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File 151855972014.png - (531.54KB , 800x1100 , 1511443036238.png )
13090 No. 13090 [Edit]
Someone playing this on the switch?
Expand all images
>> No. 13091 [Edit]
File 151858809232.png - (769.32KB , 1000x1000 , 231a7b03a926c0086c99707d38978fa7.png )
I play this every now and then. I'm actually kind of decent at it.

If you want, we could do some Salmon Run or some Turf War together. 8093-9271-2532
>> No. 13092 [Edit]
Why are squid girls so lewd?
>> No. 13093 [Edit]
File 151863619054.png - (614.41KB , 611x781 , __inkling_splatoon_and_splatoon_1_drawn_by_skg__c9.png )

>> No. 13094 [Edit]
File 151864659339.png - (647.53KB , 455x748 , woomy in a blanket.png )
thanks for playing with me tonight.
I only reached 500 in Salmon Run so far (got carried HARD with some players on /ink/) and above 250%-300% i get my shit slapped hard.
You are pretty good. Always have the most Salmontrash kills.

Can`t post on /ink/ anymore because i got ip range blocked somehow. So is started a Thread here
>> No. 13095 [Edit]
Those games were pretty fun. Thanks for playing with me, I hope we can do it again some time in the future.

You were pretty good as well.

Post edited on 14th Feb 2018, 2:38pm
>> No. 13096 [Edit]
File 151873563755.gif - (2.13MB , 480x270 , 1518645666000.gif )
This weekend on Salmon Run: All 4 weapons are pure Random.
This gonna be fun.
>> No. 13100 [Edit]
File 151885556958.jpg - (76.56KB , 600x1071 , 39d0464d2992ab3322d01d013c75f7bb.jpg )
I saw. It is definitely going to be interesting to see if a new Grizzco weapon is introduced.
>> No. 13101 [Edit]
File 151886915394.jpg - (195.46KB , 826x1168 , 09b364a4b737edd2c9060c4874a3132be8cd40c9183c26aec4.jpg )
After playing 4 hours with /ink/ i reached 520 now.
New personal record.
Good Shift today for reaching new heights because almost no bad Weapons and easy Map.
300% feels like 200%-250% with good Weapons and Teammates who don`t go to the other Island and don`t use Stingray only for celebration.
>> No. 13102 [Edit]
File 151889715617.jpg - (9.73KB , 235x214 , index.jpg )
Tried playing with Randumbs now.
One Step forward 2 step back.
>> No. 13103 [Edit]
File 15189039082.png - (176.10KB , 998x682 , squid-dorks.png )
Would anyone like to be friends?
>> No. 13104 [Edit]
I know how you feel, but it certainly does make you better at carrying after a long while.

Anyway, if you want we could play a bit again.

Sure. 8093-9271-2532
>> No. 13105 [Edit]
File 151890894798.gif - (902.59KB , 224x233 , 42f.gif )
Room is open.
Reached 610 so far but i`m become dead weight for the others. Some of them want to reach 999 today.
>> No. 13107 [Edit]
Sorry about leaving kind of suddenly. I feel a bit tired.
>> No. 13108 [Edit]
File 151891721372.jpg - (117.98KB , 1280x720 , DWR87ybVAAALUJH_jpg large.jpg )
No Problem, shit hitting the fan on that difficulty.
Thanks for helping me reaching my personal goal you two.
>> No. 13109 [Edit]
File 15189173259.png - (832.16KB , 752x1062 , 10!.png )
That was really fun!
>> No. 13122 [Edit]
File 151928233465.png - (431.44KB , 392x522 , Screenshot.png )
Salmon Run this weekend?
Weapon Rotation looks good
>> No. 13123 [Edit]
Sure, it's not like I have anything better to do.
>> No. 13125 [Edit]
File 151933023865.png - (631.11KB , 1000x705 , 1509477746469.png )
spend more time with your woomy
>> No. 13126 [Edit]
File 151950551279.jpg - (57.33KB , 500x500 , 1519370045865.jpg )
Thanks for playing with me P.
Not in the mood today for more. Gonna watch Mahou Tsukai No Yome with some Pizza now.
>> No. 13128 [Edit]
File 151952582262.png - (161.71KB , 507x561 , squid-dork.png )
Certainly. The weapons were really fun this time around, especially the rapid blaster.
>> No. 13134 [Edit]
File 151981401582.png - (438.49KB , 665x840 , __inkling_splatoon_and_splatoon_2_drawn_by_takeko_.png )
Great Salmon Run Update:

Made it so that more Rank can be carried over at the start of the next job when the player has the title of Profreshional and a Rank of 100 or higher. Click here for details
Current Title & Rank Next Title & Rank
Profreshional 100~199 Profreshional 100
Profreshional 200~299 Profreshional 200
Profreshional 300~399 Profreshional 300
Profreshional 400~999 Profreshional 400
>> No. 13136 [Edit]
File 151981912178.jpg - (130.74KB , 850x1063 , 20180301.jpg )
Splatoon2 is the best game on Switch right now
>> No. 13138 [Edit]
If you're into shooters and co-op games, I guess. Personally I find no appeal to it at all.

Mario Odyssey and Bayonetta 3 are probably the only Switch exclusives that interest me. Hopefully Yuzu, RyujiNX or the likes will catch up (and step it up) eventually.
>> No. 13141 [Edit]
File 151999588782.png - (25.33KB , 814x294 , 1519860968589.png )
Salmon Run this weekend?
>> No. 13142 [Edit]
File 15200055619.jpg - (92.94KB , 1024x1365 , salmon-run.jpg )
>> No. 13144 [Edit]
File 152033664281.png - (321.31KB , 420x420 , 07de96ff9d3cafda587f0f4a413dae44.png )
Back to 400 with Randoms

Feeling Lucky
>> No. 13150 [Edit]
File 152057836255.webm - (498.38KB , 1520553645941.webm )
Octoling DLC SOON
>> No. 13151 [Edit]
God, those hips and that midriff.
>> No. 13154 [Edit]
File 152065196628.jpg - (29.93KB , 556x527 , 94f.jpg )
Absolutely disgusting character design. They took something great and ruined it.
>> No. 13155 [Edit]
Next time someone argues that a shitty fan base has no effect on the quality of the works in question, show them this.
>> No. 13156 [Edit]
Did the fanbase want some gross octopus girl though? I'm not really acquainted with Splatoon's.
>> No. 13157 [Edit]
File 152065974839.png - (284.21KB , 1303x1189 , b222f1f90f872580c9a84ae4dac3d87e7b70a3ed.png )
We want the salty, puffy OctoPUSS
>> No. 13158 [Edit]
File 152069899049.jpg - (137.81KB , 592x828 , ede8e80bdffd06bd767bd8ad4ad41ec9.jpg )
So who is on Team white ink today?
>> No. 13159 [Edit]
File 15207023077.jpg - (85.22KB , 658x652 , 1520663439261.jpg )
sorry dude, but egg came first
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