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File 136763108247.jpg - (142.10KB , 606x788 , Hanna rudel.jpg )
3846 No. 3846 [Edit]
I've been looking at the feedback and such, and I have to ask, what do you wish for the mods to do?

We've seen an apparent influx of outsiders coming in, and I've seen a lot more complaints. But a lot of these complaints are not rule violations, so we've been avoiding resorting to bans in those instances that are not rule violations. I guess you think this isn't working.

Should we be giving bans for "not following TC posting etiquette" or even "not following TC poster culture"?

I guess what I am asking is this: Do you want total moderation? If necessary, do you want moderation more strict and radical than anything you can even imagine today?
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>> No. 3847 [Edit]
Maybe we should just auto ban everyone who trys to post on any of the boards, I'm sure that'll fix everything.
>> No. 3848 [Edit]
File 136763954252.jpg - (121.65KB , 500x750 , 1366768759480.jpg )
Theres no easy solution. Stricter moderation removes crappy posts but creates a fearful atmosphere and complaints about 'nazi mods'. A Ford Driver hating culture drives away bad elements but alienates new users who don't understand the ettiquete of the site and even hardcore otaku who would otherwise belong here if they didn't have 3d/normal interests.
>> No. 3849 [Edit]
>>3848 brings up a good point. It's difficult to achieve a good balance. I don't think it should be bannable to merely mention things normally associated with Ford Drivers, unless it's done in excess or brings up 3D relationships. I also think attention should be paid to the person in question's post history. In my opinion, a few uncivil posts are fine as long as they're making worthwhile contributions to threads, whereas someone that only seems to post to stir up shit or bitch and complain would be a decent ban candidate.

I suppose you could always start with very short (ie: 1 day) bans as a warning to offenders, and then give them the heavy/permanent bans if they keep it up.
>> No. 3850 [Edit]
File 136764173850.jpg - (492.32KB , 680x899 , creepy erica on throne.jpg )
So far I started implementing the bans. Rarely over one day and mainly just as warnings. Most of the time I just delete posts that offer nothing to a discussion, and most of those posts are reported too.

I'm thinking about the people I have noticed (through IP searches) have posted here only a few times, and all their posts have been inflammatory but have not really broken any rules per se. Like one poster in the sexism thread on /so/ that has been a notable thorn in the sides of anyone trying to make descent discussion. This person has posted three times on the site in total, and all of those posts were in that thread.

I don't want to ban people for reasons that are outside of the already set rules, but in these cases the rules aren't really helping at all. When someone comes here and just posts in one thread, what should be done?
>> No. 3851 [Edit]
>Like one poster in the sexism thread on /so/ that has been a notable thorn in the sides of anyone trying to make descent discussion. This person has posted three times on the site in total, and all of those posts were in that thread.

I would personally be in favor of at least warning-banning such a person, since it seems clear that they're only here to start shit while contributing nothing. It would be one thing if they were engaging in civil discussion (regardless of which 'side' they're on), but it doesn't sound like that's happening in this case.

Edit: I'd also argue that the post you pointed out in the thread in question is a borderline troll post.

Post edited on 3rd May 2013, 9:52pm
>> No. 3852 [Edit]
wait what, shinden is a mod now?
>> No. 3853 [Edit]
As I've told people before, we don't exactly have a long line of people who want to be a mod on the site. of the few who do, mostly (all) would be nut jobs with no self restraint who delete every other post on the site and ban almost everyone. Most of the time when I ask someone to be a mod they turn it down and admit it's becuase they'd probably do what I just said.
>> No. 3854 [Edit]

and the other half wouldn't do anything.
at all. literally. it's like they weren't a mod at all.
rule violation? who cares. CP? I'll save it for later, t-c makes a decent mirror for it anyway.
>> No. 3855 [Edit]
I suggest we make some kind of public moderation list/thread. Whenever you delete a post or ban someone, you put it on the list, and write a small reason beside it, and everyone can view the list.

This would allow people to see the reasoning behind the post deletion, which would help alleviate the 'nazi mods' thing if they can see the deletion was quite logical. The explanations also allow people to learn from their mistakes and gain an appreciation of the standards here. People who want to stay will learn, people who are just here to troll will post something crappy again and there will be no excuses from them.

I am wondering whether it would be a good idea to also allow people to contest deletions or discuss the moderation list. Having the option to discuss things is good, but too often it results in massive shitstorms. People hate seeing metadiscussions but can't help themselves from contributing to them.
>> No. 3856 [Edit]
(cont) Overall I appreciate the job you mods do. Its a gloryless job. People love to complain, but when you ask them to provide solutions they fall silent. Its probably not possible to conclusively eliminate crappy elements from the site.
>> No. 3857 [Edit]
That isn't a bad idea, but I wouldn't be in favor of any contesting post/thread deletions. If there was any discussion regarding the list, I'd think it should be confined to /fb/ to avoid meta discussion on other boards.

I'm also not sure how difficult a list like that would be to implement.
>> No. 3858 [Edit]
File 13676546988.png - (49.31KB , 300x100 , nowggers.png )
>This person has posted three times on the site in total, and all of those posts were in that thread.

thats newggers,
they love to find/start a thread on one of their topics on an otherwise innocent location and come in and spam their gospel .
>> No. 3859 [Edit]
You don't neccesarily have to 'implement' anything. Just make a thread on /fb/ and copy and paste the incriminating posts in it along with the reason, or something like that.
>> No. 3860 [Edit]
In my opinion the moderation has been terrible lately. Some posts blatantly violate the rules and yet they are left untouched.

