [Edit]
File 170981503037.jpg - (148.46KB , 777x1232 , 1459af8b4eab94ae4c98d2f96bd4c124.jpg )
>> No. 28809 [Edit]
File 170983940661.jpg - (138.03KB , 900x778 , 2006-01-31-13078.jpg )
>> No. 28810 [Edit]
File 17098575767.jpg - (527.24KB , 850x1200 , 116657967_p0.jpg )
>> No. 28811 [Edit]
File 17098719764.jpg - (835.00KB , 1798x2048 , GIEJJKXakAATjPb.jpg )
>> No. 28812 [Edit]
File 170989188580.png - (3.92MB , 3100x4101 , 64b951f24bf123da944051d214a88e92ba8ec193.png )
I found my Willy Wonka golden ticket, but too late.
>> No. 28813 [Edit]
File 170990449282.jpg - (183.00KB , 1220x840 , 45aab618397dfd06ae3bc44e6c8b11a43067ed98.jpg )
>> No. 28815 [Edit]
File 170999066786.jpg - (442.75KB , 1434x2048 , 1ce41177b8fb77f530c90ade13097976.jpg )
>> No. 28817 [Edit]
File 171002148426.jpg - (1.35MB , 1400x1950 , ce84426f43ff26237a765b0e4f50bfb2.jpg )
I hate that I'm somehow still alive.
>> No. 28818 [Edit]
File 171003201863.jpg - (112.67KB , 1441x1280 , 1607587429763138.jpg )
>> No. 28819 [Edit]
File 171013854061.jpg - (22.87KB , 400x400 , moe.jpg )
>> No. 28821 [Edit]
File 171015185956.png - (1.33MB , 858x1027 , 2011-06-11-411736.png )
>> No. 28822 [Edit]
File 171020263893.jpg - (73.43KB , 1280x720 , ココナ.jpg )
>> No. 28823 [Edit]
File 171027170734.jpg - (229.62KB , 850x1202 , 1qwdfhr.jpg )
I started thinking that i dont wanna think at all, i don't like thinking, these thoughts make me feel terrible and something i can't even describe. Every day it just gets worse.
I'm probably starting to understand now why people start drinking and stuff but i've always had a life position to never drink or smoke and im not gonna betray myself. I just don't know what can i do, i want to keep all the thoughts away but i can't find a way to.
>> No. 28824 [Edit]
File 171027441997.jpg - (95.19KB , 850x1128 , 1710252800092.jpg )
I like drinking!
>> No. 28826 [Edit]
File 171028169777.jpg - (181.22KB , 1920x1080 , cutechino.jpg )
Just wanted to say substances legal or not won't solve an issue, but the help they can or can't provide varies from people to people, there are layers to it, and it depends how much you can tolerate the problems in life while staying sober or if said issues torment you to the point of start thinking on consuming whatever, if that's the case you probably would benefit a bit from it, but the cost of momentary relief being too expensive or not depends on yourself.
>> No. 28827 [Edit]
File 171028378581.jpg - (53.50KB , 395x550 , youmu.jpg )
Such a cool responce. I have read this like 10 times.
>> No. 28828 [Edit]
File 171029074696.jpg - (1.51MB , 3500x2206 , winter.jpg )
I wouldn't recommend starting substances including alcohol, at least on any regular basis. They absolutely aren't entirely bad and can indeed help you cope with stuff, but it's extraordinarily easy to become dependent on them if you're already deep in the dumps. I speak from experience and have known several people who were/are in the same boat.
Ultimately it's up to you to decide whether you think you'll become dependent and if you can still handle the issues while sober, as >>28826 said.
>> No. 28829 [Edit]
File 171031886831.jpg - (334.76KB , 1200x1697 , 116029681_p0.jpg )
I was the same as you, except I didn't had that mindset of not trying them, so I did. Luckily I didn't turn into an alcoholic or a smoker. Drinking is fun but it gets boring after the novelty wears off and although I enjoyed my first 2 packs of cigs, smoking isn't worth it, at all. They are both expensive vices, especially if you are a neet.
I think your mindset of not wanting to betray yourself is admirable, tohno.
>> No. 28836 [Edit]
File 171043800526.jpg - (197.08KB , 606x611 , 12.jpg )
>> No. 28837 [Edit]
File 171044340973.png - (2.14MB , 2074x3553 , __akemi_homura_mahou_shoujo_madoka_magica_drawn_by.png )
This nightmare ends soon.
>> No. 28838 [Edit]
File 171044487184.jpg - (342.82KB , 850x838 , s0.jpg )
>> No. 28840 [Edit]
File 171050807289.jpg - (218.99KB , 1614x1284 , __shameimaru_aya_and_himekaidou_hatate_touhou_draw.jpg )
Been half-writing a bunch of posts and giving up. I'll simplify them all for you: I am tired and unhappy.
>> No. 28848 [Edit]
File 171058069751.jpg - (263.64KB , 1717x1297 , 124.jpg )
The liquor store was closed yesterday. Better be open today.
>> No. 28849 [Edit]
File 171062824252.png - (563.80KB , 1000x1390 , __gokou_ruri_ore_no_imouto_ga_konna_ni_kawaii_wake.png )
>> No. 28850 [Edit]
File 171063128329.jpg - (2.52MB , 3243x4627 , 12.jpg )
I'll have to apply for ausbux. I simply can't work because of mental diagnosed issues I have since I was a child, there's also the fact that every time I tried, nothing ever went the right way in my life. I'm old and tired, or at least older than most around here, financial issues on top of being mentally crippled is truly unbearable at times and it gets worse every year that passes.
>> No. 28853 [Edit]
File 171080790394.png - (36.73KB , 400x300 , 87436039_p35.png )
>> No. 28854 [Edit]
File 171081209683.jpg - (289.06KB , 1655x1053 , 1504410564033.jpg )
I can't blame anyone but myself for making me suffer. I can't handle the way the world is or keep up with its demands.
>> No. 28856 [Edit]
File 171088062986.jpg - (102.68KB , 564x600 , Kazami_Yuuka_600_741992.jpg )
I've gotten told I should express my feelings more on several occasions. When I actually do express what is bothering me I just get a lecture about how it's my responsibility and free will and that sort of stuff.

If that's what it's about, then I should be free to kill myself, right? I can't be held responsible for how it would make others feel.
>> No. 28857 [Edit]
File 171088362532.jpg - (815.04KB , 2177x3225 , 883ea931d7b983c410ea1f39aa17dd16.jpg )
"Why am I here? How am I here? I don't want to be here. None of this makes sense.". These thoughts have been consuming me since the age of 10-12. I've been thinking about suicide and death from the moment I became even slightly conscious. Nothing has changed with age, if anything I've become even more afraid, angry and confused. I really don't understand how billions take this reality for granted and bring children into this world to share their misery in this pointless existence, without question. At this point, I only want to die in my sleep.
>> No. 28858 [Edit]
>how it's my responsibility and free will and that sort of stuff.
Ah, I hate that about ford drivers. Whenever something goes their way, they'll take credit as if it were their own workings. But when something goes wrong for them, then they'll blame outside sources. All the while, they'll lecture you about "responsibility." Hypocrites. As for expression, it's funny how in society, we aren't allowed to show a hint of emotion, but when someone goes on a killing spree and shows little emotion, they act somehow confused and disturbed by it - as if it came from no where. It's not like it's been completely vilified to show any sense of humanity. When a mentality exists that it's not okay to show any other emotion other than anger.
>> No. 28859 [Edit]
File 171093517998.jpg - (374.62KB , 883x1295 , 116882403_p0.jpg )
Here’s to a Christmas filled with high FPS, low ping, and epic wins! May your loot be legendary, and your gaming chair extra comfy. Merry Christmas, gamer friend!
>> No. 28860 [Edit]
File 171096995872.jpg - (366.44KB , 1528x2048 , __original_drawn_by_chan8016__066b11afb1e5b531d4ed.jpg )
Mess of feels that I can't put into words.
>> No. 28861 [Edit]
File 171103712899.jpg - (287.92KB , 1659x1563 , 1709878968468329.jpg )
I can't either and it isn't worth it.
>> No. 28862 [Edit]
File 171103855669.jpg - (298.73KB , 670x800 , 115677306_p0.jpg )
>> No. 28863 [Edit]
File 171129223281.jpg - (123.35KB , 600x600 , 10011779_p5.jpg )
>> No. 28864 [Edit]
File 171132487492.jpg - (123.06KB , 949x1024 , FP5xTo9XwAEtl8r.jpg )
You can't escape from some of the ugliest parts of reality even on the internet, I fear.
>> No. 28865 [Edit]
File 171138899619.jpg - (1.55MB , 1000x1333 , 53549783_p0.jpg )
>> No. 28866 [Edit]
File 171141821427.png - (539.98KB , 1081x803 , MamimiRevenge_Quest.png )
I looked for several minutes for good pictures of anime girls, eventually I just decided to be real with myself and post my favourite anime girl, though I like her because she is relatable.

If I were to post in this thread every time I thought about killing myself, I would post every day, but I don't have the energy for that.

There's so much to say that I can't say anything. I just feel utterly worn down.
>> No. 28867 [Edit]
File 171147341930.png - (1.06MB , 2048x1152 , 114419222_p0.png )
>> No. 28868 [Edit]
File 17115065527.jpg - (345.40KB , 2048x2048 , F5pgJ-CbIAAnnO_.jpg )
>> No. 28869 [Edit]
File 171155007027.png - (2.68MB , 1751x1234 , 117249847_p0.png )
Same. I try to only post here when I'm emotionally bedridden.
>> No. 28871 [Edit]
File 171162537430.png - (165.06KB , 512x385 , mamimi.png )
Yes she is the best, and very relatable. For a part of my childhood we were so poor that my mom couldn't pay the electric bill for months. At least I haven't been homeless yet.
>> No. 28872 [Edit]
File 17116829309.gif - (6.49MB , 758x758 , 5325125261.gif )
>> No. 28873 [Edit]
File 171169820142.jpg - (917.18KB , 2894x4093 , d45020bf4004223b97b5690137d780e05895290e.jpg )
Why do I keep shooting myself in the foot and then wallowing in the pain asking why I'm in this position? 7 years of this and I only have myself to blame. I wish I could've been normal and functioning like everyone else, what's wrong with me.
>> No. 28874 [Edit]
File 17117336498.jpg - (436.16KB , 1300x1300 , __akemi_homura_mahou_shoujo_madoka_magica_and_1_mo.jpg )
Most of my life was spent being a victim of monsters.
>> No. 28875 [Edit]
Mine still is and I don’t even know why this is happening
All I can do is hope for something better when I eventually die
>> No. 28876 [Edit]
File 171177921150.png - (316.08KB , 500x706 , 48204424_p29.png )
>> No. 28879 [Edit]
File 171189200180.jpg - (1.12MB , 1233x1964 , __fujiwara_no_mokou_touhou_drawn_by_usuuuv__42bc56.jpg )
I am a terribly cold and expressionless person. Not because I want to be, but because I don't know any other way. I wish people could look past that. I'm only accepted for my competence and capabilities.
>> No. 28880 [Edit]
File 171189223566.jpg - (1.60MB , 1000x1000 , 113823785_p0_master1200.jpg )
I shouldn't have gone on the trip after all, I feel even worse than I had before. I wish I could muster up enough willpower to let it end.
>> No. 28882 [Edit]
File 171200211894.png - (389.08KB , 1309x1054 , 117471028_p1.png )
>> No. 28887 [Edit]
File 171208507252.png - (3.77MB , 2194x1967 , 117478516_p0.png )
>> No. 28894 [Edit]
File 171218866081.jpg - (77.42KB , 726x1024 , 1712057553603474m.jpg )
>> No. 28897 [Edit]
File 171223065955.jpg - (186.28KB , 1024x710 , 117438370_p53.jpg )
>> No. 28898 [Edit]
File 171225766556.jpg - (179.62KB , 2048x2048 , F9Ncog0bwAEm7cS.jpg )
In retrospect, my life ended decades ago. My current existence is a post-mortem experience.
>> No. 28900 [Edit]
File 171228285770.png - (1.45MB , 1024x1024 , 5e80902842df92cae1b502d42c571fb6.png )
I can't stop saying retarded shit and making a fool out of myself. I am an embarrasment. Please give me the motivation to go to the store and buy some rope.
>> No. 28904 [Edit]
File 171230706274.jpg - (1.24MB , 1157x1400 , GG5dsjubUAA6WGZ.jpg )
>> No. 28906 [Edit]
File 171233965199.png - (1.74MB , 1500x2121 , __original_drawn_by_maigoyaki__663c1f2edd6a4acd7b5.png )
It's the hope that kills.
>> No. 28907 [Edit]
No hope kills, but vain hope. The hope of things that cannot be and were not destined. Sorry I'm broke on pictures.
>> No. 28908 [Edit]
File 171236288622.jpg - (2.20MB , 1920x1080 , 117583584_p0.jpg )
>> No. 28909 [Edit]
File 171240409830.jpg - (2.11MB , 2193x2688 , 117299218_p0.jpg )
>> No. 28917 [Edit]
File 171244626588.jpg - (132.40KB , 1136x2030 , __oshino_ougi_monogatari__7710970264d3b57276becd16.jpg )
>> No. 28924 [Edit]
File 171249341260.jpg - (260.56KB , 1000x1100 , GEd21H2XoAAxPyj.jpg )
>> No. 28926 [Edit]
Thanks for the senko art!
>> No. 28927 [Edit]
File 171269080299.jpg - (199.48KB , 1500x1400 , FxfuCfIagAAM8WN.jpg )
>> No. 28931 [Edit]
File 171275305236.jpg - (179.71KB , 1200x1600 , __akemi_homura_and_akemi_homura_mahou_shoujo_madok.jpg )
>> No. 28933 [Edit]
File 171275919055.jpg - (493.39KB , 1366x2048 , GKjBgUya0AA4O4S.jpg )
>> No. 28935 [Edit]
File 17128550536.png - (55.37KB , 595x586 , 117404761_p0.png )
>> No. 28936 [Edit]
File 171293149255.jpg - (916.25KB , 749x1162 , __yukimura_aoi_and_onozuka_hikari_yama_no_susume_d.jpg )
>> No. 28937 [Edit]
File 171307512665.jpg - (106.59KB , 600x1024 , GBBIXtfaEAAoJLG.jpg )
>> No. 28939 [Edit]
File 171309682241.jpg - (1.02MB , 850x1000 , __lisa_garland_silent_hill_and_1_more_drawn_by_mii.jpg )
The forces have thwarted my plans once more. the accumulation is still impossibly far away. At this rate I will have no choice but to destroy this form in the hope of a more fortuitous arrangement.
>> No. 28945 [Edit]
File 171321769552.jpg - (4.84MB , 5016x3541 , __akemi_homura_mahou_shoujo_madoka_magica_and_1_mo.jpg )
>> No. 28946 [Edit]
File 171325378671.jpg - (387.66KB , 4096x2309 , 5342544236326432623.jpg )
>> No. 28947 [Edit]
File 171329078635.jpg - (236.37KB , 827x1240 , GLHEi6GbIAAMeav.jpg )
>> No. 28948 [Edit]
File 171329821152.png - (5.55MB , 3780x2480 , d59a525019f0dc43e6b26ae7508e1f05.png )
>> No. 28951 [Edit]
File 171334189459.jpg - (1.91MB , 1447x1832 , __original_drawn_by_hanagamigendai__4c5c9b91a579a7.jpg )
>> No. 28952 [Edit]
File 171335097187.jpg - (1.28MB , 2142x1033 , GLDN1GwWsAAjaOX.jpg )
>> No. 28953 [Edit]
File 171339507499.jpg - (2.71MB , 3048x3508 , cfa98141fc2be1631c497ac74635b804.jpg )
I want to go somewhere far away where I don't need to see or hear these people ever again.
>> No. 28954 [Edit]
>these people
Which people?
>> No. 28955 [Edit]
File 171347142941.png - (296.82KB , 593x758 , GEtcQndakAIvdfN.png )
I want to scream.
>> No. 28956 [Edit]
File 171348752965.png - (898.36KB , 602x1069 , 499ac2a47a1bebfb1de42c4d96920f89.png )
I think the only thing that's kept me going is this vague notion that maybe things will get better someday. With each passing day however the reality of the mater gets harder to ignore, that things aren't going to get better, they'll in fact get worse and worse.
>> No. 28957 [Edit]
File 171351353578.jpg - (586.66KB , 810x810 , 30929642_p0.jpg )
>> No. 28958 [Edit]
File 171353355545.jpg - (3.29MB , 2000x2000 , 112042825_p0.jpg )
If you do nothing, nothing happens. They already got worse for me and exposing myself to certain failure with positive expectations would be quixotic now.
It's the fleeting moments when I can forget myself, and the little influence even someone like me can have in this world that keep me going.
>> No. 28960 [Edit]
File 171385664173.jpg - (3.39MB , 3024x4032 , __original_drawn_by_takayanagi_katsuya__4d715f9a65.jpg )
>> No. 28962 [Edit]
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>> No. 28963 [Edit]
File 171389762413.gif - (147.26KB , 700x1151 , 132915147631.gif )
>> No. 28964 [Edit]
File 17139250922.jpg - (960.75KB , 1013x1432 , __original_drawn_by_potg_piotegu__80f3771987f02f46.jpg )
>> No. 28967 [Edit]
File 171403034956.png - (3.69MB , 1277x1920 , __original_drawn_by_fjsmu__1b089a923d379891941eb95.png )
>> No. 28969 [Edit]
File 171414888467.jpg - (361.15KB , 2048x1228 , __original_drawn_by_yuribou__ef302eeadcdb9854178b9.jpg )
>> No. 28970 [Edit]
File 171419272442.gif - (672.46KB , 500x428 , 1706202574888.gif )
>> No. 28971 [Edit]
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>> No. 28975 [Edit]
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>> No. 28982 [Edit]
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>> No. 28984 [Edit]
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>> No. 28987 [Edit]
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>> No. 29001 [Edit]
File 171448858262.jpg - (912.86KB , 848x1200 , __original_drawn_by_pochi_poti1990__ef4b4e69128376.jpg )
>> No. 29003 [Edit]
File 171451249275.jpg - (594.96KB , 2048x1212 , a612b4bde1bce3dd5c64d5183a3cd744.jpg )
I wish I could search pictures by the vibe they give. Most hit the mark and I am not about to waste myself suffering through the flood that's boorus. Being stuck with one picture that just randomly caught your mind is not fun though.
>> No. 29004 [Edit]
File 171451256039.jpg - (3.85MB , 2894x4093 , 98dfcb8ae505b26a85c8c2d8f7692cd3.jpg )
Correction: miss the mark.
>> No. 29005 [Edit]
>I wish I could search pictures by the vibe they give
I'm fairly certain that CLIP-derived models should be able to do this. I don't know if anyone has actually created a usable image-search tool out of it though.

