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File 151505337320.png - (1.51MB , 1920x1088 , anime screencap2018-01-03-20h29m08s772.png )
30166 No. 30166 [Edit]
apparently there was a new konosuba ova that came out somewhat recently and nobody went out of their way to tell me about it.
pretty lucky finding something like this during the preseason doldrums
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>> No. 30167 [Edit]
Why not post in the corresponding thread?
>> No. 30170 [Edit]
While >>30167 might be right, I'm still very thankful to OP for reminding me of this. Gonna download the fuck out of that bitch.
(We also have a dedicated OVA thread, I think)
>> No. 30176 [Edit]
i started that thread a long time ago and i always feel like people shouldn't go around bumping their own threads all the time, especially that one since nobody else showed much interest in it.
considering that i have a valid excuse i think you owe me an apology
>> No. 30185 [Edit]
Why make another thread for the same content? Specially when it will have so few replies while the other is still technically live. It's a waste of space.
>> No. 30228 [Edit]
File 151531289111.png - (1.62MB , 1920x1088 , anime screencap2018-01-06-03h19m33s462.png )
plenty of butt in this one
>> No. 30229 [Edit]
File 151531297780.png - (1.82MB , 1920x1088 , anime screencap2018-01-06-03h26m54s962.png )
>> No. 30230 [Edit]
File 151531317672.png - (1.60MB , 1920x1088 , anime screencap2018-01-06-03h03m10s130.png )
there was some other nice anime ass too
>> No. 30231 [Edit]
File 151531341952.png - (2.29MB , 1920x1088 , anime screencap2018-01-06-03h09m03s732.png )
and explosions
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