Permabans is going to far but you DO see the IPs of the users. Repeat offenders should be banned. Even if someone posted something retarded for the first time a 24h 'warning' ban is not as stupid as it sounds. You've got to make it clear - 'this doesn't belong here, don't post it'. Otherwise deleting the content is pointless since it'll just get posted again.

TL;DR I want you to be as 'Nazi' as possible. Just purge the shitposting with whatever means are deemed necessary (and if it includes using the banhammer then so be it).


>but have not really broken any rules per se

This shouldn't really matter. Some posts which actually do break the rules are acceptable, some which don't break any aren't. Use your own judgment.

But if it bothers you that much you can simply ask Tohno to add some rules. It's not like the shitposters in question have even bothered reading them in the first place.


He has been a mod for a long ass while, really.


>I suggest we make some kind of public moderation list/thread. Whenever you delete a post or ban someone, you put it on the list, and write a small reason beside it, and everyone can view the list.

I've been thinking about something of the sort. Sounds good to me. But I'd like to add that it'd probably be best to just lock the thread so that only mods could post in it. Otherwise people who can't deal with heavy moderation will keep complaining in it 24/7.
>> No. 3862 [Edit]
I'm not seeing any signs of anger in their post.
>> No. 3865 [Edit]

>child-like characteristic of being unable to control their anger.

Yeah, no. I don't know about you, though.

>it is possible that it is a girl

Why would a girl come to a slow paced anonymous imageboard? Not to mention this is one of the most misogynists places on the net.
By the way, brining that up should be reason enough to delete your post, brining up someobody's gender is not allowed here.

>who want the moderation team here to ban everyone who posts anything he doesn't like.

*Anything that doesn't belong here.
I'm okay with people discussing anime/manga/games I don't like. I'm not okay with 'epik ironic shitposting', metashit, ad hominem attacks, off topic arguments etc.
>> No. 3866 [Edit]
Mods should just make sure rules are being followed. The problem is rules are so roundabout and plainly retarded. Rules need to be fixed.

>If necessary, do you want moderation more strict and radical than anything you can even imagine today?
Yes, fucking yes.

Whole reason I started to use this place was because this place had strict rules and there was no room for stupid clown ford driver shit.
>> No. 3868 [Edit]
>I'm okay with people discussing anime/manga/games I don't like
I think this has become a very popular misconception on this site. I believe the problem here is not people who are intolerant of things they don't like but rather people who are intolerant of others who don't like what they like. I doubt anyone here really cares what kind of anime/manga/games you like, or anything else for that matter unless it somehow pertains to Ford Driver activity. But I notice people pop a gasket when someone says something negative about what they like. If I say I like XXXX No one will be bothered by the fact I like it. If someone likes XXXX and someone says they don't like it, the person who does like it will then become extremely defensive as if offended. I think it's very easy to confuse disliking something and disliking that someone likes it. The problem is people who like it interpret it as some sort of personal attack. on /an/ I've seen the exact same negative comment posted in two different threads, in one not only did no one mind it but it also generated some discussion from people who agreed with it in an otherwise dead thread. in the other thread however the poster was labeled a 'shitposter' interfering with discussion and was responsible for creating a shitstorm.
>> No. 3869 [Edit]
I really don't think that's always the case. In the thread I assume you're talking about from /an/, the guy posted multiple times bitching about the anime, used reaction images, posted in two unrelated /an/ threads about how he didn't like the other thread, and even started a thread in /fb/ about it despite having many of his posts on /an/ deleted. I really can't see how he could be seen as anything other than a shitposter.

I would also argue that if you're not offended by someone liking something that you don't, then you wouldn't go so far out of your way to announce to everyone that you think it sucks. You're using double standards here. There are people that overreact to negative posts, but there are just as many people that don't seem to do anything but bitch and complain about other people liking things they don't.
>> No. 3870 [Edit]
If what you said in your second paragraph was true would have exploded by now.

If someone doesn't like something there's no reason why they shouldn't be allowed to say so anymore than a person should be allowed to say they like something when others around him don't.
unless you think this site should have a rule on the matter such as "if you can't say anything nice about something don't say anything at all" I believe we should embrace free speech not restrict it.

From what I've noticed people here seem to fall into a group mentality when deciding what is 'okay' to criticize. There are threads with people saying nothing but bad things about the topic at hand and no one openly takes offense to it.
Here is an example of something the hive mind as deemed acceptable to insult. Note that no one in that thread is being called a shitposter.

I also notice you assume it's all one person, why is that? Do you find it inconceivable that multiple people might dislike what you like? This on top of posts I saw in that thread dismissing negative opinions on the topic as only existing due to the topic's popularity and as such rendering them invalid without any proof to back up this claim. This type of behavior really does makes me question the ego of such people.

That said I do agree that it can go both ways. I'm simply trying to point out that most people here seem to think it's a one way matter.
>> No. 3871 [Edit]
>If what you said in your second paragraph was true would have exploded by now.
That thread is a bit different since it's directly asking for personal opinions, rather than discussion of episodes or something.

