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File 155938743468.jpg - (66.07KB , 512x512 , 7395FDC9-6132-4309-80D3-371F3C0C9AEF.jpg )
13491 No. 13491 [Edit]
Are there any strategy games that never compromise on the scale? I hate big goofy units representing armies fighting. I want to see the whole battle to scale. The whole city to scale. Everything in full. Does that exist?
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>> No. 13492 [Edit]
The Total war series does that.
>> No. 13493 [Edit]
File 155941007458.jpg - (237.57KB , 1920x1080 , thumb-1920-627516.jpg )
Give Planetary Annihilation a try. It fries my brain having so many things to do at once and I get the feeling if I could do it better it would be my favourite game.
>> No. 13510 [Edit]
Yeah, unfortunately I am not super interested in their subject matter. A US Civil War or WW1 game would be my dream.
>> No. 13513 [Edit]
Aren’t RTS like you are describing very difficult to balance because of every unit having projectiles? The only ones people liked I think are the CoH games.
>> No. 13514 [Edit]
Regarding WW2 RTS I think Men of war is much better.
>> No. 13515 [Edit]
Who cares about balance? This isn't about abstract games that need to fiddle with arbitrary rules so no player feels offended, it's about simulating battle to scale. War isn't balanced.

>US Civil War
Ultimate General?
>> No. 13546 [Edit]
Mod Total Annihilation with old-timey units?
>> No. 13551 [Edit]
Spring 1944 is an open source World War 2 game that is inspired by Total Annihilation.
The Spring engine was originally made for a Total Annihilation clone and there are other games using the same engine.
It's free so you can just try it.
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