No. 7951
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It's just a different scoring method. Jets are a lot weaker in bf3 so the pilots barely score any points, but the criterion has been tweaked so that a specialist in a single area of gameplay cannot have a high ranking score. You have to be the best in a variety of tasks, such as score per minute, kills per minute, vehicles destroyed per minute, and so forth. I do not know which stats are given more importance when they are averaged together, but the basic idea is that you need to do everything well to be ranked highly. My ranking has since slipped to #927 because I quit the game in May and barely play it anymore, but most of my meaningful stats were in the 1st or 0th percentile.
Here are the stats of the current #1 ranked player. As you can see, play time plays a large role in ranking because many of the stats are based sololy on volume instead of ratios. He frequently plays on a common stat padding map (canals team deathmatch) and his stats indicate that he consistently plays with friends who keep him alive (99 kill streak, wins about 2/3 of public matches, etc).
Even with all the work that goes in to manufacturing such stats, a nobody such as myself is within a thousand ranks of him.
One must also consider that ranking score isn't a valid metric of skill. Just because your accuracy stat is 20% does not mean that you are incapable of being more accurate. You may take risky shots, or suppress enemies, or bait targets, and so on. You may deal a lot of damage to vehicles, but your teammates may get the points for disabling or destroying them.
I had been offered several times to play 'professionally', but the hours were ridiculous. I didn't want to play a game that I disliked for 20 hours every week just to play in some random 4v4 tournament with infantry only medic train wars. If I wanted that, I would play Call of Duty. Unfortunately, if I had to play against a professional player now, I would probably lose because they put a lot of time and effort into memorizing spawns, lines of sight, prefiring, headclipping, and other glitches that give them distinct advantages in combat that are otherwise invisible to your average player.