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File 144872222619.jpg - (49.50KB , 253x600 , 1357016409012.jpg )
5818 No. 5818 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
1. When did you start visiting tohno-chan?

2. How did you find out about tohno-chan?
25 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 6226 [Edit]
File 148690791726.gif - (446.46KB , 500x500 , 1396892069295.gif )
Hello, I got here from a list of image boards explored and collected by a certain user. This place is nice and caters to all of my interests. Thank you for running this place!

So, I guess, +1 user. *kaching~
>> No. 6279 [Edit]
I used to lurk on the ghost boards on /a/ whenever 4chan went down. I started coming to /tc/ semi-regularly after seeing it posted there, and then more regularly once I realized that 4chan was a sinking ship.

I remember a lot of the tripcode users from then. I had one myself but behaved like a bit of a nuisance and wasn't accepted into the circlejerk - which is fine, I was very young (it was close to 10 years ago; 2009/2010, I was a Freshman) and we're all stupid as kids.

I'm glad it's still around. I like the community a lot, even though we butt heads on certain issues.
>> No. 6280 [Edit]
About a year ago, I searched up the term "waifu" on google, went to page 2 and found this hidden gem of a site.
>> No. 6296 [Edit]
Since we discovered it the same way around the same time, I'm curious who you are. What tripfriend were you?

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6135 No. 6135 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
So when are we getting a Loli Henti or random board??.
18 posts and 6 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 6278 [Edit]
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>> No. 6293 [Edit]
How about adding some of the secret boards to the home menu? That way people can browse them but won't show on the activity feed.
>> No. 6294 [Edit]
Sure, I've been meaning to add some on anyways but just haven't gotten around to it. Did you have any in mind?
>> No. 6295 [Edit]
For starters /kf/ and /sub/, but I assume those are the ones you were referring too. Besides that couple, I was thinking of /$/, /tat/, and /lol/... maybe even that obscure lighthouses one, just so it sparks curiosity.

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6157 No. 6157 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Hi there. New to the chan.
I'm concerned with the lack of SSL - Security is very important to me.

Would the administrator mind getting an SSL certificate from Let's Encrypt or similar?
5 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 6213 [Edit]
well fug...
Mind if I ask what browser you're using? I haven't had that issue with chrome/firefox
>> No. 6214 [Edit]
I'm also not getting it on IE
>> No. 6241 [Edit]
Same issue, and on firefox.
>> No. 6242 [Edit]
File 148892954830.jpg - (113.22KB , 1280x720 , [Leopard-Raws] Rilu Rilu Fairilu - Yousei no Door .jpg )
Sorry to hear that, although I haven't heard of anyone else having problems like that using firefox. You aren't using script/ad blockers are you? I once had something like that happen to me after accidentally adblocking the background image. Do you get that problem with different themes?

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6227 No. 6227 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I forgot my mod login.
>> No. 6239 [Edit]
This is the best thread on Tohno-chan.
>> No. 6240 [Edit]
today i learned negi is a mod

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6229 No. 6229 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I want to dispute my ban.

The post you reference >>27948 by that criteria does deserve a ban. However this is not the post that got me banned. The post that got me banned was >>27942

A ban for that post does not violate this rule

>Reason: ex 8 ) Meta, and Complaining about the community's views/opinions. - If you've got a problem with TC or it's userbase, take it to /fb/ ("2d or 3d, moe is moe, my friend")

And yes, I did evade the ban.
3 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 6234 [Edit]
File 148723932789.jpg - (253.67KB , 700x713 , 1315640167736.jpg )
Hi. I'm the mod who banned you.

Consider some other possible rules your post could fall under:

>2) Advertising and/or spamming.
>- Spamming refers to repeatedly and continuously posting large amounts of [unwelcome] content.

You should lurk more if you think anyone wants to be convinced that 3d whores are cute.

>) Posting or linking to 3D(real) pornography, or Guro.
>- By 3D(real) pornography, we refer to pornographic videos and/or images depicting any and all real world humans regardless of age. This may also include life like computer renderings of humans as well. Crazy as it might sound, we here do not much care for the sight of other human beings, especially in pornographic depictions.

Your post read like pornography to me. I did not appreciate reading your depiction of sexual encounters with 3d whores. I'm sure there are plenty of other users who are in agreement.

>7) /b/ Shit.
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>> No. 6235 [Edit]
That's a fair point and well meant. Considering the context and joviality of my post, I didn't think it would offend so easily. Clearly that was naive and a mistake on my part; I underestimated the users here. I expected a dedicated anime board to have this flavor of world views, but I did not understand that these were so close to wizardchans; I didn't know opinions were so extreme here. That being said, I still didn't violate the rules, even by your count.

