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File 146796468617.jpg - (115.87KB , 1280x720 , [Leopard-Raws] Rilu Rilu Fairilu - Yousei no Door .jpg )
6027 No. 6027 [Edit]
The captcha is obnoxious as hell. I've noticed it doesn't work at times with the correct code typed in. Furthermore some spam is still getting past it from time to time. Should we just axe the captcha already?
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>> No. 6028 [Edit]
File 14679649765.jpg - (101.57KB , 1280x720 , [Leopard-Raws] Rilu Rilu Fairilu - Yousei no Door .jpg )
wait a minute, why am I even asking this? Not like anyone could possibly like it. I'll get rid of it across the site by the end of the day.
>> No. 6029 [Edit]
I think captcha is valid for a limited timeframe after it gets generated, so if you leave the tab open or take your time writing your post it just expires. I tried experimenting with it a little and that's what I concluded.
>> No. 6030 [Edit]
Well, if the spam still got through then it was a pretty pointless line of defense. Sucks it didn't work.
>> No. 6038 [Edit]
File 146857303198.jpg - (155.96KB , 1280x720 , [Leopard-Raws] Rilu Rilu Fairilu - Yousei no Door .jpg )
In retrospect I think the captcha actually did help in blocking 'some' of the more nasty forms of the spam. Thing was still obnoxious though and I think if I was to put it up again I'd need to find a way of implementing a better system.

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