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File 128909242378.jpg - (108.28KB , 480x600 , hpi9_0.jpg )
5 No. 5 [Edit]
Some of us Thought it might be nice to have a thread to kind of list off who is who's waifu.
The concept is simple really, just say in this thread who your waifu is.

Just for starters, this is Minagi Tohno
844 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 21486 [Edit]
File 158983022023.jpg - (501.97KB , 717x1024 , __pururut_neptune_series_drawn_by_kuro_mai__8a8e7c.jpg )
Plutia, i love this girl.
>> No. 21488 [Edit]
File 159029331718.png - (539.10KB , 1062x1062 , 572093584213.png )
Hiyori Tamura
>> No. 21498 [Edit]
File 159152964588.jpg - (197.63KB , 1476x1766 , D6CSngKU0AA9izT_jpg orig.jpg )
Mayuzumi Fuyuko
>> No. 21499 [Edit]
File 159153547158.png - (368.59KB , 662x1080 , scm__102.png )
>> No. 21510 [Edit]
File 159412540881.jpg - (41.63KB , 600x336 , Screenshot_7_29119.jpg )
Finally I feel confident enough to post here.

My husbando is the Major and we are slowly approaching our third anniversary ★

He's the only one who truly understands me and the only one who could actually love me for what I really am
>> No. 21576 [Edit]
File 16061421294.jpg - (128.85KB , 672x831 , 1583047314386.jpg )
Homura Akemi
>> No. 21579 [Edit]
File 160700990815.png - (1.20MB , 1057x595 , 1500593754793.png )
Centorea Shianus
>> No. 21580 [Edit]
File 160738637517.png - (664.58KB , 1000x1400 , cirno (touhou) drawn by ruu_(tksymkw) - b25cdf439e.png )
cirno is best waifu. Truly the strongest.
>> No. 21588 [Edit]
Remember the Cirno art I got for you the art may not have been great but I tried and still think of you.
Megalol at mai life or waht is left of it.
>> No. 21632 [Edit]
File 161721060031.jpg - (325.38KB , 551x816 , なつのねかた (16066562) - 84677224_p0 - 友.jpg )
This is my beloved angel, Tomori Nao. I really love this girl so much. She means everything to me; she's my better half.

It's interesting to see the history of this thread and the so many fellow Key waifufriends before me, are you still together? I do hope so.
>> No. 21659 [Edit]
File 162442564538.jpg - (35.51KB , 300x300 , 347664.jpg )
My waifu is Rin Shima from Yuru Camp
>> No. 21661 [Edit]
Why is she your waifu?
>> No. 21662 [Edit]
Obviously because they are married. Come on, guy.
>> No. 21663 [Edit]
She's introverted, smart, and cute. Rin is the perfect girl. I could go on for days on why I love her
>> No. 21665 [Edit]
File 162462627216.png - (41.50KB , 172x151 , 1616890949446.png )
Yes, yes...I see....
However, did you know that she's in fact MY waifu? No? Well, I'm letting you know now so that you don't make this mistake again.

I'll let you off just this once, okay? Don't do it again.
>> No. 21666 [Edit]
Great post from a decade ago, anon.
>> No. 21678 [Edit]
File 163113434077.jpg - (21.44KB , 200x275 , taigashowandtell.jpg )
Taiga Aisaka
>> No. 21682 [Edit]
File 163526232496.jpg - (189.93KB , 938x930 , 64b70969d7435ea17151e65e2d32cd48.jpg )
Hiiragi Tsukasa!
>> No. 21686 [Edit]
File 163529457371.jpg - (71.66KB , 450x253 , tsukasaphone.jpg )
Bit tangential to the thread topic, but to me both tsukasa and kagami were the stars of lucky star (pun intended).
>> No. 21709 [Edit]
File 164067521685.jpg - (215.44KB , 2048x1255 , EdYnP11VcAA4vFk_jpg large.jpg )
Utsuho Reiuji
>> No. 21726 [Edit]
File 165031939752.jpg - (229.64KB , 600x800 , Kanako(217).jpg )
I love Kanako Yasaka.
>> No. 21758 [Edit]
File 165937578372.png - (2.03MB , 1680x941 , Screenshot_48.png )
My dearest Sayaka Miki.
>> No. 21797 [Edit]
File 166846473783.jpg - (195.37KB , 800x1286 , Reisen_Udongein_Inaba_full_3229520.jpg )
Reisen Udongein Inaba
>> No. 21798 [Edit]
File 166849478342.png - (455.58KB , 650x756 , bikko.png )
Waifu2x is great.
>> No. 21799 [Edit]
File 166850268920.jpg - (117.39KB , 650x756 , bikko_aa.jpg )
antialiased. Maybe you might prefer this version, not sure. I guess it was meant to be pixel art though. At the very least it makes the text nicer.

