No. 1394
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Recently someone posted about how they occassionally watch 3d porn, but feel guilty about it in /so/, but the thread was deleted. Personally I feel like this is an over step in mod power. The poster posted in faith that they would be given advice, similar stories, support, and they were until the thread was deleted. Basically what has been done is "sweeping the issue under the rug," like 2D is some sort of religion, and those that break the rules are forgiven if they never tell anyone about it. It's keeping the issues that tohno's face everyday, hidden and shamed. This is what an oppressive culture does. Love for 2D doesn't need to be like radical islam, it doesn't need to be a hivemind of 3D hate, because there is always enough love to go around, who cares if some of that spills into the 3D realm.
Sure deleting 3D stuff from most boards is justifiable, and probably advisable, but /so/ is about the issues we face, and if it is a 3D issue it should be allowed.
If this counts as "undermining moderation decisions," sorry I don't consider you to be above reproach.
also I didn't think a new thread was needed.