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No. 19135 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Is this board real? Is this a real thing? Using "waifus" as a form of escapism? I mean, I've heard of this sort of thing before, but this is just over the top. You all seriously need a reality check. The fact that someone is contemplating suicide just because his fictional waifu isn't real is the highlight of this entire board. Now I know I'll get banned from this site for posting this thread, but hear me out.

Have any of you actually CONSIDERED getting a girlfriend in real life? What's stopping you by any chance? Could it be that you're all doing this because you've had no luck with any kind of girl at all? Because really, no matter how much you fantasize about being with your waifu, she'll never, EVER, be real. I've even seen people on this board ACTUALLY deluding themselves into believing that they'll meet their waifus in the afterlife. This site is the bottom of the barrel.

Don't you all have families or something? Maybe at least one friend? How about bonding more with them instead, then you wouldn't feel so lonely. I understand loneliness because I've dealt with it and still dealing with it today, but this is ridiculous.

Escapism is never the answer. It's a very crippling thing and only makes things worse. With escapism, you start catching on with reality, realizing more and more that you'll never make your fantasies come true. This can be stopped though. All of you guys have to find a companion someday, but being on your computer all day long won't allow you to step out in the real world and socialize with others, because you love yourselves too much. It takes willpower to do these things, you know, so use it. Your .jpg relationships will only keep you sane for so long.

14 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 19346 [Edit]
Did you respond to the wrong thread?
>> No. 19348 [Edit]
Wrong thread it is.
A random puzzle piece.
Would never fit in such a panel.
This i already knew.

Now answer me.
But do not reply.
What punishment is enough.
For those who have made.
The ones who loved them cry.
Death is peaceful paradise.
Perhaps the punishment is life.
>> No. 19361 [Edit]
File 145201536749.jpg - (271.05KB , 1024x768 , sakura-wars_1.jpg )
>> No. 19368 [Edit]

File 14293990248.png - (1.95MB , 1053x1636 , 7993356dae4afbde708e434e038eaae2.png )
18018 No. 18018 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Recently passed Midnight GMT(+1). Happy Birthday Erica! (Best birthday wishes for her sister, Ursula, as well!)

This will be the fifth birthday of hers since we met back in late 2010. I have a quiet but romantic day out planned when we wake up later on this morning - I can't wait!

I love you Erica, my sexy, talented, and mischievous wife!
8 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 18031 [Edit]
That's so awesome, you two must of had such a great day together.
>> No. 18032 [Edit]

Thank you so much!
>> No. 18033 [Edit]
File 142953280314.jpg - (65.49KB , 720x500 , 1331972878216.jpg )
Happy Birthday, Ericabro!

A song for you:

>> No. 19709 [Edit]
she looks like Miyo

File 144449657123.png - (174.37KB , 400x335 , sample.png )
19015 No. 19015 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Hello guys! I found a new waifu simulator! enjoy

14 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 19519 [Edit]
Stay on /ota/
>> No. 19520 [Edit]
That is a rude, and false accusation.
>> No. 19522 [Edit]
She has an amazing sense of humor.
>> No. 19599 [Edit]
did anyone got this working on android?
what image file type does it want?
The site totally lacks instructions for the user.

File 144104244521.png - (153.29KB , 600x600 , 1439497601794.png )
18799 No. 18799 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Does anyone else dislike it? Considering how many people either think it means "Hot anime girl I masturbate to" or think it's just an internet joke, I feel uncomfortable referring to her as my waifu now even though I have been since I met her. What do you refer to your loved one as?
21 posts and 8 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 19531 [Edit]
It would be like calling male otaku yurifags. Sure there is some overlap, but it's wrong.
>> No. 19532 [Edit]
File 145481530290.png - (724.24KB , 764x464 , 0.png )
I think it's a catch-all term, even if the meaning is just like you say, sometimes overlapping.
At least 腐女子 is plastered all over the place in おそ松さん threads in 2ch and comikes, maybe meant to be a slang.
Otaku is probably right for both men and women.
>> No. 19533 [Edit]
Who really gives a crap?

Post edited on 6th Feb 2016, 7:43pm
>> No. 19596 [Edit]

Obviously, OP does...

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