>If someone doesn't like something there's no reason why they shouldn't be allowed to say so anymore than a person should be allowed to say they like something when others around him don't.
unless you think this site should have a rule on the matter such as "if you can't say anything nice about something don't say anything at all" I believe we should embrace free speech not restrict it.
No, I agree with this. I've just seen some cases in which someone will post in a thread about how [x] sucks, then go back and make more comments like "how can you even watch this?" when someone comments on it positively.

>I also notice you assume it's all one person, why is that? Do you find it inconceivable that multiple people might dislike what you like? This on top of posts I saw in that thread dismissing negative opinions on the topic as only existing due to the topic's popularity and as such rendering them invalid without any proof to back up this claim. This type of behavior really does makes me question the ego of such people.
I personally don't much care for the anime in that thread, so it's not a matter of personal opinion for me. Most of the shitstorm posts were indeed done by one person though (with a second one posting a few times), since they kept going back to argue with the people that liked the show. Their use of reaction images and caps also made it pretty easy to identify them.

I don't have any problems with people that simply say they dislike the subject. I do have a problem when people start shitstorms just because someone made a thread about an anime/video game/etc they dislike, post repeatedly essentially saying the same thing, and/or get offended themselves when people that do like the subject in question disagree with their opinions. IE: Someone in that /an/ thread posted about hating the characters in that anime, and someone responded saying that they liked the characters. That would have been fine if it had ended there, but the former had to go back and criticize the other person for having a differing opinion on it, and it all went downhill from there. If it's okay for people to bombard a thread with 'shit anime' posts, it should be okay for others to simply disagree with that.

I guess it really depends on who feels the need to take offense and start an argument first, but I really have seen it on both sides a lot. The anti-[x] crowd is just as guilty of thinking that it's a one way matter as the [x] defenders are. Anyone that thinks (even subconsciously) "you're only allowed to have the same opinions/tastes as me or I'll get offended" is at fault here, as far as I'm concerned. It sounds like we're on the same page there.
>> No. 3872 [Edit]

>people who are intolerant of others who don't like what they like.

That's hardly any different and still, not of of those guys. As long as it's anime/manga/games, even if it's literally Call of Duty or Naruto. I don't mind, not the least bit. Forddriver shit needs to go ASAP, though.

>If someone likes XXXX and someone says they don't like it, the person who does like it will then become extremely defensive as if offended.

How is this unnatural? If someone likes something enough to announce it out loud it's only natural they'd try to justify that when someone calls the quality of said title into question. That is, if they really believe the title in question is good.
For example I'm rather fond of Claymore but I would never defend it since I'm perfectly aware that at heart it's just a shitty shounen manga. On the other hand if someone would say Tutu is shit I'd feel the need to explain why I believe he's wrong.
That's how discussion works, just so you know.

>If someone doesn't like something there's no reason why they shouldn't be allowed to say so anymore than a person should be allowed to say they like something when others around him don't.

Fine by me but only, and I mean ONLY if they'll use some actual arguments. 'This shitty anime sucks and everybody who watches it is retarded' is bona fide shitposting and I'll report it on sight.
>> No. 3875 [Edit]
People should understand that criticizing and disliking are different things.

Of course people will hate posts which just state without any sort of arguments how bad the X is.
>> No. 3880 [Edit]
I think you missed the point of my referring to the torture/gore thread. The point is that topic is something that offends and angers a lot of people. The thread has plenty of people claiming they hate what that thread is about and plenty who claim to like it. People have stated before on this site that they hate people who like gore and that thread has a few people who like it complaining about those who don't on other sites, yet they aren't fighting with each other.

>since they kept going back to argue with the people that liked the show
I shouldn't have to remind you that it takes two to tango. I could just as easily lay the blame on the person(s) who like the show for continuing the argument.

There's a difference between defending why you like something, and dismissing the opinion of someone who doesn't with Ad_hominems.

The problem here is a mentality that believes the following:
I like _ becuase _. - This is an acceptable post.
I don't like _ becuase _. - This is a shitposting idiot who needs to go back to 4chan.

Even when someone says something in bad taste such as (and I quote from the Suisei no Gargantia thread) "Characters make my dick rock hard. Seeing Amy run around in that skimpy bikini drove me crazy. " such a post is still acceptable becuase it's still specking positively about the topic.
>> No. 3884 [Edit]

Nobody really said anything about ad hominems, though. I just mentioned that defnding something you like is in no way unnatural.

>"Characters make my dick rock hard. Seeing Amy run around in that skimpy bikini drove me crazy. "
>such a post is still acceptable

Kinda hard to judge that, really. Personally, I'd rather not see stuff like that on /tc/ but I don't think it breaks any rules so I didn't bother to report that.
But you guys should really stop sexualizing my pure 2D girls, heh.
>> No. 3889 [Edit]
>Nobody really said anything about ad hominems
I did... in the post you replied to. Maybe you don't use ad hominems to defend the things you like but others do. I've seen people call others all sorts of names and insult their intelligence for not liking what they like. and yes there is nothing unusual about defending what you like, the problem is people tend not to do that and rather insult critics or tell them they should leave. My point is people should be allowed to say they don't like something. If you would like to defend what you like then by all means do, but telling people not to post in your thread if you don't have anything nice to say is not a defense it's censoring an opposing opinion you don't want to hear. Example taken from the ore-no-imouto thread: "you're on a thread made for the show. If you don't like it, why are you even in the thread?"
>> No. 3890 [Edit]

>I did... in the post you replied to.

