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File 128925790236.jpg - (165.63KB , 650x1100 , minagi2345678.jpg )
20 No. 20 [Edit]
I'm just gonna go ahead and list off know missing features that need implemented, and know bugs/problems that need fixing.

missing features

-post editing
-spoiler images
-multi image upload.
-theme switcher for the front page
-404 page

bugs/problems that need fixing

-repairs to themes not yet fully converted to current site.
-maximum supported upload seems to only be 7mb for the time being.
-image expansion should be switched from file names to image themselves
-more file type support on more boards.
-more embedded support
-paging table needs fixing

I can't guarantee this will all be fixed soon, or at all for some things, but I assure you, am working on it.

If I forgot or missed anything, please let me know.
222 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 5425 [Edit]
File 142274556167.jpg - (50.48KB , 1110x428 , Capture.jpg )
I'm getting two subject fields on /an/, and it was strongly advised I note it here.
using Firefox 35.0.1

It works correctly for the new thread posting on /vn/ /mt/ and /ddl/.
the reply posting works correctly on /vn/ /mt/ /ddl/ and /fb/

everywhere else gives the two subject lines, as shown in the attached image.
I have no idea how you manged to break the site everywhere but in those very specific places, but you did. You should be proud of yourself.
>> No. 5426 [Edit]
Try doing a full refresh(ctrl+f5 on most browsers) on the page affected by that issue.
And what style is that that you are using? Might(but should not) have something to do with it.
>> No. 5427 [Edit]
the refresh fixed it, did it on this board and now it's fixed for all the boards.
Probably had something to do with me having a cache from the previous iteration of the site.

Also, using paisley.
>> No. 5438 [Edit]
Do feature requests go here? I just wanted to share that it would be nice if there was an option to show more than the 15 last posts on the front page, like 30 or 50 posts.
>> No. 5446 [Edit]
Seemed simple enough so thought I'd give it a shot, way things were coded that wasn't really the case and I kinda broke things while messing with it...
I'll try playing around with it more and see if I can figure it out.
>> No. 5451 [Edit]
Thank you for your effort, it's much appreciated.
>> No. 5512 [Edit]
All the stuff in the top bar is now a semi-broken link. They need a / added to the end.
Clicking them gives you a white screen with :

Moved Permanently

The document has moved here.

with the link going to the correct url.
>> No. 5513 [Edit]
The link to the ebay store on /fig/ needs to be updated.
>> No. 5527 [Edit]
I'm planning to begin another round of site improvements soon™. The list for this one is fairly short so I'm taking suggestions for tweaks and/or new features you'd like to see.
Keep in mind kusaba is a mess and I may be unwilling to deal with things that require too much fiddling with the internals and things dependent on tacking new third-party libraries/software onto the site might be off the table too.

The current list includes:
- Revamping the spam honeypot.
- Working on >>5438 's request.
- Taking a look at our ages old password problem.
- Ruining the site's styles with CSS3 fuckery.
- Making a javascript yukkuri that follows the mouse cursor and explodes into a fine, 3D rendered with webGL, bloody mist when you click on it.
- Putting a button to ban y'all fuckers who reports posts with "lol that dude is a faggot" as a reason.
- the ablity to use avatars with posts, with built in post counts and a PM system. and the front page could show who has the hightest post count
- posting to facebook and twitter
>> No. 5528 [Edit]
I think I had a good idea a few months ago but I can't remember it right now, give me a second
>> No. 5531 [Edit]
I would greatly appreciate a preview post button.
>> No. 5532 [Edit]
I'll examine, but sounds pretty doable.
Thinking of making it pop in a box using the JS resources we already have in place because I don't want to mess much with the template engine too much.
>> No. 5533 [Edit]
Thumbnails for webms maybe.
>> No. 5534 [Edit]
File 143522012077.webm - (2.93MB , d5c117275fda5d8054382fd686f7094e.webm )
I thought we already had that?
>> No. 5542 [Edit]
Multiple file uploading, 2+ images per post
>> No. 5543 [Edit]

Could be neat. We used to have that an I vaguely remember using it a couple of times.
>> No. 5544 [Edit]

this or remove the error you get when trying to upload files with a comma in the file name.
>> No. 5545 [Edit]
Nope, that would involve lots of internal tweaking to do it right. It sounds useful and I might give it a try if tohno approves of the idea, but it's certainly out of the timeframe for the next patch.