>Reason: ex 8 ) Meta, and Complaining about the community's views/opinions. - If you've got a problem with TC or it's userbase, take it to /fb/ ("2d or 3d, moe is moe, my friend")

I didn't complain about your views, or intentionally antagonist anyone. I understand what I voiced was unpopular, but saying something unpopular isn't against the rules.

You have been very polite and considering the ethos of the site (which does not bother me) you have been surprisingly unbiased in your treatment of me. Thank you.

The reason I am bothering to show you that my ban was unfair is because I thought it stemmed from inappropriate behavior from your moderator. His post >>6234 pretty much proves my point.

I understand why my post might have been seen as incendiary, and to that extend, if the mod had stepped in and let me know that voicing that kind of opinion might lead to anger and arguments from other users I would have been perfectly fine to defer to his guidance, and drop it on the spot. I come here do have fun and discuss anime, I don't want to start arguments or alienate the people I talk to. But he didn't give me a warning or help me navigate my way around the site without upsetting people. He got emotional and banned me, and that was highly unprofessional. It made me mad, it was unfair, I complained, and the thread got derailed. I recognize my part in this, I could have handled things better, but I was angry. Breaking the rules deserves a ban. I voiced an unpopul
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>> No. 6236 [Edit]
>all of his new accusations are pure extrapolation

meant to say supposition
>> No. 6237 [Edit]
File 148728082078.jpg - (252.18KB , 1687x950 , 1325301620877.jpg )
>I didn't complain about your views, or intentionally antagonist anyone.

You did. Re-read this part of your post. It's obvious from the first sentence.

>Hahahaha I fucking love the amount of animosity so many anime fans harbor for human women. You shouldn't deny yourself jollies from any source.

>There is no porn in my post.

It reads like erotic literature. I know the porn rule only refers to images specifically, but I think it's in the spirit of the rule.

>I didn't describe my experiences with 3d whores

then you were just writing on the way in which you'd like to have sex with them. either way nobody wants to hear about it here.

>Lol figured you'd throw this in. Enough said.
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6186 No. 6186 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
So the site activity has been declining for quite some time now. What future do you have in mind for the site Tohno?
20 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 6217 [Edit]
If you don't mind a request, Could you please elaborate and rewrite the board rules so they become crystal clear? There are several things that are left to basically fate / mood of the mods, making it difficult to gauge what threads constitute as "shitposting" and what constitutes "fluff things up a bit and keep things moving". I ask for this because I've seen threads that seem alright been purged and then threads that seem cancer allowed to be up... so I'm obviously not understanding some the rules right, and that makes me feel I might not be the only one.
>> No. 6218 [Edit]
Fair enough, I'll try to work on em.
>> No. 6219 [Edit]
Rules have no been updated.
>> No. 6220 [Edit]
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Well done, senpai. Go take a seat over there as reward.

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5995 No. 5995 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
Lets face it, TC is pretty dead lately. I haven't been able to post as much as usual because of a new job which eats up most of my time. It's getting to where we have 1-2 posts site wide over 48 hour periods that aren't my own. Part of it can also be blamed on a mod that used to contribute a lot but went nuts and parted ways with the site. All the same, it's gotten pretty bad.

A long time argument supporting the near dead state of TC has been the quality vs quantity issue. well I have to ask, where's the quality? It's one thing to have one or the other, but we don't have either at this point. So you don't want us to advertise, you don't want us to spread the word to other communities, you don't even want anyone to link to us, fine. but I can't support the site alone you know, and it seems like most of you reading this don't give enough of a shit to contribute much yourself. You're the reason this site is as dead as it is, you sitting there reading this.You sit there expecting other people do make content for you to just eat up but places like this can't survive like that. It needs a community to keep the ball rolling. You have the ability to keep this place going strong but you'd rather watch it die a slow painful death. When you're forced to put up with annoying retards on 4/8chan or crappy forums, don't complain about not having anywhere better to go. There exists a site free of spam memes and general idiocracy for true otaku hikimori and NEETs, It's right here right now and you're letting it drift into oblivion. To whoever is reading this; if this site should someday die, remember that you let it happen.

mazyes and loloimp guys are pretty cool though. Asuka dude too of course hella props there.
"midyear break now", "play the markets." are also alright. Probably missing a few and if I did I'm sorry, just wanted to say you guys are the heros TC deserves.
67 posts and 8 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 6151 [Edit]
That tends to happen if there isn't the occasional new blood, unfortunately. It is kind of sad seeing this place so dead, even if it was never super bustling even way back before I stopped posting.
Forcing older people to post won't help, it will only give the illusion of activity. I can understand not wanting a packed site with shitty posters and such, but you've gotta have some sort of traffic for things to not be stale.

