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File 147785523377.jpg - (202.45KB , 1200x900 , b4f0698f0905aae4e3148eebcca59a2c.jpg )
6143 No. 6143 [Edit]
Hey hey, /tc/, /tc/, guess what day it is!

It's that time of the year again! Happy birthday!
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>> No. 6144 [Edit]
File 147785565593.gif - (849.74KB , 350x280 , Ready.gif )
Happy Birthday Tohno-chan!

Thanks to everyone who contributed to this place being as great as it is!
>> No. 6147 [Edit]
File 147785569777.png - (19.96KB , 500x500 , 11kxg84.png )
>> No. 6148 [Edit]
File 147785595434.jpg - (292.41KB , 600x416 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
7 is the luckiest number!
>> No. 6149 [Edit]
File 147785632022.png - (797.33KB , 812x806 , z.png )
One year closer to peace. Happy birthday Tohno-chan.
>> No. 6150 [Edit]
File 147822797236.jpg - (222.69KB , 1200x900 , 14713193_p11.jpg )
>> No. 6169 [Edit]
How did I miss this? I was probably just a few tabs away since I'm usually always in front of my computer
>> No. 6594 [Edit]
File 150948331133.jpg - (240.14KB , 503x700 , f56e584a5bffe5c35bdcc1e15615ff39cc1795e5.jpg )
Happy late birthday, Tohno-chan!
>> No. 6598 [Edit]
It's like people keep pulling it further ahead each year. Yeah no I didn't create TC on Halloween day, I can say that much for sure. I feel like it was mid November but at this point it's just easier to say November first.
>> No. 6600 [Edit]
So, it's not known?
>> No. 6601 [Edit]
It's known, Tohno just has bad memory and doesn't remember he looked into the answer himself:
>> No. 6607 [Edit]
haha, I completely forgot researching it to settle the matter.
Whelp, anyways, happy birthday TC I suppose.

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