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3798 No. 3798 [Edit]
How come /TC/ no longer cares about otaku topics such as anime, manga, VNs, hentai, etc.?
Look at where all the traffic is on this site: neurotypicals talking about sexual politics on /so/ and motorists discussing 3DPD shit on the off topic board.

Have you thought about registering Wohno-chan? The W is for wannabe because I get a pretty strong impression that most of the current class of end users on this site adopted the pretense of otaku to give them "cred" on 4chan as they certainly don't actually care the least bit about the actual topics that would appeal to the typical otaku.

Its rare these days to even see an /an/ appear on the front page, let alone a /ma/ or really any of the otaku boards.
>> No. 3799 [Edit]
What exactly is the thought process here? A single thread about feminism gets a lot of posts, so the website no longer cares about otaku topics and most of the users are wannabes? How old are you?

EDIT: Also, isn't making this thread just exacerbating the problem?

Post edited on 21st Apr 2013, 11:57pm
>> No. 3800 [Edit]
Nothing new. I'm pretty sure 1-2 years ago someone made a similar thread with a similar screen cap of the front page showing all the posts being from /ot/ and complaining we should delete it or something. and I'm sure if we're still around someone will make another thread like this in another two years.

If you want people to talk about anime, manga, VNs, hentai, etc Give them a reason to, start some conversations or threads. Don't just wait around for other people to do it and get mad at them when they don't becuase chances are they're doing the same.
I'll give you /ma/ but if you haven't noticed a decent amount of posts from /an/ now that a new season has gotten started you probably don't check up on the site very much. I know it's a little strange to say this as a NEET to another NEET(?) but you can't just expect everyone else to do everything for you.

I'm with >>3799 on this one. Where do you people get off storming popular threads calling the people stupid without giving reason then claim they're the problem? less than two weeks ago people were complaining about this exact same behavior on /an/ (specifically in the orimo thread, and a few months back in some shaft threads) but I guess it's okay when it's stuff you don't like?

I'm really getting tired of this to be honest. I always get blamed for every little problem anyone has with the site by people who don't know what they're talking about, as if I had a magic button to give /an/ more posts, to perma ban every Ford Driver before they even post, or to bring in a few hundred more like minded nitch posters to liven up the place to satisfy the people who complain about our speeds while at the same time capping off the post rate to satisfy the people who like things slower.
I get people asking me to delete posts then other people complaining after deleting them, and if I leave them up people complain I'm not doing my job or letting the place go to shit. People who complain about having a women mod then people who claim genders don't matter if they keep it to themselves, then complain about the other active mod for... I'm not sure if they even gave a reason, yet people aren't lining up for the unpaid thankless job, most of our past mods either dropped off the face of the earth or came to realized how fucked up things are around here and couldn't take it, or both. and of course the few who do want to be mods would work as well as making Godzilla a traffic cop in tokyo. You got people who complain about the people who complain and who complain right back. everyone wants me to ban everyone else and they laughably talk about taking it easy.
Still in spite of all this things remain relatively consistent. I was told this site would be dead in a month after first telling /jp/ about it, people said the same thing about a year ago, and someone said the same when this thread was made...
At one point when people were convinced we were getting overrun by normals someone made a spin off for people tired of the normals on this site, what they found was a site that gloried normality with 3DPD on the front page and with it's own board. not all that long latter a long time regular here did something similar and 95% of it's traffic came from our joke /mlp/ board. Where are they now? I don't know I don't care.

oh hey, I'm sure you know best. you people always know best becuase the solution is so simple, just delete posts and ban people until things get better. If things don't improve just keep at it right?
I swear some of you wont be satisfied until I've deleted every board and range banned the entire Milky way galaxy.
>> No. 3801 [Edit]
>EDIT: Also, isn't making this thread just exacerbating the problem?

It is. It's /fb/ afterall, the only place on the site that's even more cancerous than /so/.
>> No. 3803 [Edit]
We never ever used that term here, you know? That's more like an old /b/ pose and it's very childish...

However: we do seem to have gotten a wave of dubious newcomers recently. Aggressive people come and go but they normally get bored after a while and we go back to the usual ways, so take it easy. Meanwhile, you can keep positively contributing to any thread that catches your interest (or making new ones) and disregard unpleasant meta-posts and arguments (as I do).

