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File 148448081490.png - (5.32KB , 339x701 , man.png )
29846 No. 29846 [Edit]
This is a CYOA where you take control of Man, a shut-in NEET with nothing going for him. As a general rule, unless more than one person inputs the same command I'll just write off the most recent post in the thread.
Because this is more of a fun activity than a creative writing session this is going here instead of /cr/.
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>> No. 29847 [Edit]
File 148448111122.png - (24.50KB , 1322x874 , man's room.png )
Man is in his small apartment. The door is locked as always and his computer flashes as it continuously does. Man looks down and sees a body pillow of the one he used to refer to as his waifu. Something about it sickens him these days.

Now what?
>> No. 29848 [Edit]
Something to liven up /ot/ isn't a bad idea.

Lay in bed and fap.
>> No. 29849 [Edit]
File 148448211869.png - (12.17KB , 1033x848 , man's bed.png )
>Lay in bed and fap.
Man goes to bed to fap. He does it.
Man doesn't feel any better and he has a feeling that he's running out of tissues.

Now what?
>> No. 29850 [Edit]
Attempt to prove Jacobian conjecture.
>> No. 29851 [Edit]
File 148449966045.png - (25.57KB , 1322x874 , man's room 2.png )
>Attempt to prove Jacobian conjecture.
Man fails to solve it because he isn't good at mathematics. After spending a bit of time doing nothing he hears a knock on the door.

Now what?
>> No. 29852 [Edit]
hug the waifus daki and pray they go away
>> No. 29853 [Edit]
File 148451016331.png - (18.85KB , 1003x837 , man's room 3.png )
>hug the waifus daki and pray they go away
The knocking intensifies but eventually dies down. The one responsible for the knocking is heard skipping away in a noticeable fashion. Man feels somewhat angry.

Now what?
>> No. 29854 [Edit]
Fantasise about being a carefree, happy, cute anime girl.
>> No. 29855 [Edit]
This is great.
>> No. 29856 [Edit]
File 148451431154.png - (27.06KB , 1091x777 , man's fantasy.png )
>Fantasise about being a carefree, happy, cute anime girl.
Man does so but quickly realizes that even cute anime girls in fields of flowers can be alone. In an effort to still pursue happiness, Man tries to think up another character to accompany him. Full of negative thoughts, Man can only find himself thinking of a rich, middle-aged man in a suit that seems to contain qualities of everyone Man has ever hated throughout his life.
The mere sight of the man ruins Man's fantasy and sends him straight back to reality.

Now what?
>> No. 29865 [Edit]
stick man realises he is a stick woman, and dresses up in cute girls' clothes. then she makes a post on tohno-chan
>> No. 29866 [Edit]
File 148457510779.png - (16.70KB , 687x757 , man's computer.png )
>stick man realises he is a stick woman, and dresses up in cute girls' clothes. then she makes a post on tohno-chan
Man tries to convince himself that he's really a cute girl but can't. He doesn't own any cute girls' clothes so he can't even dress up. Man then posts on /tc/ but it doesn't make him feel any better.

Now what?
>> No. 29867 [Edit]
Order cute girls' clothes from the internet.
>> No. 29868 [Edit]
File 148458398763.png - (15.19KB , 687x757 , man's computer 2.png )
>Order cute girls' clothes from the internet.
Man orders some cute girls' clothes. According to the website they will arrive in a week.

Now what?
>> No. 29871 [Edit]
>Now what?
Cancel the order and use the money to buy things he needs, like supplies.
>> No. 29873 [Edit]
File 148459814239.png - (28.40KB , 1322x874 , man's room 4.png )
>Cancel the order and use the money to buy things he needs, like supplies.
As he just made the order, Man easily manages to cancel it and get his money back. As he ponders over what sort of supplies he should get and how, Man hears more knocking on the door.
A voice calls from beyond the door, "I'm not that crazy reporter from before so just relax, dude. I just came here because I wanted to tell you something. You probably won't believe a word I'll say but can you just spare a bit of your time to listen to me? As far as I'm concerned you don't even need to open the door, just knock once back and I'll talk." While the voice sounds irritating to Man, there is a spark of serenity in it that he can't quite comprehend.

Now what?
>> No. 29876 [Edit]
>Now what?
Ask the person behind the door to deliver its message by e-mail; make a new account sololy for this to keep your info private.
>> No. 29879 [Edit]
Jump out the window, steal some girl's clothes and wear them so you can't get tracked down
>> No. 29880 [Edit]
I'd go nuts from the noise and run at the door, kicking it as hard as I could and screaming at them to shut up.
>> No. 29881 [Edit]
File 148463404685.png - (30.49KB , 1322x874 , man's room 5.png )
>I'd go nuts from the noise and run at the door, kicking it as hard as I could and screaming at them to shut up.
Man kicks the door repeatedly and shouts at whoever is beyond the door to leave. Eventually, Man gets tired and he naturally assumes that the person who's voice was heard from the other side of the door has left. Despite being told to leave, the voice remains and tells Man, "You did technically knock so I have no choice but to talk. However, since you did tell me to shut up, I'll keep it brief and won't go into some of the more nonsensical things. Anyways, all I wanted to tell you is that the world is pretty messed up, up is down and down is up. God exists... I think and everything else feels like it's right out of a science fiction story... Yea, I'll leave it at that. You're better than most, you know. That's why I shared my burdensome knowledge with you. Thank you for listening."
"Never lose hope," the voice finally concludes, "and as for supplies, you should at least get some bottled water. You'll need it." The voice dies down.

Now what?
>> No. 29884 [Edit]
Stop your degeneracy immediately.
>Now what?
Pretend this conversation didn't happen, calm down, and go get supplies (groceries, detergent and other cleaning stuff, etc.)
>> No. 29886 [Edit]
File 148464681060.png - (28.55KB , 1242x757 , the store.png )
>Pretend this conversation didn't happen, calm down, and go get supplies (groceries, detergent and other cleaning stuff, etc.)
Man leaves his apartment for the first time in a while to go off to the closest supermarket. The last rays of sun that the day has to offer shine on Man as he leaves.
Some things about the path to the supermarket feel off to Man, the road is littered with homeless people with signs that say "THE END IS NEAR", people walking around in black robes, fortune tellers chanting and the road itself seems more bumpy and curved than Man remembers. Man reaches the supermarket to start buying some supplies. As he adds many of the things on his list to the bag, Man notices how everyone around him have smiles stretched across their faces. He gets various cleaning stuff, tissues, two frozen pizzas and a few bottles of water and pays for it all with his autismbucks.
Man leaves the supermarket and heads back to his apartment with haste. Some girl is handing out newspapers outside so Man decides it'll do him no harm to take one with him.
Man is now back in his apartment with his groceries and the newspaper he brought along. The outside world makes Man feel uneasy.

Now what?
>> No. 29888 [Edit]
Put the pizzas in the freezer, leave the rest of the groceries lying on the ground and throw the newspaper on top of random old papers.
>> No. 29889 [Edit]
what he said >>29888 play music and go to sleep
>> No. 29893 [Edit]
pm tohno on steam and ask him what do
>> No. 29899 [Edit]
pick the most boring choice posted in this thread and do it
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