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File 136702092231.png - (791.08KB , 1499x1124 , 1365734676676.png )
3823 No. 3823 [Edit]
There has been a spate of deliberate shitposting here. Please don't hesitate to delete posts and/or ban. It is not someone who accidentally posted something unacceptable, it is someone who is deliberately trying to be an ass.
>> No. 3824 [Edit]
>it is someone who is deliberately trying to be an ass.

It is almost everyone on the site who is deliberately trying to be an ass.

Here take a look at this, its the more recently posted thread on /an/
One would think that it would be a topic that otaku would be interested in discussing, but instead it has six replies, all of which are meta commentary on the thread and most of those are insults to or crass, unkind criticisms of the thread/op.
Thats the user base on this site in a nut shell. They're almost all assholes and few of them care much at all about the 2D entertainment industry of the non-continental northwestern Pacific region. Most people who give a shit about 2D have mostly been driven off by incessant insults and badgering by the asses on this site and now only the asses remain.
>> No. 3825 [Edit]
Maybe if people didn't make shitty threads people wouldn't call them out on it.
>> No. 3827 [Edit]

It's not a shitty thread, you missed the point entirely. 'Chartfag' is what chartfag actually calls himself, it's not OP trying to use 4chan lingo. The DESU DESU DESU bit is linked to Rozen Maiden.

While I'd personally prefer just the chart and 'Summer 2013' in the subject field I find it hard to believe that people are actually too retarded to realize that it's not the charfag/desu bit that makes the thread bad, it's their own pointless shitposting.


As much as I agree meta commentary like yours only makes the matters that much worse. It's a self fulfilling prophecy. Constructive critics is fine but the only response to your 'it's shit, right?' post I could imagine is 'it's shit'. What's the point?


The biggest issue at the moment is that we only have 3 mods (including Tohno). On top of that all of them are from the States. As such there's noone who could actually get rid of the shitposting when during Eurohours/when they aren't around for whatever reason.
>> No. 3828 [Edit]
>It's not a shitty thread
The OP edited the chart and added a image with the caption "free gay porn"
>> No. 3829 [Edit]
That image was actually crosslinked from /ota/,
I saw the original chart there a couple weeks ago and the file number of the thread in /an/ matches the one on /ota/.
>> No. 3830 [Edit]

Oh, I didn't notice that before. But in all honesty I don't think it's that harmful, it's a joke. Whether it's in bad taste or not is debatable but if that's your biggest complaint you're overreacting.
>> No. 3831 [Edit]
please stop not minding things that upset me
>> No. 3832 [Edit]
Lets keep making annoying sub-bannable threads until Tohno-chan becomes 4chan!
>> No. 3833 [Edit]
I don't know what is going on here. The decline in quality this last month has been abysmal. I would like to see a return to stricter moderation, and fuck anyone who complains. Less sarcastic one-liners, pointless/random threads like 'how old are you' or threads with just a picture and no text, references to other boards, etc etc. I thought the moderation did fine in the past in discerning what should and should not be punished, and I think it's time you stepped in and reminded everyone that what has been going lately is unacceptable.
>> No. 3835 [Edit]
>The decline in quality this last month has been abysmal

everyone left for /ota/, which is - coincidentally - a bit over a month old and is actually fun to be on.
the only people who are still on /tc/ are the type who like to complain incessantly about other people's posts.
>> No. 3836 [Edit]

/ota/ is more or less the same terrible shit as 4chan unless its changed drastically in the last few weeks or so since I last saw it, so good riddance to anyone who would prefer there over here.

Not that this place has been very good lately either (3D woman thread still going strong in /so/!)

Post edited on 30th Apr 2013, 5:35pm
>> No. 3837 [Edit]

If you dislike /tc/ that much and /ota/ is that much fun could you leave please? Thanks in advance.
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