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File 147785523377.jpg - (202.45KB , 1200x900 , b4f0698f0905aae4e3148eebcca59a2c.jpg )
6143 No. 6143 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Hey hey, /tc/, /tc/, guess what day it is!

It's that time of the year again! Happy birthday!
7 posts and 6 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 6598 [Edit]
It's like people keep pulling it further ahead each year. Yeah no I didn't create TC on Halloween day, I can say that much for sure. I feel like it was mid November but at this point it's just easier to say November first.
>> No. 6600 [Edit]
So, it's not known?
>> No. 6601 [Edit]
It's known, Tohno just has bad memory and doesn't remember he looked into the answer himself:
>> No. 6607 [Edit]
haha, I completely forgot researching it to settle the matter.
Whelp, anyways, happy birthday TC I suppose.

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20 No. 20 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
I'm just gonna go ahead and list off know missing features that need implemented, and know bugs/problems that need fixing.

missing features

-post editing
-spoiler images
-multi image upload.
-theme switcher for the front page
-404 page

bugs/problems that need fixing

-repairs to themes not yet fully converted to current site.
-maximum supported upload seems to only be 7mb for the time being.
Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
268 posts and 26 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 6578 [Edit]
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/vg/ and /vn/ seem to be somewhat broken, many of the threads aren't showing up.
>> No. 6580 [Edit]
Hey tohno, thanks for keeping this site alive after all these years. I hope you're doing ok. If I had any money I'd donate.
>> No. 6581 [Edit]

Was an add-on, Ad Nauseum did it.

glad that's cleared up.
>> No. 6605 [Edit]
lol. You know I never really thought about that but you're right, I guess it really is kinda hypocritical. Maybe we should have a different style of ban page?

No. 6457 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
May 29 22:41:49 <Lesh>i had to catch sheep today
May 29 22:41:59 <Lesh>i am man
May 29 22:42:06 <Lesh>i got cactus throns in me
May 29 22:42:12 <Lesh>thorns*
May 29 22:45:54 <Antime>are you a kiwi?
May 29 22:46:45 *Mafin_ (~Mafin@te.wo.tsunaginagara) has joined
May 29 22:49:59 *Mafin has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
May 29 22:50:49 <Lesh>no
May 29 22:50:50 <Lesh>texas
May 29 22:50:54 <Lesh>im as texas
May 29 22:51:21 <Lesh>from*
May 29 22:51:40 <Antime>cool, it was just a polite way to ask if u fug sheep I guess.
May 29 22:52:01 <Antime>Are people banned if they you have a sheep gf?
May 29 22:52:09 <Lesh>i dont fuck sheep
May 29 22:52:24 <Lesh>on rare occasion i have sex with women though
Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
3 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 6461 [Edit]
It's not like people haven't complained in the channel when stuff like this happens. It's usually met with disinterest.

Rule enforcing has room to improve.
>> No. 6462 [Edit]
File 149650316788.jpg - (213.44KB , 1024x1291 , Cgy-1OYU8AQ_CUq.jpg )
Are you volunteering? What's your IRC username?
>> No. 6499 [Edit]
I am also surprised stuff like that is regularly tolerated there. I think we all have aspects to our lives that are more on the normal side, but it's common curtesy to not bring ithem up in unwelcome settings. It doesn't surprise me that some of the users here are not socially aware enough to know that they're making other people uncomfortable by doing so though.

Basically, Lesh, please stop being publicly faggotish. I don't think you should be banned, but you are clearly bothering people when you act this way.
>> No. 6583 [Edit]
I really dislike the IRC in general. There's been a handful of people I like there and it's not all bad but I've run into stuff like the OPs post and people being really shitty assholes to each other. I get a lot of people here are depressed and bitter but I completely avoid the IRC now just because of these people.

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6574 No. 6574 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Should bagging moe result in a ban hammer?

You see, one: every other anime forum has incessant moe hating so we don't need it here at all, and two: I don't see a reason not to.

