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File 150017563750.jpg - (61.66KB , 1280x720 , [UTW]_Fate_Apocrypha_-_02_[h264-720p][5CC3C3F5]_mk.jpg )
29121 No. 29121 [Edit]
Fate will never end, will it?
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>> No. 29122 [Edit]
File 150017809953.jpg - (102.42KB , 1280x720 , [UTW]_Fate_Apocrypha_-_02_[h264-720p][5CC3C3F5]_mk.jpg )
Umm, what?
>> No. 29124 [Edit]
File 150023462276.gif - (327.64KB , 549x598 , 1500231473185.gif )

Still waiting for Fate Prototype.

Also, the cross over when Morty meets her mother and Shiro is the father.


After getting his ass kicked in manly fisticuffs by Emiya and then shat out alive by the Grail (a second time), Kotomine wanted to retire and live the life of an honest clergyman. Well, kidnapping a nun, drugging her, and then rewriting her memories such that she would be a good wife wasn't exactly honest, but the end justified the means.
>> No. 29125 [Edit]
Forgive my ignorance, but then why does Kotomine look so different with that different voice? and why call themselves Emiya?
>> No. 29128 [Edit]
File 150025797970.jpg - (334.92KB , 1280x720 , [UTW]_Fate_Apocrypha_-_02_[h264-720p][5CC3C3F5]_mk.jpg )

it's Kotomine's son/grandson/relative, which I'm sure will get at least an episode worth of explanation eventually.

The Emiya color pallet is there to hit the reference home in case the name alone wasn't enough to make the viewer understand the reference.
>> No. 29131 [Edit]
Oh, thanks a bunch for clearing that up. It was a very wtf moment.
>> No. 29137 [Edit]
>> No. 29143 [Edit]
File 150036751378.jpg - (97.72KB , 1280x720 , [UTW]_Fate_Apocrypha_-_02_[h264-720p][5CC3C3F5]_mk.jpg )
umm, pretty sure that's not their true name?
TM seems to be aware it's the name of their creator, so.. what's the delio? Is it because everyone makes the mistake of calling the monster Frankenstein so it stuck with them? that why she got pissed off when she was called fran?

Also, enough with the fucking gender bending already Type Moon.
I can bite with Saber's situation, but with this character there's no room for misunderstandings or misinterpretations. They couldn't just go with the bride of Frankenstein or something?
>> No. 29144 [Edit]
>enough with the fucking gender bending already

>Based upon the artificial life created by Victor Frankenstein in Mary Shelley's novel "Frankenstein: or the Modern Prometheus".[1][5] Victor sought to recreate the original couple described in the bible -- Adam and Eve. Due to the limitations of man, he first built Eve, intending for her to give birth to the counterpart.[3][5] What started as a patchwork of lifeless flesh was given life by the energy harnessed from lightning.[3][5] Unfortunately, what awoke was not the ideal woman that Victor envisioned, but an abomination with the mind of an infant. Having no developed capacity for expression, her sense of morality was completely absent. After presenting the entrails of a slain dog as a gift for the master, she was branded a failure and disassembled, before being abandoned completely.[3]

>> No. 29145 [Edit]
I was under the impression the original story describes the creature as male?
>> No. 29149 [Edit]
And you're correct, but what >>29144 is referencing is "Based upon". If you open the wiki site, there is linked footnotes with the source of the changed Frankenstein story. As in, the majority of the green-texted quote is from Fate/Apocrypha not from the original novel.
>> No. 29156 [Edit]
Seems a bit silly to take a well known story and toss it out the window then write your own very different version just so you can genderbend a character. Are they really that hard up for famous female historic characters that they can re-imagine as cute anime girls?
>> No. 29160 [Edit]
File 150049955617.jpg - (378.88KB , 1181x1679 , __adolf_hitler_mc_axis_and_real_life_drawn_by_nono.jpg )
>Seems a bit silly to take a well known story and toss it out the window then write your own very different version

I'm sure a fair portion of that can be attributed to the piss-poor Eng->Jap translation of the work some number of decades ago that has become solidified into being, or rather what should have been in the translation and was instead lost.

It likely wasn't done quite as poorly as the shakespear works, but it shows.

