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File 138652493273.png - (484.95KB , 640x480 , Love_Hina_Again_Intro_6.png )
4595 No. 4595 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Why is there always some guy who is like "Oh look, its Shinden again' every time Shinden makes a thread? I see nothing wrong with his threads. Such a random pointless jab at another user like that is a lot more annoying than the threads he makes.
23 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 4656 [Edit]

>I don't much like the idea of adding on mods who would nuke half the site.

Well, if you like this kind of traffic then that's your call to make. Your site, your rules. I really shouldn't outright state it but I don't give a fuck any more - as for me, I just hope this slippery slope will never end.

As for un_freed I'm absolutely, unquestionably, wthout a doubt, 100% positive that he was by far the worst operator in the history of the channel. He was 4chan mods personified - 'lol, enjoy your ban xD'. He didn't give a fuck about any rules or laws because he believed himself to be the law.
I don't know how it affected what happened on the site but I can imagine his influence was barely noticeable. 3/4ths of people on IRC openly admit they don't even browse the site.


If you would read just this thread alone you'd have no problem figuring out that it's not just me, although I might be too vocal about this.
>> No. 4657 [Edit]
I got the feeling there were just two people complaining about shinden, although its hard to tell when everyone is on anonymous.

Honestly just calm down, if the majority ofpeople on this site find him okay then he cannot be as bad as you make it out to be.
>> No. 4661 [Edit]
I suppose you're right about un_freed. I forgot he had something of a bully complex and overreacted about a lot of things.
>> No. 4685 [Edit]
I should have never let un_freed get under my skin. I became a bit crazed and ruined a lot of my close relationships.

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4375 No. 4375 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I noticed post rate on tc has been declining for the past few months with no corresponding increasing in quality, although posts on the media related boards seem to comprise a larger proportion of the posts these days over /ot/ and /so/. Here are reasons why I think this might be the case, from what I think is most significant to least:

- People too scared to post lest everyone tear them a new asshole because they think they are Ford Drivers: I noticed this because people sometimes add disclaimers to their posts like 'I'm not a Ford Driver, but.."

- Running out of topics: especially on /mai/, the survey threads are starting to become more and more obscure and ridiculous

- Shitposting: people see posts they don't like not being deleted, so they become disillusioned with the site and leave.

- Snowball effect: less posts mean people visit less, which leads to less posts

- People growing used to tc and finding it boring

- People going to other chan sites
16 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 4553 [Edit]
This. I'm all for it.
>> No. 4558 [Edit]
I normally wouldn't do it either, but I figure anything would help at this point.

Thanks, I'll get on this sometime in the next few days. Sorry for taking so long, I figure if I'm going to bump a lot of stuff, my posts should actually have substance to them.
>> No. 4658 [Edit]
I noticed post rate has been picking up recently. Keep up the good work
>> No. 4672 [Edit]

Yup, the post rate on /an/ seems to be on the rise lately, that's great news. We're now one step closer to becoming /ota/, ganbatte /tc/!

File 138588390887.jpg - (231.85KB , 850x600 , 1385447922252.jpg )
4585 No. 4585 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I don't understand the purpose of the Watch Thread option. Where is the actual thread watcher after you click it?
>> No. 4586 [Edit]
An outdated and kinda pointless fetcher. It's something left over from the original software that I just assumed no one used.
>> No. 4587 [Edit]
That's a really cute picture.

File 138541450031.png - (252.04KB , 640x480 , vlcsnap-2013-11-14-00h06m28s250.png )
4562 No. 4562 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
there are too many noobs and people with bad taste on /an/ to make posting there worth my while.
can this be fixed?
1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 4564 [Edit]
Post more Strawberry Eggs. I'm sure it will magically fix the problem.
>> No. 4566 [Edit]
That may have been a bit harsh.
I know shit sucks there sometimes, but you just gotta learn to ignore those people and remember that 1-2 people who like god awful shit don't speak for everyone much as it may seem like it.
>> No. 4567 [Edit]
>I know shit sucks there sometimes, but you just gotta learn to ignore those people and remember that 1-2 people who like god awful shit don't speak for everyone much as it may seem like it.
That quote is going to open my unauthorized Tohno biography.
>> No. 4568 [Edit]

>you just gotta learn to ignore those people and remember that 1-2 people who like god awful shit don't speak for everyone

... You mean /an/ still has more than 2 posters?!

