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File 136753457259.png - (29.15KB , 800x473 , 1342830262426.png )
3838 No. 3838 [Edit]
A few reminders:

- There is a hide thread button.
- Meta shit ALWAYS goes in /fb/, not the thread that offends you.
- If you have an idea for a decent thread, post it. Don't complain about the lack of content until you at least try to encourage it yourself.
- Posting in a thread just to whine about it only serves to increase the thread's lifespan by promoting arguments.
- People will inevitably ragepost in threads they don't like. Take it easy and let them keep raging instead of responding.
- You don't need to announce that you think [x] is better than TC and you're leaving. Just leave.
- Relax.
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>> No. 3840 [Edit]
Sounds good.
>> No. 3841 [Edit]
•the hide button doesn't actually hide the thread, it just makes it smaller.
•derailing threads i don't like with metashit is a tried and true effective method. I don't see any reason to give it up.
•i have, that shit is all over the archive. check it for yourself if you don't believe me.
•see the 2nd bullet point.
•i'll respond if i feel i can further enrage or embarrass someone i don't like, thank you very much.
•you couldn't make me leave if you wanted to.
•how do you expect me to relax when you keep on being bossy and telling what i can and can't post?

(He may not, but I can)
>> No. 3842 [Edit]
The hide thread button doesnt stop the posts from appearing on the front page, and considering that's what I use when I browse this site it is kinda useless for me
>> No. 3845 [Edit]
You sound like a 14-year old douchebag that calls himself an 'epic troll'.

Pretty sure it didn't originate from reddit, but I'm sure you'd know more about the site than I would.
>> No. 3876 [Edit]
>He may not, but I can

the likelihood that most of the people who use this site can't easily circumvent any type of ban on an anonymous imageboard is pretty low.
even if you go to the trouble of doing inspecting user environmental variables, most of the people here would work around that fairly easily .
so handing out bans here is probably a pretty pointless thing to do. anyone who wants to post on the site is going to do so regardless of moderator activity.
>> No. 3877 [Edit]

Would you rather let him off the hook then? Sure, eerybody who gets banned can just proxy their way back in but does that mean we should give up on moderation period? Banning people like that and announcing it in some way sets a good example, it's more about saying 'no sir, we did not like it' than removing somebody from the community (because he can come back whenever he feels like it).
>> No. 3878 [Edit]
its not a matter of letting someone off the hook or not.
there is no hook and the people who are constantly complaining that they want X type of content or Y type of end user banned from the site need to realize that the moderators really have no ability to fulfill the demands placed upon them.
once everyone accepts that fact then they can also accept the fact that they have to either learn to take it easy or accept the fact that some of the posts are going to raise their ire and no recourse is available to prevent it.
>> No. 3879 [Edit]
Even if most people here know how to circumvent a ban, it doesn't mean bans are useless. It sends a message to the person getting banned, and if its a public one it also sends a message to the other users. Lots of people also sit out thier bans if they feel it is justified. The type who circumvent bans and shitpost over and over again would do so regardless of whether they got banned or not.
>> No. 3881 [Edit]
File 136816536419.jpg - (159.32KB , 1352x1200 , lain all pumped up and whatnot.jpg )
>It sends a message to the person getting banned

It doesn't
The only thing a person who "gets banned" takes away from the experience is the knowledge that the moderators are assholes. Nobody ever thinks to themselves "oh I got banned, I guess I'd better straighten up and fly right". Anonymous posters on imageboards are extremely egotistical and they rarelyAKA never admit a mistake. They don't need to because they can just jump on another IP and keep doing whatever they want.

I made this picture to illustrate why I'm right and you're wrong.
>> No. 3882 [Edit]

>people who are constantly complaining that they want X type of content or Y type of end user banned from the site need to realize that the moderators really have no ability to fulfill the demands placed upon them.

Depends. If they say 'I want OreImo gone' or 'I want shoujo threads gone from /an/' then sure, it's not happening. However, if they say 'I want Ford Driver shit gone' and 'I want 4chan lingo gone' then there's a pretty good chance of that happening.

>once everyone accepts that fact then they can also accept the fact that they have to either learn to take it easy

One day you too may realize that some people find in plain impossible to take it easy in an environment of ironic shitposting and epik maymays.


>The only thing a person who "gets banned" takes away from the experience is the knowledge that the moderators are assholes.

Are you genuinely brain damaged? Look at >>3841 and tell me he didn't deserve to get (perma)banned. Go ahead.

What they will end up thinking about the moderators is of no importance. If they'll deserve to get banned they'll get banned. That's all there is to it.
Just so you know, people don't get banned en masse on daily basis, Tohno really doesn't like to hand out bans but in cases like >>3841 there's nothing else that can be done. You ban people not because they have broken rules, you ban them because they need to fuck off.
>> No. 3883 [Edit]
yeah it's easy for mods to remove, prohibit, or restrict content. more so the more specific you get. wanting staff to create things with complaints about board speed or quality posters, that's just a pipe dream.
>> No. 3885 [Edit]
File 136819988434.jpg - (9.43KB , 251x112 , 482636_544586608909270_52159375_n.jpg )
>epik maymays
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