Also, the answer the question at the end of your post is a resounding yes.
>> No. 29177 [Edit]
>Seems a bit silly to take a well known story and toss it out the window then write your own very different version
Yes, because any and all works of fiction are totally original stories with original plot, setting and characters based on nothing that came before.
>> No. 29185 [Edit]
I have no clue what you're trying to say here, but in case you're unaware in Fate they summon famous heros from across time to wage war on one another. These heros are almost all based on real world people and stories. Here and there they've changed characters while claiming that maybe history got something wrong or minor details got lost in translation, or even that history purposefully hid the truth. Like King Aurthur being female, Alexander the great's high being wrongly recorded, medusa not literally being a grotesque monster, etc. That's kind of hard to get away with however for anything from the 1800s and on. The issue here is they didn't work around the story to change a small detail or even try to justify the change, they instead changed the entire story itself for a well known character.
Apocrypha seems like it's mostly dumb fanservice for fans who want more servants + action anyway with less story focus. Hell, fate in general has never been 'that' history accurate So I probably shouldn't complain too much, but it does still bug me that they'd do that. Part of the fun seeing how these famous historic characters would be interpreted, but it feels pointless when they're the character in name only. Might as well have a loli gaudy with superman's powers fight a robot alien version of Ben Franklin who shoots lighting from a keyblade while flying on his rocket powered kite. Not that it would be all that unexpected to see something like that happen in some version of Fate sooner or latter.
>> No. 29190 [Edit]
Well, you pretty much answered for me. My point was that the entirety of the Fate series is based on "take a well known story and toss it out the window then write your own very different version just so you can genderbend a character", plus:
>they instead changed the entire story itself for a well known character
But the Frankestein monster wasn't real nor even part of oral tradition, it was based on a work on fiction. Through the same principle you forgive the other accounts based on the plausibility of historical inaccuracy, then so can this change be feasible by arguing the depiction of the story was the original intention of the author, or that the novel was based on the real account depicted in the series.
>> No. 29191 [Edit]
>Apocrypha seems like it's mostly dumb fanservice for fans who want more servants + action anyway with less story focus.
That's exactly what it is, but I like it because of that. It's just meant to be a fun, interesting side story that takes place within the reasoning/confines of the Fate/ worldview. It's actually apocrypha, you can ignore it if you want, and it has no impact on the worldview of Fate/.

You're obviously not a Type-Moon fan, and this is a show for Type-Moon fans. It's makes almost no sense to complain about historical inaccuracies in Fate/, regardless of how 'well known' the figure in question is. They already made King Arthur a girl and that was already as ridiculous and inaccurate as making Frankenstein's monster a girl.

People are complaining just because they like complaining. The show has problems but Frankenstein being moe is on the absolute bottom of that list (Solomon ibn Gabirol being designed like a Yu-Gi-Oh card is definitely a higher priority). Wait for the other 7000 Type-Moon productions being released in the next year if you want something 'better'.

Just because this show in particular has Servants from post-industrial times doesn't mean that we're going to see Bill Clinton as Rider any time soon. Basically all of the characters were designed by creators outside of Type-Moon, so it's obviously not going to be 100% in line with what the original vision is; it's just a side-story.
>> No. 29197 [Edit]
>on the plausibility of historical inaccuracy,
That doesn't apply when we can see the source material for ourselves. That's what I meant by saying they can't really get away with that if the character is from the 1800s and on (post-industrial times) Because we can see actual photos or videos of the real person. Just as with fran we have access to the source material the character is from. The concept of this fran being based on the creators original vision is a interesting idea, but even if that really was their original vision for the story, it's not what gave the character fame or cemented them in history. I might be wrong but in the case of fictional characters I believe the grail would summon a hero in the form that they're best known for. Not what the creator maybe might have preferred.

>You're obviously not a Type-Moon fan
I never claimed to be, nor did I realize I had to like and agree with everything typemoon has ever done in order to earn my offical "TM fan" badge. Would you like me to repent by asking "Can Shiki kill Servants?" a hundred times?

