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File 15606674525.jpg - (332.28KB , 1280x720 , TheExpressionAmrilato-VisualNovel-Steam-2.jpg )
13534 No. 13534 [Edit]
So apparently Valve has yet again decided to ban/forbid a game from being released on Steam while claiming it "sexualizes minors" in spite of the games doing no such thing.
The most recent victim of this is The Expression: Amrilato, an educational game about a girl who finds themselves in a land where people only speak Esperanto. Before this we also had the game "key to home" which was forbidden from being released on steam for the same reason.
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>> No. 13535 [Edit]
Does anybody actually care? Everyone just pirates VNs and proprietary are bad anyway.
>> No. 13536 [Edit]
I for one wholeheartedly support any banning of games connected with Esperanto.
>> No. 13537 [Edit]
The people who produce these games have bills to pay too you know.
>> No. 13538 [Edit]
DLSite is a thing, even has an English storefront. Doesn’t change that westerners are overwhelmingly pirates and that VN developers usually get paid by the company unless it’s doujin stuff.
>> No. 13539 [Edit]
It’s a cool idea, but nobody uses it as more than a hobby and despite how easy learning it is total immersion is almost impossible.
>> No. 13540 [Edit]
It's not a cool idea at all.
>> No. 13541 [Edit]
If people didn’t just use Chinese, Spanish, English or French and language death wasn’t common because of this, a constructed language that you can become fluent in 150 hours is a pretty interesting idea.
>> No. 13544 [Edit]
I don't see steam banning anime games as a problem. It will simply create demands for alternative anime game distribution platform and you'll get your shitty nukige all the same. I'd even argue that it's a good thing because the less h-game there is on mainstream platforms, the less mainstream attention is on it, which mean less people are likely to start a controversy. The actual problems with in-game content censoring because you may not be able to access it in any other way but then private companies have the right to do so.
>> No. 13545 [Edit]
File 156102534144.jpg - (140.87KB , 850x848 , Logo.jpg )
Does it really do that?
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