Yeah, kinda came out of nowhere, though.

>I've seen people call others all sorts of names and insult their intelligence for not liking what they like.

Unfortunately I've seen it a number of times, disappointing but what can you do.

>My point is people should be allowed to say they don't like something. If you would like to defend what you like then by all means do, but telling people not to post in your thread if you don't have anything nice to say is not a defense it's censoring an opposing opinion you don't want to hear. Example taken from the ore-no-imouto thread: "you're on a thread made for the show. If you don't like it, why are you even in the thread?"

Yeah, I guess. But if you really want to criticize it'd be best to add some arguments while you're at it. Or at least do it in a civil manner. Just by saying 'this anime is bad' instead of 'this anime is shit' you could avoid conflict most of the time.
>> No. 3892 [Edit]
>But if you really want to criticize it'd be best to add some arguments while you're at it. Or at least do it in a civil manner. Just by saying 'this anime is bad' instead of 'this anime is shit' you could avoid conflict most of the time.
Why should you need to when assertions are alright? There are no such regulations in place when someone is specking positively about the subject at hand. No one asks someone to back up his claim if he says "this anime is not shit!"
"Characters make my dick rock hard. Seeing Amy run around in that skimpy bikini drove me crazy." This is hardly civil and if you spend enough time on this site you will find countless posts like it, neither is calling someone a '/b/tard idiot' and telling them to fuck off back to 4chan simply becuase you don't like their opinion. I doubt you would be splitting hairs on wording if someone said "this is shit" in a naruto thread or something you personalty don't like.
>> No. 3893 [Edit]
>The problem here is a mentality that believes the following:
I like _ becuase _. - This is an acceptable post.
I don't like _ becuase _. - This is a shitposting idiot who needs to go back to 4chan.

I'm not seeing this mentality at all, and you're the only person on the site saying that it exists besides maybe that guy that had most of his posts in /an/ deleted. The people that were called shitposters offered no arguments whatsoever, they just essentially said "this show sucks and you're retarded if you like it". Why is that an "acceptable post", but someone telling them that they're acting stupid "unacceptable"? There's a reason why most of the shitposts got deleted, and it's not 'nazi mods'.

You've been using that one /b/tard example insult for ages now, which leads me to believe you're still sore and holding a grudge about it. Regardless, the person that the insult was directed towards was fully deserving of it. Did you even read their posts? If you're defending people like that while criticizing people for defending the show, your double standard mentality is even worse than I thought. You seem to believe that it's okay to spam a thread with "stop liking what I don't like" posts, but when someone reacts to those posts, they're being "intolerant" or some shit.

Post edited on 11th May 2013, 3:35pm
>> No. 3895 [Edit]
If you're not seeing that mentality 'at all' you're either lying delusional or new to the site. I would dig up more examples for you but I'm not going to waste anymore of my time on someone who clearly doesn't want to listen and sees only what he wants where he wants when he wants.
>> No. 3896 [Edit]
Great argument. "You're wrong, but I won't explain why because you're dumb".

Okay, moron. Whatever you say.

>someone who clearly doesn't want to listen and sees only what he wants where he wants when he wants
Again, the only person here guilty of this is yourself. You've only managed to reference a single damn thread in all of your ramblings, and even pointed out several threads that go completely against what you say. It really does sound like that one thread really pissed you off and now you're on some self-righteous crusade to make sure nobody hurts your feelings again.

Post edited on 11th May 2013, 5:12pm
>> No. 3897 [Edit]
>Okay, moron.
Insults make for Great arguments.
> "You're wrong, but I won't explain why because you're dumb"
So do straw man arguments.

Is this your idea of discussing something in a civil manner?
I've already 'explained' and wont repeat myself again and again. If you are unable to or unwilling to listen that's not my fault. I especially wont repeat myself if you're simply going to criticise me for doing so anyway and use to to justify calling me a variant of butt hurt. As I said this discussion is pointless with the likes of you. That is not an admission of wrongfulness, I simply do not wish to discuss this topic any further with someone like you.

Post edited on 11th May 2013, 5:30pm
>> No. 3898 [Edit]
>Insults make for Great arguments.
Same to you, buddy. You completely ignored the points I originally made in favor of flinging insults. But I guess it's okay for you but not for me, in accordance with your usual double standards.

Arguments have been provided for you, and you refuse to acknowledge any of them. Now you're essentially saying "I don't like you, so I'm not going to provide any evidence whatosever for my case"? Yet, you haven't provided any evidence besides that one thread to anyone, not even the other two people arguing with you above. Or do you think they're 'below you' too?

When you're unwilling to provide evidence to your claims but still insist that you're right, how could anyone NOT see you as an idiot? By the way...

>you're simply going to criticise me for doing so anyway and use to to justify calling me a variant of butt hurt.
By your logic, this is also a "strawman argument", since I never used the term "butthurt".

>I would dig up more examples for you but I'm not going to waste anymore of my time on someone who clearly doesn't want to listen and sees only what he wants where he wants when he wants.
I have no idea why you considered this to be an 'argument' when it's just a glorified insult, but either way I would welcome some examples of the supposedly-widespread mentality you're ranting about. Please, enlighten me on it.

Post edited on 12th May 2013, 12:04am
>> No. 3899 [Edit]
Give me one, just one example. Just one is enough. Can't you even find one example to prove your point? Maybe you are the delusional one.
>> No. 3900 [Edit]

>There are no such regulations in place when someone is specking positively about the subject at hand. No one asks someone to back up his claim if he says "this anime is not shit!"

