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File 136702092231.png - (791.08KB , 1499x1124 , 1365734676676.png )
3823 No. 3823 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
There has been a spate of deliberate shitposting here. Please don't hesitate to delete posts and/or ban. It is not someone who accidentally posted something unacceptable, it is someone who is deliberately trying to be an ass.
8 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3833 [Edit]
I don't know what is going on here. The decline in quality this last month has been abysmal. I would like to see a return to stricter moderation, and fuck anyone who complains. Less sarcastic one-liners, pointless/random threads like 'how old are you' or threads with just a picture and no text, references to other boards, etc etc. I thought the moderation did fine in the past in discerning what should and should not be punished, and I think it's time you stepped in and reminded everyone that what has been going lately is unacceptable.
>> No. 3835 [Edit]
>The decline in quality this last month has been abysmal

everyone left for /ota/, which is - coincidentally - a bit over a month old and is actually fun to be on.
the only people who are still on /tc/ are the type who like to complain incessantly about other people's posts.
>> No. 3836 [Edit]

/ota/ is more or less the same terrible shit as 4chan unless its changed drastically in the last few weeks or so since I last saw it, so good riddance to anyone who would prefer there over here.

Not that this place has been very good lately either (3D woman thread still going strong in /so/!)

Post edited on 30th Apr 2013, 5:35pm
>> No. 3837 [Edit]

If you dislike /tc/ that much and /ota/ is that much fun could you leave please? Thanks in advance.

File 136660527844.png - (119.98KB , 851x483 , rp.png )
3798 No. 3798 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
How come /TC/ no longer cares about otaku topics such as anime, manga, VNs, hentai, etc.?
Look at where all the traffic is on this site: neurotypicals talking about sexual politics on /so/ and motorists discussing 3DPD shit on the off topic board.

Have you thought about registering Wohno-chan? The W is for wannabe because I get a pretty strong impression that most of the current class of end users on this site adopted the pretense of otaku to give them "cred" on 4chan as they certainly don't actually care the least bit about the actual topics that would appeal to the typical otaku.

Its rare these days to even see an /an/ appear on the front page, let alone a /ma/ or really any of the otaku boards.
10 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3818 [Edit]

Do you absolutely positively have to say this every time this subject is mentioned? We got it the first time, there's no need to repeat this.
>> No. 3820 [Edit]
>/so/ was created well after tohno-chan was already well established

Thats news to me. My memory fails me but I think its been there since ib4f. Maybe it was made during the .tk era, and there were very few users then.

4-ch isn't really appropriate for most of us, as you can see maybe ten percent of users posting there are actually completely new to *chans, and you can tell through their naive sort of posting style and putting their real names in the name area (I think they somehow end up there via Google).
>> No. 3821 [Edit]

It has, it hasn't even been half a year between the creation of /tc/ and /so/, hell, I'm not even sure if it has even been half of that, I don't remember it that well. But yeah it's a completely pointless argument.
>> No. 4366 [Edit]
You are so wrong. It's been here since the beginning.

You're correct. It's been here since the first few weeks of ib4f days.

File 136666666652.png - (2.85KB , 260x19 , Untitled.png )
3806 No. 3806 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
i think the namefield's link color is too similar to the subjectfield's color so that when someone uses the emailfield it makes it look like the name is part of the post's subject
>> No. 3807 [Edit]
OP pic is from a thread on a different board in which the OP used the name field, btw

File 136610231111.png - (17.98KB , 500x375 , :ota:scoped bird cooking spag bol.png )
3783 No. 3783 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
can i post pics of myself on tohno-chan if i rotoscope them?
1 post and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3785 [Edit]
You've haven't been cheating on /ota/ have you?
>> No. 3786 [Edit]
>> No. 3796 [Edit]
>> No. 3802 [Edit]
Well, if you're just anxious about showing yourself in here... well... no.

If you just want to tangentially bitch about Aku no Hana here in /fb/, you should better join the thread on /an/ and express your thoughts there.

If you actually want to do something nice about it, regardless of it being based on yourself or not, I'd say you can and you should post it on /cr/.

Post edited on 22nd Apr 2013, 3:10am

File 136565897551.jpg - (35.46KB , 530x273 , 498924-bleach_naruto_one_piece.jpg )
3750 No. 3750 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
do you think you could make a special hidden board for one piece/naruto/bleach discussion and move the oremio thread into it?
oremio is the same tier of anime as naturo, et al. and the oremio thread is shitting up /an/
i don't know what the secret hidden boards here are, but i've heard there are a lot of them and i get the impression that the hidden boards is where most of the tohno-chan posters are, so why not move the oremio thread to one of the "inner circle" boards instead of having it shit up /an/?
6 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3775 [Edit]
Snything popular is a ford driver anime
>> No. 3778 [Edit]
You don't even understand what otaku means. Hyouge Mono isn't otaku anime.
>> No. 3811 [Edit]

Why do you keep speaking this way? Are you 14 years old? That would also explain why people talking about an anime you don't like upsets you so much, I guess.
>> No. 3839 [Edit]
Stop liking things I don't like!

File 136567601538.png - (1.06MB , 960x480 , 59a159a56a366acd2c0cf108245e5dbf.png )
3755 No. 3755 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Time to axe /fb/. Nothing good came out of it in years and the threads reached an all time low lately.