I found
>> No. 29018 [Edit]
File 171457343698.jpg - (2.23MB , 2000x3436 , __original_drawn_by_kukka__1b0e9c47f085e63328f3ceb.jpg )
>> No. 29019 [Edit]
File 171458870948.jpg - (96.25KB , 850x1134 , pinoko.jpg )
binoko for bad days...
>> No. 29020 [Edit]
File 17146479294.png - (1.44MB , 1280x1197 , 1518494246968.png )
>> No. 29021 [Edit]
File 171465697787.png - (89.84KB , 800x600 , kms_homura.png )
I can't tell if this is a call to arms or some divine mockery. I've been in this exact same pretense for the past 2~3 years and I can't snap out of it. Doesn't help I made a retard of myself on my first two years and so whenever I come back to class I'm returned hostile faces full of scorn and contempt.

Post edited on 2nd May 2024, 6:38am
>> No. 29022 [Edit]
File 171467107238.jpg - (1.91MB , 1124x1592 , __original_drawn_by_soraciel__0d45ebf9cb0e2114442a.jpg )
>> No. 29023 [Edit]
File 171467536671.jpg - (94.70KB , 600x800 , GEnLdniboAAnyrX.jpg )
Having your reputation ruined is the worst.

Post edited on 2nd May 2024, 12:47pm
>> No. 29024 [Edit]
File 171468713134.jpg - (226.92KB , 1014x1500 , 50415938657b380393f155744efedf43.jpg )
she's happy
>> No. 29026 [Edit]
Fortunately for me, I have no reputation to ruin because no one knows I exist. Oddly, in the last several years, my inhibitions have lowered to an extent that could almost be worrying. I once cared about these things - how others saw me. Now, I am completely indifferent. It's as if my ego and social preservation instinct have vanished entirely. I've ceased to hide my oddities. Perhaps part of it has to do with the idea that I may not even be here on the planet in a couple of years. Even at some points, I hope to put off normalfags by expressing ideas that are outside of the matrix. Part of me wants to become a pariah. It's not like I directly seek to antagonize people. Rather, I show complete disregard for social games and hierarchy nonsense.

Recently, some christfag lady approached me and asked me to put a pin on a board corresponding to how you viewed the meaning of life. Normally, I just respond with a vague cookie-cutter response that aligns with a typical normalfag's train of thought. However, this time, I chose to be completely honest for the shits and giggles. I pinned it on the one that stated "Life has no meaning." The lady questioned me and asked me, "If there is no meaning to life, then how do you keep going?" I replied to her, "I operate on survival instinct." I don't remember how the rest of the conversation went, but all I remember was that she had the utmost look of utter devastation in her eyes, as if she could simply not comprehend that someone viewed the world that way. There was another time where a different christian lady from the same group approached me and asked that same question. Except that time, when I said that life had no meaning, and then she twisted it to say, "So you think it's okay to go out and kill people if you want to?" I almost said yes but then backpedaled, kek. I don't remember the rest of the conversation, but she kept insisting that you can not have morals without god, and without god, people would go out and kill each other. By that point, I had given up and went back to regurgitating generic bluepilled rhetoric. It is comical how entertainingly retarded people act when you challenge their entire worldview. Holy fuck, it was a rush. I know experiences like these are at my own detriment, but somehow, I can't give a solid fuck. In some way, I find making normalfags socially uncomfortable by going against norms, intentionally breaking social rules, and overtly mentioning unspoken rules, it brings me gratification.
>> No. 29027 [Edit]
>Recently, some christfag lady approached me and asked me to put a pin on a board corresponding to how you viewed the meaning of life.
I loathe these types of people because there is no winning with them. You will be preached at no matter what your answer is, even if you know and prematurely call them out on it. You made the right choice trolling them.
>> No. 29028 [Edit]
I honestly don't share the sentiment.
There seems to be an abyss regarding the age gap between yourself and the people you mention, arguing religion or morals with the elderly, just for the sake of messing with them is no different than stealing candy from babies.
>making normalfags socially uncomfortable by going against norms, intentionally breaking social rules, and overtly mentioning unspoken rules, it brings me gratification.
A lot of people ruin other people's life because it gives them gratification. That's in fact how bullying works, and if I had to take a wild guess, many people ITT feel like taking their own lives because of situations like that marking them for life and snowballing into trauma.
>> No. 29029 [Edit]
File 171475671658.jpg - (64.77KB , 824x865 , f4qrkcr2neg31.jpg )
Seems like every several years I dumpster my previous identity and adopt a new one. I've got a crackpot theory I'm prone to this due to lack of intimate connections. "The self" is something of a social construct and without people around to consistently validate and acknowledge your identity you're prone to "cognitive hynagogia" in which all experiences are opened to be reinterpreted. The old self dies and a new one takes its place.

Sometimes like right now I think about ending it in a physical sense. Mentally I've done it a few times already.
>> No. 29030 [Edit]
Both women were within my age range. Neither of them exceeded 35. Neither of them could have been considered elderly.
>A lot of people ruin other people's life because it gives them gratification. That's in fact how bullying works, and if I had to take a wild guess, many people ITT feel like taking their own lives because of situations like that marking them for life and snowballing into trauma.
Normalfags bully people because because they have subtle harmless oddities that they may not be able to control. It's not only that, but you can't express any idea or train of thought that goes against the herd. This makes them uncomfortable, and they concoct this idea in their mind that the individual who expresses such ideas must, in fact, be a bad person. They will invent reasons and twist that person's behaviors in a negative light. It creates a justification for them to bully that individual as they please. This bullying lightens the sense of discomfort they feel, and it creates an incentive for the bullied individual to conform to get the bullying to stop. If they consider your social status low, then they'll just fuck with you to augment their own. In a lot of cases, I honestly think that gratification might actually take the backseat. Also, I think that a lot of bullying is actually group bullying. They take part in the bullying because everyone else is, and they do so because they don't want to be rejected by the herd. They don't want to be associated with the party being bullied because it will lower their own social status. Because bullying can be used as a way to augment status and to get others to conform, it is why bullies often end up successful. They play the game, and they play it exceedingly well.
If anything, these christfag types are the bullies, and they use religion and morality to justify their bullshit. "God will just forgive me." They will go out of their way to paint you as "evil" or "satanic," if you don't conform to their bullshit. Then, they use this mortal fear of eternal suffering to milk funds out of you - to get you to "repent." It's all virtue-signalling. I never see any genuineness out of these sorts of people. They want you to be afraid of god, constantly walking on eggshells, scrutinizing your own actions to the nth degree. It's the same shit that normalfags do under a different coat of paint.

Post edited on 3rd May 2024, 11:09am
>> No. 29031 [Edit]
Unless there's more context, you were clearly being rude, and certainly not doing yourself any favors by emphasizing your differences. I used to have a similar state of mind, but time gave me a new perspective, and now I feel ashamed of my prior conduct. Your hatred of normalfags doesn't lead you anywhere good.
>> No. 29032 [Edit]
File 171476686761.png - (1.47MB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Bocchi the Rock! - 01 (720p) [02E56A0.png )
Mmm maybe no one knows I exist right now either, which is a good thing compared to the bad reputation I used to have. There's a lot I'd like to say about my experience doing similar transgressive acts towards people that deserved it and the ethics of being a modern Diogenes but I'm tired.
>I know experiences like these are at my own detriment, but somehow, I can't give a solid fuck.
I became more direct and learned how to say no instead of letting others steal my time for that reason. People would come up to me to try and sell me something (including religion) when I used to feed pigeons at the park to starve off loneliness.

This bocchi scene was a personal attack.
>> No. 29033 [Edit]
File 171476694448.jpg - (1.70MB , 2926x4000 , 1710230184005121.jpg )
Being humiliated for being an idiot feels so good. It makes you punch and cut yourself, scream at the top of your lungs. But in the end, it makes you learn your place and makes you realize how much of an incompetent imbecile you really are. There's no need to struggle anymore, you lost a long time ago, when you were born probably.
>> No. 29034 [Edit]
File 171476772127.gif - (1.85MB , 1920x1080 , kumiko bed.gif )
I don't think it does and you hurt my feelings with that post.

Post edited on 3rd May 2024, 1:25pm
>> No. 29035 [Edit]
I guess he is the masochistic type.
>> No. 29036 [Edit]
File 171476968533.gif - (871.33KB , 270x270 , a36.gif )
>bad reputation
If you don't mind me asking, what led you to have a bad reputation? Although I have been more aggressive recently, it almost feels as if I have some sort of immunity. I've noticed that I get favoritism by my superiors, and every questionable thing I say falls on deaf ears. Though, that could actually not be the case, and they're all just shit-talking me behind my back. But oddly, I don't feel like I have anything to lose. I'll let them do whatever they please, and I will just continue with persistence. They don't have anything of mine to destroy. I already have no friends, no sense of self to ruin, no reputation, no future, nor livelihood. They have nothing to gain but gratification by witnessing my destruction, but they likely won't get the full level of satisfaction because I will not react due to indifference.
>Unless there's more context, you were clearly being rude
What was rude about selecting one of the options that was presented to me? It wasn't as if I answered that out of the blue. I was essentially in front of a board with a list of set meanings of life and a pin. I entertained the opposing side's ideas politely and respectfully, and I simply answered their questions honestly.
>certainly not doing yourself any favors by emphasizing your differences.
I already stated this.
>time gave me a new perspective, and now I feel ashamed of my prior conduct.
Elaborate on this perspective. Do you have any past experiences you are willing to share? What makes you feel ashamed about them particularly now?
>Your hatred of normalfags doesn't lead you anywhere good.
I've truly tried to force myself to not have disdain for them. I've tried at every opportunity to see good in them, but it always leads to me being taken advantage of while they laugh amongst themselves. Every. Single. Time. they let me down. Then, I ask myself, "Well, why did I doubt my gut feelings about these people?" Whether I try to play their games or not, it always leads to the same outcome.
>There's a lot I'd like to say about my experience doing similar transgressive acts towards people that deserved it and the ethics of being a modern Diogenes but I'm tired.
Well, if you ever get some rest, I'd be very much interested in hearing your experiences.
>I became more direct and learned how to say no instead of letting others steal my time for that reason. People would come up to me to try and sell me something (including religion) when I used to feed pigeons at the park to starve off loneliness.
Ah, yes. I used to try to help people (within reasonable boundaries) whenever I could, but people still had a disdain for me, although they would not say it to my face, regardless of how polite or kind I was. I regurgitated all of their bluepilled opinions, attempting to believe them deeply. I always put a smile on my face because any slight hint of negativity was met with rejection. I did everything to spread kindness to everyone and everything, but it was stamped down by the harsh cruelty of normalfags. So, I thought to myself, "Why bother?" because the other option leads to nothing. I refuse to let myself be taken advantage of by vultures. If you're going to be an asshole, then don't get mad when you're given a taste of your own medicine.
>> No. 29038 [Edit]
File 171477334975.jpg - (5.74MB , 1610x2240 , 113692148_p3.jpg )
>> No. 29039 [Edit]
File 171481704410.jpg - (146.27KB , 1023x1023 , FajXndnUEAAQQxH.jpg )
>> No. 29041 [Edit]
File 171485499871.jpg - (1.20MB , 2640x4096 , __original_drawn_by_slept_sui__97242e1400b093355cc.jpg )
>> No. 29047 [Edit]
File 171495192494.jpg - (244.36KB , 848x1200 , 222ab431258bcf85eafb60fdc9720ec1.jpg )
>> No. 29048 [Edit]
File 171499999871.jpg - (3.84MB , 1228x1819 , __akemi_homura_and_akuma_homura_mahou_shoujo_madok.jpg )
Just experiencing the same loops and phases over and over again. This has gotten extremely tiresome and boring.
>> No. 29049 [Edit]
File 171500513242.jpg - (897.29KB , 1121x1933 , saya_drawn_by_yuunagi.jpg )
cuddling & snuggling with さや
I-I see...
>> No. 29050 [Edit]
You're not the only one.
>> No. 29051 [Edit]
sounds like you debated me.
>> No. 29058 [Edit]
File 171516290027.png - (558.81KB , 836x1200 , NEEko_2017-10-15_p08.png )
Felt nostalgic after writing this post so I went there to feed pigeons again yesterday. I discovered feelings of bitterness that I couldn't fight against seeing students walk by. I was unconsciously clenching my fist and had to breathe to calm down. That Bocchi scene fucked me up after I watched the first episode when it aired 2 years ago. It made me feel like going to the park alone was pathetic and I didn't do it again until now. Well, now I know the feelings of those characters in dramatic manga panels in the middle of a crowd.

