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File 164799794661.jpg - (9.45KB , 474x197 , cloudflare.jpg )
6827 No. 6827 [Edit]
I highly recommend using cloudflare's csam scanning tool to stop illegal images from appearing on your site. It also helps to block proxies as well. I think as an imageboard community we can stop this shit but we need to start taking measures to put an end to it. If you want to step away from your board for awhile don't leave posting open. It will get spammed. Just put it in read only until you come back.

And yes, I'm posting this on all the imageboards I find. No I'm not a bot.
>> No. 6828 [Edit]
>As an imageboard community we can stop this shit
What shit? Out of the 3 niche imageboards I visit, none have ever had any problem other than the usual link spam. Exactly what problem would be solved by this (other than increasing Cloudflare's market cap)?
>> No. 6886 [Edit]
If you don't know you're either new, or one of the spammers posting unmentionable things.
>> No. 6890 [Edit]
Given that you're trying to advocate for the global mitm that is cloudflare, I'd say you're the one who's new. There are plenty of ways to deter posters that don't rely on glowie software.

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