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File 166093264061.jpg - (300.97KB , 1920x1080 , RPG Fudousan - 05 - 1080p WEB HEVC -NanDesuKa (B-G.jpg )
6867 No. 6867 [Edit]
Creating a separate thread to document this issue so >>6857 doesn't accuse me of being miserly.

If you see a server error when trying to post things, it's most likely related to WAF used by the shared hosting TC is running on. Supposedly this is out of the admin's control. It's also poorly implemented so it will sometimes trigger on random english words that just happen to be unix commands (e.g. touch). Also if you keep triggering it trying to edit your post to pass the WAF, it'll drop your packets. (I don't know if the block automatically expired after 12 hours or if Tohno manually fixed it; if the latter, thank you for doing so).
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>> No. 6868 [Edit]
File 16609542279.png - (1.10MB , 1280x720 , tsuki.png )
I did some testing (and got myself blocked too). The WAF was triggered by "sounds", quotation marks included plus any non-ascii character.
>> No. 6869 [Edit]
How odd. I don't even have a hypothesis as to why this triggers it.
>> No. 6881 [Edit]
And another bug: the below text supposedly trips Kusaba's word-filter based autoban (text below rot13'd to itself avoid tripping it):

>fperrapnc V pna

I'm assuming it's a badly written regex matching on it. If one of the mods has access to the wordfilter list and can whip up a script to test against it, should be able to identify it pretty easily.

Post edited on 23rd Nov 2022, 8:54pm
>> No. 6882 [Edit]
It should be fixed now.
>> No. 6883 [Edit]
Neat. I'm curious what the offending regex/wordfilter was, if you don't mind sharing?
>> No. 6884 [Edit]
I can only tell that it involved 5 characters.

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