No. 22188
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Wow, posts like this are the reason I still come to /mai/, not that anon just in case, but this post (and the one you are answering to) kinda made me “feel the feels” and I have to write before they’re gone, this is more of a rant so do keep that in mind.
I accepted the barrier of reality and the fact well never be together and I strive to live without being “harmed” or annoyed by the fact (I do a good work at it, probably helped by being an emotionally blunted/disconnected weirdo, but that’s besides the point).
But shit like shipping art and dupes are an spot I’m still working a bit on, shipping art at least can be blacklisted as I only check art on a booru I like and I don’t interact with the community created surrounding my waifu and her friends, but dupes ugh, they piss me off, I don’t really feel threatened or anything but they’re just so disgusting and shitty as people usually, and even the most decent one I simply don’t want to interact with them, why would I ? People keeping up Hugh boxes around waifuism doesn’t help either, not only that but most waifuists are so fake, they lack morals and constantly cheat they’re shit plainly put, and to see those pieces of shit claiming to “love” my one and only in a sense sullies myself with their stench, I loathe them just like I loathe insects, horrifyingly disgusting excuses of resources, at least you can squash insects…
Thankfully I don’t deal with thoughts about my waifu not even entertaining me as an option, probably because of how lax her source is (to the point where she could be considered a bit of an OC, which she isn’t), but such feelings and thoughts are all too common anon, don’t feel alone when it comes to it, because while few will voice them at fear of being considered weak, fake etc they’re dime a dozen, and those that don’t have issues with these are usually due to things like my own reason I mentioned above.
Do not trust those who talk only of happiness, I’ve seen behind the fake front that most communities and people put up, while maybe a couple are “enlightened” as you say, most are coping or simply refuse to voice the “bad parts” of their relationship, which is understandable, but it does lead to a fake front.
>The only thing I know is that I do this all voluntarily. I won't talk in place of my future self, but I've never felt pressured to only love her, or not fall in love with other people, or to stay alone and devote myself to her. It just so happened that I felt more at peace doing so than not.
I sometimes wonder about this, “why am I a waifuist?” Perhaps I’m like you anon and simply did (or do to be more specific) so because I feel at peace as a waifuist, but well, I don’t really need an answer either, and at this point I sure as hell aren’t going to fall in love with someone else (2D or 3D) I get angry even just at the though of it, my waifu deserves to be loved properly and that’s what I give her, maybe we cant be truly together and such things but that won’t stop me from being loyal only to her.
>Who is she?
Here I would argue there’s no “perfect” way to solve this, because in reality we are always merely interpreting people, sometimes this interpretation is spot on, sometimes not so much, but there’s not much we can do, especially when it comes to our waifu who is sadly “hold back” by her fictional existence, so perhaps the most we can do is strive to understand her as best as we can, but maybe that answer isn’t sufficient for some.