When I pointed out what Apocrypha is I did not mean to come across as dismissive. I don't think a bit of dumb fun fan service is a bad thing. I simply meant that because of the nature of apocrypha I realize it is indeed silly to complain about some of these things. As such I'm hardly steaming mad about the fran topic, you nor am I about to send the creators some angry letter bombs because of it. It's something that bugs me a bit but is hardly something I'm legitimately bordered by.
I agree the designs themselves for some characters are horrendous. I didn't mention character designs because that's a whole different topic of discussion apart from changing source materials.
But now that you bring it up, even going back to the original I never much cared for the designs of lancer or rider. I felt like they looked down right silly and like something more futuristic rather than historic.
>> No. 29198 [Edit]
File 150068936145.jpg - (120.65KB , 1280x720 , [UTW]_Fate_Apocrypha_-_01_[h264-720p][1D074A57]_mk.jpg )
Roger roger!
>> No. 29201 [Edit]
>Because we can see actual photos or videos of the real person
I would very much like to see a photo or video of the frankestein monster please.
>I never much cared for the designs of lancer or rider. I felt like they looked down right silly
Same, I thought they had moronic designs, specially when compared to Saber.
>> No. 29202 [Edit]
Have fun.
>> No. 29203 [Edit]
I want photos and videos, not text. I will report you to the authorities immediately. Hopefully you will be convicted soon and be forced to watch dozens of .webm of Fran doing whatever.
>> No. 29205 [Edit]
I feel like after mahoyo flopped after being about a 7k yen for a 5 hour read, type-moon just realized there was more money in being creatively bankrupt.
>> No. 29211 [Edit]
File 150077629368.jpg - (192.03KB , 1280x720 , [UTW]_Fate_Apocrypha_-_03_[h264-720p][DEB2911C]_mk.jpg )
Fine by me, I think she's cute.
>> No. 29222 [Edit]
Rider reminds me a lot of extra/caster.
>> No. 29223 [Edit]
It's nothing short of amazing how many MMDs have been made for that character.
>> No. 29229 [Edit]
File 150100551288.jpg - (454.42KB , 1280x720 , [UTW]_Fate_Apocrypha_-_04_[h264-720p][8EE98A4D]_mk.jpg )

There's something about pink haired characters who wear garter belts.

Fate/extra caster was quite popular, too.
>> No. 29231 [Edit]
As someone who loved extra caster, it was a tad bit more than that.
They're both very energetic upbeat and playful characters who would be fun to be around. Personally speaking, She was also the character who came the nearest to tempting from my waifu in over ten years. She had a way of saying everything I wanted to hear.
>> No. 29243 [Edit]
File 150113904713.jpg - (152.76KB , 1280x720 , [UTW]_Fate_Apocrypha_-_03_[h264-720p][DEB2911C]_mk.jpg )
Would you deflower Fran /an/?
>> No. 29276 [Edit]
File 150223917651.jpg - (442.13KB , 1280x720 , [UTW]_Fate_Apocrypha_-_06_[h264-720p][C7A63CDA]_mk.jpg )
We Lancer now.
>> No. 29291 [Edit]
Why is Jack the Ripper a Loli? know what, I don't even care anymore.
>> No. 29309 [Edit]
File 150303145144.jpg - (45.69KB , 1280x720 , [UTW]_Fate_Apocrypha_-_06_[h264-720p][C7A63CDA]_mk.jpg )

Yeah, this is the weirdest thing for me too, but she's cute so whatever. She's a cute little monster.
>> No. 29315 [Edit]
File 150336372351.jpg - (1.13MB , 1920x1200 , 1503326386728.jpg )
>Fate will never end, will it?

A1 botched it worse than DEEN.

