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File 14975760994.jpg - (91.68KB , 1280x720 , 139190181057.jpg )
6508 No. 6508 [Edit]
Can we make the IRL board public and just hide its posts from the frontpage like you did with /tat/?

The community has changed so I'm not gonna bother hiding it, I wouldn't mind getting to know our users better. I wouldn't even mind an online relationship and I'm not bothered by Tohno's. If the admin and even a few users are okay with it, I don't see the harm in having a small public board for it that doesn't broadcast posts to the frontpage. Surely that should be enough to dissuade any bitter guys that are still complaining about IRC and the like?
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>> No. 6509 [Edit]
Uh? There is no /irl/ board.

Don't use Mashiro-tan for your trolling please.
>> No. 6510 [Edit]
Lurk more, newfriend.
>> No. 6512 [Edit]
OP has gotten better at trolling, It's a lot more subtle now and believable. While they might still be delusional, they're decent at hiding their passive aggressive intent in this post. He actually had me stop and wonder if we did in fact have an /irl/ board that I maybe forgot about or something. I give em a perfect 5/7
>> No. 6513 [Edit]
What does my alleged lack of lurking have to do with your obvious trolling?

I don't know why you spiteful people have such a hard time giving constructive criticism to Tohno and the board without resorting to sarcasm, irony, insults, allegations and snide comments. How hard can it be?
>> No. 6515 [Edit]
Not OP. An admin mentioned a while before that there is a real life/meetup board and expressed disdain for its existence. Who mentioned an "/irl/"? I don't know why you assumed that would be the board link. Autism, perhaps?

More perplexing is why Tohno himself is acting as though it doesn't exist. Did he really forget about it? Is he reverse trolling OP?
>> No. 6516 [Edit]
Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?
>> No. 6517 [Edit]
>I don't know why you spiteful people have such a hard time giving constructive criticism to Tohno

That uh... that didn't work out so well last time. Users that have brought up issues like 3D relationship discussion here have been brushed off at best and subjected to angry, self-righteous rants full of ad hominems like 'racist' and 'misogynist' at worst.

But I'd like to give Tohno the benefit of the doubt here and hope that he's just been kinda stressed lately due to subbing obligations, the userbase butting heads, and so on rather than assuming that he's actually been converted into an SJW preaching 'tolerance'.
>> No. 6518 [Edit]
File 149761336780.jpg - (190.68KB , 1024x752 , CkrJalMUYAEecfd.jpg )
>Users that have brought up issues like 3D relationship discussion here have been brushed off at best and subjected to angry, self-righteous rants full of ad hominems like 'racist' and 'misogynist' at worst.

false, 3d relationship discussion is banned as per the rules. that never changed.
>> No. 6519 [Edit]

Shit isn't happening here, not flying.

Don't worry about the cancer here, the only way it will be brought here is if you bring it.

I understand that shit is infesting the world and you may want to rant about it, but keep it to /tat/, whether you are pro- or anti-cancer.
>> No. 6521 [Edit]
Start enforcing it then please ^.^

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