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3977 No. 3977 [Edit]
people should be forced to pass a basic quiz about anime before being allowed to access this site.
it worked good on 55chan before 55chan was not around anymore.
>> No. 3978 [Edit]
Seems like every recommendation anyone ever has for this site is just a passive method of killing off what little traffic the site still has left.
>> No. 3979 [Edit]
can 3978-dono be permabaned, please?
>> No. 3980 [Edit]

Personally I think no content still beats shit content and that's all that /tc/ seems to be getting lately.
The idea sounds somewhat interesting but personally I feel that it's too little too late. Sounds better than nothing, though.
>> No. 3981 [Edit]
the thread below this one is a request for a new board, which we got and has generated a lot of posts in quite a short amount of time.
>> No. 3982 [Edit]
Please go away OP, all of your ideas are bad and so are you
>> No. 3983 [Edit]
I have suggested some sort of floodgate (like many here before) in some sort of form but it's unlikely.

I think we're all just in a bad mood, including me.
>> No. 3984 [Edit]
Maybe we should ban a poster at random every hour until people post more.
>> No. 3985 [Edit]

Care to explain why getting 10000 posts a day is important for you? If you're looking for a fast pace imageboard I'm sure I could point you to one. Personally I'd rather not see any posts whatsoever than the traffic we're getting lately. /a/'s frontpage looks absolutely artrocious.
>> No. 3986 [Edit]
The only effect it had on 55chan was filtering out people who didn't know how to use adblock and making /b/tards rage whenever someone posted how to get in on twitter.
>> No. 3987 [Edit]
>/a/'s frontpage looks absolutely artrocious.

If you're looking for /a/ I'm sure I could point you to one
>> No. 3988 [Edit]
Because I don't want this site to die?
Not that I ever said /tc/ needs 10000 posts a day. >Personally I'd rather not see any posts whatsoever than the traffic we're getting lately.
This is what /tc/ doesn't need. If that's what you think we might as well just delete the site.
>> No. 3989 [Edit]

Haha, brainfart. Wonder if it's the first time it happened to me, if it is it sure took a while.


>This is what /tc/ doesn't need. If that's what you think we might as well just delete the site.

Well, what's the purpose of the site in the first place? Back in the day /tc/ used to be a great alternative to other chans for a number of reasons (slow posting speed was compensated by quality discussion, yukkurism etc.) but now I don't really feel this way anymore. The quality is all but gone. Haven't seen a proper wall of text in ages. I swear 80% of non-/so/ non-/mai/ posts nowadays are 20 words long tops.
/an/ looks a little bit worse with each passing day. /so/ ran out of interesting topics to discuss somewhere in 2011 and changed into a blogspot. Haven't seen a worthwhile thread in /ot/ in ages. /ma/ is dead as always (same goes for a number of boards, really). /vg/ is really slow this days - right after E3!
You can no longer take it easy, you can no longer expect in-depth discussions and you can't expect even moderate traffic. What's left?
>> No. 3993 [Edit]
imageboard content is produced exclusively by the boards' end users.
if you don't like the content then the fault is your own, except in the case that you made good contributions and the moderators deleted them.
just sitting there and complaining that other people aren't putting in the effort to amuse you with good posts is retarded.
maybe you're a NEET who is accustomed to having everything done for you, but it doesn't work like that here. maybe thats because we're all NEETs who are waiting to have everything done for us?
you can have a constant stream of newish content delivered to you on 4chan and a lot of other sites without outputting any effort of your own.
>> No. 3995 [Edit]

I think you're trying to downplay the complexity of this issue.
See, this is a bit like Game Theory. In the ideal case scenario you produce quality content and other people respond to it positively by making their own contributions. I think that's how the site used to run. However, if either of those parties isn't willing to contribute anything the system falls apart. If people who were initiating discussion disappear the site grows stagnant. If people who were keeping the discussion alive disappear the 'creators' grew disencouraged and eventually stop contributing. In the end you're left in a state where no quality content gets created and situation were bad contributions are met with constructive, engaging responses are extremely rare.
Now, I won't say I've done my part and everybody else is to blame. I realize that I should (have?) post more well-thought-out content. I was originally one of the people who would respond rather than take initiative but it's not much of an excuse. But it's not like I don't do anything period and my attempts are rarely met with positive reactions. It makes me realize why 'creators' quit.
What's more the current environment really disencourages posting altogether. People stopped considering why they even post in the first place long ago. They no longer care about posting content other users would like to see and for the most part don't react to other users period. They just post away because they feel like it. Not to mention many people blatantly ignore and break the rules for arbitrary reasons.

Explaining why exactly we ended up where we are now is fairly difficult. I thought we were doing superb for a while and it didn't seem like it'd all just fall apart all of a sudden. Did the old users leave? Why? Are they still here but no longer contributing? Why? Are there too many new users who are unfamiliar with board etiquette? Keeping track of stuff like that is nigh on impossible on anonymous imageboards so all I have are lots of questions and no answers. Personally, I think that rather than overall apathy environmental factors led to lack of interest from the old userbase. But it's just me projecting here or maybe I'm just trying to shift the blame again. Who knows.
>> No. 4017 [Edit]
What if you're only allowed to post if you can name the source material behind at least 90% of the site banners? who here can say they can do it?
>> No. 4018 [Edit]
i can because i made a fairly large fraction of the banners and an even larger fraction of the good banners
>> No. 4021 [Edit]
You'll have to excuse me if I find that hard to believe.
>> No. 4022 [Edit]
don't be jealous, its not even that big of a deal
>> No. 4028 [Edit]
Jealous of what? I find it hard to believe because I made the vast majority of them and think many of the ones I didn't flat out suck.
>> No. 4032 [Edit]
please make some more.
nobody posts new ones anymore and the old ones are getting boring.
plus the banner thread used to b fun. look at it, it has 260 posts over the past (almost)3 years, which is about 2 per week, but over the last six months it has only 10 posts.
why did everyone stop?
>> No. 4033 [Edit]
actually, what i should say is "why did you stop?" because you were making most of them.
there is only one banner from a new anime this year so far and we're at the cusp of the 3rd season.
>> No. 4034 [Edit]
lost interest, also doesn't help my mpc can't take screencaps anymore ever since installing madvr. and in retrospect I take back what I said, a lot of banners not made by me are perfectly good, and a lot of banners I've made sucked.


Post edited on 22nd Jun 2013, 3:12am
>> No. 4177 [Edit]
I've been here since 2009 and came here from /hikki/ and I've only seen 2 or 3 anime although I have several other interests in common with the users of this website. Please don't assume everyone here watches anime.
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