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File 17068552202.png - (1.51MB , 800x600 , 2007-03-03-46074.png )
6907 No. 6907 [Edit]
I've been trying to embed a link on a post in >>>/navi/3111 (media formats thread) and every time I click reply I get sent to blank page. I am putting fIJdpViwRFY in the embed field. Also, there's an inconsistency between the faq and the help image. In the former the = sign is bold, in the latter the equal sign is not highlighted. I tried both as a result and neither worked.

If this is user error, then feel free to delete the thread or keep it around for future newfags to potentially post their errors in. Should it be resolved upon reply, then thanks in advanced.
>> No. 6908 [Edit]
Not tohno but I think embeds are probably just broken, I've basically never seen them used. And just posting a direct link is probably more friendly for those consuming on text-based readers.
>> No. 6910 [Edit]
Yes tohno, ehh, yeah it does seem to be busted. Sorry for the trouble.
>> No. 6911 [Edit]
Think it's a reasonable code issue or the result of the modern state of youtube?

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