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File 167977059386.jpg - (511.93KB , 750x750 , nico lips.jpg )
6893 No. 6893 [Edit]
Some anon created a thread on mp3 sharing some koto music. I tried to listen and reply to him but it gives me 404. Anybody else having this same problem?

Post edited on 25th Mar 2023, 11:57am
>> No. 6894 [Edit]
Strange, getting the same problem.
>> No. 6895 [Edit]
Looks like the board is hella broken. Might take some time to figure out what's wrong with it.
>> No. 6896 [Edit]
Hopefully it's better now.
>> No. 6897 [Edit]
That was really weird. I became able to reply and was just about to post here to inform that, when I realized something was wrong. The posts didn't show up on the homepage and the chidori file was still inaccessible. But I could still access the thread and see the reply box, so I decided to go to /mp3/ and actually post there first to see if the reply would go through. Then i see the post is also gone from the homepage and the thread is no longer accessible. The same issues from the op persist. Wait, now it's gone. The threads are gone, but I can still access and listen to the alabaster track.

Post edited on 25th Mar 2023, 12:30pm
>> No. 6898 [Edit]
I suppose I should explain.
The OP of the koto thread deleted his own thread, but because of the board software and its funny bugs, the board index wasn't updated, thus a ghost thread was born. These kind of threads usually disappear when another thread is bumped. Then Tohno used some kind of black magic and resurrected the thread, but the audio file was broken nevertheless. He also made a test thread with alabaster song. Then he deleted both threads, but the bug made its appeareance again. I highly suspect the reason why you can still access the alabaster track is your browser's cache.
>> No. 6899 [Edit]
Mystery solved.

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