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File 136610231111.png - (17.98KB , 500x375 , :ota:scoped bird cooking spag bol.png )
3783 No. 3783 [Edit]
can i post pics of myself on tohno-chan if i rotoscope them?
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>> No. 3784 [Edit]
File 136610522718.jpg - (159.57KB , 868x1072 , 1365972049222.jpg )
If you're a cute little girl - sure.
>> No. 3785 [Edit]
You've haven't been cheating on /ota/ have you?
>> No. 3786 [Edit]
>> No. 3796 [Edit]
>> No. 3802 [Edit]
Well, if you're just anxious about showing yourself in here... well... no.

If you just want to tangentially bitch about Aku no Hana here in /fb/, you should better join the thread on /an/ and express your thoughts there.

If you actually want to do something nice about it, regardless of it being based on yourself or not, I'd say you can and you should post it on /cr/.

Post edited on 22nd Apr 2013, 3:10am
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