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3755 No. 3755 [Edit]
Time to axe /fb/. Nothing good came out of it in years and the threads reached an all time low lately.

Does anyone see any reason whatsoever to leave it be? Aside from creating 'stop liking shows I don't like' threads I mean.
>> No. 3757 [Edit]
Lets say I was to delete it, where would banners/site themes and such go?
>> No. 3758 [Edit]
more importantly, where would this thread go?
its a logical impossibility that you could have deleted this board because this thread told you to delete this board if this thread gets deleted when the board disappears.
>> No. 3759 [Edit]

Like I said countless times in the past you could simply set up an e-mail address so that people can complain about the technical difficulties they are experiencing.

As for banners let's say /cr/.

I mean, I'd be okay with leaving the board be but ONLY if you'd actually add a rule that forbids all meta discussion.
>> No. 3761 [Edit]
The banner thread is no longer needed, the site already has a lot of banners and nobody has even posted in the banner thread in two months because the class of people who make banners is no longer the same type of people as the current class of Tohno-chan users. The people who made all the banners here are ex-Tohno-chan users, people who were actually enthusiastic about anime, mange, etc., but who left the site because they found that they were in the minority here and there were few other who shared their enthusiasms and the Tohno-chan is currently populated by sad-sacks who want to feel sorry for themselves and that feel that posing as a Japanese hikikomori will emphasize to the world how pity-worthy they are.
>> No. 3767 [Edit]

Projection truly is a wonderful thing.
>> No. 3768 [Edit]
I hate it when people use that word.
>> No. 3771 [Edit]
/fb/ is for feedback. People suggest shit, or complain, and others can discuss it. Nobody is forcing you to look at it. If you hate meta discussion stay away. It doesn't even appear on the front page and it occupies but a mere two letters on the navigation bar up there.

Without /fb/ there would be no forum with which people could debate and gauge the acceptability of e.g drug discussions.
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