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6855 No. 6855 [Edit]
This happens sometimes. You write a post, try to post it, get an error but it shows up on the front page anyways. Then you check on the thread itself and it's not there. Sometimes it shows up in the thread eventually, after 10 to 15 minutes or so, sometimes it never shows up.

I wrote a post about flowers there, got an error, it shows in the home page but not on the intended thread. A few posts bellow, the one that starts with '>>40107 Lain and uboa comes up with interesting stuff every...' is also showing up at home but not on the thread intended.
>> No. 6856 [Edit]
This is known problem. See >>6852.

For yet unknown reasons, sometimes threads aren't regenerated when posting. For workaround, posting in the same thread again should make your post appear.

Post edited on 25th Jul 2022, 7:23am
>> No. 6857 [Edit]
I looked throught the fb catalog to see if someone reported it but didn't realize an anon would reuse a thread unrelated to it, very parsimonious on his part. It's there now. Thanks for your help.
>> No. 6858 [Edit]
It's happening more often now, almost every post in /ot/

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