No. 9683
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I have one long ass text file where I write down all my ideas. There are literally hundreds of them. I lost one version with lots of unsaved stuff in it two or so months ago, though. It sucked big time but I'm pretty sure I remembered the best ideas and wrote them down again.
So yeah, since it's so freaking long let's just pick a few at random (please note that these don't really contain any plot - rather, I focused on hypothetical scenarios; I have my plot stored elsewhere):
‣ free time society. Basically everything you could desire is produced by robots (the details of this are rather unimportant). It'd be interesting to see what people would do with all that free time (it's more or less obvious for us but I wonder what normalfriends would do).
Other possibility would be only really basic stuff is covered by robots (food, cheap clothes) but you'd have to somehow earn money to gain access to more luxurious products. Again, interesting to see how many people would strive to gain more and more.
‣ world submerged under water (probably after ice caps melted or something). Either with magical sky castles (I just recalled the image I included) or simply 'islands' (whatever these would look like) floating on water. Some other post apocalyptic stuff thrown in (but not too apocalyptic).
‣ 2 stories unfolding at once. Or something like that. With a big time gap between, say 50 years. One protag could be related to another (gradmother/grandfather - grandaughter/grandson for example). I have some ideas for the story itself but they are very basic.
‣ a(n epsiodic?) VN from perspective of various objects: pens, boxes, lamps and whatnot. The ones which are forgotten/thrown out would be kinda portrayed as dead.
This is one of those ideas that are directly related to me. I look at stuff like that a whole lot. I tend to personify more or less everything around me and then get depressed about it (as in I sometimes actually feel like crying when I see some thrown out broken chair).
I guess a VN about my twisted way of looking at world period could kinda work. I somehow never considered it before.
‣ Ghostbusters: the VN. Kinda. 100% comedy of course (or pure nonsense at times), way less serious than the actual movies even.
‣ VN from the Final Boss kind of guy perspective. Either literally a Dai Maou waiting till the Yuusha gets there to kill him or about actually gaining control over the world. Inspired by Dungeon Keeper/Evil Genius either way.
‣ a VN from perspective of some lesser God from Greek/Roman pantheon (or not, I kinda thought that works, not even sure why, this is an old one). Basically how powerful the Gods are is directly related to the number of their followers. Aim for the top!
Could be a tycoon-esque game.
‣ a common sense look at VNs (especially cliches). Kinda like that scene in Haganai made into VN (except like 100 times longer). That could be pretty amusing.
‣ oh, this was one of my favorites. A world where superheroes are pretty common. The whole superhero business was institutionalized and superhoeres are employed by goverments/city halls now. The job pays well and the superheroes are loved by all. Except you'd be a sidekick. And that's not as cool. You'd live in a run down apartment and you'd be struggling to pay the rent, bills and whatnot. On top of that, the hero you're working with is not only a huge asshole, he's also shit at his job, so you'd have to do pretty much everything while he gets all the credit.
Guess which cartoon this was inspired by.
As far as I'm corncerned it's one of the best American cartoons out there, if not the best. Megas XLR was pretty cool too but you'd have to be a pretty big mecha buff to appreciate all those (sometimes really obscure) references.
Whoops, got kinda off topic. But yeah, that much will do. Of course I have many more but I'm too lazy to summarize them here.
Oh, I almost ofrgot. I'm working on a fantasy setting right now. I put a lot work into it already and I'm quite satisfied with the result but it still needs some work. I just kinda wanted to mention it without getting into it. Let's just say it's about a band of 'witchhunters' who wander the world killing of magicians (I have various ideas for their motivies - I guess they'd vary between characters rather than be more or less the same for every member of the group).
Please note that those are just ideas and I'm much, much too lazy to ever actually write anything. Also, lots of these I kinda imagine as VNs with gameplay elements (mostly very text heavy RPGs).