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File 148431365386.jpg - (133.68KB , 960x720 , dog-1210559_960_720.jpg )
6186 No. 6186 [Edit]
So the site activity has been declining for quite some time now. What future do you have in mind for the site Tohno?
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>> No. 6187 [Edit]
File 148433811749.jpg - (104.88KB , 1280x720 , [Leopard-Raws] Rilu Rilu Fairilu - Yousei no Door .jpg )
Has it really? I haven't noticed. Thanks for pointing it out anon-kun!

As for it's future, there's some new board software I was considering using along with a new server... but it seems pretty unnecessary to upgrade what with our low traffic. That plus it would mean doubling the bills I'd be paying, and no one I know is willing to help with the setup of that softwear anyway (including the people pushing me to install it).
>> No. 6189 [Edit]
Imageboard content is created by the end users, if you think the site is bad then that means that you're part of the problem.
Why kind of changes do you plan to make to your participation as an end user? Other than complaining about how the board isn't good enough for you, that is.
>> No. 6191 [Edit]
nothing cause its not my fucking obligation to post
>> No. 6192 [Edit]
It is when you complain about the lack of activity or traffic on this site.
>> No. 6193 [Edit]
None because every time the issue is addressed there is a predictable and poor, very poor, argument made for why the site shouldn't get more traffic by antagonistic lazy jerks who say "I care more about the quality than the quantity of the posts" to cover themselves up. Be it not doing anything or getting in the way, their arguments have as much weight as paper. This userbase is shit and eats but it won't replant or even poisons. Unless maybe some people can post a bit more, we can get some kind of advertisement, and the users can stop being such whiny babies that get their pantsu up in a knot as easily as the SJWs they claim to hate, this site is pretty much dead.

Even now this post will probably trigger somebody for one reason or another, maybe it will be Mr. "go back to 4chan".
>> No. 6195 [Edit]
What about the whole activity thing, do you have any ideas to stimulate activity or are we just going to stay comfy and stick to how we are now?
>> No. 6196 [Edit]
File 148460641625.jpg - (164.52KB , 1280x720 , [Leopard-Raws] Rilu Rilu Fairilu - Yousei no Door .jpg )
I refer you to.
>> No. 6197 [Edit]
then we're doomed lol
>> No. 6198 [Edit]
File 148462075430.jpg - (127.66KB , 1280x720 , [Leopard-Raws] Rilu Rilu Fairilu - Yousei no Door .jpg )
Well, what else is there? At the end of the day that's what it comes down to. Activity comes from users (such as yourself) being active. I could invite hundreds if not thousands of people here, but if they all just lurk nothing would change.
>> No. 6199 [Edit]
instead of making existing users post more we could encourage more users to come, which will raise posting rates

we can advertise and update the board software so it has functions similar to 4chan

we can also create new boards to stimulate discussion and attract users. we already have a ton of dead boards we're never going to delete so adding more cant really hurt. some topics i can think of: vocaloids, onaholes, yanderes, japanese food, fetishes like big sisters and little sisters which frequently get threads on /a/ etc
>> No. 6200 [Edit]
New boards wouldn't really help, just splitting more people between boards.
>> No. 6201 [Edit]
File 148489673088.jpg - (124.73KB , 1280x720 , [Leopard-Raws] Rilu Rilu Fairilu - Yousei no Door .jpg )
Been there done that.
What would happen is the new people show up, post a bit, quickly get bored and putoff by the lack of activity and leave. The people who are already here need to be active to give new comers a reason to want to stay. The number one complaint people have about us and why they wont come is because we're too inactive. Nothing will change if people here don't change, and people here don't want to change.
>> No. 6202 [Edit]
increase in activity is highly unlikely if nothing changes
>> No. 6205 [Edit]
>None because every time the issue is addressed there is a predictable and poor, very poor, argument made for why the site shouldn't get more traffic by antagonistic lazy jerks who say "I care more about the quality than the quantity of the posts" to cover themselves up.

Hey, antagonistic lazy jerk here.