My bad reputation was due to a big misunderstanding/incident that I could've handled better. Some tried to reassure me it wasn't that bad, others thought it was funny but most didn't want to talk to me. It's in the past now and everyone moved on except for me. It's the type of thing not worth remembering. Sorry for making you curious.
Stablishing boundaries isn't being an asshole, I only trolled a few salesmen after getting tired of reluctantly telling no to them. I initially wanted to tell you how I did it but writing it out made me feel like an asshole, It's not something I'm proud of.

Post edited on 8th May 2024, 3:30am
>> No. 29059 [Edit]
File 171518581734.jpg - (71.63KB , 950x1343 , 1681016600618560.jpg )
>> No. 29060 [Edit]
File 171518979634.jpg - (93.31KB , 1155x1453 , __original_drawn_by_namori__2699ef66c19c1324a97d92.jpg )
>> No. 29061 [Edit]
File 17151947502.jpg - (327.51KB , 1448x2048 , GMvNGaUaUAAPiyL.jpg )
>> No. 29065 [Edit]
File 171521639245.jpg - (272.02KB , 1400x2876 , 1706838380348136.jpg )
Venting is never worth it.
>> No. 29066 [Edit]
File 171521723486.jpg - (43.25KB , 623x464 , 1490992609954.jpg )
That sounds rough. Seeing stray groups of people like that creates similar agonizing feelings in me, too. Sometimes, I think if there were never any other people around, then I don't think I'd ever really feel bad about being alone because I'd have nothing to compare it to. I don't think it should dissuade you from going to the park again. Perhaps look for a different park where there are few people? Perhaps go during a different time? I don't think it's a sad thing, at all. I don't know why every activity has to be a "group" activity. If you already enjoy doing something by yourself, then how much more enjoyable can it get if you're doing the same thing with other people? To be honest, I never really knew that people considered going to restaurants alone to be a "sad" thing recently. But I happen to do it all the time. Actually, those times I consider the happiest. It's fun to go once a month, eventually try everything on the menu, and then pick another restaurant and do the same thing. The former idea never really crossed my mind, until others planted it there.
>It's the type of thing not worth remembering. Sorry for making you curious.
I understand. I apologize if I brought up any negative feelings.
>Stablishing boundaries isn't being an asshole, I only trolled a few salesmen after getting tired of reluctantly telling no to them. I initially wanted to tell you how I did it but writing it out made me feel like an asshole, It's not something I'm proud of.
I don't think you should feel like an asshole, at all. If anything, he was the asshole for coming up to you unsolicited, trying to sell you whatever bullshit for his own self-benefit. Those types of people are usually schmoozers, anyway, and he'd of likely told you anything just to get you to buy his nonsense. But somehow, it gives me hope that you would feel guilty for doing things like that to people who might partially deserve it. It's not wanting to cause any person troubles, even if they were a nuisance to you. I admire that, and I remember that I used to be that way, but I feel like it has been scorched out of me.

I apologize for the long read.
>> No. 29067 [Edit]
I like that japan (supposedly) has places where it's basically assumed you'd go alone, e.g. ramen shops.
>> No. 29068 [Edit]
File 171542422615.jpg - (39.31KB , 500x355 , 231_012ada4df85e4f4a.jpg )
>> No. 29069 [Edit]
File 171543214174.jpg - (696.96KB , 1920x1080 , __original_drawn_by_port_portzzz__6c336d41d32feb99.jpg )
>> No. 29071 [Edit]
File 171546161914.jpg - (1.37MB , 2048x2048 , e527ed6057b1181d674ab6447eae12ad441bb2f3.jpg )
>> No. 29073 [Edit]
File 17155420829.jpg - (490.89KB , 1800x3200 , Fc7s4K0agAUUZoJ.jpg )
>> No. 29075 [Edit]
File 17156168447.png - (2.70MB , 1263x1788 , 753d49cd3830521f381f519842556d0f57c86b57.png )
>> No. 29076 [Edit]
File 171564716197.jpg - (272.43KB , 1336x1336 , __mystia_lorelei_touhou_drawn_by_arinu__4bf9c87739.jpg )
Mom dragged me out to look at potential houses to move into yesterday. One she already looked at before and wanted my opinion on it, and her idea of how the rooms would be allocated offended me. It's a big house with big rooms, but she wanted to stick me in some tiny room with a glass door and no locks while everyone else got the nice rooms.
I wouldn't mind it if I was still living rent free or whatever, but she expects me to pay rent. Story of my life getting the short end of the stick with these people. I'm always an afterthought unless they need something.
I'm tired of it. I'm tired of just about everything these days.
>> No. 29077 [Edit]
If you're paying rent, why not walk out? (or threaten to)
>> No. 29078 [Edit]
File 171564815798.jpg - (1.95MB , 4087x5936 , K-ON! Yui BD5 by Horiguchi Yukiko.jpg )
>> No. 29079 [Edit]
File 171564929781.jpg - (303.12KB , 1104x1500 , 1705647456388314.jpg )
I must be cursed.
>> No. 29080 [Edit]
File 171569378338.jpg - (2.61MB , 3193x3193 , __hiroi_kikuri_bocchi_the_rock_drawn_by_goumonsha_.jpg )
>> No. 29081 [Edit]
File 171570794635.jpg - (132.54KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Itsudatte Bokura no Koi wa 10 cm Da.jpg )
>> No. 29082 [Edit]
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>> No. 29083 [Edit]
File 171571886178.png - (1.08MB , 600x850 , __original_drawn_by_monaka_siromona__51a71dee89754.png )
Feels like I have opened a floodgate of emotions and become completely overwhelmed, unable to handle the deluge. With each wave that approaches, I feel like I'm increasingly losing my ability to control it, I'm afraid I might be losing it.
>> No. 29084 [Edit]
What sorts of emotions?
>> No. 29086 [Edit]
Please do whatever it takes to stop it you're gonna ruin yourself and that's not a joke. Emotions are covert evils, they're all nice and good on the leash, but never let them get off it. I do know what it feels like, and in my experience you're the only one who can realistically stop that, albeit you might need to talk about it to somebody/somewhere
>> No. 29088 [Edit]
File 171596549228.jpg - (199.39KB , 1346x1629 , 0a16b00acb4f57696eeb131329bd4f75.jpg )
Feeling very over today. For the sake of honesty posting here because couldn't check myself in time and fantasized quite a bit about exiting
>> No. 29096 [Edit]
File 171599896833.jpg - (146.79KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Itsudatte Bokura no Koi wa 10 cm Da.jpg )
>> No. 29100 [Edit]
File 171602914033.jpg - (1.18MB , 4000x4000 , 89bfbbd1ed2ab5e727031aa55940a9af.jpg )
>> No. 29105 [Edit]
File 171611513626.jpg - (376.39KB , 1800x2400 , GIYzd0sbsAA4NOT.jpg )
>> No. 29106 [Edit]
File 171621957017.jpg - (216.91KB , 1000x1000 , danbooru_3801638_54f224c3d7afe85a964581de57517b19.jpg )
I haven't posted here in several months because I've been trying to crawl my way out of about 8 years of hikkineetdom, but there's so many roadblocks.
Not talking about normal roadblocks either, I always get stuck inbetween the cracks of whatever system I try to navigate.
I wonder if I just have some weird government mark on my files that say "fuck with this person in particular and make their life hell".
Everyone was right about me being unable to do anything with myself and I'd rather just disappear than feel embarassed.
>> No. 29107 [Edit]
File 171622064814.jpg - (1.83MB , 2448x3416 , 3ad63ed076d4766f927c6c627b2bab4a.jpg )
Worms ain't fly, huh? Don't be upset, it doesn't matter anyway.
>> No. 29108 [Edit]
File 171622557956.jpg - (134.15KB , 600x888 , __akemi_homura_mahou_shoujo_madoka_magica_and_1_mo.jpg )
So much pain... everything hurts. And it's all for nothing.
>> No. 29109 [Edit]
File 171622763893.jpg - (334.79KB , 620x465 , eto.jpg )
tell me why I shouldn't just fucking overdose on melatonin pills right now...
>> No. 29110 [Edit]
Because you don't want to
>> No. 29111 [Edit]
Overdose via pill has a low success rate and is more likely to end up with you becoming disabled.
>> No. 29112 [Edit]
File 171628065430.jpg - (147.86KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Itsudatte Bokura no Koi wa 10 cm Da.jpg )
>> No. 29115 [Edit]
File 171640220883.jpg - (2.19MB , 2200x1444 , 2b471872075184453432f26cd9871b7d.jpg )
Tell me why
Even try
As you wait to die

Are you feeling better?
>> No. 29125 [Edit]
What's you honest take on relationships between Homura and Madoka? I'm too thick to fathom this their zeal to save each other.
>> No. 29129 [Edit]
Not him, but I never understood why people idolize Homura. I feel like I posted this somewhere on TC before, but to me the whole plot of the show showed exactly what happens when you go overboard in idolizing someone. It's perhaps understandable, but it's not really a positive character trait. In that sense Madoka Rebellion actually showcases a fitting conclusion, but people (possibly the same ones idolizing homura) seem to hate that movie for some reason.
>> No. 29130 [Edit]
I wrote a review of Madoka a while back.
The long and short of it is, to me, Homura was an uninteresting plot device whose significance was pumped-up in the movie, which I also felt was extraneous given the anime's conclusive ending(I'm inclined to call it a money grab). Her "relationship" with Madoka, was less-than-half baked. Kyubey was the real main character imo, kinda like Ryuk.
>> No. 29131 [Edit]
Oh I think the comment I was talking about is the reply to your review. (At least I think that's me...)
>> No. 29133 [Edit]
(am >>29129 anon)
That makes sense, if you can relate to the character traits of Homura. You're right that probably my lack of interest in Homura as a character is that I cannot empathize with her (and I felt Madoka was never really fleshed out as a character) so the anime as a whole did not really grab me. By contrast I'm able to empathize much more closely with avoidant-personality types (like Raimon in Hoshikuzu Telepath) so shows with such characters (or their personality duals) are very near to my heart.
>> No. 29135 [Edit]
>It has been quite awhile since I've watched it last and I find it difficult to remember a lot of specifics
Same, but from what I do remember, Homura was barely in the show. At the end though, she becomes super important and the key to everything. I'd say Madoka is more plot-driven than character-drive, which isn't a bad thing.

Maybe I'm wrong and she had more screen-time than Sayaka, but that's not how I remember it, so she couldn't have left that much of an impression. How much of your attachment to this character comes from just watching the show, and how much comes from engaging with supplementary and fan material?
>> No. 29139 [Edit]
File 17165417282.jpg - (119.69KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Itsudatte Bokura no Koi wa 10 cm Da.jpg )
>> No. 29140 [Edit]
Please don't cry
>> No. 29145 [Edit]
File 171664182863.png - (213.67KB , 301x478 , d2d625fd5c50176d2ae8cd1752e02d46.png )
Yeah I'm....ok. I've felt more anxious now more than ever. I just don't know anymore.
>> No. 29146 [Edit]
Do you know how to calm down?
>> No. 29155 [Edit]
File 171674434522.gif - (171.76KB , 400x400 , 1713997327718.gif )
I haven't killed myself because of pride and ego otherwise I would've done it as soon as possible. And I'm worried where I'll go after I die or if I'll come back to this world, possibly with less consciousness or inferior physique. Thinking of death makes me warm and happy though I have trouble admitting those feelings because I'd kill myself immediately.
>> No. 29157 [Edit]
File 171676345997.jpg - (109.34KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Itsudatte Bokura no Koi wa 10 cm Da.jpg )
>> No. 29158 [Edit]
>Same, but from what I do remember, Homura was barely in the show. At the end though, she becomes super important and the key to everything.
I think that's what they call a plot-twist.
>Maybe I'm wrong and she had more screen-time than Sayaka, but that's not how I remember it, so she couldn't have left that much of an impression.
The 3 last episodes and the movie. That's practically a whole season. How much time is needed for to leave an "impression" on you? 1000?
>How much of your attachment to this character comes from just watching the show, and how much comes from engaging with supplementary and fan material?
...How is that any different from any other girl?

I deleted my initial post because I shouldn't have offered a serious response to an obnoxious retard like you. Kill yourself.
>> No. 29159 [Edit]
pat pat
>> No. 29160 [Edit]
File 17168050386.png - (73.10KB , 305x390 , 1689963862230.png )
who's this new guy and why is he being so talkative and abrasive
I gotta post an anime girl now, you made me think it
>> No. 29161 [Edit]
There is something in my prose that repels people away from me and evokes contempt, and it looms over me in every interaction I have. I can sort of see the reasons why but I don't know how to fix it. Could you tell me what's wrong.
>> No. 29162 [Edit]
>How much time is needed for to leave an "impression" on you?
If Asuka only became significant in EOE, I wouldn't care about her either. The movie felt tacked on given the show already having a conclusive ending, so it just gave me reason to be annoyed with Homura. If I was supposed to care about her, the show failed to do that for me. The only thing I can do is explain why I think it failed.

Sorry I insulted your shitty waifu, but this isn't /mai/.

Post edited on 27th May 2024, 10:34am
>> No. 29163 [Edit]
thank you your opinion is very important to us
>> No. 29165 [Edit]
File 171683567049.jpg - (527.00KB , 1000x1000 , 3d41e4c0dd2fab17755f470b694a9529.jpg )
>your review
I'm not >>29161
I'll keep speaking my mind without concerning myself with the feelings of the mentally ill. I also didn't disregard anything. I responded to >>29125 and then this BPD basketcase responded to me. If somebody likes a character, good for them. I don't have to like what anybody else does.

>Think about what this question is implying
If I didn't know what it was implying, I wouldn't have asked it. That's how it is with Touhou characters, and there's wrong with that. Not going to pretend the supporting cast is interesting and fleshed out in the mainline games though.

Post edited on 27th May 2024, 1:29pm
>> No. 29166 [Edit]
>If I didn't know what it was implying, I wouldn't have asked it.
Ok, I deleted my post since you weren't the person asking. One of the flaws of anonymity, I guess.
>That's how it is with Touhou characters, and there's wrong with that.
I could argue the same for Madoka but as I said, I don't want to discuss that right now, much less with someone who is being rude to others in a thread like this one.
>> No. 29167 [Edit]
I'm only rude to people who are rude to me. I'm not a nurse. It's not my responsibility to mind a crazy's delicate, complicated sensibilities.
>> No. 29168 [Edit]
That makes sense. I'll just say that their reasons for liking Homura are understandable. I personally prefer Madoka but they belong to each other.
>> No. 29170 [Edit]
>What's you honest take on relationships between Homura and Madoka?
>Her "relationship" with Madoka, was less-than-half baked.

>I wouldn't pester them and go out of my way to try and convince them that the girl and series they like is actually bad
You responded to me, I never "pestered you". You insulted me first. You broke clear-cut rules. You are in the wrong.
>> No. 29172 [Edit]
>posting it unwarranted
Someone asking for an opinion on something, and me providing an elaboration on my opinion, is not some conspiracy.
>annoying primarily
I don't care if having a normal discussion annoys you. If it were about any other topic you're not emotionally invested in, I bet you wouldn't have this reaction. You don't get to create new rules. If you don't want to have a discussion, don't respond.
>You insulted me first non-blatantly and subversively.
More paranoia. I'm NOT your nurse. I didn't steal your mother's pearls. I just like talking about anime.
>Am I in the wrong morally?
Yes. Your victim complex blinds you to this.

