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File 134442355433.jpg - (97.07KB , 500x281 , 1230492878143_f.jpg )
2680 No. 2680 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
minagi can't into kawaii
>> No. 2681 [Edit]
can't into?
>> No. 2682 [Edit]
OP can't into English.

File 134216270032.jpg - (134.65KB , 300x353 , sing.jpg )
2630 No. 2630 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Does anyone else spend so much time on Tohno-chan that it feels like it's a part of who they are? I really don't know how to describe the feeling. It's not as new and exciting like it once was for me, but I feel like I must visit it, must compulsively refresh, must silently curse Haruhi that people aren't posting more and then curse myself for not doing it more myself. It's so strange to think about, but I can't be the only one like this...
5 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 2638 [Edit]
I consider it my "home" website.


I feel the opposite
>> No. 2640 [Edit]
Tohno-chan is certainly my most favourite site to visit, and the only one I take seriously. Occasionally I may screw around on 4-ch, world2ch, Uboachan or iichan but they make this place look busy (meaning they're really dead).

I do wish more people posted, though. I try to get in a few post a day but sometimes it comes to the point where you feel you're spamming the place.

Post edited on 14th Jul 2012, 5:44am
>> No. 2647 [Edit]
If you do it anonymously, it just makes it look like the site is more busy.
Which I believe would make people more inclined to post.
>> No. 2668 [Edit]

Tohno-chan has been my home site since first coming here.... Man, I don't even know. I think it was like a month after things got started?

Anyways, it has been my home for a long time now, and while I may not post much anymore, you guys are still some of the only ones I feel comfortable talking with.

Can't imagine days without this place now that I have a home again.

File 133815296357.jpg - (946.78KB , 1000x707 , manyotherwisegoodartistscantdrawthemforshit.jpg )
2390 No. 2390 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
Because the IRC and site itself seem to be separate entities, with their own separate user bases. Some believe the irc channel should have it's own set of rules, since many regulars of the channel never visit the site, let along read the rules.

anyway, feel free to discuss the channel, but mainly what rules it should have.
89 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 2562 [Edit]
Does two ops, and some random dude talking with the channle on mute for a few minutes make the channle a OP circlejerk?
>> No. 2567 [Edit]
yes, yes it does.
>> No. 2651 [Edit]
I've been coming to irc for a long time, but I don't feel like I have much in common with anyone else. Weird, because I am into a lot of the usual stuff (jrpgs and vns etc.) but not anime, which is now maybe 90% of discussion. But it's the only place I can stand anymore.
>> No. 2652 [Edit]

Most people in there like VNs and JRPGs. You can always talk about them. I think most people are talking about anime lately because the latest season started not too long ago.

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2467 No. 2467 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
>Against the rules
>- Gaia/weeaboo shit. (Conventions, English dubs

So I can't, say, mention that I prefer subs most of the time but think that Black Lagoon has a damn good dub?
6 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 2474 [Edit]
I'm up for exclusivity and elitism.
>> No. 2475 [Edit]

I agree, we're in need of a holocaust here.
>> No. 2507 [Edit]
I also agree with this.
>> No. 2526 [Edit]

fuck off back to shitchan

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2524 No. 2524 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Why has there been a spate of /jp/-level shitty threads? Seriously cut it out.
4 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 2553 [Edit]

Why do you want to take preventive measures against a problem that is very unlikely to... uh, become a problem.
>> No. 2557 [Edit]
I want /jp/ to leave.
>> No. 2558 [Edit]
Well I reported the 'bad' threads twice and nothings happened so it looks like they (probably tokiko) are here to stay.
>> No. 2559 [Edit]

It's not polite to point fingers but yeah...stop with this crap. If you want to ``shitpost'' do it elsewhere.

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2312 No. 2312 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
how about making an /int/ board?
14 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 2463 [Edit]
couldn't that be covered in /ot/ and /mt/, with sensitive moderation?
>> No. 2464 [Edit]
who cares about other countries? maybe a japanese thread in /mt/ but anything else seems weird
>> No. 2465 [Edit]
I sure as hell don't.
>> No. 2466 [Edit]

>Threads in other languages


>discussion about countries

What the hell is there to discuss?

Discuss the 3D matters on a site that cares about 3D.

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2340 No. 2340 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What does Kakusu mean when it is in the mail field? Pardon me, I'm new here obviously.
13 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 2427 [Edit]
So long as it isn't a contemptuous rule breaking post or something of the same ilk, I appreciate peoples' contributions to threads. So don't be afraid, after all theres not much point if nobody reads the post you've written or tc looks like its dead because everyone is using kakusu.
>> No. 2428 [Edit]

Even if I write a somewhat worthwhile post I still kakusu because if I bump an old thread I feel like I'm trying to force people to discuss the topic in question. It can't be helped.
>> No. 2451 [Edit]
I don't see why you can't just sage.
>> No. 2454 [Edit]

It'd still appear on the frontpage. Imagine someone refreshing the frontpage, thinking 'oh look, there are some new posts!' and then realizing that 'oh, it's just that guy again'.

Also, I don't even use the frontpage, with the amount of kakusus it's much more convenient to just look through the boards twice a day, really.