I'm not sure about that, it would involve either changing the separator to another character and having the problem again when someone tries uploading a file with that character in the filename or completely overhauling the way kusaba handles multiple files per post so it's not a problem. Which means I won't touch that until I begin working with multiple file uploads, if I do, unless it's extremely simple to fix.
>> No. 5546 [Edit]
Where do you discuss learning Japanese if the Japanese board can only be used in Japanese?
>> No. 5548 [Edit]
>> No. 5561 [Edit]
there is a thread for it on /ot/ go find it.
>> No. 5568 [Edit]
Thanks for the new feature on the front page, man.
>> No. 5569 [Edit]
Clicking on post numbers doesn't work anymore for me. Used to take me up to the comment box and inject the post number, but now it does nothing.
>> No. 5570 [Edit]
In a sense it injects the post number, just on the wrong form. Yeah, that went completely over my head, I'll try to fix it later today.
>> No. 5571 [Edit]
the front page has been reverted back to its old layout for a few days or a week maybe. When /navi/ was added there was the update where a few more boards got listed but now that is gone.
>> No. 5572 [Edit]
That's my bad too. I completely forgot Tohno had modified the front page so I was working on an old version and that's what I uploaded.
I'll see if tohno has any backups, if not I'll have to ask for a screenshot of how it looked to reconstruct it(does anybody have one?).
>> No. 5573 [Edit]
Both should be fixed. Just need some time to rebuild the html files for all boards. If reflinks are still not working after some 15min from now do a full refresh and try again.
>> No. 5599 [Edit]
What's weird?
>> No. 5600 [Edit]
It's perfectly fine here. Your browser's fault.
>> No. 5701 [Edit]
Whoever said that has no idea what they're talking about.
What probably happened is that the hosting company changed our php version and it broke the custom settings we had in place and kusaba needs to work properly.
I already did what is needed to fix, just need time until the server picks it up or until I can convince tohno to do it manually.
>> No. 5702 [Edit]
And the server picked it up. We shouldn't have any more problems until the hosting company kicks us up to another php version again.
>> No. 5740 [Edit]
Are you a mod? You shouldn't be seeing that unless you are.
Anyway, I already know about that thing. It's harmless as far as I can tell and getting rid of it will involve far too much work for me to bother with.
>> No. 5948 [Edit]
So, what was the april fools thing supposed to be?

I get the feeling a 500 internal server error wasn't the intended outcome of that.
>> No. 5978 [Edit]
I added em in, but yeah I don't think anyone bothers with that section. Took a few minutes to realize what you were talking about myself. I think the boards are kinda self explanatory anyways to tell the truth.
>> No. 6098 [Edit]
I'm not sure how much is the page related to Tohno-chan but there sure are many unused and joke(Snoop Dogg?) sites
>> No. 6188 [Edit]
quick question.

would a mod account allow one to post in a locked board?
>> No. 6204 [Edit]
yah I think so.
>> No. 6500 [Edit]
File 149742597042.jpg - (11.96KB , 200x200 , Mechanic_girl.jpg )
Greetings; your hard work is appreciated and thank you in advance for any consideration. I have a few suggestions / requests:

Board Map:
Would you consider the restructuring of the board map? I think it would look better making all three columns have the same width. It would also be ideal to reorganize the orders alphabetically, like they already are on the upper link bar everywhere else on the site.
>Board Map: [an/ma/vg/foe/mp3/vn] ✘
>Upper bar: [an/foe/ma/mp3/vg/vn] ✔

Reply Function:
Any chance >>4828 could be looked up again to see if it's feasible?

BBCode Tag Wrapping:
When I select a text and click on "Bold" or any of the other options, the tags should wrap around the selection; instead, they appear at the last space of the message box. Ultimately this makes writing the tags yourself faster, thus making the feature obsolete once you know the tags. Is it possible to be fixed?

Post edited on 14th Jun 2017, 12:53am
>> No. 6502 [Edit]
Sorry for the bother, I couldn't edit the post anymore, so...