Post edited on 27th May 2024, 3:18pm
>> No. 29174 [Edit]
File 171685017610.png - (1.08MB , 1280x720 , required reading.png )
Please take it easy.
>> No. 29179 [Edit]
File 171697811456.jpg - (2.56MB , 1638x1638 , __original_drawn_by_yamauchi_hikari__1cc2a92f8c6b2.jpg )
Let it cease.
>> No. 29183 [Edit]
File 171700618164.jpg - (121.67KB , 850x1198 , yunofloor.jpg )
No rude.
Only draw.
>> No. 29185 [Edit]
That's awfully good picture.
>> No. 29192 [Edit]
File 171707926999.jpg - (589.21KB , 2048x1219 , __original_drawn_by_yuribou__c581aaf87d385170706a8.jpg )
I'm tired of holding on. There were never any hope, only false ones. Nothing will ever change.
>> No. 29194 [Edit]
Are you in college? What you're describing reminds me of dorm life.
>> No. 29195 [Edit]
Not him but living in what they call a low-trust society is like that in general. Every weekend is like that. I've actually retaliated against neighbors by blasting anisongs on my speakers à la Yamazaki. They usually start being noisy and play their own music when I do that in the mornings. I don't do it often or out of spite, really. It happens when I'm in the mood for it since I don't like looping the same songs over and over again. It's not that serious. Or maybe it is and I got used to it.
Those circumstances force you to accept them or beat others at their own game.
>> No. 29197 [Edit]
File 171715698776.jpg - (106.38KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Itsudatte Bokura no Koi wa 10 cm Da.jpg )
>> No. 29198 [Edit]
File 171717749279.jpg - (286.12KB , 1117x1395 , DvL4-IZU8AAq83H[1].jpg )
>> No. 29202 [Edit]
File 171729009191.jpg - (185.27KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Itsudatte Bokura no Koi wa 10 cm Da.jpg )
>> No. 29204 [Edit]
A few more screenshots and I'll have it on my watchlist
>> No. 29210 [Edit]
File 171744428687.jpg - (141.59KB , 900x1200 , __original_drawn_by_kisaragi_yuu_fallen_sky__d2b53.jpg )
>> No. 29223 [Edit]
File 17175622754.jpg - (96.46KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Itsudatte Bokura no Koi wa 10 cm Da.jpg )
>> No. 29224 [Edit]
File 171757625010.jpg - (2.50MB , 2829x2000 , __shikinami_kantai_collection_drawn_by_taruhi__7aa.jpg )
Perhaps clinging on to "hope" is a foolish way to live after all. It might be more constructive to dedicate myself to the "end".
>> No. 29229 [Edit]
It is crazy how much this girl invokes wanna-protec-her feeling.
>> No. 29242 [Edit]
File 171791651744.jpg - (107.59KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Itsudatte Bokura no Koi wa 10 cm Da.jpg )
>> No. 29243 [Edit]
File 171794154591.png - (311.96KB , 850x931 , 2212141252151251.png )
Got a notice out of the blue that I need to pack my things and leave. Gonna be moving back with family for a while.
>> No. 29244 [Edit]
Living with parents as a KHHV is like rolling a dice each day.
>> No. 29245 [Edit]
and why is that ?
>> No. 29246 [Edit]
Because they're firmly convinced being a KHHV is a sing of mental problems.
>> No. 29248 [Edit]
Any reason why you disrespect yourself so much?
>> No. 29250 [Edit]
>I have a huge pile of garbage and 4 dozen piss bottles in my room.
Is that like a routine you do to pretend to be crazy?
>> No. 29252 [Edit]
>How am I disrespecting myself
You're unhappy.
>> No. 29253 [Edit]
>I'd probably still piss in a bottle because I don't like seeing my family,
What helped me was walk around the house pretending they don't exist. I also don't talk to them or eat the food they prepare for me unless it's absolutely necessary. It was hard to do at first but I figured I shouldn't be the one who hides from them. Fuck them.
It's the other way around, people self neglect because they are unhappy.

Post edited on 10th Jun 2024, 9:55am
>> No. 29254 [Edit]
>It's the other way around, people self neglect because they are unhappy.
It's not. We neglect our minds and that makes us unhappy. Then it becomes a loop which is very hard to escape.
>> No. 29255 [Edit]
>We neglect our minds and that makes us unhappy.
What do you mean? Some of us aren't lucky enough to be able to meditate and feel better, it helped until it didn't for me. Our outside circumstances also have to change for that to happen. Self neglect is never the answer but that loop can start when you have one of those depressive episodes anon talked about.

Post edited on 10th Jun 2024, 10:36am
>> No. 29256 [Edit]
Is this the equivalent of saying that depression is just a state of mind or whatever, when in the majority of cases it's because life is just shit (and even the shrinks are beginning to admit it Yes the things can compound with each other, but claiming as though depression is mostly due to lack of mindfulness or conversely that simply taking care of yourself will solve it seems like some strange mix of absurd optimism, modern psychiatry, and absence of empathy/lack of experience that I'm surprised to see on TC.

The advice to meditate can make things worse [1, 2, 3, 4] if you are prone to psychiatric disorders or do not already start with a mostly equanimous state of mind.

>> No. 29257 [Edit]
>What do you mean
We make expectations of life that are not meant for us and then we are unhappy that we do not meet them.
You made a claim, refuted it and confounded your for making it.
>shit life syndrome
Life being shit is your imagination. Receiving brain damage from starvation or physical abuse doesn't have anything to do with life being this or that. It's much like breaking a bone.
>> No. 29258 [Edit]
>in the majority of cases it's because life is just shit
Have you heard of the just world fallacy? Culturally there's a deeply rooted belief that some sort of karmic force rewards good deeds. Sometimes you'll see people go the other direction and proclaim the world to be this evil and wicked place where Machiavelli triumphs. Both are delusional because... the world is chaotic and that sucks. You want a set of rules to be there even if they're stacked against you. If things just happen that's terrifying and so you'll see people go to all manner of lengths to create some kind of imaginary order.

Religion, psychology, sociology, politics. To some extent they're all just elaborate attempts to establish some made up order on a world of chaos. I've started to slowly wake up to that, laugh like a supervillain and it's been a mixture of freeing and anxiety inducing.
>> No. 29259 [Edit]
What a name for it, I've heard of depressive realism but not this. I didn't know that about meditation, it helped but I was forced to take action and avoid seeking negativity to feel better in the end. It is unfortunate, but reality is not overly kind and no amount of cognitive dissonance will make that the case esp when you live in an environment where you must interact with people who can't be called reasonable.
Only 2D has helped me...

Post edited on 10th Jun 2024, 7:11pm
>> No. 29261 [Edit]
File 171809436455.png - (422.79KB , 650x650 , 2d9f59dc3d1987f600dacb4b6c0e54e9.png )
I only now noticed just how much I lie. I figure it's from how much I got yelled at whenever I admitted any wrongdoings when I was little. Weird to lock up and get nervous over telling the truth about even small things.
>> No. 29266 [Edit]
File 171814946720.jpg - (201.77KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Itsudatte Bokura no Koi wa 10 cm Da.jpg )
>> No. 29267 [Edit]
Man what are you doing to me seeing her sad squeezes my heart so it hurts. She looks like angelic holy treasure about to be desecrated and that kills me literally.
>> No. 29271 [Edit]
File 17182167881.jpg - (73.68KB , 666x666 , __shinsei_kamattechan_drawn_by_gomennasai__85c8ec8.jpg )
>> No. 29272 [Edit]
who needs hope anyway? life's much easier without hope albeit empty
>> No. 29273 [Edit]
File 171827359784.jpg - (222.38KB , 1300x2173 , GO9yewfbkAAP6oR.jpg )
just did this too

Post edited on 13th Jun 2024, 3:16am
>> No. 29274 [Edit]
File 171827918949.jpg - (68.70KB , 850x584 , __mizuno_akane_tsuki_ga_kirei_drawn_by_benevole__s.jpg )
If only that was possible, "hope" is a form of defense mechanism. The mind will inevitably, instinctively create "hope" to keep you alive. It's such a tiring process.
>> No. 29275 [Edit]
File 171829897749.png - (452.81KB , 652x891 , 61853042_p4.png )
>> No. 29276 [Edit]
File 171830699825.jpg - (97.27KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Itsudatte Bokura no Koi wa 10 cm Da.jpg )
>> No. 29277 [Edit]
really? i don't seem to have any hopes for anything. i just live and let the god decide what happens. i don't care. brace myself against possible pains but that's all. i have no goal, no plans for tomorrow, no ambitions, no preferences, nothing. i apprehend that i'll be starving soon so i'll have to cozy down my existence, but i don't care. pain serves me better than being cozy anyway. pain is exercise, experience, something to struggle against. i of course always loose but i don't care. the purpose is not the result but the action. in fact my only determination now is to never hope ever again. hope is plague. man when i was 16 i was unironically intending to have several higher educations and becoming a researcher. now if you ask me what i want to do with my life, i won't even shrug you off because it's not that i don't give a slightest fuck about it, but because the very idea of doing something with your life is now alien to me. you can't do anything with your life. it's decided for you beforehand by your fate and gods. can't care about downgrading to rat racing
>> No. 29278 [Edit]
File 171831893063.jpg - (127.62KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Itsudatte Bokura no Koi wa 10 cm Da.jpg )
>> No. 29279 [Edit]
File 171832150835.jpg - (82.22KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Itsudatte Bokura no Koi wa 10 cm Da.jpg )
>>29267 >>29229 >>29204
Shoujo mcs are like that.

Post edited on 13th Jun 2024, 5:44pm
>> No. 29280 [Edit]
File 171855880466.jpg - (550.17KB , 1594x2048 , __kaiko_chan_original_drawn_by_komerina__51d277889.jpg )
>> No. 29281 [Edit]
File 171868762487.jpg - (241.60KB , 1105x1978 , F_jMA3gbwAASqF_.jpg )
My head hurts from crying all day.
>> No. 29282 [Edit]
because you're not meant to cry all day probably. anyway i hope you get over it.
>> No. 29283 [Edit]
File 171871741525.png - (354.27KB , 629x847 , B1R1zziCEAANonq[1].png )
I don't know how to go on.
>> No. 29284 [Edit]
try going by
>> No. 29285 [Edit]
File 171881658991.jpg - (3.13MB , 2551x3609 , d2112d9a2549db29eea180f32a0c62a3.jpg )
i've tried applying to maybe over 10 jobs over the past few days.
half of them weren't even fucking hiring, the rest either gave me some vague "oh, not right now, but maybe in 6 months" or keep asking for resumes with past experiences and references for an entry level position, which i don't have because i'm looking for an entry level position, and then i don't hear back from them at all.
even small businesses, which i thought would be more likely to hire, are incestuous with their hiring practices, apparently a lot of them only hire friends or family.
i don't get it. i genuinely want to play by society's rules, and through no fault of my own, i can't even manage to do that. fucking kill me.
>> No. 29286 [Edit]
What I've learned from similar experiences is that those "rules" are extremely out of date and things don't even work like that anymore. Jobs don't exist if you're not friends with someone who's hiring.
>> No. 29288 [Edit]
File 171887069851.jpg - (970.00KB , 794x1201 , 1690804127886708.jpg )
>> No. 29289 [Edit]
aww Hina Ichigo is the best!!!
>> No. 29290 [Edit]
File 171889039488.jpg - (1.11MB , 800x1131 , cc1ef99749e5c9324000cb89d0a34652.jpg )
I applied to well over 100 jobs before I got what I'm doing now, most of which I found through LinkedIn. It's a numbers game and 10 is practically nothing. If you know somebody who technically owns a business(it has a tax id), you can pretend you did an unpaid internship for them fairly easily. Good luck.

Post edited on 20th Jun 2024, 6:35am
>> No. 29291 [Edit]
File 171899524427.png - (640.72KB , 656x763 , __hinaichigo_rozen_maiden_drawn_by_yuya090602__e8b.png )
>> No. 29294 [Edit]
File 171910414116.jpg - (120.71KB , 1023x1941 , 5423523636423623.jpg )
I want alcohol.
>> No. 29295 [Edit]
I want to gave a tea party with Hina Ichigo. Nothing lewd, but I just really like this doll.
>> No. 29296 [Edit]
File 171919918858.jpg - (359.96KB , 850x1133 , sample_84befa9937b22ea87ef0d77598f2d6de.jpg )
I'm so alone it hurts. Everyone's already got their friends from highschool, and I'll never be able to have that. I've lost my only chance to make lifelong friends. Now, imageboards are the only thing I have, but they're full of people who have alternatives while I don't. I'm in severe agony every single day. I want out.
>> No. 29297 [Edit]
I've heard most of those don't work out in the long run, and it's actually college friends that stick it out. Or so they say, I don't know, I'm in the same boat as you.
>> No. 29298 [Edit]
nta. Too bad I didn't make any friends in college either.
>> No. 29299 [Edit]
To get friends you need to go outside. To go outside... How do I go outside?
>> No. 29300 [Edit]
The only irl friends I have are online friends I've met up with. It would be nice to have some nearby though. Unfortunately, everyone is spread out all over the US.
>> No. 29301 [Edit]
Isn't much better in Europe. In Ukraine people have a good chance of getting friends in military, except that they're not likely to live. Yeah life is this brutal
>> No. 29302 [Edit]
30 yo friendless lad here, don't despair.
It may hurt at first but with time, the pain will lessen and you'll realize :

There are no friends out there, only interests.
>> No. 29303 [Edit]
File 171928062089.png - (239.05KB , 541x304 , tvvi8bzz9yvkeiabsfsh.png )
>> No. 29304 [Edit]
File 171929985680.jpg - (185.11KB , 850x1127 , __original_drawn_by_chi1__sample-a4e483a3195baca96.jpg )
>> No. 29305 [Edit]
File 171932293190.png - (366.88KB , 828x850 , rit.png )
>Everyone's already got their friends from highschool
Anon did you recently become an adult? I can tell you this becomes less and less true as you get older. There's no way people wouldn't get sick of each other afterwards.
>> No. 29307 [Edit]
File 171934285038.jpg - (550.81KB , 800x1116 , gosurori.jpg )
Killed yet another identity of mine, it seems.
That's a very cute and proper Ritsuko.
>> No. 29308 [Edit]
File 171941817684.jpg - (116.84KB , 850x1124 , zunda.jpg )
feeling angy today
thanks anon
>> No. 29313 [Edit]
File 171951261725.jpg - (867.50KB , 2900x4096 , IMG_3496.jpg )
>> No. 29314 [Edit]
File 171953138775.jpg - (48.24KB , 427x650 , 6dabea0eda7283706544c5d3fd386ec8.jpg )
My grandmother died about a week ago. It still hasn't really hit me even though we just had the funeral. My grandfather was the same way. Seeing them in the hospital, knowing there was a decent chance they'd pass in their sleep that night. I'm a bit sad, granny was always kind to me. It just hasn't hurt the way I feel like it should. It makes me feel guilty; like something's wrong with me because I really ought to be more torn up about it. A normie would probably soothe this over by building me up as some big strong stoic man but I struggle to see myself that way and it's really not how I prefer to be seen.

It's gonna be just like when grandpa died. One day in the next month or so it's gonna hit me randomly and then I can stop feeling like a psycho.

If it soothes you at all I've came to realize most people end up living a very hikkikomori like existence as they grow older. The way we structure work, people generally becoming more reclusive as they grow older, it all leads down that path. Some of us just get sent down it earlier. In a way it's a blessing. People who were social butterflies in their youth seem to really struggle in their older age.