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6112 No. 6112 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Greetings tohno-chan staff just making a thread to tell you that i love your website and that you are doing a great job unlike a certain chan site that shall not be named you are doing great work to keep this community nice clean and you are keeping the normalfags out who come from god knows where i appreciate that very much keep up the good work i look forward to seeing more great things happen here in the future.
9 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 6549 [Edit]
I'm happy I have TC in my life.
>> No. 6551 [Edit]

Me too
>> No. 6615 [Edit]
People say stuff like this but then never stick around long...
>> No. 6617 [Edit]
Like how only the worst sorts frequent prison.

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6322 No. 6322 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Just wondering, how much does it cost to keep the site up for a year tohno?
7 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 6539 [Edit]
Yeah, fuck that cunt. I''ve noticed him as well, and he's making Tohno change the site to suit his own personal liking.
>> No. 6540 [Edit]
There's been a lot of that going around. Pretty tired of it honestly. Tired of all this shit...
>> No. 6542 [Edit]
It seems liek random pictures are disappearing, such as the last one in the colouring thread on /mai/
>> No. 6543 [Edit]
I haven't really noticed that. they all seem to be okay last I looked.

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6508 No. 6508 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Can we make the IRL board public and just hide its posts from the frontpage like you did with /tat/?

The community has changed so I'm not gonna bother hiding it, I wouldn't mind getting to know our users better. I wouldn't even mind an online relationship and I'm not bothered by Tohno's. If the admin and even a few users are okay with it, I don't see the harm in having a small public board for it that doesn't broadcast posts to the frontpage. Surely that should be enough to dissuade any bitter guys that are still complaining about IRC and the like?
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>> No. 6517 [Edit]
>I don't know why you spiteful people have such a hard time giving constructive criticism to Tohno

That uh... that didn't work out so well last time. Users that have brought up issues like 3D relationship discussion here have been brushed off at best and subjected to angry, self-righteous rants full of ad hominems like 'racist' and 'misogynist' at worst.

But I'd like to give Tohno the benefit of the doubt here and hope that he's just been kinda stressed lately due to subbing obligations, the userbase butting heads, and so on rather than assuming that he's actually been converted into an SJW preaching 'tolerance'.
>> No. 6518 [Edit]
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>Users that have brought up issues like 3D relationship discussion here have been brushed off at best and subjected to angry, self-righteous rants full of ad hominems like 'racist' and 'misogynist' at worst.

false, 3d relationship discussion is banned as per the rules. that never changed.
>> No. 6519 [Edit]

Shit isn't happening here, not flying.

Don't worry about the cancer here, the only way it will be brought here is if you bring it.

I understand that shit is infesting the world and you may want to rant about it, but keep it to /tat/, whether you are pro- or anti-cancer.
>> No. 6521 [Edit]
Start enforcing it then please ^.^

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6474 No. 6474 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Can't we use legacy captcha? The current one freaks out on me, now and then.
>> No. 6475 [Edit]
What don't you like about it? If you're encountering the fading bug (you select an image and it fades away, making it impossible to complete) you can always activate the hearing one.
>> No. 6476 [Edit]
I'd prefer to not use a captcha at all, but it can't be helped. Our original captcha which was text based worked like ass and didn't stop any of the spam we got. I don't think legacy captcha would be 'much' better. I do however understand that some people don't much like the current captcha. In my experience with it so far I've found it to be very quick and easy to use, where as some have complained about it being very bothersome and asking for a lot of confirmations. I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume it's ties to google bother people in terms of privacy and google being the big brother? Not much I can really do about that. I'll try removing them from some boards here and there. Only put em up more around the site due to recent troll problems. As for all around? As much as I'd like to I'm afraid i can't do that dave.
>> No. 6477 [Edit]
That, and I like to re-think my posts, which causes the captcha to time-out and reset.

I often have to do two questions before approved, yes.
>> No. 6478 [Edit]
Yeah that timing out thing is pretty annoying, I've had that happen to me plenty of times.

