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30312 No. 30312 [Edit]
Are people who go outside purposefully dressed in a way that is meant to be attractive engaging in a generalized form of sexual harassment or is noticing someone's cleavage, panties, crotch bulge, etc. and then averting eye contact from it the punishment one deserves for exiting the home?
>> No. 30313 [Edit]
It cannot be helped. Just keep your head down and aim to get back inside as quickly as possible.
>> No. 30314 [Edit]
They're advertising themselves sexually. It's meant to attract chads, which they're okay with harassing them. But not anyone below 'their level'. If you do it anyways at the least you'll be shamed "creep, weirdo, virgin". If you're unlucky she'll moan until other men come and "save" her by threatening/attacking you.

Be careful around these types of women OP. They're completely unaware of what they're doing. If you ask the woman they're "Just like, being fashionable and having fun ohmaygawd". Bitches that don't know they're in heat.
>> No. 30315 [Edit]
Yes, this is my normal MO

I understand all that and I agree with what you're saying, but what I was wondering when I posted this thread was are these people committing a crime and if so how much money do they owe me?
>> No. 30316 [Edit]
>are these people committing a crime and if so how much money do they owe me?
As despicable as normals are and as contradictory and hypocritical lack of modesty in fashion is, the world doesn't go around you. Nobody owes you anything.
>> No. 30317 [Edit]
>world doesn't go around you

Nor does it about an individual, however the legal concept of nuisance is wide ranging. Any annoyance to the community can potentially be considered a nuisance. Herders, polluters, people with loud music, etc. are often prevented from poisoning the commons or at least regulated to the degree which they can take advantage of public spaces. Which groups are or are not regulated is based somewhat arbitrary on public perception of the degree of damage that various groups are doing. Public perception in turn is made up of the sum of many individual opinions. A century ago the types of public displays described in OP may well have resulted in an arrest. So the concept of what is and isn't legal in this sphere is malleable and varies in different jurisdictions.
In almost all locations people may owe a debt to the public because of immodesty, its the just degree of what is acceptable that differs. Those types will always be pushing the limits in this sphere because of their predatory sexual personality traits. Just because they're haven't been reigned in for decades on end doesn't mean that it can never happen.
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