It's certainly very tough to adapt though. Seeing how certain family members are living now makes me wonder if being a lifelong outcast will make middle and old age easier on me. I think I'm already at "eccentric old guy that lives for his koi pond" level of strange. I certainly tried to escape that sort of fate and do what people told me I should aspire to but after a lot of struggle I've really started to make peace with it. Good luck, anon. It's a hard path.
>> No. 29316 [Edit]
File 171959846471.jpg - (152.68KB , 1422x2048 , 1705613711368269.jpg )
>> No. 29317 [Edit]
File 171963571614.gif - (312.30KB , 530x320 , __kazami_yuuka_touhou__f0894ed6f904361f315377c6a89.gif )
I'm tired of trying to be nice and doing things for other people. It's pointless and people never seem to have any appreciation for it. I will admit, it's usually not a totally selfless endeavor, but it feels good to do something everyone can enjoy. Being derided for providing something enjoyable, even if it isn't always perfect, certainly isn't motivating.
It seems becoming invested in anything involving someone else is always a waste in the end.
>> No. 29319 [Edit]
File 171966277438.jpg - (1.46MB , 2546x4096 , __original_drawn_by_1cyaya1__e19215cdf22e41301b1ce.jpg )
Can't express myself.
>> No. 29324 [Edit]
File 171967232132.png - (707.06KB , 712x570 , ndnd.png )
Been there.
Words just don't cut it, unfortunately.
>> No. 29325 [Edit]
I also used to feel a lot of anxiety in my childhood. Parents would threaten awful punishments and threaten to take away my belongings (which they eventually did). That feeling of anxiety is simply not normal in any childhood. I would worry about whether my game cards would be missing. Unfortunately, similar to you I am also pretty stuck here. I dislike working for pennies more than anything given the amount of trauma I experienced just from working alone.
>> No. 29327 [Edit]
File 17197170806.jpg - (99.62KB , 1919x1079 , 5435364262.jpg )
Ignoring important issues with my life is fun and all, but too often I can't stop thinking about when they'll become too urgent to ignore. No idea what I'm gonna do, just hoping for the best.
>> No. 29328 [Edit]
File 171975660632.png - (703.08KB , 1000x666 , __mika_ao_oni_drawn_by_emia_castilla__a4e091a5b177.png )
>> No. 29329 [Edit]
File 171980021720.jpg - (102.13KB , 850x448 , __original_drawn_by_lifeline_a384079959__sample-33.jpg )
I am too weak after all.
>> No. 29331 [Edit]
Yeah, things went wrong. Your parents shouldn't have let you fuck around so much though. Have you considered filing for bankruptcy?
>> No. 29341 [Edit]
File 171998883392.jpg - (111.18KB , 1240x1538 , media_FWYHQnuUIAAGDD1.jpg )
I tried doing those ACE-accredited online courses before I started my first college term and I think I already have to unenroll, I have trauma stemming from incidents in school but I didn't realize I could also have intense flashbacks from doing coursework. I feel very weak and stupid for succumbing to emotions that I should be getting over by now, it's been 20 years since. I want to shrivel up and die from shame.
>> No. 29351 [Edit]
File 172009061814.jpg - (375.88KB , 1100x1553 , 6e65f9e0dfe2020b3760d7a849fb29ec0477025faed948195a.jpg )
>> No. 29355 [Edit]
File 172017949295.png - (3.49MB , 1400x1400 , 120254260_p0.png )
>> No. 29356 [Edit]
File 172019320126.jpg - (225.67KB , 1440x1080 , 25c754547466a75c5e93c5d87b77111363ad8ee629a67fe2ba.jpg )
>> No. 29357 [Edit]
File 172019323117.png - (1.29MB , 1440x1080 , 1714967261911953.png )
>> No. 29358 [Edit]
>I find it so difficult to fully acknowledge that they even exist.
I genuinely can’t understand how certain people are the way they are or how their actions were just allowed to be done to me
My family circumstances also set me up for a disastrous life
At this point I feel like life is a “random event generator” and that nothing is even predetermined, but things just happen
I really lost all my faith in life, I’m just alive because I’m too scared of failing a suicide attempt and other reasons
So much horrible stuff has happened to me in my life recently that I never thought could be possible until it happened and one of the worst parts is not even being able to know why. It just happened and that’s it. I’m in a state of “suicidal rage” all the time but can’t even commit suicide for other reasons, not even just being scared of failing an attempt. Not much makes me feel better except for temporary pleasures
Even writing about this shit is difficult. Being able to speak freely is a privilege. I can’t mention some things because I worry about someone messing with me personally. The worst is suffering when you can’t even talk about it. Life is so fucking hard.
>> No. 29359 [Edit]
File 172028090377.jpg - (344.44KB , 1364x2048 , __original_drawn_by_amamanoban__99b459acc611cdceb8.jpg )
Wish I could at least say something but I can't do even that.
>> No. 29360 [Edit]
File 172029720860.jpg - (43.30KB , 404x1024 , 4a8aaf6ec8934fbb78eb172e0ba84741.jpg )
i don't get how my family can get off, calling me evil. i've never done anything to them.
>> No. 29362 [Edit]
File 172059785811.jpg - (859.93KB , 2584x1648 , __original_drawn_by_naze_jmvgyd__e196b9a0ecdefceb2.jpg )
>> No. 29363 [Edit]
File 172065526897.gif - (338.68KB , 500x281 , 1719052715836103.gif )
I don't have much to say, but those thoughts are getting more again.
>> No. 29364 [Edit]
File 172072203069.jpg - (720.08KB , 2235x1640 , 1720678735113.jpg )
yummy food
>> No. 29366 [Edit]
Do you suppose this is one of the reasons so many misguided people (weebs) fall in love with Japan and try to relocate there?
Only to of course realize it's as much an escape from reality for them as it is for us, and end up leaving disappointed?
>> No. 29368 [Edit]
What's the difference between wageslaving day to night in Japan and literally anywhere else. I personally just can't care where to kill myself, though Japan has some neat places to do it.
>> No. 29369 [Edit]
Wageslaving in japan supposedly can be worse. I don't know how true that is, but I'd guess the days of the company "taking care" of employees is probably gone, yet the social expectation is to still work like the old times. Probably the best deal if you can get it would be to work for a foreign multinational in Japan.
>> No. 29370 [Edit]
File 172081223184.jpg - (1.06MB , 2886x4096 , GL11ONSaEAA9Kk6.jpg )
Not him but this is unbearable... It's not a blessing at all. They are more easily able to make peace with it because they lived their lives and some of them do have lifelong friends and family that makes it easier. I didn't even go to HS in person for health related reasons and now I'm afraid of younger people looking down on me for being a failure at my age if I try to enter college. Everyone my age seems to be ok with their age, enjoy being nostalgic and talk about how their best years are behind them while I'm still trying to make memories in some way.

Even you say that you have a great relationship with your family. I don't have that and it makes me bitter despite me not wanting to feel that way because I know you mean well with your post. And guess what? Nobody wants to hear it. It's annoying. People with daddy/mommy issues are annoying and they always get blamed for it when it wasn't their fault. Nobody wants to hear someone complain in general, much less about their family.

I watched >>29303 while it was airing and it went in one ear and out the other, it's really depressing how that is the more likely future for me soon.

I'm thinking of leaving TC, this place is too depressing. Or rather, I'm too depressed for this place. I can't even relate to anons here. I just want to shut out the whole world.

Post edited on 12th Jul 2024, 1:08pm
>> No. 29371 [Edit]
File 172081363092.jpg - (126.79KB , 1200x840 , EAjzq4SUIAA5ZHV.jpg )
This place is great for what it is and much better than other Imageboards but I need to be truly alone for my own good. I'm sorry, I know nobody cares about my blog but I need some form of closure. Good luck, everyone.
>> No. 29373 [Edit]
File 172100118689.jpg - (368.84KB , 1383x1600 , __aisaka_taiga_and_palmtop_tiger_toradora_drawn_by.jpg )
I'm so drained, I just want to leave this world for good.
>> No. 29375 [Edit]
File 172124140413.jpg - (117.47KB , 744x1052 , __ononoki_yotsugi_monogatari_and_1_more_drawn_by_g.jpg )
Imagining myself as a corpse is comforting.
>> No. 29376 [Edit]
File 172138683319.jpg - (95.73KB , 945x1545 , db8abddfeb7b071e0ee2765d6ff4640f.jpg )
I really want to drink.
>> No. 29378 [Edit]
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>> No. 29381 [Edit]
File 172144918616.png - (1.73MB , 1500x900 , 10708461e0c61fb0825c2024637be1ee.png )
What do normal people do when they get this sad? They reach out to friends or family I think...

...That's never been an option for me.
>> No. 29383 [Edit]
File 172150823172.jpg - (298.88KB , 1372x1514 , GFQV2ZVasAALx2r[1].jpg )
>> No. 29384 [Edit]
File 172151159928.jpg - (3.01MB , 4500x6000 , 04a12cd6bbd4f39e973d121721cfad92.jpg )
Life is a prison, And death is the only escape.

>> No. 29385 [Edit]
been saying this same thing for a while now but have been getting btfod consistently. serves me right. ironic too
>> No. 29386 [Edit]
File 172165273342.jpg - (539.13KB , 2045x2727 , __hatsune_miku_vocaloid_drawn_by_tsukio_o_tukio__4.jpg )
>> No. 29387 [Edit]
File 172165804110.jpg - (44.14KB , 850x614 , ac64cdc441e72e5b0b8dc8c5bb03089d.jpg )
Every day, I wish that I could be a child again, that I could start life over from zero again.
This life was a disaster. I never had the controller in my hands, I never had the freedom to choose what to do with my own life. I lost the first third of my lifespan living as a slave and now am doomed because of a bad start. I think it's not my fault that I ended like this, my life was always a mess, there were extreme conditions, I never had a say in anything.
There were certain things that I wanted to do but now it's impossible. I think I never had a chance like everyone else so I wish that I could try again, that I could have another chance. I like to daydream about everything I would have done differently if I had a choice from the start, how I would have lived, the things I would have done. I wouldn't want to "enjoy life", I wouldn't do things like play videogames, drink or hang out with friends, I would just be completely focused on achieving my goals, that's all.
>> No. 29388 [Edit]
File 172174801913.jpg - (67.78KB , 850x1396 , __original_drawn_by_karou_lhscck302__sample-f025cf.jpg )
Can't communicate.
>> No. 29392 [Edit]
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>> No. 29393 [Edit]
File 172194142937.jpg - (215.36KB , 2874x3000 , Akemi_Homura_full_3528819.jpg )
I am losing my mind again. I am revolted by everything especially myself. This time around it really feels like I'm going to die and I'm glad.
>> No. 29394 [Edit]
Been through this dozens of times. The worst part is that it always ends up keeping you alive. I've been thinking about dissociating recently. Maybe if you clench your teeth and pretend it's not you it works somehow. You know, like with sleeping legs. Nothing you can do to prevent the pain when it wakes up, so you just suffer through it. I think maybe it's the same with loosing your mind. Just suffer through it. Somehow.
>> No. 29396 [Edit]
File 172201383522.jpg - (485.64KB , 2448x3264 , f97f55d78c422e2b5328a9e75fbb10d75d587925.jpg )
Just go.
>> No. 29397 [Edit]
>> No. 29399 [Edit]
File 172262222436.jpg - (214.57KB , 1436x2022 , EJPGlUhU8AAsnot.jpg )
>> No. 29400 [Edit]
I hope the 2D gods will forgive me, I broke my promise to them. (Will not elaborate any further).
>> No. 29401 [Edit]
File 17226581986.png - (95.14KB , 385x337 , 1659458609770008.png )
I'm an absolute embarrassment to myself. I don't understand humans, and never want to leave the house again. Why do I keep trying?
>> No. 29402 [Edit]
File 17226748806.png - (781.43KB , 832x1216 , 3e27b8818913b8dac03b37dd6eb8bf550ca01b0d.png )
My only motivation to go outside is to get alcohol, and I can't even do that. I'm supposed to go back to university in a little over a month. I'm just going to end up skipping the whole year again. I have no energy for anything.
>> No. 29403 [Edit]
i can help.

1. force yourself to go to sleep at worst at 22:30 (draw curtains if you live up north and it's still light when late)
2. absolutely abandon your every hobby for a few days. just do whatever but not what you want/like/prefer. wander outside if you must. at all cost. at any cost.
3. concentrate on your study and push as much as you can until you feel all shaky and giddy
4. ditch your studies for a few days (3-4 at most!), immersing yourself in your hobbies/whatever makes you less stressed
5. rinse and repeat
6 (bonus). if you're good at at least some subjects, find out the adequate classmates and cooperate with them as much as possible.

that's how i finished the last two years of college. i was very depressed and this strategy allowed me to somehow finish it and i even got quite good grades in the end. also about your classmates, people i cooperated with literally saved my ass. i was about to drop out twice and only held on by virtue of their help.