>cirno image dump on 9/9/09 with a few other TC members at the time
Good times.
>> No. 6152 [Edit]
in the years since you became too good to post here, "tohno-chan" actually closed down for a while. later on different new people opened up a similar looking, but entirely unrelated website of the same name.
shit happens when you go away for a while, sorry but your experiences at the previous site and your thoughts about the current one aren't relevant.

4chan probably has it's own board dedicated to 4chan metadiscussion
>> No. 6154 [Edit]
>Like Germany would still be beer state even if 90% of the population became religious Muslims.
I don't see the logic behind that.

>That tends to happen if there isn't the occasional new blood, unfortunately.
It's not like we're opposed to it, though. There's relatively little stigma against being the new kid on the block on /tc/, because we don't really have any sort of secret culture meme lingo that you need to know to fit in. Ford Driver is just about the only thing outsiders might consider puzzling.
The problem is people find out about /tc/ through 4chan, which is only to be expected considering that's kinda where /tc/'s origins lie, and they expect /tc/ to be 4chan as well. They bring their shitpo... pardon, 'funposting', greentext, smug anime girls, shitty forced memes and expect to be in good company.
/tc/ isn't elitist against newcomers. /tc/ is elitist against shitposters.

And it's not like we can't just expect traffic considering the site's relatively serious, 'we expect fun, on topic conversations about otaku media' profile. In 2010, 2011 we were getting good traffic and good content. It's not some pipe dream, some utopia; we've had it and we've lost it. And you're right, the exact issue with these kind of communities is stagnation - old memeber leave, they're not replaced by new ones, there's no fresh blood and the community turns stale. But I don't think we've committed suicide willingly and knowingly, it's just that we never found a way to invite new quality contributors. Considering there was a time in site's history where everything was going really well I don't think it's outright impossible to just return to that state once again. But I've got to admit I don't really know how to achieve it.
>> No. 6155 [Edit]
>I don't see the logic behind that.
It's very simple. So much so that explaining it would only cause further confusion to you I fear.

Germany is Germany; beer, pikehelmets and sauerkraut are Germany even if 90% of Germans are Turks. Intangible cultural heritage, as the United Nation refers to it. The genes of a culture.

File 147223905070.jpg - (412.21KB , 1513x2508 , William-Adolphe Bouguereau - Daisies.jpg )
6103 No. 6103 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I'd like to suggest a potentially permanent solution to the CP spam that's plagued us for quite a while now.

The first time a post is made from a given IP address, instead of being posted immediately, it is placed in a queue, and is only posted to the site itself once approved by a moderator. Once one post is approved, all further posts from that IP are posted immediately as normal.

For regular posters, this would mean absolutely no difference whatsoever.
First time posters and posters whose IPs change will experience a slight delay in their posts, but the pace of conversation here is gentle enough that I doubt it would make much difference.
Spammers would be severely inconvenienced; in order to post anything untoward, they'd have to first make an innocuous post and then wait long enough - with the same IP - for it to be approved. Given that the CP spammers are probably using TOR or similar, this would be practically impossible.
Moderators might have slightly more work, but then again they'd have to go through and delete these posts anyway, and it's probably worth it for being rid of the CP spam.

I know this system is already used in various places, notably including bay12forums, where a forum with >2000 posts per day is overseen entirely by one solitary admin. If it works there, I see no reason why it shouldn't work here.

The only serious downside is that it requires harvesting data from users, but IP address alone isn't particularly sensitive data, and you could always include some opt-out.

I'd code this up myself, but I'm not great at programming and don't know anything about the existing board software.
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>> No. 6110 [Edit]
>letting all the shitposts and normalfags in

advertising on 4chumps is a bad idea, all it will is turn this site into another /pol/
>> No. 6117 [Edit]
This anon gets it 4chan died please do not kill this site.
>> No. 6118 [Edit]
.../pol/ is the board you're most concerned about on 4chan? Are you from /soc/ or something? I think your priorities are seriously distorted.

I have no clue why you'd assume Tohno would run ads for TC on /pol/ of all places anyway. They've always gone on /jp/ to my knowledge.
>> No. 6124 [Edit]
I don't think it's necessary because this place is so slow and the mods and admin here do such a good job.

I suggest they add a loli board to scare away the normalfags however.

I hope you aren't serious.

I'm going to plead with the admin of tohno-chan again. Please do not let it being normalfag as 4chan has become. You are our last line of defense from them. This is our home. You can't let them take it away from us. Just look at the boards here. The normalfags don't belong and will never belong.

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6096 No. 6096 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]

This is a Discord server I have made, which uses a bot to connect the IRC to the channel and vice versa. What you type in the IRC pops up in Discord, and what you type in Discord pops up in the IRC. ( )

I made this in mind for those who, for whatever reason, would like to use a TC chatroom, but either could not set up IRC or find IRC unappealing. With this method , one does not have to worry about splitting up the community. Technically there is a voice chat, but I don't see anything becoming of that.

