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3903 No. 3903 [Edit]
I check Tohno-chan several times per day and yet there is almost no posts ever. I believe we should work ourselves more into post a more considerable amount of posts per day.
>> No. 3905 [Edit]
i think that there is a lot of traffic on the hidden boards that you probably don't see if you're just refreshing the front page
>> No. 3910 [Edit]
We've been over this countless times before. If everyone who visits the site regularly would post ~twice a day it'd be really active. It's just that people don't seem to give a damn.
>> No. 3913 [Edit]

The hidden joke boards get like a post a month, if that. What the hell are you even talking about
>> No. 3914 [Edit]
The site gets at least 50 posts a day. Go to the front page and check posts in the last 12 hours, then double what you find and add into consideration kakusu posts. what you would find is far from almost no posts ever.
>> No. 3920 [Edit]
This website has a hostile atmosphere.
>> No. 3921 [Edit]
I'm not seeing that at all, prove it!
>> No. 3923 [Edit]

I guess. Can't be helped, though, that's the price we pay to keep the shitposting away.
>> No. 4002 [Edit]
I believe "work" is an poor election of a word to use in here and that people should post because they want to, not out of any sense of obligation.

Let it be, man. It is how it is.
>> No. 4008 [Edit]
I think you're a genuinely nice person with interesting things to say. You should post more; don't be shy!
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