cooperation will be a problem if you're good for nothing, but if you can carry at least one subject, you'll be all right. i don't know how to approach your peers though. when i was in college i was all jumpy and during my first day there i just kinda kept to shadows avoiding people as much as possible, anxious to even open my mouth. it was just a pure accident that some more assertive guys noticed i had high entrance marks and approached me first. they were diligent too, so that made it.
>> No. 29404 [Edit]
File 172270585698.jpg - (1.85MB , 4007x2280 , 1657243296019.jpg )
I feel oooold.. Is it too late for good things to happen?
>> No. 29405 [Edit]
the lady on the pic is old in a sweet way
>> No. 29406 [Edit]
File 172272455240.jpg - (295.20KB , 956x1200 , 16608462494.jpg )
Yuuka's such a stunning lady
>Too old
Are you 80 years old?
>good things
Like what?
>> No. 29407 [Edit]
File 172279580030.jpg - (201.74KB , 720x810 , 54488950_p0.jpg )
No can do, and I don't think that would help with my problem in particular anyhow. Nice that it worked out for you.
>> No. 29408 [Edit]
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>> No. 29411 [Edit]
File 172291164089.jpg - (281.72KB , 666x800 , __sanya_v_litvyak_and_eila_ilmatar_juutilainen_wor.jpg )
Woosh☆ Casting a spell so i don't wake up(´・ω・`)
>> No. 29412 [Edit]
>> No. 29414 [Edit]
File 17231558573.jpg - (1.27MB , 2507x3541 , d83a49fe961b4ce3f500883798c43e5f.jpg )
So this is how it ends...
>> No. 29415 [Edit]
File 172315984863.jpg - (116.25KB , 1022x1275 , D4JIbwYU0AAQf4R[1].jpg )
>> No. 29416 [Edit]
File 172316407431.jpg - (239.43KB , 833x1092 , __kikuchi_makoto_idolmaster_and_1_more_drawn_by_ne.jpg )
>> No. 29417 [Edit]
Are you dying? I feel like I'm counting my last days, so it's a peculiar feeling to meet somebody in a similar position in a moment like this
>> No. 29418 [Edit]
File 172321825062.png - (1.70MB , 1211x1631 , 1703303646429-0.png )
I believe everyone should have the right to decide when and how to end their lives but it still makes me sad the best ones are always the first to go. Maybe it comes off as selfish but I wish everyone could just stay because everyone is so shitty out there and this is one of the only decent places on the net so if more and more anons kill themselves then I won't have anyone else to talk to. Of course my desire to interact with high quality posters is meaningless when compared with the struggle many anons here endorse. So just know that I'm with you in your missery and pain even if we are all anonymous posters and we will never interact outside this thread.
>> No. 29419 [Edit]
File 172322259258.png - (30.66KB , 560x750 , __takino_tomo_azumanga_daioh_drawn_by_kazunari__40.png )
I've set myself a date for suicide a few weeks ago, as it would have been a perfect time frame to do it and I've been looking up items needed for either of my suicide methods in the meanwhile, but over the course of the last few days I've decided against it. I'm not particularly happier or anything, I don't know what it is, I probably only post-poned it marginally, but I don't want to kill myself for now. I still have thought about doing so, but not a real plan anymore.
>> No. 29420 [Edit]
File 172322681814.jpg - (135.28KB , 774x1024 , __original_drawn_by_chan8016__3af378ec4e5b26424ff1.jpg )
No. Just fed up with a life of misery. But I think that psychological pain is almost like chronic pain. In my case it's caused by years of abuse by a family of sociopaths (in the clinical sense of the term) and at school, in a disgusting dump rural small town in the middle of nowhere, in which I'm probably going to be stuck in for what is left of my life. I was going to write a more detailed post but I don't want to appal anyone. Although it does feel like I'm living the last days of my life. I see no way out except for suicide.
>> No. 29421 [Edit]
File 172325715649.jpg - (78.44KB , 850x1133 , __mikoze_yui_and_uogokoro_kun_futsuu_no_joshikouse.jpg )
>> No. 29422 [Edit]
File 172326706688.png - (47.50KB , 289x291 , 165210974263.png )
I just don't feel like I am much interested in what life has to offer. Why do I have to live the next 50-60 years? Can't I just hit some button to fast forward myself to my deathbed? Can't there just be an off button? It's all the result of some stupid mental illusion created by our primalistic minds - the desire to move forward, to push for something greater, to achieve something in life. I don't care about any of those things. Why do you need to have a nice car, money, and a wife and kids? Doesn't make any sense. Overly luxurious items do not change the internal emotional blankness I experience. Don't really care about anything. Don't wanna wake up in the morning. Hate people. They all experience it - the desire to bond with others. Image matters to them. I suppose to have a person to confide in would certainly be nice. But what gives? I hardly comprehend the viewpoint of a normalfag. My programming isn't like theirs. It's like two incompatible means of functioning. The more I observe them, the farther away from them I feel. Such a tangible feeling of disgust at their behaviors produced by general over-attachment to the world around them. Must protect the ego. I don't wanna wake up in the morning.
>> No. 29423 [Edit]
File 17232745257.jpg - (109.84KB , 800x860 , b584476d021ef30fd59481b9a14128bd.jpg )
>> No. 29424 [Edit]
If you truly don't care about any of those things then why are you talking about them in the first place?
>> No. 29425 [Edit]
Wanted to watch some anime today but I have a headache so I can't. I hate existence.
>> No. 29426 [Edit]
Interacting with individuals who did care brought the subject to mind. But it was less about the things that I didn't care about and moreso about not comprehending why others do care about it. It was a feeling of separateness caused by such a radically different view of the world.
>> No. 29427 [Edit]
So you're superior for failing to understand something?
>> No. 29428 [Edit]
I have had headache four days in a row recently and painkillers didn't work.
>> No. 29429 [Edit]
File 172339428040.jpg - (194.33KB , 600x750 , __patchouli_knowledge_touhou_drawn_by_kanoe_soushi.jpg )
Dying in my sleep would be the best thing that's ever happened to me. I wish I was never born.
>> No. 29430 [Edit]
hopefully it gets better for you. This has sometimes happened for me and really the only thing that works is just sleeping a lot. Sometimes people say stuff like caffeine can help get rid of headaches but it might also make it worse.
>> No. 29431 [Edit]
caffeine would just make the pain go to be back of my head and that's just another sort of hell to live through. and when the pain is in the back you can't even lie down like a normal person, so i'd rather suffer my usual serving
>> No. 29435 [Edit]
File 172350267944.jpg - (395.74KB , 1120x1505 , 3838338.jpg )
my mom took my melatonin bottle months ago. now I just don't even know how to get through the pain, i don't want to have to be up i wanna sleep through pain again im angry. (came back here since my neet roots can't be shed even if i embrace my younger chuuni past which I may be more in touch with these days, not sure)
>> No. 29436 [Edit]
No, anon. I do not feel myself to be superior to them, and I did not intend to imply that I felt that way. Yet, I do not feel inferior to them, either. What I feel is complete detachment and separation. I feel confusion because I do not understand.
>> No. 29444 [Edit]
File 17237314156.jpg - (222.70KB , 1280x960 , eeca00af95c540496f42cfcb168fb25f.jpg )
I ordered junk food today and I think the delivery guy was an ex classmate because he knew me and greeted me with excitement but I was so nervous I could barely talk to him back. I ended up eating everything in less than 5 minutes thanks to anxiety. God I really hope he won't comment with others how fat and unwashed I look and how retarded I was holy shit I want to die.
>> No. 29445 [Edit]
Hey, at least you're not delivering food for a living.
>> No. 29446 [Edit]
The delivery guy, that always delivers food from the fast food place, I order from, is an acquaintance of my mother, and for some reason it's always him who brings the food. I don't have anything against him personally, but I would prefer to just get my food and be done with it, instead of smalltalk.
>> No. 29447 [Edit]
File 172380627413.jpg - (499.69KB , 2227x3679 , __original_drawn_by_zyawatea1230__9ea3c03e26d95f3b.jpg )
Nothing left inside.
>> No. 29453 [Edit]
File 172400286415.png - (1.28MB , 1800x1800 , __alice_margatroid_and_shanghai_doll_touhou_drawn_.png )
>> No. 29459 [Edit]
File 172404481097.jpg - (159.31KB , 1920x1080 , (16m09s).jpg )
I want... to feel
>> No. 29461 [Edit]
File 17241570196.jpg - (1.42MB , 2900x4032 , __hardgore_alice_mahou_shoujo_ikusei_keikaku_drawn.jpg )
I'm glad I'm going to be dead soon.
>> No. 29465 [Edit]
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>> No. 29469 [Edit]
File 172443285981.jpg - (280.55KB , 850x1211 , 1723902085683745.jpg )
It only ever gets worse.
>> No. 29472 [Edit]
File 172448452239.jpg - (457.50KB , 1200x848 , __gokou_ruri_ore_no_imouto_ga_konna_ni_kawaii_wake.jpg )
I'm tired of nightmares, it's unbearable. I can't sleep peacefully. I always wake up tired, so what was even the point of sleeping? Even while unconscious, I am forced to acknowledge the Hell I live in.
>> No. 29473 [Edit]
File 172449385287.png - (856.93KB , 800x1000 , 62ccdf81d9f37ad8d29cff99393614cb.png )
It's all useless Tohno. It doesn't make sense. Just for once, for a few weeks I felt as if it might change but it cannot. It's a dead end. I don't what to do with it. My head just gets filled with thick fog and my thinking abilities sink far below the sea level. The only winning move is not to play for sure. I just don't know. Just make this go on for a little while and I will crumple again. It's useless. And there is no escape. I am forced to reiterate the same route of utter mental failure again and again like some ridiculous excuse for Sisyphus. I don't know, maybe it's a punishment for my previous life, maybe it's my punishment for being such a complete asshole in this life, I don't know. But it's useless. There is no escape because I cannot hope to be financially independent. I am forced into it again and again and whatever I am forced into is not something I would like. And what I would like I cannot get because I do not have the capacity. I recently realized that even something as simple as suicide is not simple at all, because I unironically do not have access to any even half reliable methods of killing myself. There were so many time I could have died and survived that it feels like something that cannot be described as mere frustration. I just want to blow my brains off. I can't even talk to anyone about it, Tohno. You heard these countless schizo stories how anons were desperate and talked about their mental condition and got the Average Normalfag Replies. It's exactly same situation. I can't even pay somebody to listen. I unironically though I would never end up like this, but here we go. I remember reading stuff about catatonia and what scared me most is the amount of photos depicting healthy looking men being mentally completely destroyed. There is no prison greater than the mental prison. And it isn't fun. Just fucking shoot me
>> No. 29474 [Edit]
File 172450118751.jpg - (393.67KB , 1428x2048 , b21336b5618bd8292daca28d5c44f431.jpg )
I feel so bad I want to die
>> No. 29475 [Edit]
File 172452562880.jpg - (54.87KB , 850x844 , idol.jpg )
okaasan pissed me off and I was gonna buy some ガゼット stuff and then.....joint bank account screws me over yet again I can't take it anymore there's no joy left here what is the point when I can't even fucking buy shit to cope with my mental/physical illnesses
>> No. 29476 [Edit]
File 172465495730.jpg - (319.49KB , 850x1356 , __himekaidou_hatate_and_hata_tan_touhou_drawn_by_s.jpg )
I vividly remember when my mother attempted an overdose and my father was the most concerned about the neighbours finding out.
Puts my death into an interesting perspective, for sure.
I should have never been born. That is all.
>> No. 29478 [Edit]
Taking your life as a form of revenge against your parents is madness.

Just think about it.
>> No. 29479 [Edit]
On the other hand, just taking your life is reasonably the only sensible route, provided you have enough courage. So whatever his reason, he isn't going to be mistaken too much.
>> No. 29482 [Edit]
I'm communicating knowledge I gained through recursive contemplation of patterns. There is no point in existence. There is no work around death. Anything that is gained is not substantial enough to be retained. You'll arrive at the conclusion regardless of the amount of cope you pour into yourself. Thinking of suicide as of something bad was a mistake, probably enforced on us my slave masters to keep their slaves from leaving this world. Suicide is the divine will given to us as the only reliable and even viable sanctuary. If you look deep into it, you'll see that even refusing to kill yourself is also a suicide that simply takes longer, namely as much as you mortality allows.
>> No. 29483 [Edit]
There no point in not existing either. You're biased towards nonexistence.
>> No. 29484 [Edit]
>Suicide is the divine will given to us as the only reliable and even viable sanctuary.
This "divine will" of yours that is viewed as a grave sin in all major religions and most minor ones?
>> No. 29485 [Edit]
Non-existence is characterized by lack of contemplation which makes it free of psychological torment. Point or no point, non-existence is superior in every way.
>> No. 29487 [Edit]
Why do you assume psychological torment is intrinsic to existence or contemplation?

Post edited on 30th Aug 2024, 10:01am
>> No. 29488 [Edit]
>natural death
No matter what life you have led and whether you consider it free of regrets, or if you think you are happy with the way you spent it, death always lays across agony. No living creature is made such that it desires death, and even those who kill themselves of necessity, despite all the pain and all their inability to endure any more, are still unwilling to die, and still they wish it was different. As such all deaths are equal in that they put you through terror, be it brief, or years long. From this follows that no intrinsic difference can be found between suicide and any other form of death. Only quantitative difference exists. As such, suicide is not qualitatively distinguishable from "natural" death, and "natural" death from suicide.
>If you were as dedicated to suicide and nihilism
>you'd be dead by now
>You think you're an intellectual enlightened monk
>wants everyone to die or be miserable because your life sucks.
You are completely incapable of inferring the meaning of my talk. Your interpretation of my words is nothing but a display of your own hatred towards that which is different from yours (my opinion). Tell me, would an intelligent man hate and try to offend that which is different from what he thinks should be? And would he back his argument up with derision and insults? And would he think an action (I would do that, or wouldn't do that) itself a proof of a statement? Would he believe that saying
>I might tell them to reconsider in order to make the best decision. But I'm certainly not going to tell them
states anything, bears any meaning, any knowledge, any reflection?

Because it is inevitable. That non-existence is free of torment is merely a speculation based on the sense of what should be obvious (namely, using the very meaning of the words existence/nonexistence). But even if it isn't, it is not like we can avoid it anyway.
>> No. 29489 [Edit]
>Because it is inevitable.
It's not. Emotions of any kind aren't inevitable, let alone neuroticism. A being could be constructed that has no fear of death or sense of pain. Some psychopaths might already be free of the former.
>> No. 29490 [Edit]
Essence of torment is not pain, but contemplation of choice that does not seem obvious. No machine can be constructed that wouldn't be tormented when a choice must be made, but it is not known how to achieve objective, because it is the essence of contemplation.
>Every art and faculty contemplates certain things especially. When then it is itself of the same kind with the objects which it contemplates, it must of necessity contemplate itself also: but when it is of an unlike kind, it can not contemplate itself. For instance, the shoemaker's art is employed on skins, but itself is entirely distinct from the material of skins: for this reason it does not contemplate itself. Again, the grammarian's art is employed about articulate speech; is then the art also articulate speech? By no means. For this reason it is not able to contemplate itself. Now reason, for what purpose has it been given by nature? For the right use of appearances. What is it then itself? A system (combination) of certain appearances. So by its nature it has the faculty of contemplating itself also.
You cannot be free from torment so long as you can contemplate your own cognition.
>> No. 29491 [Edit]
Now you're getting into semantics. With the way you're defining "torment" now, I wouldn't consider it an undesirable thing.
>> No. 29493 [Edit]
>I wouldn't consider it an undesirable thing.
That's right.
>> No. 29495 [Edit]
>try talking like a normal person instead of an obnoxious pseudo-intellectual
I am not going to read your post any further, relish in your wasted effort.
>> No. 29497 [Edit]
>> No. 29499 [Edit]
File 172505103030.png - (795.43KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Under Ninja - 07 (720p) [BBBB7FF0]_mk.png )
Please take it easy.
>> No. 29505 [Edit]
None of the above anons but the discussion is interesting enough on philosophical grounds that I responded in >>/tat/1777 where we can continue.
>> No. 29507 [Edit]
File 172520235389.jpg - (633.07KB , 3000x3000 , __original_drawn_by_hai_haihki__ccd84e5d45f8909b15.jpg )
Oh well.
>> No. 29508 [Edit]
File 172526897788.jpg - (4.31MB , 3508x2480 , 65cef1f0c7fc5e4a5a806eeb04c7100d66750569.jpg )
>> No. 29509 [Edit]
File 172527152434.jpg - (584.80KB , 846x992 , ca0f505291cbdfd9935683ac5787d080.jpg )
i hope you didn't cut yourself again
>> No. 29512 [Edit]
File 172529349928.jpg - (180.30KB , 850x1245 , sdsdsdszsdsdsdsdsdds.jpg )
>> No. 29513 [Edit]
File 172530014468.jpg - (1.46MB , 2897x4096 , 8ce959dfd33af23feda2055dfae24381.jpg )
stress is like that. ruthless and you never seem to get used to it. and always strikes when you think it might get better.
>> No. 29514 [Edit]
File 172556262339.png - (350.68KB , 1280x989 , 1725321253902.png )
It's been about ten years since I had a falling out with a friend group on an old online game I used to play. Never really found another because I'm very averse to reaching out at all. The falling out was over some dumb and inconsequential political bullshit I can't even remember the full scope of. Many of them were more well off than I was and that put us on a different page.

Without anyone around to drag me back to reality I've basically spent the past decade chasing some imaginary idea of normalcy. What a mistake. I wonder how many people like me exist. We're probably hard to quantify because we barely interact with others.
>> No. 29516 [Edit]
File 172572902711.jpg - (77.05KB , 894x894 , 1705215033888.jpg )
Today is really dreadful, as were the days before today and most likely the days after this. I don't know why I'm still here. Sometimes it's hard to believe, that this is what my life has become, and it probably gets only worse from now on. There rarely is something acutely painful happening, thing like that did happen, but not that often, it's rather a chronic feeling, that once crept into my consciousness and never left. It just feels awful and makes my days dreadful.

The worst part about this awful, dreadful feeling, that it's grounded in reality. There is no pill I can take that will make this situation better, no therapy I can apply to, no change I can make, no anything, because those things, I feel bad about, are very real and permanent. Very real and permanent. It's a part of me and, as much as I wish for it, I can't separate them from me.
>> No. 29517 [Edit]
File 172573981242.jpg - (517.59KB , 1451x2048 , f98b46ab23ef583156199a43b8a49276.jpg )
I don't know what I want to say, exactly. Relatable.
>> No. 29518 [Edit]
File 172574072958.jpg - (267.34KB , 850x1627 , dejiko.jpg )
I despise fall since it's the season where no one wants to leave me alone. Since everyone still treats me terribly irl, I really will have to double down on my NEET ways even if animu and mango don't feel the same to me anymore. Even when I feel like I could just be my true self, this world is too fucked up and dark for that to be the case anymore.

I can kind of feel your pain. 10 years ago I felt like I had friends on a certain blogging website, even though they were like 10 years older than me. Looking back, I never got that close with any of them. I wanted to, but deep down I knew being underage would've caused problems so I just didn't tell them. Sadly that parasocial friendship never carried onto irl. I was definitely in my own chuunibyou delusions in everyone else's eyes. Even small things like that really just affect you even if you don't want it to.

