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1539 No. 1539 [Edit]
3dpd, not even once

>In a 1991 study, sex researcher Shere Hite found that 70 percent of married women have cheated on their partners; a 1993 follow-up study found that 72 percent of married men have as well.

>According to a 1999 study in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 68 percent of female undergraduates also cheat. (Whether they cheat for sexual or emotional reasons remains unclear.)

>The June 1977 issue of Marriage and Divorce stated confidently that "70 percent of all Americans engage in an affair sometime during their marital life."

>Percentage of men who say they would have an affair if they knew they would never get caught: 74%
>Percentage of women who say they would have an affair if they knew they would never get caught: 68%

>1 in 10 people are wrong about the identity of their biological father
>"If you look at people who have had genetic tests within families for reasons other than trying to work out paternity, for one in 10 people your dad isn't who you think it is."

>In the United States, about 50% of married couples divorce.

>These days, 65% of couples stay together after an affair.

>Most Americans say they would end their marriage if their spouse cheated on them. However, many couples (50-60%) who have dealt with infidelity in their marriages find the will and strength to stay together.
>> No. 1540 [Edit]
To be fair, statistics on this topic vary dramatically.

>Since Kinsey’s studies in the late 1940s, credible estimates of lifelong infidelity among heterosexual Americans have been widespread – 12 to 72 percent for men and 7 to 54 percent for women.

I remember hearing about 15% for women and 20-30% for men so I decided to look this up on google scholar to clarify.
Google scholar seems to have gotten even more annoying than when I last used it, so many studies are behind pay walls now, I can't even gleam anything form the abstract.

But anyway, here is what I did manage to find.

>Nowadays, infidelity is a most important reason of divorces. Based on research reports, 90% of all
divorces involve infidelity. The most consistent data on infidelity drives from the General Social Survey
which sponsored by the National Science Foundation to track the opinions of Americans about social
behaviors since 1972. The survey data shows that in any given year, about 10% of married couples (12%
men and 7% of women) have engaged in sex outside their marriage. But detailed analysis of the data from
1991 to 2006 shows surprising shifts. University of Washington researchers have found that the rate of
lifetime infidelity for men over 60 increased to 28% in 2006 from 20% in 1991. For women over 60, this rate
increased from 5% in 1991 to 15% in 2006 (Barker, 2011).

>Infidelity occurs in approximately 25% of all marriages (Allen et al., 2005; Laumann et al., 1994). Infidelity is described in the literature as an emotional or sexual act that is outside of the primary relationship and constitutes a breach of trust or agreed upon boundaries of that relationship (Blow & Hartnett, 2005).

>Almost one-quarter of men (23.2%) and 19.2% of women indicated that they had “cheated” during their current relationship


The issue is based on how the study is done and who is doing it. If a dating website app thing did a survey based on it's own users then of course that would have a higher rate of infidelity than many other surveys would for example.
>> No. 1541 [Edit]
Additionally, sometimes I found statistics on cheating over a 12 month period

>Annual prevalence of infidelity was 2.3%.

>2–4% of spouses report having sex with a secondary partner in the preceding 12 months.

Which is interesting as one of they studies I quoted(or tried to) gave an annual cheating rate of 10% and that same study gave lifetime rates of 28% for men and 15% for women.

I also found a study form China.

>In 2020, 26% of married Chinese (35% of married men and 23% of married women) reported ever having been sexually unfaithful to their current spouse.

Post edited on 25th Sep 2022, 7:53pm
>> No. 1542 [Edit]
Most of these studies seem to be before 2007 or so, it'd be interesting to see statistics post-2008 when the barriers to finding other promiscuous people became lower with the rise of various websites and mobile applications.
>> No. 1543 [Edit]
>2–4% of spouses report having sex with a secondary partner in the preceding 12 months.

Was from 2017.

>In 2020, 26% of married Chinese (35% of married men and 23% of married women) reported ever having been sexually unfaithful to their current spouse.

Was from 2020.

>Almost one-quarter of men (23.2%) and 19.2% of women indicated that they had “cheated” during their current relationship

Was from 2011.

So actually, a good portion of the papers I posted are from after 2008. But also they still had bars back then, I have no experience in this at all but I kind of feel that all the various websites and apps did was moved it from the bar and onto those apps.
>> No. 1706 [Edit]
>so many studies are behind pay walls now, I can't even gleam anything form the abstract.
Use sci-hub for free access.

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