Do you honestly not see the difference between saying something positive and saying something negative? I won't advocate any censorship just because somebody's disdain towards anime [x] might hurt other people's feelings BUT while there is something to be gained through saying 'I like [x]' the same doesn't hold true for saying 'I don't like [x]'. (And like I said before, just saying you don't like it won't even create a shitstorm, it's mostly about the way people express themselves. But I digress.)

Point is if you post in a thread about anime [x] most people there like it and want to talk about it because of that. If you don't like it you should simply drop it and move on instead of telling them what shitty taste they have and how they're wasting their time on a turd like [x] when [y] is the best anime of the decade and the true masterpiece of the season.
What do you really gain through badmouthing something without backing up your opinion with some arguments? If you do add them you can properly discuss the subject at hand, if you don't you just end up marching in the thread and saying something along the lines 'I'm a super important guy and everybody should listen to my opinion'.

>"Characters make my dick rock hard. Seeing Amy run around in that skimpy bikini drove me crazy."

Like I said, I kinda agree. But if it really bothers you that much why don't you simply delete it?

>if you spend enough time on this site you will find countless posts like it

I honestly doubt that.

>neither is calling someone a '/b/tard idiot' and telling them to fuck off back to 4chan simply becuase you don't like their opinion

I genuinely doubt that post wasn't reported even a single time. And if it was I tip my hat to all the people who reported it without derailing the thread with any 'GREAT POST FAGGOT' metashit.
Honestly, people who make comments about content that breaks rules should all get one day bans. They are not part of the staff and they have no reason to act like they are.

>I doubt you would be splitting hairs on wording if someone said "this is shit" in a naruto thread or something you personalty don't like.

Hahaha, this is pretty amusing because I'm actually kind of defending the OreImo thread at the moment and I really dislike OreImo. I could say quite a few negative things about I but since I'm not gonna watch something I don't like I have hidden the thread as soon as it appeared and never looked back.

Look, the point is I don't think we have anybody on /tc/ who is very fond of long running Jump titles. As such I doubt anyone would feel offended if you said that. On the other hand we have quite a few people who like otaku pandering anime like OreImo.
If you would go to some dedicated Naruto forum just to tell them how shit it is I would have a very serious problem with that. You know what we call an action like that in net lingo? It's called 'trolling'.


>As I said this discussion is pointless with the likes of you.

Actually the more I read your posts I think it's you who can't take part in a discussion like this.


Are you new to discussing stuff? The burden of proof lies on the person who claims [x] is happening, not the other way around. He can't provide any examples because you can't prove something doesn't exist. If anything he could simply proceed to link every single thread from /an/ and say 'I see none of that in any of those threads'.
>> No. 3901 [Edit]
>Are you new to discussing stuff?
See the post I replied to. I just want some evidence of this "mentality", which I am not seeing either. Like you said about the burden of proof, one who claims we have this "mentality" here, should prove it.
>> No. 3902 [Edit]

Pardon, I thought you quouted a different post and completely misunderstood your post as a result, my mistake.
>> No. 3909 [Edit]

1)---- saying negative things about anime with little or nothing to back it up and no one caring. ----

>>15485 "Show seemed like it had potential, but it went the relationshit drama route instead.

>>15293 "Well this turned shitty way earlier than I expected it to."

>>12655 "watched ep.1 and dropped"

>>13346 "12 minutes was all it took me to drop this." >>13360 agreed to some extent.

>>14630 "can anyone think of a worse show that shaft has made?"

>>11913 "I wish JC staff would have used all money they used in this, in to Little Busters! instead..."

>>13447 "looks like shit to me"

>>12502 "This show hasn't been any good and latest episode was really eww.. So I decided to drop this."

>>14408 "It's just an horrible anime in the end. I don't think they can ''save'' Pyscho Pass with the next two episodes." >>14423 seemed to agree

>>14562 "I'm really impressed by how shittastic ep 22 was. I didn't expect it to be great but I certainly didn't expect it to be this terrible, either. Just for the record, I'm not >>14463. "

>>13358 "is it just me or is anime getting more stupid each year" >>13358 It's not just you.

2)---- saying negative things about anime with something to back it up and no one caring. ----

>>13223 "Pretty lame show. I'll probably drop it a few episodes in if I even end up watching ep. 2. Sounded kind of interesting from the description, but it turns out it's just some harem fanservice garbage" >>13224 & >>13236 agreed

>>12455 "i was hoping this show would have more cat related hijinks and instead its just filled with forced and entirely implausible drama therefore it has been dropped by every true otaku hiki neet i know IRL, which is to say that i dropped it. artwork was quite nicely done, though." >>12464 agreed

>>13264 "wow that sucked, reminded me of something disney would make my seven year old niece watch oh, that sassy talking bird!. kyoani has become the unchallengeable champion commercially successful boring anime and they give the impression that they're aiming for exactly that title, perfect execution." >>13325 & >>13367 agreed. Thread continues on to discuss the show negativly.

>>14597 "shit pacing, shit character development, shit writing, yet it had a good deal of potential with every new episode that aired, i thought to myself 'NOW things are going to real!", yet it never did. Why you do this do me Urobuchi"

3)---- saying positive things about anime with little or nothing to back it up and no one caring. ----

>>14968 "delicious first ep"

>>14851 thread is full of numerus instances.