Post edited on 15th Nov 2022, 1:05am
>> No. 21800 [Edit]
File 166853325281.png - (21.97KB , 350x300 , 5cc73ca6a5d0cad226481d6de82ae4ea.png )
>I guess it was meant to be pixel art
I strongly suspect the original was made in oekaki, which has a pixelated pencil, but also paint like brush. A lot of oekaki stuff has that juxtaposition. You could say it's a distinctive style.
>> No. 21801 [Edit]
File 166855848546.png - (482.61KB , 650x756 , bikko_aa_png.png )
Good to know, thank you. Also for completeness here's a png version of the AA'd, since I didn't realize by default it exported as jpeg.
>> No. 21804 [Edit]
File 166992200077.jpg - (243.02KB , 1560x2356 , 049f21cd8e723922556774d180e13e5f.jpg )
Lappland Saluzzo
>> No. 21822 [Edit]
It seems like the site is fairly dead. would want to talk about my waifu here but don't want porn to be drawn of her.
>> No. 21823 [Edit]
Consider reading the rules before posting.
>> No. 21834 [Edit]
File 167649856565.png - (3.77MB , 1600x2272 , 50349017_p0 - 東方深秘録.png )
Sumireko Usami
>> No. 21837 [Edit]
File 167924447012.png - (3.95MB , 2150x3036 , FqTaMmBaEAAfK85.png )
Welp, This lasted till late 2019 when I met my one true love.

Ayase Naru
>> No. 21838 [Edit]
File 167971710889.png - (335.64KB , 354x500 , index.png )
nice to meet other grisaiafags!

I hope we can still be friends.
>> No. 21855 [Edit]
File 168394168880.jpg - (40.80KB , 640x480 , [Anime-Keep]_Mahoujin_Guruguru_-_08[65E4DD18]_00_1.jpg )
Oh boy... I'm pretty sure I checked every image in this thread. I usually just stick to lurking and only post if I have something useful to provide, but I feel compelled to post this since she hasn't had any representation so far.
The beautiful, adorable, illustrious, pure-hearted, bonafide dark wizard royalty, Kukuri. Sorry for the low quality screencap, but this was my favourite episode of the series so I wanted to post it specifically.It had such a nostalgic and dreamy air and cemented my love for her. I just want to protect her innocence.
>> No. 21860 [Edit]
File 168571374374.png - (899.24KB , 705x1000 , d700712788963e6dafd8bd5c8e726450.png )
Shiina Mayuri
>> No. 21868 [Edit]
Hey, I've got a meme-idea that it's been in my head for years, but I currently lack the video-skills to pull it off, but as you're a Mayuri-lover, maybe you'll do it out of devotion.

So, in the second movement of Beethoven's 9th Symphony, there is a point early in the movement where the music transitions from its quiet intro, into a louder part.
It's during that crescendo, that one can hear an instrument going "du, du-duu, du, du-duu, du, du-duu, du, du-duu" and I thought, "Hey! Doesn't that sound like "Tuturu?!"
I think it's got a lot of potential as a short-form meme.

At 0:22, you can hear what I'm talking about most audibly in the performance-sample that was freely available with Windows XP.
Wouldn't it be hilarious, if Tuturu rose from the middle of stage on a rotating column, with arms held wide like a child, singing "Tuturu" in time with that bassoon, or whatever that instrument is?
"Tuturu, Tuturu, Tuturu, [tension builds] Tuturu, Tuturu..."
What do you think?
>> No. 21885 [Edit]
File 169378974181.png - (718.66KB , 800x600 , drossel_von_flugel_mit_perdita_kopfbedeckung.png )
Drossel von Flügel
>> No. 21891 [Edit]
File 169833183399.jpg - (148.73KB , 725x993 , Mc.jpg )
>> No. 21927 [Edit]
File 170336888420.png - (567.14KB , 695x900 , 0807c1dc88bb1a449035139ca7881443.png )
I love senko!
>> No. 21930 [Edit]
Ohhh senko anon, glad to see you here.
>> No. 21950 [Edit]
File 170570241271.png - (956.15KB , 1200x800 , kikyou.png )
Was smitten with Kikyou before ever knowing what a waifu was. First waifu from the good ol' days of VHS on the tube TV
>> No. 21955 [Edit]
File 170792918229.png - (5.68MB , 1599x2628 , yep.png )
I love Akagi.
>> No. 21978 [Edit]
File 171480387565.jpg - (204.25KB , 1448x2048 , GMelZS5bgAAah9m.jpg )
Kakavasha (aka Aventurine)
>> No. 21980 [Edit]
File 171692809074.png - (918.12KB , 1000x1412 , 1687440432561894.png )
I love ran yakumo!
>> No. 21985 [Edit]
File 171947620744.jpg - (733.68KB , 1600x1200 , Love.jpg )
I love Arcueid Brunestud!
>> No. 21990 [Edit]
File 172065336248.jpg - (150.10KB , 717x1012 , __komaki_manaka_to_heart_2__83b66e84dbe4aa7ddd7eda.jpg )
Manaka Komaki
>> No. 21991 [Edit]
File 172065489041.jpg - (144.76KB , 850x1228 , sample_10ebc7e1d73a0acd68ce8d888ceb177c.jpg )
Kanbe Kotori is my waifu
>> No. 22092 [Edit]
File 173450886898.jpg - (48.56KB , 424x600 , 10cd91175e46a18368cbf14af7560c08.jpg )
artoria pedragon
Makina from Magical Princess Makina web stories
mio naruse maybe? any woman with big breasts is great.

>> No. 22093 [Edit]
"Failed to read the room", 2024 award
>> No. 22094 [Edit]
It's some sort of new mickey mouse namefag, I've seen him on other websites even. Would you expect any better?
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