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File 134412924461.jpg - (124.40KB , 614x462 , yuki8.jpg )
12933 No. 12933 [Edit]
Satie, Lewis Carroll, Cyrano, Nicholas of Cusa, Wittgenstein... all with cigarrettes...

This just fits like a glove. I hadn't been so into a VN in a while. I can't wait for the next patch to come (for ITH+TA does nothing with this one).
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>> No. 12934 [Edit]
This sounds damn good. I can already tell I like the protagonist based off the description I read.

Getting it now, thanks!
>> No. 12935 [Edit]
File 147837988718.jpg - (170.32KB , 800x600 , suba hibi 0.jpg )
Today I found out the VN got fully patched in my mother language, based on a proof-read translation from Moogy's leeked english patch...

And so, after all these years, here we go again at last, this time until the end.

Cheers to Wittgenstein.
>> No. 12936 [Edit]
File 148084346937.jpg - (14.67KB , 474x368 , 20161203143851.jpg )
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