>>9156 "I liked the first episode."

>>13499 "W-Well, I like it." (could also say this is a case of being bothered by someone else saying they don't like it)

>>13505 "I love this anime"

>>14705 "Watched the first episode, I like it. Pkpk is pretty cool."

>>13721 "Damn good anime."

>>11718 "That was unexpectedly refreshing."

>>11721 "This show seems pretty fun."

>>11723 "I loved it."

>>13501 "Well this series has certainly earned its spot on my hard drive."

>>13695 "I think season two is great."

>>12756 "I'm loving this show."

>>14201 "Good episode."

>>13149 "Looks good!"

>>13410 "Minami-ke is one of the best sol/comedy shows. Second season was bit weak but first and third were good and this new one looks promising too."

>>12048 "Episode four was fantastic"

>>14604 "Good ending."

>>12496 "This episode was nice."

>>13929 "Last episode was so damn cool."

4)---- saying negative things about anime with little or nothing to back it up and people getting upset. ----

>>14751 ">>14746 How nice of you to share that." responce to >>14746 "I hate the characters so very, very much." >>14780 & >>14793 however agreed with the post.

>>14145 "I still don't understand why this show has such low popularity. It's great." upset that people in genrel don't like the show.

>>11788 "Pretty boring and what the hell Commie?" >>11791 "boring? what, do you have a severe case of ADD or something? what do you expect from the first ep, they have to get the introduction out of the way, was it not enough for you that they started the first episode in the middle of a battle? geez..."

>>14459 "Just?" which is in refernce to the above post "ManGirl just got good." which implys the show was not good before.

>>14463 "BORING They can't save it anymore." >>14471 "Boring? not at all, no. 21 was a pretty good drama and action based episode. I long to see what happens next." >>14472 "Oh yes, yes it was. It was even more boring than the Spookie Boogie anacchi part for me." >>14474 "But that was a great episode too. You're terrible." >>14486 "And you like bad things. I'm going to have fun with the last episode."

>>15579 "/a/ didn't like my 3x3 "
>>15588 ">>15579 in their defense, outside of aria and sakura it is kind of shit. " >>15588 "These are very unpopular opinions you know?" >>15590 "You should really stop getting baked before you post on /tc/. " >>15598 "What's wrong with squid girl? People on /a/ are just normies these days who complain about moe all the time so of course they would hate that."

>>13336 "Sounds a little cool, but that picture doesn't seem all that cool." >>13337 "ARE YOU SUGGESTING THAT INFERNO COP IS NOT COOL? YOU ARE OBVIOUSLY MISTAKEN." >>13341 agreed

5)---- saying positive things about anime with little or nothing to back it up and people getting upset. ----

>>13376 "...its still MInami-ke which is the best show ever." >>13383 was bothered by this statment "It's probably my least favourite of the popular comedy/sol shows. Do you really mean that when you say it? Do you like it better than Ichigo Mashimaro?" and >>13409 was bothered by that "you are objectively wrong in my opinion"

6)---- saying negative things about anime with something to back it up and people getting upset. ----

>>13392 ">>13385
Honestly, it's pathetic. Either because of "too much DEEP and gore" or "too much fanservice and eye-candy" people just won't stop complaining about SHAFT, as if they should conduct themselves in some way or another. I don't know why these people even bother watching their shows at all. There's a shitload of linear, simple, "tasteful" and light hearted conservative shows out there to entertain themselves, so why to keep bitching about SHAFT not doing the same thing while aiming for a demographic that is not them?"
above contines with >>13399 "How about you don't mess with SHAFT threads then, as you have nothing to relate with from the beginning? I don't think you mean to force your tastes on everyone or start shit just for the heck of it, do you?"
The thread contines with a bit more fighting before becoming a screen cap dump.

Arguments in this thread starting here. >>14339

>>14620 ">>14619 It's anime. I don't have explain shit."

>>13474 "KyoAni just aggravate me so much. So much money and talent, yet they're producing the same old thing. ......" >>13480 may have been bothered by it.

>>13616 "Why do you care so much when someone makes a thread for a show in advance of it being aired/subbed? That's a really stupid thing to get huffy about"

>>14715 "but seriously, why do you find the topic of jews to be so off-puting?
considering you're a westerner with an interest in non-white foreign culture its fairly surprising that you have stormfaggish tendencies."

>>13574 "Somehow all this cosplay feels out of place in this anime. and why did they have 3 of those maid outfits anyway? if they were made for the minami sisters, why would they all be around the same small size? " >>13584 "I think you're over-thinking it, friend."

>>13877 "How is it that Akira doesn't already know Fujioka given that Touma and Fujioka have been hanging out and practicing football together for years. I can't possibly accept the idea that the Minami brothers allow their imouto to hang out unchaperoned with random teenage boys" >>13879 "I think you're over-thinking it, friend."

7)---- saying positive things about anime with something to back it up and people getting upset. ----


Note that is only taken from the first 4 pages of /an/ (less than 25% of the whole board)

I figured I'd put aside the fact you ignored my previous examples and decided to indulge your request anyway.
I don't enjoy wasting my time scanning every thread on every page of /an/ just to show examples of what you should already be aware of.
and Of course I avoided referencing any posts from the orimo thread, while it may be a gold mine referencing it seems to upset some of you people.