Capitalization of board names:
Would you please indulge my autistic grammar-nazism and add proper capitalization for the following boards so they are in alignment with those who do follow the parameter? /navi/, /$/, /tat/, /txt/, /lol/, /ns/, /sub/. All the secret boards (I know of) have the same issue except 1-thread cat one, which is missing the /xyz/ before the name. Additionally, several boards are also missing the updated Upper Links Bar, and some even have outdated news displayed.
>> No. 6503 [Edit]
Thank you for taking the time to point these out.
I should be able to arrange the maps alphabetically easily enough, as well as fixing the board names.
With how it's programmed I think width was dependent on content rather than a set value but I can take a look at that.
As for >>4828, I really wouldn't even know where to start with that, but I can take a look at that too.
About "Tag Wrapping", I agree it's not very practical in it's current state but I'm not even sure if that's possible with what we run on now. I feel that'd be in the same park as fixing the edit system so you don't have to copy/past the text.
and yeah I know the password thing is annoying, I brought it up with someone who helped us out with another matter to see if he could do anything about it. No promises though.
It's no bother, I just wish I could be more helpful.
>> No. 6504 [Edit]
Just for some clarification here. By "all three columns " Are you talking about the ones on our front page, or the map of boards found on the top and bottom of all parts of the site?
By the way, some boards have old news showing because they don't update until manually updated or until someone posts something on them.
>> No. 6506 [Edit]
Front page; the map of boards on the top and bottom have at the moment 27 columns.
>> No. 6507 [Edit]
File 149753264337.jpg - (130.34KB , 1023x591 , CfXRkwiWEAAQc_j.jpg )
>BBCode Tag Wrapping:
When I select a text and click on "Bold" or any of the other options, the tags should wrap around the selection; instead, they appear at the last space of the message box. Ultimately this makes writing the tags yourself faster, thus making the feature obsolete once you know the tags. Is it possible to be fixed?

In short: probably not, sorry.

Tohno has informed me of the code which inserts the bold tags into the post box. In short this part of the code is what adds the bold tags at the end of the box.
this.form.{%KU_MSGFIELD}.value.concat(' ')

The ".concat", short for concatenation, adds the text at the end of whatever else is in the post. Nowhere, as far as I can tell anyway, does the code check for what text is highlighted. The only other instance I can find "this.form.{%KU_MSGFIELD}.value" used is in the Noko and Sage buttons, but in that instance it replaces the entire contents of the e-mail field with either noko or sage. I think that is much farther from a desired outcome for bold tags than merely adding them to the end of the post.

Between Tohno and myself we've spent about 5 hours working on this, and it seems like it would be very involved to implement. We use an outdated version of the language we use for scripts, probably due to its compatibility with Kusaba which hasn't been updated since 2012. The version of this language we use doesn't have documentation ... there is some limited amount available via , but I wasn't able to find any references to other arguments for the code used to add bold tags besides concatenation. I tried some level of googling around, but wasn't able to find anything about it. I also tried looking through other files on the server to see if there was anything helpful, but to no avail.

I'll keep thinking about it, but it might not happen if we don't make some major changes to the board software, or find someone very familiar with the software we're running. Sorry.
>> No. 6514 [Edit]
Thank you both for your hard work.
>> No. 6530 [Edit]
What if you just make the bb code a separate post form.

Type what you want in bb code in there, and when you hit the bold or spoiler or whatever button, it adds the appropriate bb code to the front and end of the string, then copies that string to the end of the main post form.
>> No. 6531 [Edit]
File 149853572257.jpg - (62.12KB , 850x850 , 1443047745381.jpg )
That seems like more work for both the user and programmer. The way I see it the Bold, Italic, etc. buttons just serve as reminders of what the tags are. It keeps you from having to navigate to another page to figure out, if you forgot.
>> No. 6578 [Edit]
File 150785808955.jpg - (95.62KB , 1175x750 , it broke.jpg )
/vg/ and /vn/ seem to be somewhat broken, many of the threads aren't showing up.
>> No. 6580 [Edit]
Hey tohno, thanks for keeping this site alive after all these years. I hope you're doing ok. If I had any money I'd donate.
>> No. 6581 [Edit]

Was an add-on, Ad Nauseum did it.

glad that's cleared up.
>> No. 6605 [Edit]
lol. You know I never really thought about that but you're right, I guess it really is kinda hypocritical. Maybe we should have a different style of ban page?
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