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File 147011007921.gif - (254.63KB , 924x372 , discord-irc.gif )
6096 No. 6096 [Edit]

This is a Discord server I have made, which uses a bot to connect the IRC to the channel and vice versa. What you type in the IRC pops up in Discord, and what you type in Discord pops up in the IRC. ( )

I made this in mind for those who, for whatever reason, would like to use a TC chatroom, but either could not set up IRC or find IRC unappealing. With this method , one does not have to worry about splitting up the community. Technically there is a voice chat, but I don't see anything becoming of that.

-Discord intentionally hordes your data for future use. Not that IRC isn't logged to hell, but read this:
>By uploading, distributing, transmitting or otherwise using Your Data with the Services, you grant to us a nonexclusive, transferable, royalty-free, sublicensable, and worldwide license to use Your Data, subject to the Company’s Privacy Policy.

-It just werks
-Mobile Usage

Tohno only gave me permission to do this, so don't give him gripe about it.
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>> No. 6097 [Edit]
It will be down until further notice, since someone on the IRC did not like that one IRC user contained multiple posters
>> No. 6100 [Edit]
File 147166563799.png - (32.79KB , 437x257 , my asses.png )
something cought my eye
>> No. 6101 [Edit]
Good to know my ass caught your eye.

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