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File 135786806620.jpg - (42.04KB , 720x536 , fukodapolice.jpg )
3426 No. 3426 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
As it turns out, when you spoiler a URL, the text of the link is still visible which negates the point of spoilers.
Is it possible to change the link color attribute for the area under the spoiler?
More importantly is it possible to do it conveniently. I can think of a few ways to do it that would be a pain in the ass, but I don't know shit about style sheets (I stopped updating my HTML knowledge about ten years ago).
I can tell for almost certain that ever other site with spoilers has this same issue so its likely to be a pain to deal with, but there are a couple threads on the topic on the wakaba support board.

I don't have a related pic so I'll just go ahead and open this thread with some delicious Fuko.
5 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3433 [Edit]
That's no reason to use a spoiler tag.
>> No. 3434 [Edit]
it is because those people complain and you end up getting banned
>> No. 3440 [Edit]

Use for those or something of the sorts then.


Not posting links to sankaku might help, I recommend using this method in the future.
>> No. 3450 [Edit]
The Sankaku booru is pretty good.

File 135774362565.gif - (1.96MB , 300x215 , 1348966751826.gif )
3394 No. 3394 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
There should be some kind of way to inform people of the standards of the site so that people don't post '/a/ SHIT' again. But how? The rules do give people the general tone of things (even though they're mainly just a list of specific 'do not do' things), and after lurking a while soeone would get the hang of it.
26 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3423 [Edit]
The ban was for using the word "based." I wasn't even mad, I wanted to show I was humorous about it, that I wasn't really annoyed.

Come on, it's one day out of your life you couldn't post. It's not like you're being persecuted. In fact, making a big deal out of it is making matters worse.

If you knew what based means, you would know it isn't a good thin for TC.
>> No. 3424 [Edit]

Like I said I exaggerated there on purpose. And obviously memes refers to 4chan ones we ran away from (well, at least some of us). Greentext, image macros, dubz, shit like that.

Not to mention when I said banned I meant one day bans like the one >>3409 got, not perma IP range bans.

>I didn't come here to get shouted at, I want to enjoy myself and relax.

Sometimes 'enjoying yourself' and 'relaxing' can also mean you are ruining stuff for others, as showcased in this thread. 'I just want to enjoy myself and post some funny meemz, what the hell is your problem'. Of course I'm not saying that you think that way (I seriously doubt that), just an example.

For the better or for the worse 'take-it-easy-ism' is pretty much gone now. And if that's the case I'd rather make the best of it and hope the mods will purge /a/ shit with iron fist and banhammer than let everybody do as they please.
>> No. 3425 [Edit]
I agree about the anger thing. I like to think that I respond with a very constructive attitude when it comes to things like this, and I think that's the best way to be. With way more traffic than we had back in the really early tc days, though, I think that the quality of posting is important to focus some attention toward; we shouldn't just turn a blind eye to shitposting when it becomes more and more prevalent. I think I'm actually far less elitist than many people here, with regards to 3d and normalcy and such, since I don't really care if people talk about how they might have real life friends or have had a girlfriend in a past life on /so/ or /ot/ and stuff, but I also don't really care that the community has shunned that, either. I do feel that 'elitism' based on shitposting is quite appropriate, though. There's a way to keep the quality of posting a priority, AND take it easy. I really don't want to see this place become a 4chan clone, which I'm glad to say I don't see happening.

So, while I do share your sentiment on a lot of matters here, I think I side with >>3414 >>3418 more. It would be nice if all we had to do was take it easy and bad posters would stay away, but wanting active mods to regulate annoying behaviour is also what brought us here from 4chan in the beginning.

Boy, what an epik troll you are!
>> No. 3436 [Edit]
Can't you understand when someone's intention is just gentle ribbing? Well, this is tc after all l.

File 135754438898.png - (583.38KB , 800x900 , 1348275516238.png )
3365 No. 3365 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Can we formally ask that people not abuse spoilers? Misused spoilers degrade the quality of your post and, in turn, degrade the quality of the site. If there's something that you want to say that you think is off-topic to discussion and you don't want to derail the thread, you should consider not saying it at all, or being more thoughtful about the words you use. Hiding the words you're so embarrassed to be saying behind an ugly black bar is hardly going to prevent anybody from reading it, (and responding, if they have something to say to it,) anyway.

If you think that abusing spoilers adds flare and personality to your otherwise bland post, it almost never does. Put more thought into your post or just realize that you're not on /a/ anymore and don't need to do silly shit like that here.