File 138164747930.jpg - (26.60KB , 195x333 , f00822ab760f62775a850e2737bea9392307672b.jpg )
4385 No. 4385 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
So does anyone actually give a shit about all the shitposting lately? I'm not seeing anyone complain about it over even bothering to report any of it anymore. instead when I try deleting it people bitch about it on this board. ( >>4369 ) It makes me wonder if there's really any point to deleting memes and such shit if that's what people here actually want.

All I'm asking is for -some- indication there are still people here who prefer quality over quantity and don't like seeing some boards turn into a slower version of 4chan's respective boards.
15 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 4514 [Edit]
File 138430520489.jpg - (56.32KB , 720x388 , josh nightcall.jpg )
I like the ford Driver meme. I myself drive a bronco and it has served me well.
>> No. 4530 [Edit]
who are you quoting?
>> No. 4540 [Edit]
why the fuck do people keep reporting my post?
What's wrong with asking who/what someone is responding to?
I'm just trying to find out who >>4529's statements are directed at.

>you dont have a waifu so I'm going to delete your posts
No one here said this, did this, or implied anything like this.

>So everyone who watches less than two anime series a season is all of a sudden a moe-shit lover, nice logic.
No one here said anything like this either.

I'll ask again, who are you responding to? who said anything like this? what the fuck are you talking about?
>> No. 4554 [Edit]
File 138483908060.png - (95.07KB , 350x265 , 631.png )
you suck get banned '

File 138477887731.jpg - (49.90KB , 400x400 , 1141769973587.jpg )
4549 No. 4549 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
wheres the psychiatric help board
>> No. 4551 [Edit]
I still can't believe Ayu is a 17 year old girl.
>> No. 4552 [Edit]

File 135154121280.jpg - (294.41KB , 700x990 , 1330617900820.jpg )
2988 No. 2988 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
I think that merging /cr/, /fig/, and /mp3/, into a Misc. Hobbies/Interests-type board is something to seriously consider. Having this many super-specific boards has always seemed silly to me and hasn't really proven to be particularly effective, as far as keeping persistent, interesting discussion alive goes.

The board is supposed to be a broad theme, then threads are more specific subsets of the board. It's not just a matter of organization, either. More people are likely to see threads that they wouldn't have otherwise seen when it's all collected into one general place, and, of course, that means they're more likely to respond to the threads.

I'd also bring back the doujinsoft board (since there's nowhere to discuss doujin games, really), and merge /foe/ and even /vn/ with it like the early days, to make it like /jp/. I'd leave /vg/ as it is. It would probably remain a slower board, but it would at least be a more interesting than it is now.

What do you guys think?
71 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 4541 [Edit]

'Why did people leave?' is the hot topic on /fb/, or rather it has been for like half a year by now. There were heaps of possible answers and as is usually the case there's some truth in each of those probably (aside from that one guy who keeps rambling about how /tc/ is filled with fake hikkis and NEETs who only label themselves as such because it's supposedly 'cool' - he's just retarded).

As for why people aren't interested in /tc/ imageboard culture - or should I call it 4chan culture? - is what I imagine is the biggest barrier. People got used to 'quick fix' version of internet where they open some site, bring up some topic, see some responses and get their fix. All in a very short period of time. It's quasi ADD-esque in a sense. It's not just 4chan of course, twitter is more or less the same in that aspect. That's just how internet rolls nowadays.