I feel like now friendship online is a very impossible thing. Social media has ruined all...
>> No. 29519 [Edit]
>I never got that close with any of them. I wanted to, but
Dude this hits hard. In the end I just gave up. Now I don't wanna have any friends, internet or not. I just don't care anymore.
>> No. 29520 [Edit]
File 172574768515.jpg - (839.88KB , 890x1200 , 116973447_p0_master1200.jpg )
(same anon)
Headache and body pain has sort of gone away I think, but I still have pain behind my right eye. I'm going to try wearing glasses to see if that helps. I've always had myopia but up until now I could use the computer fine without an issue. Maybe I'm getting old and my visual system simply can't cope with the amount of blur anymore. I wish I could watch anime again, it was the only thing that brought me happiness.
>> No. 29521 [Edit]
File 172588708923.jpg - (960.25KB , 3508x4409 , __hachikuji_mayoi_monogatari_and_1_more_drawn_by_s.jpg )
I must be cursed. There is no other answer.
>> No. 29525 [Edit]
File 172633615090.jpg - (4.46MB , 2480x3508 , __original_drawn_by_hyonee__57019a0a8fba081add735b.jpg )
Screaming at the top of my lungs and cutting myself isn't enough to fully express my suffering and despair.
>> No. 29531 [Edit]
File 172659580694.jpg - (1.12MB , 1000x1081 , ef4b6860d90aa1517b44ff5e90615dae.jpg )
>> No. 29538 [Edit]
File 172686530718.jpg - (579.86KB , 2048x1384 , __houraisan_kaguya_touhou_drawn_by_bo_cota__4ae9dc.jpg )
One step forward, ten steps back.
>> No. 29540 [Edit]
File 172686935174.jpg - (1.35MB , 3500x1746 , 686e0d57b36c68d2714cedcdbba9fba4.jpg )
Last time I though about it that way I figured I move in something like circles, repeating the same cycles and never making any progress. Only I think I really do take steps back ever so slowly. I never thought I'd turn into this but I guess so much for it. I might actually vomit if I push these thoughts too much
>> No. 29541 [Edit]
File 172692060844.png - (1.47MB , 850x1202 , npejlr34.png )
I'm not religious, but no one can tell for sure what happens after death, right? No one is 100% sure. If I kill myself later this year, I'll take my cat with me. Whatever happens after death, I want her to be there with me. If there's nothing, we have both lived a good life up until this point and end it before it gets worse. If there is something, we'll go together.
>> No. 29542 [Edit]
If you don't know what comes after death, how can you square it with your conscience to kill your cat? Furthermore, if you fail in any way, either with killing your cat or killing yourself, you will end up with your cat being in agonizing pain (and possibly animal cruelty charges if applicable). I wouldn't risk it and I as harsh as it seems, I don't think your cat is as attached to your as you are to your cat. This is just usually the case. It isn't a good solution, but perhaps better than killing (and possible torturing) your cat, it would be to just give it away to an animal shelter (and say that you can't take care of your cat, because you have a terminal illness or whatever excuse you might come up with). In the worst case, you just lock your cat out and hope that it'll find a new caretaker. I write this assuming you are attached to your cat, as it sounds like from reading your post, to me. Also assuming it's a grown cat, as kittens are just one hit with a hammer or shovel away from being dead, but a grown cat might realize what you do and be much more difficult to take out, which might lead to it getting seriously hurt instead. I would also take into consideration, that killing an animal that you have an emotional attachment to, might cause you to regret it.

Post edited on 21st Sep 2024, 10:47am
>> No. 29543 [Edit]
I don't think this is a good idea. While I assume your intentions are pure, to make sure the cat doesn't find itself lonely, aside from the practical issues the other anon mentioned, philosophically while _you_ should be free to choose end your own life, subjecting others to your decision is effectively murder (and sadly you cannot really communicate this with your cat.)

I think even under the most extreme form of pessimism which would declare all forms of life as better off not existing, you probably would not find any sane person who agrees the solution is to go around killing random living things to pre-emptively relieve them the burden of living.

I do agree it is a tough decision though, since none of the other choices for what to do with the cat are any better. Please do not lock the cat outside, since that will almost certainly doom it to becoming a non-feral stray cat. [There is a cat that I sometimes come across when walking at night, it has no collar so I presume it's a stray. But it looks so sad, it's very thin and always comes running whenever someone passes by, presumably for food or it just wants attention. In fact it's very adamant, even if you try to walk away it will follow you for a bit. It's scary but also very sad]. If you can find a shelter that's a better option, but the cat will certainly know what you did and might resent you.
>> No. 29544 [Edit]
(also an unowned outdoor cat will probably kill dozens of birds)
>> No. 29545 [Edit]
>also an unowned outdoor cat will probably kill dozens of birds
You make it sound as something bad.
>> No. 29546 [Edit]
Yes I do consider that as bad, especially because it is a direct consequence of your actions.
>> No. 29547 [Edit]
It's normal for a cat to eat birds. The bad thing is that modern cats are trapped in cities and can't hunt like they are meant to by nature.
>> No. 29552 [Edit]
File 172728158318.png - (1.84MB , 1840x2251 , 1682155483099707.png )
Welcome to Hell.
>> No. 29571 [Edit]
File 172762328177.jpg - (522.10KB , 2830x3983 , __yukiharu_original_drawn_by_komiya_shuu__bb3f466b.jpg )
>> No. 29578 [Edit]
File 172764874121.png - (2.37MB , 1296x1816 , 7ebff8b1e446bf37328037c479fbfb04ece8031896c9ef7d45.png )
>> No. 29579 [Edit]
File 172766835851.jpg - (2.75MB , 1720x2600 , 1702855418193277.jpg )
Eternally sentenced to being incompetent at everything I finally attempt to put some form of effort into. Must be nice to be able to succeed at something.
>> No. 29584 [Edit]
I feel exactly the same.
>> No. 29585 [Edit]
File 172769440950.jpg - (420.57KB , 1120x1610 , __remilia_scarlet_touhou_drawn_by_rooseputo_02__e9.jpg )
The grave... it calls to me.
>> No. 29586 [Edit]
Calm down. I don't even want to talk to people anymore. I've just realized that when I talk to them it's like giving input into a terminal. Sequences of commands. I don't feel anything. I don't want to feel anything. Not towards them anyway. I don't feel human.
>> No. 29594 [Edit]
File 172780065653.jpg - (109.42KB , 900x900 , len.jpg )
My family is acting like a piece of shit again. Supposed to get my package from DHL today but I already know it won't be easy. I feel the strong need to tell people born after like 2002 to eat shit and die, but I know not everyone acts like the POS that lives in this house.
>> No. 29595 [Edit]
File 172783094480.jpg - (282.37KB , 1300x1000 , d95a67424e4b93fc0482e21b160f70cd.jpg )
I keep making the same mistakes no matter how many chances I get and no matter how shit the consequences feel. Never gonna get the help I need.
>> No. 29599 [Edit]
File 17278732643.jpg - (354.32KB , 2207x1898 , 121902551_p0.jpg )
I feel like I'm regret posting this, but nobody cares anyway, so screw it.

Lately (it was like this for years, but in the last few weeks it worsened), painful memories have been appearing in my mind, whenever I ought to be at peace.
Whenever those painful memories appear, I feel intense stress, anxiety and shame. Furthermore, I feel like my life is completely worthless because of this, that I can't ever trust anyone anymore and that my only way out is to kill myself. I feel like this stuff does fuck with me far more than it should, my reaction feels disproportional to what happened to me, which just increases my shame. It's a lot about stress, but one does really underestimate what shame does to you. Stress, shame, disgust, anxiety, in this order, from worst to least worst. I wish I could go back to being content with my worthless, awful, boring life, but this has changed everything. Particularly bad about those "re-appearing memories" is, that I never know when it actually happens. Every daily activity has the potential to spiral into hell. There are very few and select people who know about this and I'm glad. The worst thing imaginable would be somebody trying to help and somebody that I would have to tell everything about it. The shame is just too unbearable for that. Also, I don't want therapy, because I think they are selling a delusion or a lie. I shouldn't be at peace with such a circumstance. I deserve all the misery that those memories generate. There could be nothing worse than content life now, because I shouldn't be happy with this crap in my life. It's awful. It's fucking hell on earth. Why should I be content with it? You see, I'm a hopeless case, but it's my fault that I don't get help anyway, so who cares? For the love of god, kill me.

(Edit: I removed the stuff in all caps, because it's childish, stupid and TC has a rule against it if I recall correctly)

Post edited on 2nd Oct 2024, 5:51am
>> No. 29601 [Edit]
File 172791354035.jpg - (283.49KB , 1175x1623 , GF5MwMrbQAAaDhz.jpg )
nothing to say
>> No. 29602 [Edit]
File 17279570065.jpg - (738.58KB , 1000x1500 , __original_drawn_by_garapii__3a84d5530ee0848244304.jpg )
My life is a sad, miserable, pathetic joke. I just want to die already.
>> No. 29613 [Edit]
File 172834800482.png - (471.93KB , 726x951 , DriverBooster_eYC.png )
My fantasies are becoming violent against more than just myself.
>> No. 29637 [Edit]
File 172874901132.jpg - (35.17KB , 273x445 , __3_1_tan_and_dos_cat_os_tan_drawn_by_kashiwamochi.jpg )
>> No. 29638 [Edit]
what kind of violent fantasies ?
it's very hard for me to be angry, let alone violent
>> No. 29646 [Edit]
File 172903324598.jpg - (181.23KB , 850x1207 , __kousaka_kirino_ore_no_imouto_ga_konna_ni_kawaii_.jpg )
To say that I'm afraid would be to say nothing.
May everything be well. I don't know.
>> No. 29647 [Edit]
File 172904364433.jpg - (5.61MB , 1925x2500 , c075077d8d849d20b357c1da26bc1cac.jpg )
It dawned on me today, that not only are there no down sides to me killing myself, the world would in fact be a little bit better for it. Even if anyone misses me for whatever reason, they'd probably forget about me soon enough.

Someone more deserving will take my job. My massive collection of various collectables and goods will probably end up with people who will appreciate them more, which if I can I'd give to people here. Likewise the money I leave might help some people out too. The small site I run will probably end up with someone who would manage it a lot better than I have too.
>> No. 29648 [Edit]
Now let it dusk again, because you're wasting your time on pointless self hatred which does absolutely nothing except hurt you. Also, you're overstressed.
>> No. 29649 [Edit]
But then there would be one fewer poster on TC, and that would be very sad indeed.

But I guess more gravely, as the other anon said I don't think romanticizing suicide with the mentality of "not being good enough for the world" is a fruitful line of inquiry. (note that I'm not opposed to death in an objective sense, but only from the pessimistic perspective of "the world has nothing left to offer me", not the other way around). What would you consider the attributes of someone "worthy" of being in the world, and why do you feel you are incapable of having any of those attributes
>> No. 29652 [Edit]
File 172919074344.jpg - (212.04KB , 1115x2048 , ff1d042d6b281bbcd857cd73349afcde.jpg )
Once you realize there are no downsides to suicide you treat life very differently. I guess truly bitter people just don't believe their own claim of suicide being a solution.

G-ganbatte, myself, don't miss this time!
>> No. 29653 [Edit]
File 172919087577.jpg - (1.49MB , 2707x4096 , ce7d217bbb3c7feef04d76ecc1928c66.jpg )
>> No. 29654 [Edit]
File 172920221617.jpg - (410.41KB , 740x555 , __nakano_azusa_k_on_drawn_by_core_mayomayo__b097cf.jpg )
>> No. 29657 [Edit]
File 172938599336.jpg - (282.74KB , 1000x1334 , GPe5buqaoAARZ3P[1].jpg )
Keeping oneself alive is a struggle.
>> No. 29658 [Edit]
File 172954812279.jpg - (230.16KB , 1061x1500 , FHNDq0gacAAO665.jpg )
>> No. 29663 [Edit]
File 172977322590.jpg - (277.62KB , 760x640 , __ranka_lee_macross_and_1_more_drawn_by_hisahiko__.jpg )
thought blocking sugoi~
>> No. 29664 [Edit]
>thought blocking
for god's sake anything but that
>> No. 29666 [Edit]
File 172980214167.png - (339.84KB , 658x705 , 6237400_p0.png )
I fucked things up for myself again. I wanna get drunk so bad.
>> No. 29667 [Edit]
TC, don't drink. Do something else instead. I.e. open a grindy concentration demanding game you tolerate and just play till your mind goes blank. I can't tell, but it might be better than booze.
>> No. 29671 [Edit]
File 172986662572.jpg - (200.64KB , 800x600 , 1437711166415.jpg )
Last night when I was trying to fall asleep in my bed I was experiencing a lot of pain the the left area of my chest and shortness of breath. I wished that I would die in my sleep. Unfortunately, I'm still here.
>> No. 29672 [Edit]
File 172987775361.jpg - (61.05KB , 736x552 , Art.jpg )
today is my birthday, currently just playing a VN (picrel) on my 3DS while trying to draw something. don't like my family, I should really just go back to doing what I did months ago and take melatonin again.
>> No. 29673 [Edit]
File 172988131829.gif - (2.41MB , 540x405 , 1716847439848982.gif )
Best wishes and stuff.
>> No. 29674 [Edit]
>> No. 29675 [Edit]
File 172988268535.jpg - (184.25KB , 1292x2048 , Tumblr_l_1158788888412000.jpg )
Saw a picture of myself a few years ago. I had happiness in my eyes.
>> No. 29676 [Edit]
File 172988948535.jpg - (64.29KB , 800x860 , g.jpg )
Happy birthday.
>> No. 29677 [Edit]
File 172994608152.jpg - (47.77KB , 850x850 , __yusa_kozue_idolmaster_and_1_more_drawn_by_hosizo.jpg )
the thoughts are so bad i have no choice but to force myself to sleep through the day, my head hurts. im covered in sweat.
>> No. 29680 [Edit]
File 17299609604.jpg - (127.48KB , 636x545 , 2006-11-18-36971.jpg )
I'm tired.
>> No. 29694 [Edit]
File 173015055339.png - (19.96KB , 500x500 , 995854_p0.png )
I spent my birthday sleeping and cleaning up the puke from yesterday.
>> No. 29695 [Edit]
Happy birthday.
>> No. 29697 [Edit]
>Don't try to take anyone else down with you.
I'm not going down though. Just pointing out that fretting over having to die doesn't make sense and that suicide isn't bad at all considering how there are no options to stop the everlasting pain.
>> No. 29698 [Edit]
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>> No. 29699 [Edit]
File 173023460258.jpg - (209.55KB , 1362x2048 , E1F5ih7UYAE8nSIeYo.jpg )
I've had it so easy and yet I've neglected my life, to the point of being broke and with no future in sight.
Never thought about suicide before but I don't like the prospect of being a worthless NEET in mom's for the rest of my life.
A little too late but happy birthday as well, anon.
>> No. 29700 [Edit]
>I don't like the prospect of being a worthless NEET in mom's for the rest of my life.
That hits so close. It wouldn't be nearly as bad if I at least could sustain myself, but having to depend on others and knowing that you're a genetic mistake incapable of existing on your own kills from inside.
>> No. 29712 [Edit]
File 173030860866.jpg - (5.84MB , 3870x2465 , __asakusa_midori_eizouken_ni_wa_te_wo_dasu_na_draw.jpg )
I realized that what's keeping me alive is my idea, or rather, delusion of reality. And all of that is shattered the moment I step into the world.
>> No. 29722 [Edit]
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>> No. 29724 [Edit]
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>> No. 29727 [Edit]
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>> No. 29757 [Edit]
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>> No. 29758 [Edit]
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>> No. 29759 [Edit]
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terrible morning
>> No. 29763 [Edit]
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>> No. 29765 [Edit]
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Holy fucking shit.
>> No. 29767 [Edit]
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I gave up, on people, on life, on everything. I've learned to accept I'll live and die alone, and will never be truly free of my needy mother till the day one of us dies. I quit my job and accepted my role as a loser. This miserable life of mine has rotted my brain beyond recovery, there's no going back now. I had long wished that someone would come into my life to save me from the fate I saw coming, but needless to say no one did, and my attempts at finding them myself were pointless. I now realize there was never anything for me in this world.
I've long since lost my ability to have fun or feel any sort of joy. My hopes and dreams have crumbled to dust. My one and only motivation to do anything at all with my life, as it always has been, is the hope it'll make people like me enough to make me stop feeling so damn alone all the time. ...yet I want to be alone, because people have only ever made my life worse. I wish I could trust people. I've consumed so much media it's all the same shit to me, now all I see are writing patterns, tropes and clichés. I've bought so much shit I don't need I don't have space for even half of it. I've tried to reset my life multiple times in brand new places, and it just doesn't work, it's too late. I don't want to live in this world, and this world clearly doesn't want me either. Now I only live to wait for death.