And above all of that, it adds confusion. Sometimes I don't know if it's actually a spoiler about something or just the continuation of somebody's thought that they figured would be made more interesting if I'm SURPRISED!!! when I read it.

This place is partially /a/'s dirty laundry, but I also like to think that it's the evolution of /a/. Let's grow past these /a/-level shenanigans and promote positive and meaningful discussion here.

So, my suggestion is that it becomes formally discouraged in the rules, mods be encouraged to edit spoilers out of uselessly spoilered posts, it becomes encouraged to report senseless spoilering and if anybody's feeling ambitious, when a spoiler tag is written in the comment field, a little note be added to the right of the comment box that says something like "Please do not abuse spoilers," or "Use, don't abuse".
19 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3388 [Edit]
I agree with >>3387

That's a retarded position you've taken. I think either you're trying too hard to be elitist, or you really do take pride in something as trivial as watching seasonal anime.
>> No. 3389 [Edit]
I think he was joking, guys.
>> No. 3391 [Edit]

One can only hope.
>> No. 3393 [Edit]

Ah, must be nice to be such an optimist. Sure doesn't sound like a joke to me, though.

File 135202846232.png - (378.05KB , 642x483 , 1257525804961_ib4f.png )
3133 No. 3133 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Uhm... please remind me: when was /tc/'s anniversary?
We didn't forget once again, did we?
22 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3326 [Edit]
Yeah, that was my idea in some other thread about substituting embed links to thumbnails, but since there's no traction, I think it's better to just disable it for now. I don't expect it to just be done because I say I don't like it, but you know where my vote stands
>> No. 3327 [Edit]
I vote yes
>> No. 3328 [Edit]
Hamish quit? Darn, he did a lot for this site. If it werent for him this site wouldn't be half as easy to use.
>> No. 3329 [Edit]
Yeah that sucks.

File 135577615753.png - (657.29KB , 1696x939 , Screenshot 2012-12-16 04_13_13.png )
3309 No. 3309 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
So today I realized that Tohnochan is blocked at my school because it's under the category "Games".

I have no idea why, but this is extremely funny to me.

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>> No. 3312 [Edit]
Well, school sucks and stuff, so it's to be expected, however it's best if you don't come here in public places to attract unwarranted attention or unnecessary traffic from people that will most likely shit up the place.
>> No. 3313 [Edit]
Are imageboards actually useful work?
>> No. 3392 [Edit]
>(/a/ SHIT)
Thank you, mods.
>> No. 3435 [Edit]
go back to school kid

File 135547329352.png - (49.63KB , 452x102 , ruri.png )
3274 No. 3274 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
How do you honestly feel about Tohno-chan as a community?
21 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3298 [Edit]
Again, You're a fucking retard.
>> No. 3299 [Edit]
enjoy your 3d
>> No. 3300 [Edit]
>> No. 3301 [Edit]
I love the community here, even the shitty aspects of it (the preceding couple of posts are a good example) are more endearing and inadverdently comical than they are irritating. I even find myself missing some of the more annoying posters that have since left, such as giascle, from time to time. It's just so comfortable here, like the extended family that I never had.
/mai/ in particular is a special place to me, it's almost amazing how the board can remain kind and supportive without turning into a complete cirlejerk.
I've never visited the irc, though.

File 135153745498.png - (80.40KB , 419x248 , 1331735849100.png )
2984 No. 2984 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I think that kakusu discourages discussion a lot.

Arguably, the only real purpose for it is to make comments that you don't want people to respond to. It could be argued that you just don't want uninitiated people (people not previously active in the thread) to respond to your posts, so using kakusu should be useful for that, right? Sure, except it's discouraging discussion by excluding people who aren't scouring every page of every board for stuff to talk about.

The more people there are who will see your posts, the more people there are who will have something to add to the conversation. This is something that's a problem on tohno-chan, because we have active users a lot of the time, but still don't get many posts.

Another argument that might be made is that you don't want to clog up the front page with certain posts in already-active threads--but we're a slow enough site for this to not matter at all, at the moment. In the future, if high traffic "clogging up" the front page becomes a problem, it could just be reformed to allow for "Recent Posts" board-specific filtering and/or active thread notifications, or something along those lines.

It's a practically useless function and appears to adds no value to the site or quality of the site; it only subtracts.
40 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3252 [Edit]
I think everyone should have to register before posting on the site, taking no Kakusu a step further. Just what are they trying to hide anyways?
>> No. 3253 [Edit]
>what are they trying to hide anyways

I will never reveal the wu-tang secret
>> No. 3254 [Edit]

expert admin programmer hardly at working.
>> No. 3255 [Edit]
You know it bro!