As I pointed out in category 1) there are plenty who have negative opinions with nothing to back it up and no one trowing tantrums about it, I think it's safe to assume this is because in those instances no one cares enough about the topic at hand to be offended by negative comments.
I'm not sure if you're misunderstanding me or if you just enjoy getting into pointless arguments so I'll try to say it as simply as I can;

People here don't care what you like (unless it's a Ford Driver thing) but people can and will take offence to you not liking what they like.

weather or not someone has something to support their opinion is irrelevant. As shown, there are many instances of people saying positive things about a topic with nothing to support it. There are also plenty of instances of people saying negative things about an anime but still causing trouble along with plenty of people saying negative things about a topic with nothing to support their opinion and no one being bothered by it. The only constant upon reviewing this data is that it is relatively safe to say anything you like about an anime as long as it's something positive.
Most people simply don't get upset when someone says something nice about an anime, regardless of what they say or why they say it. This holds true for just about anything unless people hold some very deep and strong resentment for the subject at hand, but that's not something you'll normally encounter on a anime website. People are much more likly to be bothered by someone saying something bad about what they like than someone being bothered by nice things being said about what they don't like which makes it a popular missconsption as I said originaly.
I must admit I was suprised to find 5) had a hit at all, Though his post leads me to belive it is possable he took the praise as an inderect insult of what he himself likes. This is simular to why telling someone they have good tastes on /mai/ is discuraged.
Would you like me to prove to you the sky is blue next? I don't enjoy wasting my time scaning every thread on every page of /an/ just to show examples of what you should already be aware of.
Seeing as you seem so eager in your post to see me provide evadence of my claim, I assume you're willing to do the same for your side of this silly little disagreement or can we put this to rest already?
>> No. 3912 [Edit]

>but people can and will take offence to you not liking what they like.

And like I said before this is not the least bit surprising.
>How is this unnatural? If someone likes something enough to announce it out loud it's only natural they'd try to justify that when someone calls the quality of said title into question.

If anything the real problem here is what I said mentioned: people who badmouth something without backing it up by any arguments will cause an uproar. 'It's shit' will result in 'your taste is shit' reponses. It's not a good thing but it's nigh on inevitable.

>weather or not someone has something to support their opinion is irrelevant.

It's not. If any arguments are presented then the next thing that can get called into question are the arguments themselves; whether they hold any weight is very important.

>I must admit I was suprised to find 5) had a hit at all, Though his post leads me to belive it is possable he took the praise as an inderect insult of what he himself likes.

There would be no problem whatsoever if that post didn't include 'best show ever' at the end. All post like that tend to cause problems. 'Best ever, best of the year, best of the season'. In the end it's what you said, the thing that bothers other people isn't saying 'x is good', it's (indirectly) saying 'y is better than z'.

Now, the most important part. This whole argument started when >>3893 disagreed with your
>I don't like _ becuase _. - This is a shitposting idiot who needs to go back to 4chan.
statement. I still don't see an example of such behavior ('6)'). Let's start with the SHAFT thread.

The whole topic started with post. He neither says anything positive nor negative about SHAFT. 11379 proceeds to quote him (that's me by the way, not like it matters but I'd like to mention it beforehand to admit I might speak from my biased perspective here since I'm directly involved). He(/I) doesn't say anything postive or negative about SHAFT but criticizes it's fanbase. 11382 misunderstoods my point slightly to which I elaborate in 11385. 11392 says stuff that could be interpreted as praise for SHAFT but he does say something negative about people who cirticize SHAFT. Here's something funny: what he has a problem with is that people keep repeating arguments that hold no weight: "too much DEEP and gore"/"too much fanservice and eye-candy". Which is more or less what I mentioned a couple sentences above, before I even began to read this topic. People tend to get upset by stupid arguments (I think even moreso than they are upset by someone who presents no arguments at all) and that too is nothing new.
Okay, next, 13395 quotes 13392. He doesn't say anything positive or negative about SHAFT but he does further criticize the critics. 11396 is the perfect example of your '4)' category - 'saying negative things about anime with little or nothing to back it up'. You can smell the response from miles away - 13399 gets upset. Shitposting begets more shitposting so to speak, but 13399 raises a valid point nonetheless. 13400 goes FULL retard (honestly, it's hard to express how stupid that was, pardon for using the 'full retard' expression but it's literally that) and not only throws a QUALITY ad hominem, he also throws an absolutely baseless accusation.

That's about it. I could go on but I don't see anything of interest further down the road. You classified this thread as
>6)---- saying negative things about anime with something to back it up and people getting upset.
But not only was there not a single person in that thread saying anything negative about the quality of anime (not only Salami-san but all SHAFT shows period), nobody said anything negative (backed with arguments) that caused a problem period. The only problematic responses in that thread are 13396 and 13400 which are both perfect example of '4)' behavior.

As for your other examples there are either no arguments there - "It's anime. I don't have explain shit." or people aren't really getting upset - "I think you're over-thinking it, friend." (poking fun at somebody in a moderately friendly way). I don't really recall any discussion where one side presented some arguments to explain why [x] is bad and the other got upset about it and told him to fuck off without trying to argue with him. I see '4)' and '5)' all time time (as well as '1)', '2)' and '3)') but it's not only unsurprising, it's natural. Even moreso if you consider where we are - on an imageboard dedicated to escapism. Most people here aren't exactly willing or capable of accepting things they don't like, be it a work of ficition or an argument.