I essentially stopped posting on /tc/ last Autumn. I remember the ib4f days so I've been around for a while. Unfortunately we reached the critical levels of trash quality posts which was just too much for me.
I think /tc/ has been turning away people who wanted to contribute quality content for many years, mostly through lax moderation. Some people always claimed that nazi moderation kills sactivity by disencouraging people from posting but that argument holds no weight. The only posts that ever got deleted were posts which violated the rules or which were /jp/ tier ironic 'epik' shitposts along the lines of making a thread with just 'look at her ass xD' and an anime cap in the OP (nevermind the fact that that's also accounted for in the rules).
I wouldn't want to eat off a table where I had to dig through shit to get to the dishes either, so I don't blame people who gave up. I have no right to, seeing as how I basically joined their ranks.

So yes, seeing how far we fell over the course of last couple of years I firmly stand by my 'dead site over low quality shitposting' rhetoric. There are many, many fates worse than death. After all is said and done all that has a beginning has to also have an end. I thought it's better to face that with some dignity. I thought I'd rather sink with the ship even if I were to be one of the last 5 people who even post, but the ship changed its course somewhere along the way.
>> No. 6207 [Edit]
>I remember the ib4f days so I've been around for a while
I recommend ex-lax, it should help clear out all that shit you're full of if you honestly think this place was always some elitist nazi Germany style pseudo intellectual hellhole. People used to have fun here before you bastards came in and started demanding all posts be college thesis grade while contributing nothing yourself and chasing out the people who actually contribute. People like you are what killed this site. Don't blame the mods, we've been here day in and day out trying to keep this place a float while all you do is complain like a little bitch and do fuck all to help. After all it's not your problem right? You come here, shit on the site, then leave when it suits you while we're left with the mess you make. I hoped you and your family get raped to death in a fire by a pack of aids ridden niggers you piece of shit.
>> No. 6209 [Edit]
>if you honestly think this place was always some elitist nazi Germany style pseudo intellectual hellhole
It wasn't at first, but it's something that happened naturally after we moved from ib4f.

>before you bastards came in and started demanding all posts be college thesis grade
Nonsense. Again, the change occured naturally. People started to write longer posts and putting more thought into them, and others followed suit.
The same happened when people started posting /ota/ tier shit and it wasn't deleted. You create the environment of the site with your moderation, or lack thereof, whether you like it or not. If you take no action you send out a clear 'yes, this is the kind of content we want' message.

>Don't blame the mods, we've been here day in and day out trying to keep this place a float while all you do is complain like a little bitch and do fuck all to help.
That's nice assumption backed with absolutely nothing. Nice try though. I wish I could magically delete all my posts from /an/ to just make half the threads and like a fifth of the posts magically disappear.

>After all it's not your problem right? You come here, shit on the site, then leave when it suits you while we're left with the mess you make.
Yeah, which is /tc/'s frontpage has been the home page of my browser for over 6 years.
Oh wait.

You sure have a way with words Tohno, congratulations. If your actions weren't enough to drive out everybody who cares about the site then your attitude towards them surely is.
>> No. 6210 [Edit]
>/tc/'s frontpage has been the home page of my browser for over 6 years.
>I essentially stopped posting on /tc/ last Autumn.
cool story
>> No. 6211 [Edit]
>If your actions weren't enough to drive out everybody who cares about the site then your attitude towards them surely is.
I'd like to see you manage a site like this for as many years as I have without becoming a jaded cynical asshole in the process too.
>> No. 6215 [Edit]
I really appreciate the hard work you put into this site Tohno, and I've got nothing against you as a person. But you and I both know that asking the users to post more just isn't going to work very well. Just look at whats happened in the past few years as evidence for that.