They've already made a deal with SHAFT for the next fate series.
>> No. 29316 [Edit]
File 150336701483.jpg - (110.90KB , 1280x720 , [UTW]_Fate_Apocrypha_-_07_[h264-720p][E21730DF]_mk.jpg )
>A1 botched it worse than DEEN.
I'm not sure if I'd go that far.
Living up to UFOtable can't be easy, and they're trying their best to match get close that level. It certainly gives a similar feel to the likes of UBW and Zero. Yeah the production quality is starting to noticeably drop in recent ep but even at it's worse it's still better than your average anime. The problems with the poorly written characters, the ridiculous story, the general clusterfuck feeling with a lack of focus in needed places, and bastardization of many historical figures seems more like an issue with the source material rather than the production studio. I can't pretend to have read the book however. For all I know maybe the books are better written and don't feel nearly as retarded.
>> No. 29317 [Edit]
File 150339060060.jpg - (181.02KB , 512x724 , 1742.jpg )
They made Paul Bunyan a (big)loli too for fate go. Type moon doesn't give a flying fuck anymore.
>> No. 29318 [Edit]
Fate is grandiose, everything is absurd on purpose as normal is boring.
>> No. 29361 [Edit]
File 150456339811.jpg - (416.11KB , 1280x720 , [UTW]_Fate_Apocrypha_-_09_[h264-720p][3CC42AD2]_mk.jpg )
It'd be nice if A1 could decide which color her eyes are supposed to be and be consistent with it.
>> No. 29367 [Edit]
File 150501214920.jpg - (117.11KB , 1280x720 , [UTW]_Fate_Apocrypha_-_10_[h264-720p][3D8AE10D]_mk.jpg )
What about Ruler?
>> No. 29380 [Edit]
Exactly. People are acting like Type-Moon was never chuuni as fuck before and it's confusing to me.
>> No. 29412 [Edit]
File 150534886031.jpg - (403.51KB , 1280x720 , [UTW]_Fate_Apocrypha_-_11_[h264-720p][B83F914E]_mk.jpg )
The writing and sound direction for this episode was super bad.
>> No. 29413 [Edit]
This episode?
The whole thing has been sloppy and poorly directed for a while now.
>> No. 29450 [Edit]
File 150586642162.jpg - (406.68KB , 1280x720 , [UTW]_Fate_Apocrypha_-_12_[h264-720p][B7772227]_mk.jpg )
>which I'm sure will get at least an episode worth of explanation eventually.

good god was it a stupid explanation. Insultingly bad.
at least it officially distanced itself from cannon.
>> No. 29468 [Edit]
File 150630134711.jpg - (64.28KB , 1280x720 , [UTW]_Fate_Apocrypha_-_11_[h264-720p][B83F914E]_mk.jpg )
yeah, who would suspect the giant flying enemy fortress slowly making it's way towards your castle would attack it or try to steal what's hidden there?
>> No. 29710 [Edit]
Is anyone here still watching this? It feels like more and more of a chore to keep up with this each week as I consider just dropping it and moving on.
>> No. 29711 [Edit]
I never even started with Fate. Normies get so excited about it but I can't see a reason to watch it.
>> No. 29712 [Edit]
It's a neat concept. The whole secret war between mages using summoned heroes from the past to fight for them. Used to be it was mostly just popular with elitist snobs. Then Fate/Go hit and now Normies are all over it. It's not necessarily a bad franchise, it's just /apocrypha which is garbage and that shitty mobile game.
>> No. 29713 [Edit]
Hey, if the contrived synopsis didn't dissuade you and then the terrible OP also didn't, I'd say it's time to acknowledge and take responsibility for your own disappointment.
Fate / Zero is worth the watch, through which Fate / Stay needs to be watched first. You can skip UBW and the rest.
>> No. 29721 [Edit]
I accepted early on that this would be mindless action and fan service, but this fails even at that. That same mindless action has gotten dull and boring, while just about everything surrounding jack the ripper lately has been annoying. She's not an interesting character in the least so devoting as many episodes as they have to her feels like a waste. It would have been ten times better to see the characters deal with a murder mystery and try to explore and understand the motivations of a more realistic portal of the character, instead of chasing around a smoking loli. But I realize they wouldn't be able to sell nearly as many key chains and mugs if they don't slap a cute loli on them, And teens love those "kool killer lolis" after all.
>> No. 29723 [Edit]
File 151047053184.jpg - (51.78KB , 1280x720 , [UTW]_Fate_Apocrypha_-_18_[h264-720p][9C146A48]_mk.jpg )
Yeah don't finish her off or anything, just stand there gawking like a retard. Great idea!
>> No. 29742 [Edit]
File 151061323498.gif - (258.82KB , 549x598 , 1507535392805.gif )

You expected a character to get offed before they could use their final noble phantasm?

