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File 149019955954.jpg - (94.13KB , 550x342 , Radiant Historia Perfect Chronology.jpg )
12365 No. 12365 [Edit]
Normally I wouldn't create a separate thread for a single game. I also do my best to avoid using words such as 'best' as I don't won't to enforce my opinion upon other people or just plain upset someone. So I won't tell you that DS's best RPG and possibly its best game overall is getting a remake. Let me just say one thing: Radiant Historia Perfect Chronology got announced.
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>> No. 12366 [Edit]
I wonder if anybody remembers this game, we've had a nice thread about it back in the day and it seemed to be well received. I couldn't help myself and I've made another thread for it.

I've actually redownloaded it just a short while ago, intending to replay it since I liked it so much and now this gets announced. I'm pretty excited, and a little bit anxious too. Apparently it's a 'full remake'. I guess Atlus will reveal more about it this weekend, during a presentation they have scheduled. They invited a bunch of seiyuu and judging from the low res Famitsu scan floating around the game will be voiced this time around (I think you can see 声 below the character names). On top of that there's a new female character. I think they changed the artist since the character portraits look noticably different.

Well, I just hope they won't change too much and that they'll keep the battle system intact, since it was innovative and a lot of fun. Truth to be told I'd sleep better if it the only changes were the new character, 'new scenario' and voices. But I'm excited nonetheless and I hope it'll be every bit as good as the original game.
>> No. 12367 [Edit]
File 149020051584.jpg - (23.73KB , 400x240 , Radiant-Historia-Perfect-Chronology_Fami-shot_03-2.jpg )
After googling around a bit I found some more info.

First, the voice cast:
Konishi Katsuyuki - Stocke
Komatsu Mikako - Nemesia (the new character)
Takahashi Rie - Eruca
Kurosawa Tomoyo - Aht
Sakura Ayane - Raynie
Yamaya Yoshitaka - Marco
Hatano Wataru - Rosch
Kuroda Takaya - Gafka

The portraits have indeed been redrawn, as you can see in the screenshot. Personally I liked the old artstyle more but I can live with it.

The 'new scenario' is a third story node called Sub-History but from the way it's described it seems rather than being a true node it's a series of side stories related to the characters and in-game events.
>> No. 12368 [Edit]
File 14906333307.jpg - (102.63KB , 525x480 , 81uDMWMVSKL__SL1000_.jpg )

It looked that way based on Famitsu scan but it was hard to tell - unfortunately Eruca's design was changed. I wonder why, considering every other design was kept the same and Eruca's was too, except for her hair. She looks really generic now. Oh well.

Atlus also revealed Etrian Mystery Dungeon 2 and SMT Strange Journey remake at yesterday's event.
>> No. 13098 [Edit]
Well, it's out now. When I first heard of it I imagined myself downloading it on the day it'll be out. Unfortunately the timing ended up being poor for me so I 'll probably play it in March/April or so.

Still, if you haven't played this before and you own a 3DS do yourself a favor. If you have played it you already know it's certainly worth replaying. Have fun.
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