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6298 No. 6298 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
The best way to make sure normies do not find a foothold on this website is, unfortunately, to make sure this website is not easy to use (id est: streamlined). It is not a problem now, but it could become one.

My supposition is that quote linking is one of these streamlining, of which normies cannot do without. Without quote linking the effort to respond is increased slightly, for one has to read more, yet this slight is just enough to deter them.

That said, due to its drastic nature, I do not expect it shall be removed any time soon.
I wanted to know your thoughts though, do I seem not sound of mind?
20 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 6347 [Edit]
Tohno, the poll just ended. You set it to end at the start of the 17th, not the end.
>> No. 6348 [Edit]
If I were a betting man, I'd wager that their lack of subtlety was intentional and that they don't actually want the board deleted.

It doesn't really matter to me either way though, I voted to keep it hidden as a containment board of sorts. It was fine like that.

Post edited on 17th May 2017, 3:27am
>> No. 6350 [Edit]
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I see a consensus was reached?

I appreciate the consideration. There's something to special about a drug board for diehard weebs and I hope it can continue it's intended purpose as a containment board for /so/, /ot/ maybe /mai/ and the rest.
>> No. 6351 [Edit]
Yeah I considered that possibility at first too. reverse psychology and all. >>6340 clears that up though.

Didn't really seem like it made a difference after that sudden vote surge. The options really screwed things up before that anyway.

While the poll got kinda screwed up by the end, it did make it clear people here are very divided on the issue, and it's not just a vocal minority thing. There's a ton of people here who hate the board but there's still plenty who want to keep it. Even before that last minute surge the numbers were a fair bit higher than I expected while being pretty close. It'll never be a main board as. I think the containment board idea would be the best possible compromise since we can't go off the poll as it is. People who hate it wont have to know it even exists (like some of our other hidden boards).

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6316 No. 6316 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Due to multiple reports, I moved this thread to /fb/ since the original OP would not.

I used to post here intermittently a couple of years ago, I haven't been here in a while because the board moves too slow. I found you guys from a banner ad you were running on 4chan /jp/ at one point, would have been like 2014 I think.

I don't know if you're still trying to fish for new users or if you care, but basically right now 4chan /qa/ is being raided and shit on by multiple parties. From what I gather the hidden /qa/ board was "terraformed" by old /jp/ anons and old 4channers to use for posting 2D random/anime/hobby discussion; basically generalized otaku hobby related shit of the sort that seems up the alley of people here. For reasons that you probably don't care about so I won't go into, the board has recently been invaded by several other boards and is basically an open sewer right now. The /jp/ weebs are trying to fight back but it's basically over, they are never going to have their board back the way it was.

If you're still interested in attracting new users you might benefit from conducting outreach operations on 4chan /qa/. A lot of the weebs currently sperging out over the loss of their 2D random board I think would probably like this place. It's entirely up to you; I don't particularly have a dog in the fight either way. I haven't posted here in a very long time and I don't give a shit about /qa/ or /jp/, I just remembered this place, I remembered that it was slow and anons were usually complaining about how the place needed more users, and I thought you might appreciate the tip. Do with it what you will I guess.
>> No. 6321 [Edit]
I don't mind recruitng ex jp members here.
>> No. 6332 [Edit]
There's an option in our mod panel for moving threads, which includes moving posts in said thread.

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6282 No. 6282 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Should we be concerned about the massive nazo dumb on /ddl/
It seems suspicious
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>> No. 6289 [Edit]
Okay, posts are hidden from the front page.
>> No. 6290 [Edit]
I've never used that board, but my assumption was that its purpose was to upload rare stuff that was in danger of disappearing online, like doujins or something. I don't mind the nazi-spam, but it definitely look annoying in the main site's activity log.

Imho, make that board /jp/-only content (manga, anime, shorts, swfs, etc.)
>> No. 6292 [Edit]
I've used it a few times to download ebooks (not on nazos) other users recommended.

Not the most legitimate use, but it wasn't just file storage.
>> No. 6297 [Edit]
TC google search gave me this. No clue what it is.

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