After 18 episodes, you still set your expectations high enough to be let down by the poor writing of this garbage?
>> No. 29743 [Edit]
File 151061466773.gif - (284.54KB , 500x545 , left_right.gif )
I'm not watching this but I love that gif. Well, the original one.
>> No. 29751 [Edit]
Nope, just pointing out the stupidity of the scene for the heck of it.
>> No. 29753 [Edit]
File 151068911768.gif - (218.00KB , 549x598 , 1502135992386.gif )

You had me worried for a minute there.
>> No. 29755 [Edit]
File 151069155652.gif - (640.63KB , 374x332 , original.gif )
Not them, but there is no need for you to worry about anything.
>> No. 29792 [Edit]
File 151108518442.jpg - (73.43KB , 1280x720 , [UTW]_Fate_Apocrypha_-_19_[h264-720p][07204822]_mk.jpg )
Most useless servant ever or what?
>> No. 29903 [Edit]
File 151251255993.jpg - (70.42KB , 600x600 , FIGURE-035562.jpg )
I've been wondering for a while now. what's holding that thing on her head in place? What's the point of it anyway? seems like a good way to loose an eye in a real fight.
>> No. 29904 [Edit]

it was originally a hairband that paid a homage to her helmet, but then the artist realized that there wasn't enough of a difference between her, Arcueid, and Saber visually so they bastardized it to take up her entire forehead.
>> No. 29936 [Edit]
God forbid they don't make another saber clone.
>> No. 29942 [Edit]
Fate/Apocrypha happens to have two! Saber clones.
>> No. 29951 [Edit]
I give them a free pass with her. It was already established in Zero that this character looked like our old saber and was the cause of some confusing in that story line. That and anyone new to fate/ who hasn't had the whole thing spoiled for them already would likely assume that saber is Joan of Arc, rather than a gender bent king arthur.
>> No. 29970 [Edit]
I don't care how rich they are, 747 are roughly 150 million dollars each. No way in hell anyone's sending a fleet of them to be destroyed like that.
>> No. 30031 [Edit]
Is it just the anime which is garbage or is the source material shit too?
>> No. 30032 [Edit]
I think the anime does the best it can with what it has to work with. The animation is 'okay' for a not UFOtable anime trying to mimic that look and feel. The sound has some issues during explosions and anything loud where it makes my speakers or headphones sound like they're about to blow out, but it's up to the viewer if that's good or bad thing. The directing doesn't come across as being that good, but I'm not sure what they could do with this material. The problem is you've got a sloppy cliche ridden narrative with too many over used tropes on top of being over saturated with too many characters who are mostly all shallow and poorly established if not completely useless and do nothing. Most of the fights feel loud and boring due to most of them being no consequence pissing matches where you know no servant will die until they show off their noble phantasm.
>> No. 30072 [Edit]
File 15140771485.jpg - (71.15KB , 1280x720 , [UTW]_Fate_Apocrypha_-_22_[h264-720p][A92A3221]_mk.jpg )
>The animation is 'okay' for a not UFOtable anime trying to mimic that look and feel.
If you say so...
>> No. 30081 [Edit]
Man I don't know what the fuck happened with ep22. Production quality has been going down hill as this anime went on, but it just sort of nose dived at that point. Although the animation was so over the top and insane I can't say I really blame them. I couldn't even follow along with what was happening half the time, it got to be like a bad acid trip during some of those fights.
>> No. 30134 [Edit]
File 151468647275.jpg - (57.20KB , 1280x720 , [UTW]_Fate_Apocrypha_-_24_[h264-720p][076597B8]_mk.jpg )
Cool sword fight bro.
>> No. 30139 [Edit]
File 151471806684.jpg - (96.72KB , 1280x720 , [UTW]_Fate_Apocrypha_-_23_[h264-720p][1EA7AE93]_mk.jpg )
Did this mofo seriously rip out his own eye and toss it into a room his servant had just kicked his ass out of? And without taking off his sunglasses?
>> No. 30168 [Edit]
File 151505579727.jpg - (92.41KB , 1280x720 , [UTW]_Fate_Apocrypha_-_23_[h264-720p][1EA7AE93]_mk.jpg )
Member when Fate was gud? I memeber...
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