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File 147445308373.jpg - (187.10KB , 1920x1080 , maxresdefault.jpg )
12232 No. 12232 [Edit]
Is it just me or does anyone else feel it's a bit pointless to get a gpu in the 10 series with so few games coming out that would really push the hardware? Is 4k gaming really worth it?
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>> No. 12254 [Edit]
File 147657352568.jpg - (110.63KB , 600x600 , 20161015.jpg )
Gotta sell those new graphics cards somehow...
Why are so many games today go so crazy with lighting effects? Tone it down, people!
>> No. 12257 [Edit]
VR is really stressful on cards as it needs to produce two images at the same time. There is some work being done to make it less intensive by only rendering certain objects per frame per eye, but it's not a thing yet.
Some people fell for the 4k fad as well and need a beefy GPU to play at a decent framerate (for minimal visual gain).
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