Post edited on 30th Nov 2024, 10:21pm
>> No. 29768 [Edit]
It feels like I wrote this.
>> No. 29770 [Edit]
File 173323753050.jpg - (145.25KB , 1342x1295 , ef90a456c9cd4802fceb3deea7aed8e6dadbd496.jpg )
Wish me strength. I'm at the point that would commonly be said as being the very beginning of one's life (18 years), but I've come across an ironic realization. I practice a lot of escapism, the skills that I want to pursue are for the purpose of further and higher quality escapism, and even the normalfag-approved "progress" that I want to do in life is for the purpose of easier isolation and escapism (going to college and being able to get an easy remote job, to afford to live alone). I hate this world and I want to do as much escapism as possible -- however, the true "escape" from this world is death, right? It's almost like what I'm doing is killing myself without actually killing myself. Wouldn't actually killing myself be more efficient and effective? But it's scary. I don't know what awaits me after death, it could be something better (atheist-style cessation of consciousness falls onto this), but it could be something worse, and maybe specifically killing myself could trigger said worse conclusion (eg. going to hell for doing it). If I was full-on religious and was assured that I'd go to hell if I killed myself, I definitely wouldn't consider the possibility of doing it. And if I was completely assured that such a thing can't be possible, I would also have peace of mind knowing that I can kill myself without repercussions. But I'm stuck in this uncertain limbo. And the scariest part is imagining that I'd kill myself thinking that I'll be fine and then ending up in hell or whatever and regretting it. But also, even excluding explicitly bad conclusions like that, if I kept my memories I would be burdened knowing the suffering that I'd have caused to my family, etc.
This is all to say, am I fucked? Will I have to go down your road and endure this for years and years, until I actually end up killing myself, or I somehow die of other causes, or miraculously, something changes in my life? Is there the possibility that I'll achieve a pseudo-nirvana by mastering escapism and being able to almost completely get rid myself of these thoughts?
>> No. 29771 [Edit]
File 173323929821.jpg - (509.18KB , 1060x941 , 534264235626.jpg )
I'm never going to change.
>> No. 29772 [Edit]
Practice stoicism per Epictetus. Your first lesson is to stop hating yourself. If you manage that you win. I lost so no advice. Good luck. I believe in you. Never give up.
>> No. 29773 [Edit]
How do I know if I hate myself?
>> No. 29779 [Edit]
All too relatable.
>> No. 29781 [Edit]
File 173333390448.jpg - (88.20KB , 1200x573 , FwgnB4uakAA05sV[1].jpg )
Are estranged people destined to never find one another?
>> No. 29783 [Edit]
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>> No. 29784 [Edit]
Estranged people better know better than to try their luck trying to connect with others because they've been hurt too many times before.
>> No. 29785 [Edit]
File 173335628795.png - (6.60MB , 2622x3650 , __juufuutei_raden_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_but.png )
Sometimes I wish I was more visibly ill so others would be more empathetic towards me, but it's more likely that I'll be treated like garbage instead.
>> No. 29786 [Edit]
My thoughts exactly
>> No. 29792 [Edit]
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I'm starting to think everything, that makes me keep going is a delusion, lie or otherwise false belief. There is not much left anymore, but I'm sure it's only matter of time, till all of my dearest hopes and positive thoughts are unveiled as some sort of falsehood. Looking at other people, of whom I barely know anyone, as I'm living in self-chosen solitude, I feel like they all have something to keep them going. Some sort of belief, they cling onto, to not fall into deep despair, but all those things that I had, seem to just not be true, nonexistent or who knows what.
>> No. 29793 [Edit]
File 173370248734.jpg - (287.22KB , 1200x1489 , pantsu.jpg )
I'm sure I'll go someday, if not today...
I can relate anon. But then again, when i do go to the doctor, my family will treat my health like a spectacle for all to see. not sure if I wanna deal with the verbal abuse that comes with it.
been meaning to play that, but I've held off since someone who I loved passed away in april. so it would just be adding more sadness D:
>> No. 29794 [Edit]
File 173374556176.jpg - (348.76KB , 645x911 , __takachiho_chiho_gakkatsu_drawn_by_b_man__92abc65.jpg )
God, is it an insensitive thing to say, but how I envy people who are consistent with their pain, while I can't even do the 鬱 thing right...
I wish the mood swings would stop. At times i **seem** to get the silver of understanding that it's a thing very inherent to me, yet.
>> No. 29795 [Edit]
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Another day, another thing to get frustrated by. Well, that's not true entirely, it's the same things over and over again, that I get frustrated by, but that just sounded good.
>> No. 29796 [Edit]
As someone with a fairly consistent level of misery, I agree it's something you do kind of get numb to with time. I get the occasional spike which can be hell, but it usually passes after a few days.
>> No. 29798 [Edit]
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I have a sketch of the plan but can't choose place yet. Also need to get rope without anyone noticing and that depends on the place. Too much going out, too little time. I wish I knew of something dirty quick and accessible. Something I could prepare without anyone noticing it. Rope isn't bad, but preparation is tedious and I'm just so tired
>> No. 29806 [Edit]
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I'm frustrated, so very very frustrated.

Every little thing, every thoughtless inconsiderate thing done to me always leads to an overreaction on my part. I don't show it much, but I usually have to step away quickly. Just a bit ago I opened the freezer today to put away my rather meager groceries for the week only to find it stuffed with shit put in there carelessly. No surprise, it happens all the time, but I really don't feel like unraveling this puzzle just so that I may eat this week, all the while I have a child babbling at me, my mom bothering me about how I looked really cranky after working 10 hour shifts all week, and a loud ass TV playing god knows what on it. I ended up getting overwhelmed both by sensory overload and also negative emotions and thoughts and ran up to my room.

What happens is, one thought leads to another on what feels like an unending chain of misery. Eventually I end up dredging up old memories where I was wronged and then that brings up even older memories where a similar situation happened with my sister and they didn't just ignore or forget about it. Something rather small turns into a big deal damn near every time.

The advice I usually get is just saying something about it but... that's difficult when you're completely overwhelmed. If I did say something, I would probably end up having a total meltdown and suspect that the response I would get is "Oh, my life sucks too, stop being a bitch." They couldn't understand anyway, or would think I'm "just" overreacting again.

I'll leave this rant here, because I already just did it again and anything else will just get me further and further from whatever initial idea I had with this post.
>> No. 29807 [Edit]
Hey here's my hand of support for you. Don't despair. Somehow, someday, it will end in a good way. You're stressed, but at least we can exchange some words to make it a bit more bearable
>> No. 29808 [Edit]
Damn anon that's so understandable. I don't feel like that right now, but felt it a while ago and I know it will inevitably happen again, but sometimes you're so psychologically exhausted that throwing yourself out of a window feels much easier that moving a finger to do something about your predicament. It's not your fault and isn't even some "pathology". You're just too stressed and can't recover because circumstances don't allow. Anyway, I just wanted to say I could lend whatever help I can afford online, as long as I'm not up to it (misery, that is) myself, in which case I act as quite a bitch. Dunno if that matters. Dunno how you're receiving this. Just knowing how it feels I'm now aware of anything more helpful than somebody who gives at least a single fuck
>> No. 29823 [Edit]
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There's nothing for me in this world.
>> No. 29825 [Edit]
You can live to eat punyun~
>> No. 29828 [Edit]
After loosing quite literally everything I've realized I've never had it in the first place. The realization did nothing (at all) to help stabilize my mood, though. So instead I rant about not being able to come to terms with myself. Once you get started with ranting it's hard to stop but I am fairly sure it only makes things worse. Or it just seems. I don't really know at this point.
>> No. 29834 [Edit]
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For honesty's sake I'm not at it but I've been dealt a blow and now I feel my fortitude oozing through the wound. Maybe it will turn out okay in the end, but if it doesn't do it soon enough I might make another post here.
>> No. 29856 [Edit]
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I genuinely think I'd be dead right now if it weren't for 2D girls.
>> No. 29871 [Edit]
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I hate winter and I hate social media. The world would be better if things I loved were left alone by certain types of people.
>> No. 29888 [Edit]
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The more I struggle, the deeper I sink. Yet it never ends.
It's inexplicable how someone so unfit for life like me was bequeathed with it in the first place.
I would gladly relinquish it for someone who needs it more than I do in a heartbeat if I could.
>> No. 29891 [Edit]
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I thought maybe there was still a chance but no. It was just a brief lapse of sanity. I mostly subsisted on luck before, but now that it's run out it's over. Can't do with little when you need a ton. You could blame me for being a lazy jackass who does nothing entire day and say that it's my fault but dude I can't even listen when other are speaking to me, twenty seconds in and I mindwander elsewhere and as a result don't have any idea what they talked to me about at all. I am simply unsustainable. It would be easier if I didn't feel guilty for writing this but great lord do I understand now why some people simply break and drink themselves to death. Once you get started on this spiral of complete cognitive inability there is literally nothing else left to do though
>> No. 29895 [Edit]
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Even if all my problems were to disappear magically or something like that, it would be still the fact, that I've grown tired of life. So much so, that I don't feel like there is any point in continuing it for much longer. When I was younger, I was much more impulsive and therefor things like attempting suicide were much easier. I told everyone that I regret it, but deep down I wish I had died. Now I just dwell in the same situation for years, because I overthink everything, and can't move anywhere with my thoughts. It's such a laughable situation too; if I were to write some kind of suicide note, I wouldn't know what to write down, because this dread, that I've been feeling is not really based on rational things. Some months ago, I watched some lecture on Youtube from Standford or Yale or some similar university, about suicide and when it makes sense. The professor concluded suicide makes only sense when you know for sure, that it gets only worse. I'm sure my life is a downwards-spiral, but regardless of that I can't really reason why it is that way. It just is that way. This is not too say my bad feeling about my life is not grounded in reality, it is, very much so, but the feeling itself, is not very rational. Perhaps one has to differ here.
>> No. 29896 [Edit]
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Continuing the post >>29895:
I'm not even sure if I want things to get better. Oneself, or at least myself, always says that, because it sounds good. "Ohhh, I sure do want my situation to get better. I want to live a good life and I want this and that", but in reality I just want to stop existing. I'm so damn tired of this awful life and I couldn't imagine what goddamn change would have to happen in order for me to stop feeling bad about it. I'm not saying I don't want to feel better per se, but I cannot imagine some circumstance, in which my life wouldn't be awful. Will I be happy when I reach age 50 and start working hard every day until then? I would say no, but more importantly, it just isn't worth it, because I have grown tired of this life and don't want it anymore. Saying that you want things to get better is also probably a lie of most suicidal people. They ask you this shit every time you are confined in a mental institution, they say "Do you want your life to get better, Mr. Brohno?" and internally I scream "Screw this life. I just want to die in peace", but then I go out of my way and lie "Yes, of course I want my life to get better".
>> No. 29897 [Edit]
>The professor concluded suicide makes only sense when you know for sure, that it gets only worse.
There's some joke in there about a high-falutin uni prof doing all this research to arrive at a conclusion that could be gotten by asking someone. Although strictly speaking I think it should be that it is appealing when you know that things won't get better (since you might just be "bored" with it all, and even if life doesn't get any worse it also isn't going to improve.)
>> No. 29898 [Edit]
What if you know it will get better, but the current suffering is not worth the wait?
>> No. 29947 [Edit]
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>> No. 29948 [Edit]
Did you ever feel so tired that even suicide feels like too much effort?
>> No. 29949 [Edit]
This is probably more common than you think, considering that the reason why people in the first few weeks of taking anti-depressants have a significantly higher chance of suicide, because those medications increase your impetus to do things, but in that short time frame, are not having their anti-depressive effects, which leads to depressed people having impetus to do stuff, which in a lot of cases is suicide.
>> No. 29950 [Edit]
What does "it will get better eventually" even mean?

Are you supposed to feel not-so-bad at 40?
When most people got to experience lots of fun at 20 and you missed out on that?

How would you even know that you are actually feeling better, and you haven't simply given up on your dreams, thus lowering your expectations?
>> No. 29952 [Edit]
Giving up unreasonable desires is the chief technique of achieving happiness. Everyone converged on that, or almost everyone. In many cases, deprivation itself isn't a source of grief, but rather what comes with mental illness. Depression, anxiety, fear, avoidance, all of these things kill you from inside in the most venomous ways. Beside them, lack of money or property barely qualifies as a mild inconvenience. For normal people wageslavery is either a way of life, or a temporary limitation to overcome. To a mentally ill person it's nothing but a stress multiplier that simply makes agony sharper. I know by experience that comfortable life does not in any way solve any of mental issues. They persist either way. Comfort slows them down, sometimes, in other cases accelerates. The same with poor living, some issues it helps, some it makes worse. But in the end, nothing is a solution. You just have to suffer and wait your turn to die. You don't even have time to think about missing out some experiences because you're in constant incessant pain. There is no hope ahead. Postponing suicide is primarily done as an attempt to resurrect hope. Maybe the mental illness will go away after some time? Unlikely, but lets just wait to see. Maybe somebody will cure me? No, but lets just wait to see. Maybe it won't at least be so bad that I can't endure it? Possible, lets just wait to see. Ultimately it all comes down to getting out of the I-want-to-live trap set up by mother nature. Until you can overcome your desire to live, you postpone death hoping that maybe tomorrow it won't be so sharp that you need to end it then and there.
>> No. 30006 [Edit]
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>> No. 30031 [Edit]
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Life of torture. No escape... except for death.
>> No. 30039 [Edit]
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>> No. 30088 [Edit]
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>> No. 30105 [Edit]
Some of you say such edgy teenager sounding things sometimes.
>> No. 30106 [Edit]
Sorry, we'll do our best to grow up and learn to quote philosophers instead of expressing our feeling the way they are.
>> No. 30107 [Edit]
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As >>30106 seemingly implied, if you have an actual emotional quotient you should be wondering why people have dark thoughts, as opposed to simply pointing your finger and snarking.

Teasing the afflicted is the lowest-hanging fruit there is
>> No. 30108 [Edit]
Honestly, I agree.
>> No. 30109 [Edit]
Does it upset you?
>> No. 30123 [Edit]
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>> No. 30125 [Edit]
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Suika, because I'm thinking a about her a lot today and I decided to drink.
I was writing a post in another thread but it dragged on and became unclear. To sum it up, despite getting a job, I'm just as aimless in life as I was as a NEET. Nothing has really changed and nothing is going to change.
>> No. 30129 [Edit]
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I've been too nice and permissive and I am ashamed of myself.
>> No. 30130 [Edit]
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Self hatred is a neat thing!
>> No. 30131 [Edit]
She's going to drown in there!
>> No. 30138 [Edit]
even evil people deserve friends.
>> No. 30159 [Edit]
File 174063988022.jpg - (127.67KB , 850x792 , __togawa_sakiko_and_wakaba_mutsumi_bang_dream_and_.jpg )
Seeing people who are more capable makes me want to die.
>> No. 30161 [Edit]
But if you realize that they are not more capable than you, but rather than the body you have been shoved into, it becomes easier to bear. After all the "you"'s worthiness is measured by its capability to observe surroundings unperturbed and by nothing else. All of the other "skills" and "abilities" are just arbitrary circumstances, basically white noise.

I hope you get better, t-c.
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