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File 14771235068.jpg - (107.79KB , 1127x708 , Esyn8uM.jpg )
12265 No. 12265 [Edit]
Any of y'all wanna play some Paladins? It's basically F2P Overwatch.
>> No. 12268 [Edit]
no thanks
>> No. 12269 [Edit]
I tried playing only this only for a short time and I already found what seems to be a huge problem with the game. The amount of free characters is barely more than the amount of members required for a full team. So it's safe to say people are going to be fighting over characters a lot, and opting out of selecting a character if they can't get at least one they like. When that happens the match gets canceled and you're stuck waiting on another match. I think if you play this game you can expect to spend lots of time waiting on matches that get canceled over and over until they add in more characters, or let multiple players use the same character.
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