In any case, the subjects of women and feminism (and fujoshi) have been disscused previously on /tc/... and for good or bad, each one on its own way, /tc/ have remained pretty much unanimously misogynistic for most standards throughout the entire while and I don't see that changing any time soon; so don't worry about that (if you did).
>> No. 3804 [Edit]

>We never ever used that term here, you know?

So? I don't think anybody ever complained about ym choice of words before either, what does this prove exactly?
By the way, it'd be cool if you could link me to a compilation of /tc/ aproved words so that I won't make the same mistake in the future.

>Meanwhile, you can keep positively contributing to any thread that catches your interest

I'm doing my best.

>and disregard unpleasant meta-posts and arguments

I try to avoid those but I'm fairly confident that allowing people to talk about meta leads to a decrease in quality of posts in other parts of /tc/, not just this abomination of a board.

Please note that it was nowhere as bad a year or two ago. When people discussed meta they talked about somewhat constructive topics. Well, constructive topics is too much maybe because all those talks about /tc/'s tempo, use of kakusu and merging of boards never lead anywhere but I could see the point behind those threads.

Now it's all 'EVERYBODY LEFT, BAD MODERATION KILLED /TC/', 'I DON'T LIKE ANIME [X], PLEASE BAN IT', 'I'M AN EXPERT ON HIKKI NEET LIFESTYLE, LET ME LECTURE YOU ON WHY [X] DOESN'T BELONG HERE'. It's sickening and this egocentric know-all self-important elitist attitude spreads to other boards. I'm not a fan of slippery slope arguments but if this will keep up long enough I could see us ending up with a situation where half of the threads on /an/ will be 'QUALITY THREAD' sages (not even kakusus).
>> No. 3808 [Edit]
>it'd be cool if you could link me to a compilation of /tc/ approved words so that I won't make the same mistake in the future.
It would be easier to just tell you what not to post, and that would be 4chan memes & slang.
>> No. 3809 [Edit]
so 9gag memes are fine then?
>> No. 3810 [Edit]
Maybe just no memes in general.
>> No. 3813 [Edit]
/so/ and /ot/ has ALWAYS been the most popular boards on tohno-chan.

Shitstorms, for lack of a better word, have ALWAYS been the threads which have garnered the most posts. It just so happens that otaku related media pretty much never invokes shitstorms, its usually a discussion about politics or this site.

People usually go to other sites to read discussions about anime, and they go here to read discussions about being a loser and an otaku. Thats this site's niche: a place for losers and/or otaku. This isn't a great place to talk about anime.

The mods/admins can't help it if 'otaku wannabes' lurk on this site (as if something like cred could work on a site where most people are anonymous). Why don't you suggest something helpful or sign up to be a mod instead of just complain about it.
>> No. 3816 [Edit]
>/so/ and /ot/ has ALWAYS been the most popular boards on tohno-chan.
>/so/ has ALWAYS been on tohno-chan.

no, /so/ was created well after tohno-chan was already well established, it was made as a ghetto for narcissists who can't stop talking about themselves. considering how anti-3D tohno-chan is, you'd think that the posters would realize that we don't care to hear about them. furthermore there is already a long established place in our segment of the internet, one that predates tohno-chan by half a decade, but the type noobs who lurk /so/ would never have even heard of but that doesn't mean the have the right make whiney shitposts about themselves everywhere else.
>> No. 3818 [Edit]

Do you absolutely positively have to say this every time this subject is mentioned? We got it the first time, there's no need to repeat this.
>> No. 3820 [Edit]
>/so/ was created well after tohno-chan was already well established

Thats news to me. My memory fails me but I think its been there since ib4f. Maybe it was made during the .tk era, and there were very few users then.

4-ch isn't really appropriate for most of us, as you can see maybe ten percent of users posting there are actually completely new to *chans, and you can tell through their naive sort of posting style and putting their real names in the name area (I think they somehow end up there via Google).
>> No. 3821 [Edit]

It has, it hasn't even been half a year between the creation of /tc/ and /so/, hell, I'm not even sure if it has even been half of that, I don't remember it that well. But yeah it's a completely pointless argument.
>> No. 4366 [Edit]
You are so wrong. It's been here since the beginning.

You're correct. It's been here since the first few weeks of ib4f days.
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