No. 3216 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
There's too much meta discussion within threads and not enough actual discussion. Unless some kind of rule is added to discourage this kind of trolling/shitposting, I fear Tohno-Chan will remain in its current state indefinitely

Pic is SFW because it is censored
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>> No. 3221 [Edit]
your slimy tendrils can't corrupt this pretty preteen's heart!
>> No. 3223 [Edit]
I wish someone would delete you, from the earth
>> No. 3224 [Edit]
>There's too much meta discussion

Stopped reading right there. Just what we needed, another meta thread complaining about meta threads.
>> No. 3228 [Edit]
Stopped reading right there.

File 135001560260.jpg - (38.25KB , 179x190 , 1310615744428.jpg )
2893 No. 2893 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
I tried ask in /ot/ but I didn't ger clear answer and I didn't want to cause anymore off-topic discussion, so I try to get answer from here.

Why is /tc/ so strict about political discussion?

I will delete thread when I get satisfying answer.
48 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3158 [Edit]
people can like or not like whatever they want for whatever reason they want, and you have no right to make them like or not like something.
I don't give one flying fuck if you don't accept 'why' I like or don't like something, I'm not going to start liking or disliking something just because you tell me too.

Besides, you're just going to ignore any reasons people present that you don't like. No one ever says something is shit becuase it's shit, you simply don't like their reasons so you wright off their reasons and opinion as shit, and by that logic I could say anything you like is shit and any reason you have for liking it makes your opinion shit.
If I said a pair of pants was ugly becuase they're green, but someone else who liked green would think my opinion was shit, they can think so all they like but that doesn't make it fact.
Or what if a anime has a cast of primarily tsundere characters and two people have opposing opinions. one likes the anime becuase he likes tsundere, the other doesn't like the anime becuase he doesn't like tsundere. who here would have the shit opinion?
>> No. 3159 [Edit]
>people can like or not like whatever they want for whatever reason they want, and you have no right to make them like or not like something.
>I don't give one flying fuck if you don't accept 'why' I like or don't like something, I'm not going to start liking or disliking something just because you tell me too.
And again nobody is saying you aren't allowed to have opinion in something. You opinion is just as worthless (let's use nicer word) as arguments behind it. Stop trying to be martyr. Nobody here minds if you CRITICIZE anime.

>Besides, you're just going to ignore any reasons people present that you don't like.
How do you know that?

>No one ever says something is shit becuase it's shit, you simply don't like their reasons so you wright off their reasons and opinion as shit, and by that logic I could say anything you like is shit and any reason you have for liking it makes your opinion shit.
How many times I need to repeat; Opinion is worthless, if there isn't arguments behind it. No matter if I agree or disagree with it.

>If I said a pair of pants was ugly becuase they're green, but someone else who liked green would think my opinion was shit, they can think so all they like but that doesn't make it fact.
Matter of taste != opinion. You can't objectively view color of pants, but you can view anime objectively.

>Or what if a anime has a cast of primarily tsundere characters and two people have opposing opinions. one likes the anime becuase he likes tsundere, the other doesn't like the anime becuase he doesn't like tsundere. who here would have the shit opinion?
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>> No. 3171 [Edit]
>You can't objectively view color of pants, but you can view anime objectively.
I think you got that backward.
>> No. 3172 [Edit]
He has his pants backward? What the fuck is wrong with this country

File 135214432919.png - (54.36KB , 542x176 , we like corm_.png )
3160 No. 3160 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
what is "corm"
>> No. 3161 [Edit]
its what we like
>> No. 3162 [Edit]
File 135214674429.jpg - (69.48KB , 750x600 , corm.jpg )
>> No. 3174 [Edit]
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File 135158986183.gif - (1.54MB , 390x219 , Saten eating ice cream.gif )
3054 No. 3054 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
/fb/ - Tohno-chan's flagship board.
14 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3111 [Edit]
yeah you're right, I wouldn't like to see a 3D idol board or anything like that. But if that's what people here decide they want, then it can't be helped.
>> No. 3114 [Edit]

A hidden board would be acceptable but I'd rather not see any 3D stuff on /tc/ period, hidden or not.
>> No. 3116 [Edit]

I agree. I'm not really as against 3D pics as some other people are, but I still don't wanna see them here. It would just feel wrong
>> No. 3117 [Edit]
I'm against it!

This place is 2D only, damn it!

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