>Would you like me to prove to you the sky is blue next? I don't enjoy wasting my time scaning every thread on every page of /an/ just to show examples of what you should already be aware of.
>Seeing as you seem so eager in your post to see me provide evadence of my claim, I assume you're willing to do the same for your side of this silly little disagreement or can we put this to rest already?

... You still lack basic manners, though.
>> No. 3917 [Edit]
And how anything you pasted there proves the point?

Actually everything you pasted proves the mentality
>I like _ becuase _. - This is an acceptable post.
>I don't like _ becuase _. - This is a shitposting idiot who needs to go back to 4chan.
doesn't exist here.
>> No. 3918 [Edit]
And seems you didn't even understand the most of the posts you quoted. Like example

>"I wish JC staff would have used all money they used in this, in to Little Busters! instead..."
Isn't negative abut the anime. It is just wish that JC staff would used the resources on Little Busters! instead of Sakurasou.

Seems it is pointless to argue because even the person I am supposed to argue against, doesn't understand his stand.
>> No. 3919 [Edit]

If you think it's natural and not the least bit surprising why are we arguing about this?
Are you really that bothered by my saying "I don't like _ becuase _. - This is a shitposting idiot who needs to go back to 4chan."? it's just an exaggeration. Of course people don't say things exactly like that (aside from that orimo thread where people said things exactly that) If you like I will admit I should have phrased that differently. perhaps what might have been more appropriate would have been: "I don't like _ becuase _. - This person and his opinion is wrong and I'm compelled to tell him why"
I can see how I may have been mistake in categorizing that shaft thread. I could have sworn in the nisemonogatari thread some people were becoming overly defensive and 'fullretard' in the presences of some negative comments. I recall one person going off on a rant about negativity the series receives in response to someone posting a meme image poking fun at the series. but uppon checking on that it seems to not be the case.

>Most people here aren't exactly willing or capable of accepting things they don't like, be it a work of fiction or an argument.
This is something I mostly see outside of /an/. drugs, women, cars, sports, the entirety of /so/ /ot/ /fb/, comments on site mentality ect. Unless of course they're generalizing, in which case I do indeed see plenty of it on /an/. hating things from Shaft, kyoani, moe, genres of anime, so on. But when it comes to more specific things I think people tend to avoid watching what they don't like and as such there's not many around to complain about it. there were only 11 instances of people saying something bad about a anime on the first 4 pages of /an/ that I found. It should be expected that someone will say something bad about a anime they didn't like before dropping it, 4 of those 11 examples specifically stated they were dropping it.

I still believe a person's opinion shouldn't need to hold any weight. If they don't like something they should be free to say so just as list 3) is free to say what they like. If people were truly unwilling or incapable of accepting things they don't like, surly those comments wouldn't have gone undisputed? If people can't handle other people's opinions when they don't have anything nice to say that is their own problem. Of course this could be a problem stemming from misunderstandings. It can indeed be hard sometimes to tell if a person thinks something is shit or if that's just his way of saying he doesn't like it. Either way it's silly to get offended when some random person on the Internet doesn't like what you like.

I'd also like to take this chance to point out this recent thread A thread about dropping anime (which anyone could see ending badly)
The very first posts says they dropped Suisei no Gargantia along with a simple reason why being that it looks trashy. Rather than dispute their reason, they were called a 'hipster' with the baseless claim they only dropped it because other people enjoy it.
>> No. 3922 [Edit]

>If you think it's natural and not the least bit surprising why are we arguing about this?

Because you're acting like it's not, like it only ever happens on /tc/ and like we should get do something about it.

>it's just an exaggeration.

Brilliant, just brilliant. Nothing better than arguing about stuff you don't even mean.

>I don't like _ becuase _. - This person and his opinion is wrong and I'm compelled to tell him why

This does happen. And by 'does happen' I mean 'does happen everywhere on the internet'. Hell, not even limited to internet.

So what are supposed to do now? Stop discussing stuff altogether or just never reply to each other?

>I still believe a person's opinion shouldn't need to hold any weight. If they don't like something they should be free to say

Depends. Thing is many people like to state their opinion in a manner-of-fact, you guys are retarded so let an anime expert such as myself enlighten you way. They not only say 'it's bad, I don't like it', they tend to go further and at least imply that 'it's bad, I don't like it and neither should you - otherwise you just have shit taste'.

>A thread about dropping anime (which anyone could see ending badly)
>The very first posts says they dropped Suisei no Gargantia along with a simple reason why being that it looks trashy. Rather than dispute their reason, they were called a 'hipster' with the baseless claim they only dropped it because other people enjoy it.

>and any curiosity I had was done away by posts and screen caps in it's thread which make it look like trash.

That's not a reason, that's just being retarded. Even saying 'I dropped it because I didn't like the title' would've been more reasonable.
Of course people should've ignored him and I have absolutely no idea why they would care about which anime somebody drops but oh well, shit happens. Maybe they felt he's claiming the show is bad and felt the need to defend it.
>> No. 3933 [Edit]
>This is something I mostly see outside of /an/. drugs, women, cars, sports

I really hope you're not arguing in favor of the people that post on these subjects. There are some exceptions, but, for the most part, the topics described above are full-on Ford Driver culture, and constitute an entirely different argument from the one you two gentlemen are currently having.
>> No. 3936 [Edit]
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