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13193 No. 13193 [Edit]
Does anyone play on DMM? I have a very fun time with auto and gacha games for some reason. I only play Flower Knight Girl or Lord of Walkure (Even though its a bit old), because they're two of the few American accessible games that I enjoy.
>> No. 13194 [Edit]
Yeah, I only play Kantai Collection. I've looked around at other games, but none of them really catch my fancy.
>> No. 13195 [Edit]
I used to play KanColle but I sort of dropped off of that. I also tried out a few H games while I was there but never really did anything with them.

So far, although it isn't a DMM game, I'm playing Azur Lane. It just feels like KanColle but with more to do and significantly less tediousness to it.
>> No. 13196 [Edit]
I honestly don't like KanColle at all as a game. It's all numbers; in contrast, Azur Lane actually allows the player to do something. But at the same time, the lack of need for the player to actually do anything also makes it a good thing to do when idle. So, I have a love-hate relationship with it that is also upheld by the hope that maybe one day the game will actually start to feel like a game. I don't think that hope will ever be realized, but it doesn't cost me anything to continue holding onto it. I don't play any other video games, after all.
>> No. 13197 [Edit]
Kancolle was dropped like a hot potato. It became too much of a chore for nothing. Started playing Azure Lane recently and it's pretty comfy although the dreaded familiarity has set in. I just let it play itself on Auto (it just moves around randomly and fires off specials when they're available) to clear daily missions and stuff. The great thing about AL is that RL money buys you just costumes or marriage rings, while your effort and luck nets you characters and equipment. Unless you like paying, that is, since there's no way to weasel yourself out of some grind.
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