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13175 No. 13175 [Edit]
I was looking over some of my old games and couldn't help but notice a lot of great old series that are dead now due to being created by publishers who got bought and killed by companies like EA or activision.
What are some games of old you use to love which we'll never see another installment of thanks to these corporate fuckheads?
>> No. 13176 [Edit]
Silicon Knights disbanded after going bankrupt after being counter sued by Epic games. Eternal Darkness remains the best survival horror game ever made and i'm still pissed off about that.

Sega amalgamating all their separate teams and killing Smilebits was probably the biggest one for me but i'm not sure if this counts.
>> No. 13177 [Edit]
They're not dead, more in cryostasis. Some other company can buy it from them, just they don't want to.
>> No. 13178 [Edit]
Not EA in this case, but rather Atari/Hasbro regarding MicroPros. I always wanted to see a legitimate Master of Magic sequel, and a true-to-form Master of Orion 3.

EA in this case: Westwood. Lands of Lore is my all-time favourite RPG and am sad that 2 and 3 were such mediocre sequels due to popularity and the corporate pressure that comes with it. I've also been hoping for a Nox sequel for almost two decades now, and now more than ever a good non-generic action rpg is needed as breath of fresh air from all those D3 clones.
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