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File 156393359118.jpg - (2.53MB , 2907x3579 , yakuza_kiwami_2d_packshot_ps4_pegi.jpg )
13572 No. 13572 [Edit]
This is my first Yakuza game.

I am absolutely blown away by how anti-fun these boss fights are. I have never in all my years of gaming experienced boss fights so insufferable, so infuriating, so unfair.

I LOVE getting stunlocked in a single hit while the boss's combo is impossible to interrupt. Getting my control of the character taken away from me instantly and repeatedly is so immersive. Pausing five times during a boss fight to use health items really adds a nice gameplay flow. It's so awesome how the prompt for heat moves has no audio cue while being relegated to the upper right corner of the screen, nowhere near where the action is happening. And the icing on the cake is bosses who regenerate health while they are supposed to be winded, as if the Kingdom Hearts-tier health bar wasn't enough.

These game design choices don't make sense to me. I'm gonna persevere through this shit show because they got me hooked on Kiryu, Majima and the wacky side quests, but I'm going to be cursing the fine people at SEGA every step of the way for signing off on something so uniquely aggravating.

Anyway, does it get better with the other games?

I'm thinking next I will play 0, then 6, then Kiwami 2. Is that a good order?

Or if you have any thoughts about the series you would like to share, please do.
>> No. 13573 [Edit]
Incredible. I just threw a chair at a boss and watched it clip through his body. I guess breakdancing makes you invincible?
>> No. 13576 [Edit]
I've only played the original for ps2 and am still currently playing 0. I've found 0 a tad repetitive in terms of combat, but the massive amount of side content makes up for that from mahjong to slot car races. It's also stupidly long with cinematic so long and so frequent they put metal gear to shame.
As for the original, I don't remember much about it. I think it didn't have much in terms of side content and was more focused on the story. I think it dragged a bit but wasn't necessary too boring, and I did manage to sit though it to the end. Played it via emulator because fucking hell the original copies are over priced.
>> No. 13577 [Edit]
I played 0 on PC and it was the most fun I've had playing a video game since I was a kid. It rejuvenated my interest in video games enough for me to get a PS4.

Yeah, Kiwami is trash. Kiwami 2 and 6 are kinda meh.
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