Those of us who are a little older are used to fora which usually move at a much slower rate (or used to move, especially when it comes to a rather niche topic and that's what anime was a decade ago) and thus our attention span isn't wrecked yet. We value quality over quantity and don't mind waiting for a qulity response instead of getting quick insipid fix.
>> No. 4543 [Edit]
the basic fact about imageboards is that all of the content is on any board is created by the people who use the board.
tohno-chan is a board for discussing a limited subset of weeaboo shit and the people who use the site just aren't very much interested in discussing the appropriate weeaboo shit so the site doesn't get very many posts.
>> No. 4544 [Edit]

Doesn't explain the drop in post rate or the drop in quality.
>> No. 4545 [Edit]
it explains everything.
the site will get faster/slower, better/worse, etc if the site's end users want it to otherwise it will stay like it is.

File 138370930085.jpg - (57.63KB , 778x1023 , 1341284387369.jpg )
4454 No. 4454 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Do you think that if they made another season of Lotte no Omocha that you would make a new board for it?
10 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 4498 [Edit]
its not him, either the sever here is very slow or cloud flare slows the connection down a lot. either was there is a not insignificant latency issue.
>> No. 4503 [Edit]
If you think this is slow you should have seen the site back on ib4f.
>> No. 4507 [Edit]
What are you guys talking about? except from threads filled with Youtube embeded vids there's nothing slow about /tc/ loading (using latest Mozilla with Adblock here). And even the longest threads in history have never, ever, reached the lengths of /a/ or /jp/.
>> No. 4510 [Edit]
yeah, thats a good comparison because this little 1 post an hour website has a hardware and connectivity budget that it comparable with 4chan's

File 138397353048.png - (9.19KB , 675x173 , what.png )
4469 No. 4469 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I deleted that post already but please do explain this to me.

Is this a joke?

Post edited on 8th Nov 2013, 9:40pm
>> No. 4473 [Edit]
yeah I made a bunch of posts when I was bored.
You missed some too, on here and on the backpages of /an/ and some other boards.
>> No. 4475 [Edit]
>> No. 4534 [Edit]
Nice prank.

File 138298841244.jpg - (243.56KB , 1024x768 , best anime.jpg )
4424 No. 4424 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
In honor of the fact that this is by far the worst season of anime in recorded history, could you lock /an/ until January 1, 2014?

Thank you for your consideration.
3 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 4435 [Edit]
Not even the worst season this year.
>> No. 4436 [Edit]
How about no? I'm using it.
It is not just your board.
>> No. 4452 [Edit]
Funny since I think this is the best season of any year since 2006-2007 that had back to back good seasons.
You were probably in diapers then though, kid.
>> No. 4453 [Edit]

Ok, you're pushing it way too hard right now, comparing this season to the goldmine that was 2006-2008 is a blasphemy.

It's not a good season but I've seen worse. I've seen worse this year. It's kinda average really.

File 137671371773.jpg - (48.92KB , 515x800 , FIG-MOE-2427_02.jpg )
4271 No. 4271 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
Is figurecumming allowed in /fig/?
48 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 4336 [Edit]
You're not even trying anymore, are you?

Dakimakura do not contain humans. They're 2D images printed on fabric and placed around a body pillow- much more comparable to an anime poster than a cosplayer with an anime mask.

If it involves pictures or videos of 3D people, it doesn't belong here. It's as simple as that.
>> No. 4338 [Edit]
My kig has never been on anything other than a mannequin, but my dak has been covered in jizz and sweat on more than one occasion.
Which one is more 3DPD?
I cosplay as my waifu and sing her songs and reenact scenes from her life ALONE, just me and my waifu and her supporting cast. I don't attention whore in public with a bunch of fat nerds, I don't post pics of myself online or anything like that.
There is nothing wrong with kigs or cosplay, whats wrong is that the way you see people employing them and that has painted an inaccurate picture in your retarded little brain of how they're actually used.
I'd bet if you polled /mai/ you'd find out that a lot of the people there have cosplayed as their waifu ALONE, behind locked doors, etc.
>> No. 4339 [Edit]
Someone that is incapable of telling the difference between cosplay porn and worksafe images of a kig mask on a mannequin is calling someone else retarded? Haha, oh wow.

If you cosplay alone and don't want anyone to see, then why the hell would you even be complaining about kig porn being off limits on TC?
>> No. 4467 [Edit]
h i a okay with having idolthreads since they need another home other than /jp/ and everyone loves akb48

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