File 133795620334.png - (1.72KB , 124x108 , recent.png )
2375 No. 2375 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Is it just me or is the recent images box not working?
4 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 2380 [Edit]
My adblock doesn't work at all so it can't be that. Just to be sure I added tohno-chan to the list of sites not to work on and it still doesnt work.
>> No. 2381 [Edit]
I've noticed from time to time that one or two of them would be blank, but not the entire thing.
>> No. 2382 [Edit]
You're not alone, it doesn't work in Internet Explorer.
>> No. 2383 [Edit]
I found out what's wrong. Right now, the reference to a picture in the "Recent Images" looks like this:

<img src="" width=" " height=" " border="0" / div class="picitself">

I found deleting the 'width=" " height=" "' part fixes the problem. Please modify the script accordingly.

File 132564674971.jpg - (93.28KB , 795x570 , 1324260498919.jpg )
1915 No. 1915 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Is it just me, or is Tohno-chan really slow these past few months? Slower than it even was when it was new. Usually I come on here after half a day and its something like: /ot/ has two new posts, /so/ has one new post, everything else no new posts. Usually a big posting spike happens when someone makes a new thread though.
30 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 2334 [Edit]
Hard to say, our recent post system doesn't show time or dates and wont show mare than 50 posts at a time.

but the time of the 50th post from this moment was

so I guess you can compare it to the current time of my post to get some idea.
>> No. 2348 [Edit]
>away' are Ui (obvious)

I got banned for starting shit to a argument (which I clearly can't even remember clearly).
>> No. 2349 [Edit]
When connected to rizon, PM Tohno_ to ask for a unban.
and in doing so, it would be helpful if you provide your host-mask thingamajig.
>> No. 2350 [Edit]
Being you know who I am, I don't think that's a wise idea. I won't go into fussy drama (because it's not needed) but I think we all know what happened that warrented my ban right?

Hell I probably don't know why I came here again. the url was still easy to remember and I wanted to see how you guys were getting along.

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1450 No. 1450 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
It's back!
27 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 2324 [Edit]
One tip is to stop pressing enter after you end a sentence. Not because it's technically bad grammar (who cares anyway), but it's easy to pick out. I could add more but at a certain point it gets silly.

Personally, I know that people would be able to pick me out of the crowd, mainly because of the way I post in batches a few times a day/week/month. I am graced by the fact that I'm a nobody in this site, so it remains a non-issue. I wish for you the same posting comfort; for what it's worth I forward your sentiments on this matter. It shouldn't be too much to ask to be able enjoy your own products in peace, even if it's viral.
>> No. 2325 [Edit]
>One tip is to stop pressing enter after you end a sentence. Not because it's technically bad grammar (who cares anyway), but it's easy to pick out. I could add more but at a certain point it gets silly.

He also gets really aggressive when anime he doesn't like gets mentioned, namely Madoka. Basically tohno if you want to go unnoticed do what this guy said and also don't get into arguments as much
>> No. 2337 [Edit]
The problem with your anonymous posting is that 95% (that's generous) of your anonymous posts are very rude. It makes you look like an ass who wants to tell everybody how much of a disgusting, sick in the head faggot emo hipster with no shame at all they are (because they like a show you don't) but at the same time you don't have the courage to say it properly and instead you just restore to random anonymous insults.

It's not just Madoka of course, even though some people try to brush it off as 'well mahou shoujo without mountains of candy and rainbows is Tohno's pet peeve'. People who are not misogynist ('white knights' as you like to call them) or people who happen to prefer gaming devices from companies other than Sony are other examples.
These are the three biggest ones but if we were to get more specific there'd be much more.

Look, I don't care whether you think of Madoka's fanbase as sick paedophiles, whether you think women are source of all evil in the world and whether you think people should throw their wallets at Sony because they are the world's greatest company. I think I'd prefer you didn't but it's okay, really. People are different and as such different opinions on the same matter are inevitable.

However, there's one thing I really can't stand and refuse to accept - a person who has an official trip-on 'well I see your point and I respect your opinion but I happen to disagree' mode and a trip-off 'fuck you you fucking trash emo faggot hipest paedophiles' mode.

Don't brush it off as 'when I post Anonymously, I do so becuase I want to post as a regular average user of the site, not as the admin' because that's bullshit and you know it. Whether you use your trip or not depends on something completely different than your unwillingness to represent an official stance on the matter as an admin.
>> No. 2351 [Edit]
Site's been up and down a lot today

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2306 No. 2306 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Is this April's Fool?
This is too much.
My mother is very sick and basically... well, doesn't matter; just: she has been suicidal and today was a terrible day...
I just don't want Tohno or more people to suffer around.
>> No. 2307 [Edit]
We don't know.
>> No. 2308 [Edit]
File 133334886735.jpg - (7.20KB , 760x324 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
damn you, tohno...

what a dark side you have.

the fucked up ads were OK, though.

Post edited on 1st Apr 2012, 11:42pm
>> No. 2309 [Edit]
I'm really glad it was a joke. He acts like an idiot sometimes but I was legitimately worried sick he might have done something. I think him?
>> No. 2310 [Edit]
We all do.

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