Does anyone see any reason whatsoever to leave it be? Aside from creating 'stop liking shows I don't like' threads I mean.
3 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3761 [Edit]
The banner thread is no longer needed, the site already has a lot of banners and nobody has even posted in the banner thread in two months because the class of people who make banners is no longer the same type of people as the current class of Tohno-chan users. The people who made all the banners here are ex-Tohno-chan users, people who were actually enthusiastic about anime, mange, etc., but who left the site because they found that they were in the minority here and there were few other who shared their enthusiasms and the Tohno-chan is currently populated by sad-sacks who want to feel sorry for themselves and that feel that posing as a Japanese hikikomori will emphasize to the world how pity-worthy they are.
>> No. 3767 [Edit]

Projection truly is a wonderful thing.
>> No. 3768 [Edit]
I hate it when people use that word.
>> No. 3771 [Edit]
/fb/ is for feedback. People suggest shit, or complain, and others can discuss it. Nobody is forcing you to look at it. If you hate meta discussion stay away. It doesn't even appear on the front page and it occupies but a mere two letters on the navigation bar up there.

Without /fb/ there would be no forum with which people could debate and gauge the acceptability of e.g drug discussions.

File 136484660680.jpg - (71.99KB , 557x531 , 1359593151019.jpg )
3724 No. 3724 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Can this be added as a permanent option in themes? I promise I'll always use it! I like it a lot more than all the other themes there are, it makes browsing feel way cooler.
Maybe have more music options too.
>> No. 3725 [Edit]
It's been a theme for a long time now.

File 136479013312.png - (186.94KB , 721x1024 , aa7f70611d3b47e55868cc294c8c9469f55393b6.png )
3716 No. 3716 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
So are we going to do something this year?
2 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3719 [Edit]

force the awesome theme to load or something similar.
>> No. 3720 [Edit]
Thats not a bad idea.
>> No. 3721 [Edit]

>> No. 3722 [Edit]
I heard the thrashy music through my headphones sitting above computer and freaked out because I thought the noise was coming FROM my computer, like something inside was fucking up big time. You april fooled me in a way you didn't intend to!

Post edited on 1st Apr 2013, 2:42am

File 136277089061.jpg - (178.74KB , 539x960 , 1362536427413.jpg )
3576 No. 3576 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
Will there ever be a Kigurumi board?
Not demanding anything, just curious what the anons here think about it.
56 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3668 [Edit]
>orthopedic beauty is still not the same than synthetic beauty (I'd say). Tell that to michael Jackson.
You seem to underestimate how many synthetic items women will put on or in themselves in the pursuit of beauty, they don't just draw themselves. pvc nails, fake eyelashes/eyebrows, contact lenses, rhinoplasty, silicone breast implants, wigs and the list goes on. They don't call it plastic surgery for nothing you know. then there's things like pushup bras and corsets. They go much father than simply tossing on a costume to negate their ugly natural self and achieve their version of beauty, even if it means undergoing massive amounts of pain while having their bodies gutted and distorted. then there's also people who undergo sex changes...
>> No. 3700 [Edit]
killjoys keep on bumping down the kig thread on /so/
could you styx it plox?
>> No. 3701 [Edit]
No, I don't think they are going to sticky a thread (that shouldn't even be there in my opinion) just because everyone else would rather talk about other things. If it dies it dies.
>> No. 3715 [Edit]
You would be correct.

File 136425942431.jpg - (3.57MB , 2425x3445 , 894f14eff18ed35ed79071bbe3b42e7b.jpg )
3671 No. 3671 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
In your opinion, what do you believe makes a person a Ford Driver?

I think we really need to clarify this matter if we're going to keep throwing this broad term around and expecting people be banned/exiled for it. keeping it an unwritten definition and assuming everyone else agrees with your definition clearly doesn't work. Before this thread goes the way of the last time, I must stress that not everyone thinks it means the same thing, even if you think everyone does. Some people think it's anyone that likes popular things, others think it's anyone who so much as leaves their home, some will claim it's someone who doesn't like japanese stuff and some even think your born a normal and nothing you do will ever change anything... the list goes on but what does it mean to you?
29 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3711 [Edit]
>How many numerous times it needs to be said that people here don't like such things and that's why we've come to the tohno-chan so we can be free from such things we don't like? This place is like the last fortress where we are supposed be to free from things we don't like from real world.
The reason why it's not against the rules is because that is not true at all, it's only a a few vocal individuals who think they can speak for everyone. You can't compare it to "/b/shit, 3dpd porn, sex, memes" because unlike that stuff this is not unanimous. As people have said before, substance abuse is very much a part of this culture and for many is a form of dealing with depression. surely you wouldn't act this way if someone said they cut themselves or drink to kill their pain would you?

>Nobody has said doing average things is normal
Thats the very definition of normal.

Conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected.
The usual, average, or typical state or condition.
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>> No. 3712 [Edit]
Yes you didn't read my post at all. Try again.

Also because you seem to be so skilled with dictionaries, look word "context" next. You know ford driver doesn't mean person who drives ford in here either.
>> No. 3713 [Edit]
>A person that wants to be or is normal and lives their life to normal standards, while not realizing that it is making the life of others difficult with its shitty existence

if any group is making life difficult for others its NEETs.
>> No. 3714 [Edit]
Well, it depends on the type of NEET that we're talking about, as normals are shit and will ruin things for anybody. Aside from that, what do you mean? Does staying home all day and doing nothing to these people that you love so much hurt them in a way that doesn't involve bullshit money and/or social reasons that you'll defend them from any insult?

No. 3680 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
So what is this mysterious "drug thread" where all drug discussion belongs? Because I've already hidden multiple threads because drugshit and now it is being forced on daily thread and hiding it would be basically like hiding whole /ot/.
>> No. 3684 [Edit]
Its right here:

Keep it there because I hate seeing drug discussion and I know im not alone.
>> No. 3782 [Edit]
Also I didn't know there was a drug board (not text board). So here you go:

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