As leader of this place you're the only guy who can do this. You gotta put your foot on the ground and say 'okay, we've had a good run, lets just keep things the way they are and if the sit dies, it dies' or 'okay guys we have to change, naysayers be damned'. I don't really judge you for what decision you make, but I want you to at least commit to one path 100%, know what I mean? I hope this doesnt offend you or anything cause thats definitely not my intention, just saying.
>> No. 6216 [Edit]
File 148542889190.jpg - (71.62KB , 1280x720 , [Leopard-Raws] Rilu Rilu Fairilu - Yousei no Door .jpg )
I'm not really asking anyone to post more, and that's because I know it's not going to happen. I've given up on that. I'm just telling it like it is. The lack of traffic on this site is entirely due to having a user base that is anything but talkative, prefers lurking rather than drawing attention to themselves, and doesn't like making unnecessary threads/posts (fun/shitposting). Which isn't really a bad thing in itself, but it does leave the site in the state that it's in now. Which is why it can be helpful to have some people around who can fluff things up a bit and keep things moving.
...Of course you can always ignore all that and blame me for not pulling more high quality users and posts out of thin air, while also demanding we ban everyone who posts things you don't like as if that would solve everything. But of course I'm sure you've been here for a while and as such you probably already know we tried that for a time and it only made things worse, giving the site a horrible rep, driving good people away, and killing our traffic in the process.
Passive aggressive stuff aside, I'm obviously not going to just 'let it die', but as I said before in an earlier post people here aren't going to change. Short of overhauling the site rules, flushing out our user base while aiming for a new demographic, and essentially turning TC into a completely different site, there's not really much that can be done to change anything. The simple fact of the matter is we're aiming for a rare breed of people in an already niche field.

These numbers are completely bs, but based off my experiences over the years this seems to more or less be how things add up. Okay so lets say we have 1,000 random people of the ages 15-35 (because practically no one likes weeb shit past 35). Lets say 100 of them actually do have some or more interest in weeb stuff like anime. Out of those 100 anime fans 63 are going to be 15-19 year old idiot narutards. 33 are going to be your casuals and hipsters who "have a life" and just like anime casually and half way ironically while watching maybe a series or two a month. Then you got maybe 4 people left who have a genuine interest in the stuff, are serious about waifus, read VNs, or whatever you would deem TC quality. Now you've gotta find them and convince them to join us. Lets say you get 3 of them here. 1 would probably leave right away because of the lack of traffic or some other reason. The other may turn out to be some autistic guro obsessed asshole or something, maybe they kill themselves, or maybe their posts just aren't good enough quality to keep them around so we ban them. Now you're left with one person all alone wondering why there aren't more like him there. If we're lucky with can track down and convince the guy we couldn't before to come join us but that's a long shot. Him, autistic guy, and low traffic guy are probably enjoying themselves on more popular sites like /jp/ and always will.
Again those numbers are bs, but the point I'm trying to get across here is there just aren't very many of 'us' out there. we can not be picky when we're already being pretty dang picky to start with. we're not looking for a needle in a haystack here, we're looking for a needle in a heyfield. As such some of us need to learn how to say "close enough".
...or again just blame the admin for not banning every other user we get.
Anyways, The only option really is "lets just keep things the way they are".

I 'might' be installing a new engine for the site soon but I don't expect that to really change much of anything past an initial surge of activity in the weeks following the change over.

Post edited on 31st Jan 2017, 9:25pm

Post edited on 31st Jan 2017, 9:30pm
>> No. 6217 [Edit]
If you don't mind a request, Could you please elaborate and rewrite the board rules so they become crystal clear? There are several things that are left to basically fate / mood of the mods, making it difficult to gauge what threads constitute as "shitposting" and what constitutes "fluff things up a bit and keep things moving". I ask for this because I've seen threads that seem alright been purged and then threads that seem cancer allowed to be up... so I'm obviously not understanding some the rules right, and that makes me feel I might not be the only one.
>> No. 6218 [Edit]
Fair enough, I'll try to work on em.
>> No. 6219 [Edit]
Rules have no been updated.
>> No. 6220 [Edit]
File 148595582884.gif - (433.58KB , 500x284 , 13952.gif )
Well done, senpai. Go take a seat over there as reward.

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