-Discord intentionally hordes your data for future use. Not that IRC isn't logged to hell, but read this:
>By uploading, distributing, transmitting or otherwise using Your Data with the Services, you grant to us a nonexclusive, transferable, royalty-free, sublicensable, and worldwide license to use Your Data, subject to the Company’s Privacy Policy.

-It just werks
-Mobile Usage

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>> No. 6097 [Edit]
It will be down until further notice, since someone on the IRC did not like that one IRC user contained multiple posters
>> No. 6100 [Edit]
File 147166563799.png - (32.79KB , 437x257 , my asses.png )
something cought my eye
>> No. 6101 [Edit]
Good to know my ass caught your eye.

File 146796468617.jpg - (115.87KB , 1280x720 , [Leopard-Raws] Rilu Rilu Fairilu - Yousei no Door .jpg )
6027 No. 6027 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
The captcha is obnoxious as hell. I've noticed it doesn't work at times with the correct code typed in. Furthermore some spam is still getting past it from time to time. Should we just axe the captcha already?
>> No. 6028 [Edit]
File 14679649765.jpg - (101.57KB , 1280x720 , [Leopard-Raws] Rilu Rilu Fairilu - Yousei no Door .jpg )
wait a minute, why am I even asking this? Not like anyone could possibly like it. I'll get rid of it across the site by the end of the day.
>> No. 6029 [Edit]
I think captcha is valid for a limited timeframe after it gets generated, so if you leave the tab open or take your time writing your post it just expires. I tried experimenting with it a little and that's what I concluded.
>> No. 6030 [Edit]
Well, if the spam still got through then it was a pretty pointless line of defense. Sucks it didn't work.
>> No. 6038 [Edit]
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In retrospect I think the captcha actually did help in blocking 'some' of the more nasty forms of the spam. Thing was still obnoxious though and I think if I was to put it up again I'd need to find a way of implementing a better system.

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4401 No. 4401 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I got nostalgic and started thinking: what ever happened with all the old tripfriends of /tc/? why did they go? Back then I thought we'd be together til the end...

How many people from the ib4f days still remain?
32 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 5897 [Edit]
I know several posts in this thread are years old, but I just want to say my word.

No matter what drama we all went through that caused us all to fall apart at different times, it cannot be doubted that at some point we had something special.

Thank you, Tohno, for making this website and inviting many cool tripfags from /a/. The dedication that you have put into keeping this place alive is astounding. It's still incredibe to me that our geographic location was so close. I can honestly say that my funnest days with tchan were far superior to those of mine on 4chan.

Whatever beef we had, I miss you Hamish, aka Matsuda-chan (and sometimes manko you dirty samefag). You were a little older and more experienced than me, but you were like my best friend for a good while. We had some realtalk depressing conversations, but I'm happy I found a dude like you to talk with even if we didn't end up staying friends.

AyaAya aka TravyTripfriend on /a/. To you I say that you were objectively the best tripfriend on Tohno-chan, and probably always will be. You once labled our names on an Ichigo Mashimaro pic and you put me as the Chika to your Miu. You'll always be the Miu of Tohno-chan, you little devil, and I'd be happy to be your Chika any day. I honestly don't know how you weren't more popular on /a/ in hindsight. Tohno-chan really lost something when you left. It lost the fun and games, and was only left with the misery and sadness that I brought it.

Natsume, what can I say? You were the coolest guy around, without a doubt. There is not a person on Tohno-chan that didn't want to be your friend. You chose your name well. There's no reason why you shouldn't be that popular in real life. You have a cool personality.

Surtic, I miss you, dude. I honestly considered you like a little brother. You were a little awkward sometimes, but defintely cool enough to hangout with the best of them. I'm sorry we didn't treat you better on Aika. In hindsight, we were jerks to you sometimes, and for that, I apologize.

Rostran, you were always the queitest dude, and I know nothing about you because of it. But you were always just there, in a good way, if that makes sense. You completed the crew for me. When you're not there it just d
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>> No. 5898 [Edit]
>we were alike and going down the same road. We all take an exit sometime though.

It's not often, but sometimes you'll find an oddball who never gets off the road because they have no destination.
>> No. 5991 [Edit]
I don't post under trip a lot lately (when I do sometimes it's by accident because of autofill) because I was afraid I was pushing people away from here.

I don't mod constantly because I am afraid of fuck ups since the only thing I have to access the Internet is my phone and I could accidentally do some pretty bad shit if I fat finger something.
>> No. 5992 [Edit]
File 146440728517.jpg - (95.11KB , 512x720 , HaruhiToNegi.jpg )
Hello there. Remember me?

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